Dancing, Coffee & Cocktails - A Birthday trip to remember TR!


Believing is just the beginning...
Jan 27, 2013
Evening everyone! I have a sneaky suspicion this one is going to be a long one, so why not grab yourself a coffee/hot chocolate/glass of wine, put your feet up and settle down for the ups and downs of my Birthday trip to DLRP :goodvibes

Are you all settled? Well, lets begin...

Day 1 - Sunday 23rd March

Our day started with a 4.30am alarm call, for once the alarm was greeted with the throwing back of covers rather than the pounding of the snooze button. :thumbsup2
We left the house just after 5 after squeezing our cases into the back of a little car (removal of the parcel shelf was required!) We were heading for Bristol to meet our driver who would take over from me and deliver us to St Pancras. The journey ran smoothly, but we were both freezing by the time we got there as Tim kept turning the heater down. Brrrrrrr!
We arrived at St Pancras just after 8am and headed straight to Costa coffee for a hot drink and a chocolate twist! Yummmmmm!
Having never been to St Pancras before and with a little bit of time to spare we wandered and I couldn't help but notice the amazing roof and clock.

Neither of us had ever used the Eurostar before, it was like the blind leading the blind! We succeeded in checking in though and found ourselves in a busy departure lounge. This was a whole new experience for us and we sat soaking it all in. We're very good at people watching!
We waited for about an hour before we were allowed to board, we found our seats really easily and made ourselves comfortable.


After the stop at Ebbsfleet (no stop at Ashford for us on the way out) we were served our Breakfast, there was coffee, orange juice, bread roll, jam, pastries, it was all very yummy!
We were sharing the carriage with a family of 8, a mother and 7 children ranging from 19 to 6 (triplets), we got chatting and it turns out that she lost her husband this time last year to cancer, aged just 34 and the trip had been planned for all of them. She was an extremely brave lady and I really hope they had a lovely trip.
We arrived on time and just as we were pulling into the station the young man who had been serving us presented me with a bag containing 2 bottles of wine for my Birthday, this really was a lovely gesture.

We disembarked and made our way towards the 'Pink Hotel', it had been 8 years since I last stayed here and I was really looking forward to staying here again. We had a little wait to be checked in, but we weren't in any hurry. A lovely gentleman checked us in and checked that it was a double room we wanted, ummmmm, no! As much as I love my mum, I don't wish to share a bed with her! He disappeared out the back of the reception to change our room to a twin, thank goodness!
Our (new) room was ready for us, we were on the 3rd floor on the same side of the building as reception. The room had a lovely window with space to sit on the window ledge, but there wasn't much to be seen out of the window, we overlooked the drop off point in the car park and the side of the reception area.

I was a little disappointed that the bedding had changed from last time I was here. There used to be a lovely green coloured, Disney themed throws where as they now have some plain orange coloured ones, it just wasn't the same!

I'm not sure why we ended up with a cot in our room!
Gripes about the bedding aside, I do still love the detail on the beds!

Once we'd explored our room we headed straight back down stairs to book my Birthday meal. I'd already decided I wanted to have my meal at Inventions. Mum & Dad had been to Inventions for their anniversary meal last April and had raved about it, so I was super excited to be booking this for tomorrow. Of course a Birthday meal wouldn't be a Birthday meal without cake! So even though there were only 2 of us, we added cake to the booking too!

Our plan was always to watch Decent of the Stairs but we found ourselves with time to spare, so what better way to fill the time than a little visit to Cafe Fantasia. This has been on my to do list for a long time and I was ecstatic to finally be doing it. We only had a cappuccino, but this was just enough to experience the joy that is Cafe Fantasia and to kill enough time before Decent of the Stairs.
Until I joined these forums I had no idea about Decent of the Stairs and couldn't wait to see it and boy was it worth it! I was bobbing and singing along to it and got slightly hysterical when Eeyore appeared! I am a massive Eeyore fan and was very excited to think that I might get to meet him!

Mum was excited to see Pluto, so we headed over to meet him and mum looked so happy with her Pluto hat on with him.

I couldn't wait to see if I could get my photo with Eeyore, it turns out this was one of my best meets of the holiday. Eeyore loved my hat and started to jump up and down and dance with me in the hotel.

He also blew me lots of kisses and hugged me lots!


