creative holiday picture ideas...?


DIS Veteran
Jan 30, 2004
ok...i need to take some pictures for our family holiday cards to be mailed out. does anyone here have any creative ones they've done, or have received one from family/friends that they can share?

i'll year, i had our DSs in the tub, w/santa hats on, and bubble "beard" around their faces. turned out really cute! and everyone loved it. (got the idea from a magazine)'re next... :flower:
How old are they?
A friend the other day was saying they got a card with the kids hanging in overalls from a clothes line. that would be cute for little kids.

How about sitting in gift boxes?

Pictures of the kids with holding Santa's hand and you just see his sleeve and hand.
they are 4 & 7. i like the gift boxes idea. have to go find some BIG boxes...hmmm. and the santa hand idea is really cute too. thanx!

anyone else?? i'd love to hear about them all! :flower:
This year I got wooden letters from AC Moore H and O. I am going to take 3 (although it will be many, many more) and piece in Photoshop my favorite 3 together to spell HO HO HO. I also have 2 kids, age 3 and 6. I hope it turns out. THe letters are on sale this week. Like $1.50 each.

Last year I took a picture of the kids hugging each other and we photoshopped their clothes to be red and green and the background was black and white. I really liked that one. Simple and elegant, but still cute.
I remember some from last year, very simple and beautiful. Take a string of Christmas lights, place around the child (or more strands for children), and be creative -drape around the children too. Turn of all the lights,and use a dark background (like the back of the couch) The reflection of the lights against their faces was great! Then they wrote something like "Hope your Christmas is merry & bright" on them.
thanx everyone, for all your creativity & ideas/suggestions. i love them all. now, i can't wait to go play w/my camera & hopefully, my "models" will cooperate! will let you all know what i end up doing...but if there are still others willing to share, i'd be more than happy to read on! :flower:
Put them in festive pjs and tuck them in bed. Either have them pretend to be asleep - "visisons of sugar plums......" or have them reading "night before Christmas". Or have them hang their stockings on the fireplace and get the picture from behind.

Go to a Christmas tree farm or in to the woods and take a picture of them in with the trees all bundled up with hats, gloves and scarves. I love outdoor pictures.

We usually use a picture with Santa. We go to a great place. They take the prof. picture, but let us take plenty with our camera as well. The last couple years we've managed to get some great shots.
Here is the picture of my "child" :rotfl2: that we put on our Christmas cards, without the Pooh frame though.


Last year we did a photo shoot with each of the little demons. We have 4 cats and it was quite challenging. :rotfl: The pictures from that turned out sooooo cute though. This picture above is actually after we opened up our presents. Smokey crawled into the box. I had my sister grab the antlers and put them on her while I snapped the picture. :)


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