D.O.C.'s = Dis'ers of Color (Disney Fans of Color)

Would you like a dedicated/featured Forum for D.O.C.'s Dis'ers Of Color & Allies

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I promised to link articles of diversity to Disney content when posting articles that on the surface may not have an apparent or obvious connection to Disney.
Academy Award-winning actress Hattie McDaniel was the first African American woman to be awarded the OSCAR for Best Supporting Actress in "Gone With the Wind" in 1939 and was awarded two stars on Hollywood's Walk of fame. Did you know she could have been a Disney Legend?

A missing Disney Legend, Ms. McDaniel.
Ms. McDaniel played the role of Aunt Tempy in Walt Disney's "Song of the South." The picture starred Black actor James Baskett. Playing southern plantation workers during the post-civil war reconstruction era.
In a future article, we can explore more about James Baskett, who was awarded an Honorary Academy Award.

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James Baskett (Uncle Remus), Hattie McDaniel (Aunt Tempy), Glenn Leedy.

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1939 Academy Award winner for Best Supporting Actress Hattie McDaniel.

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Movie actress, television and radio personality, and singer,
Hattie McDaniel is the 29th honoree of the Black Heritage Series US Postal stamp series 2006.

Would you be surprised to learn Vivien Leigh enjoyed Disneyland?
Who knew "Scarlett" was a Dis'er?

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Your Guest Jungle Cruise Skipper Vivien Leigh and Sir John Gielgud at Disneyland 1964.

DOC's you made it to Wednesday, make it a good day.
Stay safe, wash your hands, and wear your face masks covering both your nose and mouth.
Wishing you all Peace, Love, and Light. :wizard:

I really, really encourage all of you to listen to the You Must Remember This podcast's series on Song of the South if you haven't already. I loved that podcast anyway and have subscribed for years because I've always been fascinated by old Hollywood history (E! Mysteries and Scandals was my favorite show back in the day) and Karina Longworth always goes super in-depth with her research and presents it in a really engaging way, not just going into the specific subject but placing it in broader context. Her SotS series was 6 episodes and is probably the best one she's ever done and the second part was all about Hattie McDaniel, her life and career and different controversies surrounding her and how all of that played into her role in SotS. It's available pretty much anywhere you can get podcasts.
Since Halle Bailey will be playing Ariel in the live action remake of The Little Mermaid do you think Disney will change up the meet and greet and parade and have a black Ariel for the live action instead of the animated version? I think it would be a missed opportunity on Disney's part if they don't as they certainly need more diversity among the Princesses.

As much as that would be spectacular to do, I don't see it happening. For inclusivity on its own, I'm sure Disney would go for it. However using someone's live action likeness is a whole other financial and legal ballpark than Disney owning the rights to an animated character for use in the parks.

Take Giselle and Amy Adams for instance, many have wondered why she only had a promotional presence then was never seen again in the parks or as part of the official Disney princess line-up again. The fact is if either things happened, they'd have to pay Amy Adams a ton of money regularly for her likeness which would then be streamlined into merch as well as M&G. A similar situation is with Bert and Mary in the parks or furthermore, why they haven't added Jack in or changed Mary's look to match that of Emily Blunt's. I'm not sure of the details of that, but there is a reason why you never catch Photopass with either character too. Once they start selling their image so-to-speak, they have to actually pay for Julie Andrews's and Dick Van Dyke's likeness. I think somehow there is a loophole with them where they only need book royalties to have them meeting in the parks in the first place, but loopholes like that are hard to pass nowadays. Copyright and trademark laws are much more stringent and concrete.

