Crazy stories at disney world

:rotfl2::rotfl2::lmao: Here am worried about snakes in ground level rooms , when it is the park wildlife I should leery of. Thank goodness we at BC I was able to change my white capris , with only a few puzzled looks and snickers. The lizzards are the objects of entertainment for my DNs also.
HAHAHA...yes he did but he did not break the skin that was red and green sugar from the sugar cooky.

Oh, my bad! So glad to hear that. It looks like a nasty bite in the photo. :rolleyes: Maybe he just thought you were as sweet as the sugar.
Thanks, everyone :flower3:. I know it was just ignorance and honestly, we were able to laugh about it and now when people stare if the three of us are out my mum says, "Maybe they think Dad has two wives!". Also we will be paying our 15th trip to Florida very soon so it hasn't put us off, we know most people are accepting and don't bat an eyelid in the States! I don't mind being "different" by being mixed race, the world would be a boring place if we were all the same!

On similar subject, in the same trip we went to SeaWorld and saw loads of the polygamous families (the Warren Jeff type ones in their dress and hairstyles) and no one stared at them! Hope I'M not being ignorant in saying that!

I bet Colonel Sanders would have started at them and made a comment if he was there. :thumbsup2
Oh, my bad! So glad to hear that. It looks like a nasty bite in the photo. :rolleyes: Maybe he just thought you were as sweet as the sugar.

Oh I am sweet as surgar most of he time but was sour graping it all the way back to our room to change out of the wine soaked capris.Hahaha :rotfl2: I still think he is acute bunny , and it was probably just a "love" bite . Right beside me DH is trying to hide his amusement over the scene du jour. I will have to post about him and his "good luck " drop from above:scared1::cutie:
I'm loving these stories!! and I've got two of my own,

The last time I was at WDW, we were at AK and it was that time of day, after lunch before dinner (bewitching hour my mom was calling it) and kids were starting to melt down. Me and my mom had started to leave on our way to DHS and this couple was starting to come in, they where probably about 40s but I didn't get a good look. I just hear the woman say to what I presumed to be her DH and said "I wonder what animal is making that noise?" Me and my mom did everything from keeping from laughing because that was for sure no animal it was a little kid crying very loudly!!

The second story has a little to do with a couple stories before and was way embarrassing for me at the time.

We where entering MK from the handicap parking (we meaning me, 3 of my friends (all about 18) and one of my friends dad and mom) and I was walking behind my friend who is fairly tall and all of a sudden she moved to the side. I didn't realized why fast enough and ran straight into one of those four foot poles (which came up to about mid stomach on me). Needless to say it did not feel good at all and everyone was laughing at me for not seeing the big purple pole!!

I just remembered one more. I was with my cheer team at MK and about to go on HM. As we where walking towards the house in the que we had to go through the turnstile. In the rush one of the guys was following just a little too close to the person in front of him and the turnstile did this little spring backwards at him. Well the hight it was at it ended up hitting him in the family jewels and the whole team (including the 2 moms and grandma) where laughing at him and even took a picture. The rest of the trips the boys where very careful walking through turnstiles... haha
Mrs. Homie and I were checking into Pop Century. A young woman was checking us in, confirming our names, length of our stay, our package, etc. Well, a few minutes into the transaction she said "Will you excuse me for just a moment?" I said "sure" and she disappeared into a CM-only area. 20-30 seconds later, another CM comes out, walks up to our cash register, and finishes our transaction. :confused3 We never saw the original girl again the rest of our stay. I guess her shift (and her career, apparently) ended during the middle of our check-in process and she wasn't waiting another minute. :confused3
Another time, waiting for Fantasmic!, Mrs. Homie were sitting there minding our business. There was a British family in front of us (We're American). A little girl of about 7 or 8 :cutie: turns to Mrs. Homie and says, in a thick Cockney accent, " 'ave you 'ad your tea?" Mrs. Homie looked :confused3 . The girl asked again, " 'ave you 'ad your tea?" Mrs. Homie said, politely but sheepishly, "I'm sorry, I don't understand what your asking." Her mom turned around and said, "She's asking if you've had your supper, love."
Mrs. Homie and I were checking into Pop Century. A young woman was checking us in, confirming our names, length of our stay, our package, etc. Well, a few minutes into the transaction she said "Will you excuse me for just a moment?" I said "sure" and she disappeared into a CM-only area. 20-30 seconds later, another CM comes out, walks up to our cash register, and finishes our transaction. :confused3 We never saw the original girl again the rest of our stay. I guess her shift (and her career, apparently) ended during the middle of our check-in process and she wasn't waiting another minute. :confused3

