Custom made craft room designs


3 Years until we our Floridians permanently!!
Jan 6, 2004
Hi everyone. I am knew to this forum. I posted this under the scrapbooking forum as well. So I am hoping to gain some help from some of you experts here. I want to have custom cabinets made for my scrapbooking/craft room. This would be on a a couple walls. One wall is about 8 feet and another has a window in the middle. I am curious if anyone else has had custom cabinets made. Or has anyone designed a scrapbook/craft room. Right now this room is a disaster as it also has become the dumping ground for everything else. There is no organization as many of the containers I have are a mix match of everything. So if anyone has photos of their awesome rooms or can provide some insight on my future project please chime in. I have searched the internet for some custom made cabinets for craft rooms but have had no real luck.
I am interested too.
I use open shelves for the various containers so I would like to see if there are any cabinet's that are suggested.



hopefully I can get some ideas too.
Tubachick, Wow! you really have the scrapbooking supplies. I envy you. Great use of space. Thanks for posting.


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