This would unfortunately make it impossible for a Halle-like Ariel to exist in the parks, much like how they haven't changed M&Gs in lieu of other live action remakes (Lily James's Cinderella, Emma Watson's Belle, etc.) My hope is that we are getting another wholly unique and new BIPOC princess soon in animated form. That would definitely make it more possible for increased diversity with the princesses since Disney would fully, for lack of a better word, own that character to use at their leisure. (It also wouldn't be too bad to have another Black princess who isn't a frog for 70% of her film.) I could be wrong, but I genuinely don't think Disney is gonna change their tune anytime soon with how the live action remakes are integrated into the parks which sadly would include Halle's Ariel.
As much as that would be spectacular to do, I don't see it happening. For inclusivity on its own, I'm sure Disney would go for it. However using someone's live action likeness is a whole other financial and legal ballpark than Disney owning the rights to an animated character for use in the parks.

Take Giselle and Amy Adams for instance, many have wondered why she only had a promotional presence then was never seen again in the parks or as part of the official Disney princess line-up again. The fact is if either things happened, they'd have to pay Amy Adams a ton of money regularly for her likeness which would then be streamlined into merch as well as M&G. A similar situation is with Bert and Mary in the parks or furthermore, why they haven't added Jack in or changed Mary's look to match that of Emily Blunt's. I'm not sure of the details of that, but there is a reason why you never catch Photopass with either character too. Once they start selling their image so-to-speak, they have to actually pay for Julie Andrews's and Dick Van Dyke's likeness. I think somehow there is a loophole with them where they only need book royalties to have them meeting in the parks in the first place, but loopholes like that are hard to pass nowadays. Copyright and trademark laws are much more stringent and concrete.

This would unfortunately make it impossible for a Halle-like Ariel to exist in the parks, much like how they haven't changed M&Gs in lieu of other live action remakes (Lily James's Cinderella, Emma Watson's Belle, etc.) My hope is that we are getting another wholly unique and new BIPOC princess soon in animated form. That would definitely make it more possible for increased diversity with the princesses since Disney would fully, for lack of a better word, own that character to use at their leisure. (It also wouldn't be too bad to have another Black princess who isn't a frog for 70% of her film.) I could be wrong, but I genuinely don't think Disney is gonna change their tune anytime soon with how the live action remakes are integrated into the parks which sadly would include Halle's Ariel.

Wow! Didn't realize there was so much red tape involved. Thanks for the info! Well let's hope we get a new animated princess then.
I'm so glad these conversations have started on this board (and major kudos @AKL Ranger for a banging thread!) because so many people that usually don't post have started entering these discussions and have been such a great addition. And @TummyGirl was the very first one I think! I love hearing what you have to say.

I cannot fathom ending a friendship because my friend simply wanted to be treated as an equal and wanted me to acknowledge some tough truths. But there definitely is a strain of racism that is more subtle; one that is lurking under the surface. I see if often, maybe even more so recently, and this is the one I fear much more than idiots waving confederate flags.

And since you brought it up... I gotta ask:

Top 5 horror movies?

I could never just pick five…I mean I could but it would hurt! The following are my feel-good faves-the always reliable fallbacks but I know I’m missing some great ones…

The descent
Burnt offerings
Rosemary’s baby
The babbadook
Nightmare on elm st
The exorcist
Green room

I think I’ve just about exhausted Netflix’s backlog of horror-Honestly I’ll watch just about any horror movie once and a fun/bad one twice! I’m not too snobby about what I’ll watch but for true enjoyment I do enjoy a disturbing and engaging story-and I just likedto be straight-up scared!

I’m finding that the Disney people I come across in real life also tend to be horror fans as well…I wonder what that says about our psyche! 😊

Ok ready for your list and of course your absolute must sees!

I really, really encourage all of you to listen to the You Must Remember This podcast's series on Song of the South if you haven't already. I loved that podcast anyway and have subscribed for years because I've always been fascinated by old Hollywood history (E! Mysteries and Scandals was my favorite show back in the day) and Karina Longworth always goes super in-depth with her research and presents it in a really engaging way, not just going into the specific subject but placing it in broader context. Her SotS series was 6 episodes and is probably the best one she's ever done and the second part was all about Hattie McDaniel, her life and career and different controversies surrounding her and how all of that played into her role in SotS. It's available pretty much anywhere you can get podcasts.

