**daisy77's (January) Journal:Gotta Lose this Pregnancy Weight**((Comments Welcome!))


DIS Veteran
May 31, 2005
Hi, everyone! :wave2: (This will be long, sorry!)
I thought that I would journal here to be accountable for what I am doing daily to lose the weight that I gained from my pregnancy. I have a lot to lose. I was 20 pounds overweight when I got pregnant, and at the time was working on losing that. I had a pretty easy pregnancy, until about 6 months through. I was put on bed rest and that is when I really had started to gain weight. Up to that point, I had only gained 12 pounds. After I had my baby, I had gained a total of 60 pounds!! I was shocked! I didn't know it was possible to gain that much in that amount of time. I was really upset. I also had a touch of post-partum depression, which did not help the situation. I was medicated for that and everything is fine now. In May, I had 100 pounds to lose. I gained 20 from eating after I came home and not getting a lot of activity in. I just recently lost 30 pounds and I haven't really lost anymore. I just need to get on track. I am 5'1" and weigh 180 pounds. My doctor couldn't believe that I weighed that much, so I guess I hide it pretty well. I am too small and too young to weigh this much. I would like to lose this weight by this time next year. I would like to lose 70 pounds. I need you all to help me...I am clueless! I am doing the eDiets alternative to Jenny Craig and started yesterday-it is soooo easy, I love it. I was doing WW before and this is so much more convenient. I ordered some workout DVD's off an infomercial and so far I am sore, so I guess that they are working! And I plan on working out at the gym for 1 hour 5x a week. Wish me luck and I will post what I have been eating and doing as far as working out at the end of the day! :Pinkbounc

You are on the right track coming here!!!!! Welcome!!! I hope we can be of some help to you - everyone here has been a great deal of help to me.

One thing to do to help get out of the rut is make sure you drink LOTS of water and write down what you are eating. That has helped me anyway!!!!

Good luck and keep coming here - we're here for you and we like to look at baby pictures too :)

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Here are some pics of Madelyn when she was first born...I will post more recent ones soon :teeth:


Sorry, they are so big. My DH is not here to help me shrink them. :flower:
Well, today was a pretty good day! I am really proud of myself cuz my husband brought me home McDonald's for lunch...I told him he could have it. It was my favorite: Big Mac! YIKES! I drank my diet Coke instead. Isn't that funny how some of us order a greasy fast food meal w/a diet Coke? :rotfl:
Gotta watch those calories!
Here's what I ate today:

Breakfast:Ensure High Protein Drink chocolate flavored & 1/2 large banana

Lunch:1 Lean Pocket Turkey, Broccoli, and Cheese & 1 cup grapes

Snack: 2 cups steamed carrots

Dinner: LC Mediterrean Chicken, Salad w/FF Caesar dressing, 1 slice bread & 1/2 cup FF sherbet

I also worked out today. I did my Kathy Smith Pilates Core and Strength Training workouts. If it cools off, my DH will take DD for a walk! :flower:
I am ready for Day Two! Wish me luck!
Good luck - and Madelyn is soooooooo cute!!!!!!

Thanks for sharing those pics. That last one she looks like she's saying "I'm freezing mommy, put that cute blankie back on me!!!" ROFL

Keep on :banana: :banana:
SUPER START!!! you can do this...my theme is JUST KEEP SWIMMING :fish: (you know, from Finding Nemo)...so REMEMBER...Just keep swimming! :fish: if you 'SWIM' every day....soon you'll see such a difference in YOU all around!!!

Jen :fish: ;)
joelyfaithsmommy said:
SUPER START!!! you can do this...my theme is JUST KEEP SWIMMING :fish: (you know, from Finding Nemo)...so REMEMBER...Just keep swimming! :fish: if you 'SWIM' every day....soon you'll see such a difference in YOU all around!!!

Jen :fish: ;)
You are so sweet! Thank you!
:sunny: :sunny: Hello, again! :sunny: :sunny:
My DH is a fast food-aholic! He just went to Wendy's! He had McDonald's for lunch! WOW :earseek: !! He is in good shape too! He can eat whatever he wants and never gain an ounce. He works out a lot, though. He asked me if I wanted anything, and I am really craving a Frostie, but I said no! That was hard. Harder than saying no to a Big Mac! I hope that I can keep this up! I know that the first week is the hardest...so hurry up next week! :hourglass

Looking forward to Day Two!
:wizard: Need lots of Pixie Dust! :wizard:
Cruise04 said:
Good luck - and Madelyn is soooooooo cute!!!!!!

Thanks for sharing those pics. That last one she looks like she's saying "I'm freezing mommy, put that cute blankie back on me!!!" ROFL

Keep on :banana: :banana:

Thanks! I love my baby girl! I noticed that you already lost 1 pound for August! That is soooo awesome!
:wizard: :wizard: Here's some magic for all of us trying to get rid of the extra pounds! :wizard: :wizard:
Have a great night!
Welcome to WISH! :wave:

You have come to the right place! You are going to find lots of support and encouragement here. ::yes:: We are here to cheer you on to VICTORY! :cheer2:

Your daughter is soooo cute! princess:

Hope you have a healthy and happy Wednesday! :flower:
GOOD Morning!! :cheer2:
:goodvibes I woke up feeling so excited! :Pinkbounc I have no idea why! I am so tempted to weigh myself! It has only been two days since I started. I need to stay away from that scale. If there is a gain I will lose the wonderful feelings I have right now! I am going to eat breakfast in a few, I am going to have 1 cup raspberries, 1 cup Fat-free yogurt and Fat-free granola. I love fruit!
My goal weight is 110. It seems soooo far away! I just have to keep logging on to the WISH boards to stay motivated! Thank you everyone for sharing your journals....they really help me get ideas for food and snacks and how to overcome cravings.
Well...I'm outta here! I will be back soon! :banana:
Welcome to WISH! Your daughter is precious. I remember when my kids were that little - my DS is now 9 and my DD is 6! She starts first grade in a couple weeks, I can't believe it!