I was like the cat that got the cream :lovestruc

Full of the all the excitement of meeting our 2 favourite characters, mum and I left the hotel and headed for the Studio Park. We only opted for this first as it closed at 7. We headed straight for some Rock and Rollercoaster action and used our hotel fastpass to skip the queue, we thought we'd made a mistake doing that as it broke down while we were queuing. All the lights came on and a lot of people opted to leave, as we'd used our pass we stayed put. We must have waited about half an hour before it was up and running again, the wait was worth it though, this ride is just super!
We managed to get on Tower of Terror, RC car and one more go on Rock and Rollercoaster before the park closed for the evening. We got plenty of comments on our hats, these proved to be a talking point for most of the days we were there!
At this point I had got a bit chilly, it was definitely chillier than I had thought, we popped back to our room to put on some more layers before going into the main park.
There is something about walking down main street and seeing that beautiful castle at the end. This was my first view of the castle this trip

First stop here was Space Mountain, both mum and I love this ride, but this was to be our only ride on it this trip, we just found it so uncomfortable and both come off with a stinking headache. They really need to work on how to make this more comfortable for guests, I'm sure it would be far more popular if it was less brutal on you.
From Discovery Land we cut back across in front of the castle and headed to the Wild West of Frontier Land to ride Big Thunder. The queue was only 10 minutes long and we were soon on the mine train, however while we were queuing it had begun to hail! All there is to say about that is OUCH! We spent the ride laughing so much and bracing ourselves from the pelting hail. It may have hurt and we may have got off wet, but it was very, very funny!

We were beginning to feel rather tired by this point, so opted to give Disney Dreams! a miss and head back to our room and make ourselves a hot chocolate and eat some snacks for tea (we'd packed food to save us having to buy too much)

Up tomorrow Birthday shenanigans!
Wow how many characters were on the decent of the stairs??? I was really disappointed with the one we saw - only 4 characters!!!

C x
Great start! Love your photos. Wonderful meet with your favourite characters for you and your mom. Looking forward to more
Wow how many characters were on the decent of the stairs??? I was really disappointed with the one we saw - only 4 characters!!! C x

There was Goofy, Pluto, Donald, The three little pigs, Eeyore, Pinocchio, Mickey and Minnie, so 10 in total. When did you see it?

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Next instalment hopefully later :D

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There was Goofy, Pluto, Donald, The three little pigs, Eeyore, Pinocchio, Mickey and Minnie, so 10 in total. When did you see it?

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I've never seen the 3 Little Pigs at DLP - you were very fortunate :goodvibes! They must have been the headline characters at the themed Sunday brunch earlier that day I'm guessing?
Day 2 - 24th March - Birthday day!

Even though we were both shattered from the stupidly long day yesterday, our body clocks failed and we were awake before 7am. We'd both been awake for longer but neither of us could see our watches for the time and neither of us wanted to ask the other if they were awake! We're mad at times!
First thing to do was to open the Birthday cards that I brought with me from home, just the 3 (1 from my friend Julie at work, one from my Auntie and from my colleagues in the Marketing team at work), mum then got up and produced a little prezzie and 2 cards for me (we'd agreed my present was going to be my meal at Inventions, so I wasn't expecting anything!) There was a card from my nan and bampy and one from mum and dad (a beautiful Tinkerbell one!) Mum had also bought me a purple WDW t-shirt, she said she couldn't see me not have any presents to open on my Birthday, I really do love her, she's awesome!

We both showered and made good use of all the complimentary lotions and potions before heading to our first breakfast of our trip. We were there at about 8 o'clock and were seated pretty much straight away in the California Grill. Breakfast consisted of croissants, pain au chocolat, donuts (!) and pancakes, I had really hoped to have Mickey waffles, but there was no sign of these :(

I caught sight of the beautiful chandelier and couldn't resist a sneaky photo, it really was stunning!

After breakfast we popped back to our room to put some snacks in my Eeyore backpack and collect our hats before heading to the park for what was left of EMH.
The first stop had to be City Hall, why? I wanted a Birthday sticker!! I approached the desk and tentatively said, I hear a rumour that you do Birthday stickers, the staff smiled and said yes we do, is it your Birthday today? YES! The lovely young lady got me a sticker and asked my name before writing it on, while the gentleman handed me the phone and said someone wanted to talk to me, it was of course Mickey Mouse! I was like a little kid again and was beaming from ear to ear! It was my Birthday and I was in Disneyland!
Birthday sticker firmly attached and still beaming, we headed for Fantasy Land and joined the relatively short queue for Le Carousel de Lancelot, both mum and I are horse riders so this was our riding fix for the trip!


As we were being childish we decided to stay in Fantasy Land and rode Blanche-Neige et les Sept Nains, Les Voyages de Pinocchio, Le pay de contes de Fees and Casey Jnr. These are obviously not thrill rides, but we had great fun visiting the different stories and we laughed our way around Casey, we were such big kids. We often miss these out when we visit so was lovely to just ride them and soak it all in.


We also visited Cinderellas Carriage, I had no idea that this was in the park, but once I did I just had to see it! I'd told mum about it for her trip last year, but she didn't find it, so I was determined we'd find it!