I really enjoyed her Manson series- this sounds like a good binge-worthy set to listen to while I work and "work."

Thanks again to everyone for all the recs.
As much as that would be spectacular to do, I don't see it happening. For inclusivity on its own, I'm sure Disney would go for it. However using someone's live action likeness is a whole other financial and legal ballpark than Disney owning the rights to an animated character for use in the parks.

Take Giselle and Amy Adams for instance, many have wondered why she only had a promotional presence then was never seen again in the parks or as part of the official Disney princess line-up again. The fact is if either things happened, they'd have to pay Amy Adams a ton of money regularly for her likeness which would then be streamlined into merch as well as M&G. A similar situation is with Bert and Mary in the parks or furthermore, why they haven't added Jack in or changed Mary's look to match that of Emily Blunt's. I'm not sure of the details of that, but there is a reason why you never catch Photopass with either character too. Once they start selling their image so-to-speak, they have to actually pay for Julie Andrews's and Dick Van Dyke's likeness. I think somehow there is a loophole with them where they only need book royalties to have them meeting in the parks in the first place, but loopholes like that are hard to pass nowadays. Copyright and trademark laws are much more stringent and concrete.

This would unfortunately make it impossible for a Halle-like Ariel to exist in the parks, much like how they haven't changed M&Gs in lieu of other live action remakes (Lily James's Cinderella, Emma Watson's Belle, etc.) My hope is that we are getting another wholly unique and new BIPOC princess soon in animated form. That would definitely make it more possible for increased diversity with the princesses since Disney would fully, for lack of a better word, own that character to use at their leisure. (It also wouldn't be too bad to have another Black princess who isn't a frog for 70% of her film.) I could be wrong, but I genuinely don't think Disney is gonna change their tune anytime soon with how the live action remakes are integrated into the parks which sadly would include Halle's Ariel.

Thanks for sharing that and definitely interesting and makes sense

I would also think that the live action films are viewed as versions of the films or like alternative takes ... whereas when you meet a character in the park it is the actual character not someone playing that character. That is, you are meeting the real Ariel, which in Disney Canon exists as a red haired white girl.

I would love to see more diversity int he characters in the park, but ones that are diverse due to being diverse in Disney Canon, no like diverse versions of other characters. So I guess, more Vi Moradis, or more of the Big Hero 6 crew.

But do others see it differently? Would you want to meet a BIPOC Ariel?
@TummyGirl Haha it's not often you hear horror movies referred to as "feel good". Good list! I still gotta see The Babbadook.

My top 12, no order:

  • The Exorcist
  • The Shining
  • Rosemary's Baby
  • The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
  • Halloween
  • The Thing
  • The Birds
  • Night of the Living Dead
  • The Witch
  • [REC]
  • Let the Right One In
  • Suspiria
The last four are my must-watch always recommended. The Witch is one of my favorite films of the decade, regardless of genre. And the last three are all foreign - and all incredible horror flicks. Let the Right One In is probably the best in terms of pure cinema. [REC] is the scariest and the most "traditional". And Suspiria is a pure mind-trip (I'd use a different word than "trip" if this message board allowed it.).. it is "horror" in its purest form - disturbing, unsettling, shocking, and fun as hell!
@TummyGirl Haha it's not often you hear horror movies referred to as "feel good". Good list! I still gotta see The Babbadook.

My top 12, no order:

  • The Exorcist
  • The Shining
  • Rosemary's Baby
  • The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
  • Halloween
  • The Thing
  • The Birds
  • Night of the Living Dead
  • The Witch
  • [REC]
  • Let the Right One In
  • Suspiria
The last four are my must-watch always recommended. The Witch is one of my favorite films of the decade, regardless of genre. And the last three are all foreign - and all incredible horror flicks. Let the Right One In is probably the best in terms of pure cinema. [REC] is the scariest and the most "traditional". And Suspiria is a pure mind-trip (I'd use a different word than "trip" if this message board allowed it.).. it is "horror" in its purest form - disturbing, unsettling, shocking, and fun as hell!