Great job resisting the fast food. That is really a hard habit to break. Have you seen the documentary Supersize Me? I don't think I have been to McDonald's since. It was a real eye-opener! ::yes::

Your food choices look really good. Keep it up, get in all the exercise you can and you will be at your goal before you know it! It is great that you are giving yourself a year to lose the weight - that is the best way to get it off and keep it off! Remember, it's a lifestyle change, not a diet! Having a positive attitude goes a LONG way. When I am down in the dumps I find it so helpful to come here and read other people's journals and words of encouragement.

You can do it!
Cute kid!!! I had the same problem after I had my 2 kids. You feel like you can eat anything you want while you are pregnant, but you don't think about having to LOSE that extra weight!! I am 4'11'', so I know what it feels like. I started my journey at 170, and it's been a long struggle, but finding the W.I.S.H. journal has been the best motivation that I have had in a long time. I'm also "blessed" with an active and fit husband. He is a military man who does PT 3 days a week and can eat anything. He is a stumbling block to me sometimes, but I have to be happy for him that he doesn't have to worry about weight and keep my focus on my goal. You have made the first big step, and you'll start seeing results very quickly!!
Thank you ladies for the support and sweet comments about my little girl! She really is the BEST thing that has ever happened to me. I can't imagine a future without her. She is wonderful! :cloud9:
I am going to eat my lunch soon. I am going to try to eat 4 small meals every three hours. I read a book by Jorge Cruise, called the 3-hour Diet. In it he says that to keep your metabolism from slowing down, we need to fuel ourselves with small meals every three hours. When I was doing WW earlier this year and lost 30 pounds, I had incorporated the 3-hour Diet. I think that is what really helped me lose that weight so fast. I am going to start that up again, while I am doing eDiets version of Jenny Craig. These programs make it so easy to lose weight. :teeth: All it takes is us following them to the best of our ability.
For lunch I am going to have a HC French Bread Pizza and a cup of cantaloupe. I have been drinking lots of water, but I am craving a diet Coke. I am trying to get off the stuff cuz it makes you bloated and is very addicting :hyper: ! I stopped drinking it last night and woke up with the worst headache ever :headache: !! I took some Excedrin Tension Headache (this stuff works so fast and for every type of headache!) and it was gone within 20 minutes. Brent, my DH bought some diet Barq's Root Beer...yummy! It has no caffeine, so I might indulge in just one can :drinking1
I am really looking forward to our trip to WDW at the end of November. :wizard: I am hoping to lose about 40 pounds before we go. I know for me, that is a realistic goal. I just hope I don't screw up. I am glad that there is the 100 day challenge for not cheating! That is almost how many days I have until we leave for Pop Century! :cheer2:
Well, baby girl needs her momma! C-ya'll later! :wave2:
I'm back and I am officially addicted to the WISH boards! I have been sitting here, reading all the different journals...they are so inspiring and full of good information! It looks like everyone is doing such an awesome job, too!

Snack time is rolling around....what sounds good?

I think I will have a Slim Fast Optima bar Iced Lemon-YummY!!

Well, it is officially way too hot here! I was going to go swimming w/baby girl, but she is so fair-she will burn! I will go later...when the sun starts to go down :sunny: Talk to everyone later!
Hi Daisy! Wecome to the journals! What a great start; you seem to be making some good food choices. Reading other journals is a great way to come up with new ideas for meals.

70 lbs seems like it's far away, but the key is taking it day by day. And, it's great to set smaller goals along the way, like your 40 lbs for Nov. I'm also trying to coordinate my goal with my next WDW trip in May...that way I'll be able to justify some cute new clothes :)

Your daughter is so precious! Great pics!
Welcome to WISH, Miss January and Miss Madelyn (what a cutie pie she is!!!)

You know what to do (you're eating very well, getting your exercise, drinkin' water) all you gotta do is do it! I wish you the best of luck!

And now a cheer (PS, thanks for the post in my journal :))
:cheer2: Day by day!
:cheer2: Pound by Pound
:cheer2: January's just doin' it!
:cheer2: No messin' around!

Best of luck!
Thanks, girls! I really love reading your comments and having your support! You are all wonderful! :grouphug:
Hi ya'll! I had a great day! I did not workout like I intended to, but the night is still young over here. My DH is out until 9pm...so maybe I can get in at least one workout DVD if Maddie goes to bed by 8pm. I decided not to eat after 8pm anymore...that is going to be a challenge b/c I am a night owl. Eating late at night is probably one of the reason why I gained so much weight and the fact that I was eating a lot!

Here's what I ate today:

Breakfast: 1 cup raspberries, 1 cup FF yogurt, 1 cup dry cereal

Lunch: HC French Bread Pizza & some canteloupe

Snack: 1 Slim Fast Optima Iced Lemon bar & diet root beer :drinking1

Dinner: 1 serving of Baked Tostitos, 1 small chicken burrito w/1 tsp. FF sour cream, sprinkle of shredded cheddar cheese, 1 Tbsp. salsa, 1 chunk of avocado, 4 oz shredded chicken & 1/2 cup of FF Blue Bunny Strawberry Cheesecake frozen yogurt (this is soooo yummy!!)

I think that I did very well today and hope to continue all the way through. Thank you everyone for all of the support!

:grouphug: Hugs to all of you! :grouphug:


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