Having relived our childhood and seen the carriage we headed for Frontier Land for our daily fix of Big Thunder, the queue was showing 45 minutes though. I don't mind queues, but 45 minutes?! I don't think so! Hotel Fast Pass to the rescue! Yay!
With a little bit of time to kill before our park tour we headed for the 'moon of indoor' on Star Tours before resting our feet on a bench outside Space Mountain. I think I chuckled to my self every time the ride started, did the people on it really know what they were letting them selves in for?!
With 1 o'clock approaching we wandered up Main Street USA and back into City Hall. Our guide was Christoph, a Swiss gentleman known as the Mayor of Main Street. For anyone who wants to do the tour, I highly recommend it and the cost is now 20Euro per person.
We spent a little over 2 hours with 2 other Brits being shown around the park and filled in with lots of things that I didn't know. We went inside Walts, Dapper Dans, The Lucky Nugget and Auberge. Mum had never been in Walts and was fascinated by it and I loved getting to see inside Auberge without dining there, Cinderella even came to say hello! I wish I'd asked for a photo as she was the only princess I met! I'll only show you a couple of photos from the tour, the 2 I've chosen are the 7 Dwarfs mugs with names in English and their Beds (shelves in the shop) in French.


Once our tour was over we headed for another cheeky ride on BTMRR before grabbing a spot for the parade.
We decided we wanted to be near the start of the parade so wandered looking for the perfect spot, I found it! We opted to stand right buy the the pink Turrets on the entrance to Fantasy Land from Discovery Land. We wedged ourselves between the rope and the turret to stop anyone from pushing in front of us.
The parade was gorgeous, but I'm sure there used to be more interaction from the characters that are on foot, it's been a good few years since I saw the parade though! That said Woody gestured how much he liked our hats!


We tried to get on a few more rides, but everyone seemed to have descended on park, I blame to lovely weather! As the queues were quite long we opted to head up to the village and eye up future purchases for later on in the trip. There were certainly plenty of nice things to look at!
Window shopping over we headed back to our room to decided what to do tomorrow and get ready for dinner at Inventions.
I carefully peeled my Birthday sticker off of my fleece and placed it on my jumper, I was determined to get ever bit of use out of it! :laughing:
When we got down to the restaurant the staff were busy and it took ages to get anyone to ask us for our reservation. When we were waiting for our table a rather rude man came from the back of the queue on his mobile and told the staff he had a reservation, they soon told him so did everyone else that was waiting. Why do some people think they have more of a right than others?!
I was disappointed to find out that we were eating in California Grill rather than Inventions, but hey ho. We ended up sat at the same table we'd had at breakfast.
Our waiter for the evening was Jey, he was lovely and so attentive. We were asked what drinks we'd like and I just said a coke, but mum had other ideas! She'd heard me talking about a Glowtini so ordered me one :lovestruc , she ordered herself a pinacolada!

We went and got our first plate of food and not long after sitting down with it we were visited by a famous Chipmunk!


After our visit from Chip, there was no sign of any other characters, we were feeling a little let down and wondered if we'd done the right thing by eating here. Eventually Pluto appeared, but didn't spend long with us and my camera decided not to work, so we missed the photo opportunity. Pinocchio visited during our second plate of food and Minnie made an appearance during pudding.


I was looking a little rosey cheeked by this point! :rotfl:
Jey came to check on us again and said that when we were ready for cake we could choose a character and they would bring it over, we decided just to have the next character that was due round, unfortunately we missed this opportunity when Chip visited. Jey was very apologetic and asked if we minded waiting as the characters were now changing rotation. Not a problem at all as it gave puddings time to go down!

The music started and Pluto appeared, to begin with my heart sank as he was in such a hurry on the first rotation, but I needn't of worried as he was awesome! My cake was put on the table and Pluto started dancing, he gestured for me to join in, so I willingly did!



I have NO shame!

The obligatory cutting the cake photo

Having stuffed ourselves silly we could only manage a small piece of cake each, but while we were eating our small slice the main man himself turned up. Seeing the cake on the table he wished me happy Birthday and we asked Jey to take a photo of the 2 of us with him

We requested a box to take it away what was left of the cake for eating over the next few days.

Feeling very stuffed we waddled back to our room to sleep off the food baby!

All in all a very enjoyable birthday and one not to forget for a long time!
There was Goofy, Pluto, Donald, The three little pigs, Eeyore, Pinocchio, Mickey and Minnie, so 10 in total. When did you see it?

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WOW, no way! We watched it on Thursday 20th March, and it was SO disappointing! We won't bother again! Glad it was better for you!

C x
Day 3 - Tuesday 25th March

Thankfully we both managed to sleep off our food babies and also slept in a little longer too, in fact it was nearly 8am before we woke up.
There was a queue for breakfast today, but not a massive one. We were seated in Inventions this morning (why couldn't they use Inventions for last nights meal?) Today was the first day we had trouble getting a hot drink. We had to wait a while for one and the chance of a second were few and far between.
I opted to have a cooked breakfast today, something I rarely get to do, it's always cereal in our house! I must say it was rather yummy!