I'm curious to which Suspiria you are noting here. I'm personally a HUGE fan of the original Dario Argento 1977 version, but I've heard the 2018 remake is pretty good. The original though is easily one of the most gorgeous horror films I've ever seen. Nobody has a grasp of color and light like Argento.

Also, for any other horror fans in this thread, if you haven't watched the Horror Noire documentary on Shudder about the history of Black people in Horror, you should. It is very interesting and informative.
@TummyGirl Haha it's not often you hear horror movies referred to as "feel good". Good list! I still gotta see The Babbadook.

My top 12, no order:

  • The Exorcist
  • The Shining
  • Rosemary's Baby
  • The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
  • Halloween
  • The Thing
  • The Birds
  • Night of the Living Dead
  • The Witch
  • [REC]
  • Let the Right One In
  • Suspiria
The last four are my must-watch always recommended. The Witch is one of my favorite films of the decade, regardless of genre. And the last three are all foreign - and all incredible horror flicks. Let the Right One In is probably the best in terms of pure cinema. [REC] is the scariest and the most "traditional". And Suspiria is a pure mind-trip (I'd use a different word than "trip" if this message board allowed it.).. it is "horror" in its purest form - disturbing, unsettling, shocking, and fun as hell!

From your (great) list I think REC is one that I have been meaning to watch-all I know is that it is a found-footage film and I think in my head I was confusing that title with VCR.

Adding Suspiria because can’t go wrong with the double praise (as seen below). And shockingly I got time, may as well watch both versions!

I'm curious to which Suspiria you are noting here. I'm personally a HUGE fan of the original Dario Argento 1977 version, but I've heard the 2018 remake is pretty good. The original though is easily one of the most gorgeous horror films I've ever seen. Nobody has a grasp of color and light like Argento.

Also, for any other horror fans in this thread, if you haven't watched the Horror Noire documentary on Shudder about the history of Black people in Horror, you should. It is very interesting and informative.

Will try to find and check out…Shudder is a subscription service right?

Has anyone read the book Night Film? The mention of Argento made me think of it.

I apologize for derailing the thread for a bit.
Thanks for sharing that and definitely interesting and makes sense

I would also think that the live action films are viewed as versions of the films or like alternative takes ... whereas when you meet a character in the park it is the actual character not someone playing that character. That is, you are meeting the real Ariel, which in Disney Canon exists as a red haired white girl.

I would love to see more diversity int he characters in the park, but ones that are diverse due to being diverse in Disney Canon, no like diverse versions of other characters. So I guess, more Vi Moradis, or more of the Big Hero 6 crew.

But do others see it differently? Would you want to meet a BIPOC Ariel?

I agree with you, though I have a difficult time putting into words why. I guess,the way it feels to me, is that it doesn't feel..."authentic"? Or good enough?

I think of it like how I do the superhero franchise (of which I am not a "hardcore" fan or anything, so don't call me out please), where there is an obvious lacking of prominent female superheros in film and popular media. So a few years ago when I heard of how the next Iron Man was going to be a woman, it didn't make me feel excited and empowered, I felt like...'Oh great, so she gets be Iron Man's sloppy seconds'? Because in my mind, I already had a vision in my head of who Iron Man was, and I appreciated his character and all that made HIM Iron Man, does that make sense? Giving the title to a female character just feels...lazy. Why can't she be her own, unique super hero with her own original powers? And I know this whole "passing the mantel" thing to a new character is very common in the superhero world, so maybe I'm just the odd one here, but it BUGS me.

And I guess it's the same thing with like the princesses. No, I won't feel better if Aurora or Cinderella is reimagined as a Latina (strictly speaking through Disney here, I love it when independent studios or books or whatever do their own thing), because they have already been established in my mind as white, blond women within the Disney universe. They're not wrong for existing the way they are, and if you're going to give me a Latina princess, let her stand on her own two legs with her OWN story and her OWN personality so I can love her for who SHE is, instead of riding the coattails of another character.
Will try to find and check out…Shudder is a subscription service right?

Has anyone read the book Night Film? The mention of Argento made me think of it.

I apologize for derailing the thread for a bit.

Yes it is and it's fairly inexpensive with a lot of good offerings, but you can also just do the 7 day trial and cancel after that lol

Oooo, I haven't. I'll have to look into that.

Apologies for also derailing. I see/read horror and I have to jump in lol
I'm curious to which Suspiria you are noting here. I'm personally a HUGE fan of the original Dario Argento 1977 version, but I've heard the 2018 remake is pretty good. The original though is easily one of the most gorgeous horror films I've ever seen. Nobody has a grasp of color and light like Argento.

Also, for any other horror fans in this thread, if you haven't watched the Horror Noire documentary on Shudder about the history of Black people in Horror, you should. It is very interesting and informative.

Yup, the original.
Since Halle Bailey will be playing Ariel in the live-action remake of The Little Mermaid do you think Disney will change up the meet and greet and parade and have a black Ariel for the live-action instead of the animated version? I think it would be a missed opportunity on Disney's part if they don't as they certainly need more diversity among the Princesses.
I think they will keep the White Ariel in the parades in the parks.
The hate mail and hate twitter threats of boycotting "future digital copies of "Disney's Little Mermaid" or boycotting the parks" 🤦‍♀️ Yes, please boycott the parks, that will free up more Disney Park Pass reservations for the rest of us. And yes someone on the internet posted "How would you like it if a White person portrayed "Martin Luthor King Jr"? Oh boy, one of these is an imaginary character from a fairy story. While Dr. King was a real man who helped lead the fight for the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
Do people realize (Ariel) is a fictional character?

Sorry to break the news to those who think mermaid legends were limited to porcelain-skinned females with flowing long hair waiting until the year 1837 to enter the public consciousness.
Although the original "Little Mermaid" story was written by Hans Christian Anderson, of Denmark.
Go back 1,000 years, African lore within several different African nation-states share tales of a Goddess or Demi-Goddess known by several names including "Mami Wata" or
"Olukun" ( of possible interest to LBGTQ+, Olukun is often depicted as a being that can completely transform gender or sometimes represented as a Hermaphrodite. Olukun is one of several West African Deities that are protectors for LBGTQ devotees. )
Many cultures in Asian and Pacific Islanders have stories of Mermaids ( Mermaid or beings who live in the sea. I have a feeling those beings sea beings/Gods (Pacific Islanders) do not have porcelain skin, red or blonde hair and big blue eyes.



Peace & Love people, Peace, Love & Light.

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Hi @AKL Ranger I think I majorly goofed and I need to apologize to you.

You mentioned a few pages back wanting to remove the negativity of a “no” answer on the original poll. So the new poll I was thinking both votes are now in the affirmative to gauge positive interest without a “no” option.
1st choice: Yes create the space, I will contribute as a POC or ally
2nd choice: Yes create the space, I don’t have anything to contribute (meaning I am here just to listen)

I voted the latter to show my support but in a listening only role. Now looking at the poll today with fresh eyes I am not certain that’s what it means. I want to change my vote but it’s locked.

I apologize for not being more diligent to ask questions to clarify first. Thank you for the work you are putting into this. If you can clarify please (although I am pretty sure I misunderstood) and please edit the option on the poll to allow us to change our votes I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
Hello @disneyland_is_magic - I updated the settings. If you are unable to change your vote send me a direct message and we can check.

You may now change your Vote from "nothing Positive to contribute" to Heck, Yes!