Today we were heading to the Studios and we got there just for opening. We headed straight for TOT (what could be better to get you fully awake then dropping several floors in an elevator?!) However the queue was back across the lot. A friendly cast member was making her way along the line explaining that they were having technical difficulties, we decided to come back later on rather than queue, there were other rides waiting for us!
We went on RnR instead and were on the 3rd train of the day, this is the first time I've ridden the without the music working, it's really not the same! The ride obviously didn't want me to leave though as the harness jammed on when it came to getting off time! I'd of happily of gone round again! :rotfl:
While in the queue we'd met a lovely Brit and her son and got chatting, it turns out he wanted to go on TOT but she really didn't want to, so we offered to take him on with us. When we got over to TOT though it still wasn't running, they'd turned the remainder of the queue away, so we knew it was going to be a while. We agreed if we bumped into each other again though that we'd take him on.
With TOT out of action we headed over to Toy Story Playland to ride RC car, this ride is so simplistic but such fun! We managed to get front row seats (we like waving at everyone who's stood watching!)

Next up we went to watch Cinemagique, I've never seen this and found it very clever, if you've not done it, I recommend you do so!
TOT was now open, YAY! but it was showing a 50 minute wait, Boooo! We headed to visit Aerosmith again, we had some more Brits behind us who asked us if it was like It's a Small World!? She carried on to say she didn't have any clean underwear in her handbag! :rotfl2:

It was now a little bit rainy so we thought about getting a coffee, everyone had the same idea in Studio 1 though, so we headed out and into the village to visit Starbucks, it was a welcome break from the hustle and bustle of the park. We had a Vanilla Latte each and sat comfortably for a while.
Stars and Cars Parade was our next planned thing to do, so we wandered back to the Studio Park and tried to work out where the start of the parade was. Unlike in the main park there are no ropes to stand behind, we found a nice spot near the start by one of the billboard pillars, thankfully no one came to stand in front of us!
The walking characters led the way (note where Pluto is!)

Pluto suddenly spotted mums hat and came running over and gave her the biggest hug!

The cars followed on...



More rides in RNR and RC Car followed and finally TOT was open with a reasonable queue! Hoooraahhh! We were in the queue with a family we'd met at the main Parade yesterday, it was so nice to have someone to talk to (other than mum of course!) it made the queue time go quicker! We got as far as the elevator and the little boy bottled it, his younger sister still wanted to go on though, so while mum and son went out the chicken exit we adopted her for the ride (this wasn't to be the last time we saw them though... more on future days!)
We were sat in the elevator waiting to get going when a British Cast member made an innocent comment to another Brit in the lift about coming to see him on his shaft later (meaning elevator shaft obviously!) Mum and I and this other Bri just creased laughing! He realised what he'd said and kept apologising, the French all looked confused and he ended saying 'Poor British Humour' and took the French Cast Member outside to explain what he'd said and why it was so funny! :lmao: I was crying with laughter!
The little girl sat between mum and I and when the ride started she covered her eyes with her hand, we managed to persuade her to uncover them at the top though to see the view, she loved it! We safely returned her to her mum before heading back to our room for some food!

We'd brought food with us from home to save some money and we had plenty of left over Birthday cake to eat! We'd forgotten to bring a knife for cutting the cake though, so improvised with the handle of our teaspoon!

Fueled with food and Chocca Mocha and wrapped up warm we headed into the main park in preparation for Disney Dreams! We noticed when we got into the park that some of the Spring Festival displays had appeared over night...


There was time for a ride on BTMRR before it was time to find a spot for dreams, we used our Hotel Fastpass to save us a bit of time.
We returned to the hub in search of a good spot and found ourselves leaning on a lamppost (car pick up point) outside Frontier Land. No one came to stand directly in front of us and we had a lovely view.

Not long before the start someone tried to come and stand their child on the lamppost behind us, the child kicked both mum and I and they must have got double dagger stares from both of us as they soon moved on! There was still plenty of room to stand and get a good view.



It amazed me how many people left after the story part of Dreams! had finished and didn't watch the very end, I love the castle right at the very end...

We began to head out of the park but opted to nip through the arcade rather than joining the scrum going up Main Street. Once out of the park we sat on a wall in the gardens and mum gave dad a call whilst waiting for the crowds to disperse, I took a photo of the hotel all lit up

We mooched up to the village to Disney Fashion for me to make some notes on prices of items so that I could work out what to buy. We were totally whacked by now, so headed back to the hotel to chill out in our PJ's before bed!

Tomorrow is lack of coffee, shopping, great cast members, rude customers and British Food!
what a brill day - really loving the look of the Spring Festival displays too :).


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