"I will not stand in the way or silence the voices of my new Brothers & Sisters and their allies! This deserves to be a Forum, why is it not?"
@disneyland_is_magic my new friend and hopefully ally? You have been touched by the magic that is allyship. You are welcome, but why did you feel you were going to just sit and observe? I have been "observing" here on the Dis'board since 2009. But I have been a Man of Color for several decades. This is a time of evolution among people around the world. Can you feel it? <<-- it is seven minutes long, but since the Disney parks here in the states are closed, where can you go? I hope it inspires you and if it makes you want to dance :cool1:around your living room, like no one is watching ( I promise I won't look )

@disneyland_is_magic you took your first step, welcome to the Family of D.OC.'s

Peace, Love & Light pixiedust:
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Has anyone read the book Night Film? The mention of Argento made me think of it.

I apologize for derailing the thread for a bit.
Sister @TummyGirl , I LOVE this, it feels like a big loud family-style dinner at Biergarten Restaurant @ EPCOT Centre or Via Napoli Pizzeria at Epcot's Italy.

My Partial list of Horror in no particular order
Top of the list is the Stanley Kubrick "The Shining" When I saw this in the movies, I called this the "Shi$%ing" because I kept saying "are you shi$%ing me? I was scared out of my pants.
  • Clive Barker's "Hell Raiser" is the scariest movie, more disturbing to me than "The Exorcist."
  • The Exorcist
  • The Shining
  • Rosemary's Baby
  • Halloween
  • The Witch
  • *The Little Mermaid ( those big bulging eyes)
    If I think of a few more movies, I add later.

*Just kidding about Little Mermaid, LOL
Sister @TummyGirl , I LOVE this, it feels like a big loud family-style dinner at Biergarten Restaurant @ EPCOT Centre or Via Napoli Pizzeria at Epcot's Italy.

My Partial list of Horror in no particular order
Top of the list is the Stanley Kubrick "The Shining" When I saw this in the movies, I called this the "Shi$%ing" because I kept saying "are you shi$%ing me? I was scared out of my pants.
  • Clive Barker's "Hell Raiser" is the scariest movie, more disturbing to me than "The Exorcist."
  • The Exorcist
  • The Shining
  • Rosemary's Baby
  • Halloween
  • The Witch
  • *The Little Mermaid ( those big bulging eyes)
    If I think of a few more movies, I add later.

*Just kidding about Little Mermaid, LOL

Yes! Another fan of The Witch!
Sister @TummyGirl , I LOVE this, it feels like a big loud family-style dinner at Biergarten Restaurant @ EPCOT Centre or Via Napoli Pizzeria at Epcot's Italy.

My Partial list of Horror in no particular order
Top of the list is the Stanley Kubrick "The Shining" When I saw this in the movies, I called this the "Shi$%ing" because I kept saying "are you shi$%ing me? I was scared out of my pants.
  • Clive Barker's "Hell Raiser" is the scariest movie, more disturbing to me than "The Exorcist."
  • The Exorcist
  • The Shining
  • Rosemary's Baby
  • Halloween
  • The Witch
  • *The Little Mermaid ( those big bulging eyes)
    If I think of a few more movies, I add later.

*Just kidding about Little Mermaid, LOL
I LOVE the Biergarten! We have had so many fun meals there. One trip, it turned out our table mates were staying at the same hotel, so we hung out at the pool together the next day.

The miniseries of Salem's Lot scared the heck out of me as a kid. I have to wonder if it holds up at all (probably not).

Not a movie, but has anyone seen The Outsider on HBO? I started the first episode at night and had to stop it halfway through and watch an episode of Queer Eye because I was completely freaked out. I did watch the rest of the series and it was great. I've always loved Ben Mendelsohn but Cynthia Erivo was just amazing!
I love the idea - I just think this isn’t the place to do it. The Dis Unplugged forum is kinda small in relation to the rest of DISBoards. Maybe try expanding it to the “Theme Park Community” board or somewhere else where more eyes will see it. It would be awesome if this could become its own “section” of DISBoards like the “LGBTQ” section.
Just two people talking can change the world. As the word spreads and people start to understand each other and are not afraid to show weakness we grow. A small group can inspire change just a the fluttering of a butterfly's wings can change the world


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