Maybe she became ill? Otherwise, it is quite weird.
This story is hard for me tell, since just thinking about it makes me gag- but here goes....Star Wars weekend- June 2007. We are at HS, it was SUPER hot. One of those days were you were puddling just standing still. We are in line for a cold drink- there is a guy in front of us who was just drenched in sweat. To the point he stunk- not that anyone could help it in that heat and humidity- it just was. His t-shirt is SOAKED in sweat- you get my picture? His kid- maybe 10 or 11 comes running up- puts his head UNDER dads t-shirt and starts blowing raspberries on dads rather LARGE sweaty belly. And the whole family is cracking up at this! My poor son almost lost his breakfast. He was horrified! :ccat:
This was back in um...97 I believe? We were in world showcase (forget which country). There was an Asian male lying on the ground screaming "HELP ME! PLEASE! SOMEBODY HELP ME!" With a rather chubby guy (with his belly hanging out :laughing:) lying on top of him and a Disney security guy holding him down. A gift shop cast member was standing beside the with a hat and talking on his radio. Apparently, this guy attempted to steal a sailor hat (yes, a sailor hat!) from the adjacent gift shop and was caught. So many people standing around staring. Yes, my father videotaped this for a good 5 minutes before we walked off. :lmao:
This was back in um...97 I believe? We were in world showcase (forget which country). There was an Asian male lying on the ground screaming "HELP ME! PLEASE! SOMEBODY HELP ME!" With a rather chubby guy (with his belly hanging out :laughing:) lying on top of him and a Disney security guy holding him down. A gift shop cast member was standing beside the with a hat and talking on his radio. Apparently, this guy attempted to steal a sailor hat (yes, a sailor hat!) from the adjacent gift shop and was caught. So many people standing around staring. Yes, my father videotaped this for a good 5 minutes before we walked off. :lmao:

That made me think of last summer I saw a plain-clothed security guy doing his job in the MK candy shop - he was wearing khaki shorts, flip-flops, yellow polo, sunglasses - but was talking into his watch giving a physical description of these kids that had just stole something - I assume he was communicating to someone at the front gates to get them, but it was really cool and made me think, wow, you really don't know all the ways Disney is watching you!!
That made me think of last summer I saw a plain-clothed security guy doing his job in the MK candy shop - he was wearing khaki shorts, flip-flops, yellow polo, sunglasses - but was talking into his watch giving a physical description of these kids that had just stole something - I assume he was communicating to someone at the front gates to get them, but it was really cool and made me think, wow, you really don't know all the ways Disney is watching you!!

Yeah I've heard they have ALOT of security guys in plain clothes. I remember a post from a woman who had lost her child and she thought the person helping her was just a kind stranger...but turns out he was a security guard the whole time! Makes me feel a little safer knowing that they are out there. :goodvibes
DH and I were there in December. It was a Saturday at Hollywood Studios and there was an almost 2 hour wait for Toy Story Mania.:scared1: We had gotten a fastpass for Toy Story Mania and were at the point in line where fastpass and standby start to merge. There was a lot of yelling like there was a fight going on in the standby line. All of a sudden, these three guys that got out of the line and started confronting the castmember at the fastpass entrance. They got in her face and starting yelling at her about how they had been in line for over an hour and were mad that so many people with fastpasses were allowed to go ahead of them. The castmember remained calm and asked them to please calm down, this seemed to make them angrier and started cursing at that poor girl,for a moment, we thought they were going to hit her (DH was ready to jump over the rail to save her). By this time, she hit the "secret" button to page the ride manager. The manager comes over and tries to escort them off the ride and out of the park, they didn't like it that the manager wouldn't let them out the fire exit! Finally, the manager gets them out of there. That probably got more applause than a showing of Fantasmic.:rotfl2:

The only thing I could think of is if these guys had families with them! How are you going to explain to your family that you got kicked out of the park. Talk about magical moment!

Only at the Happiest Place on Earth!:wizard:
Back in 2005. My DH and were on our way to Splash Mountain, and outside a gentleman asked us if we wanted his 2 fastpasses. ummm...yeah. Thank You, so we go get in line and the next thing we know a little girl is coming up to us, probably around 6 or 7 and said that her dad told her she has to ride with us. what? so the father didn't want to go on the ride, so he pawned off his tickets because he and his wife didn't want to go but the daughter did. we though she was just hanging out by us. so we get up to load the boat and she starts crying because she doesn't want to ride by herself and her dad said to ride with us, so she sat inbetween DH and I. She was from England and was so cute and very happy throughout the ride.

We thought it was so strange, I mean how can someone be that trusting, you know, we are good people but there are crazies out there.

The funniest part was when we got off the ride she walked with us, her parents were waiting for her and when we got by the photo place, they were looking at the picture...and were up at the counter. THEY BOUGHT THE PICTURE!

I couldn't believe it.

Believe it or not, I can top this one! I sat down on a bench on Main Street, waiting for the parade. I was early, being the first one in my group there, saving spots on a shaded bench. A woman walks up with her daughter and asks to join me. I explained I would have family joining me shortly, but that they were more than welcome to sit down.

We talk for about 5 min. or so and her daughter says she is hungry and thirsty. The mother says, "Annie, you stay here with the nice lady and I'll go get us something to eat.""

At this point she gets up and walks off, leaving her daughter (6) with me.:scared1: I was calling out to her Mother, but she just kept walking. She was shortly engulfed into the waiting crowd.

This woman did not return for close to a 1/2 hour.:confused3 My kids had shown up to meet me, and were as shocked as I was that this child had been left with me.

The lady comes back, doesn't say a word to me, hands her daughter a coke and says "come on." Bizarre and dangerous!! I really wondered if she was ever going to come back, or if it was truly even her daughter.

So this one time I ran into a group of blind brazillians wearing fanny packs. They were all pooh sized men and the were kissing each other. They all had dogs, ecv's and wheelchairs and wanted to cut the line. Oh and I think they may have also been rednecks.

Loved your post and this was hilarious. Too bad the point had to be made.

In addition to our Disney Collection, Judy and I had built up a fairly large Flamingo collection. One year we were visiting Discovery Island and saw this most fantastic flamingo hat for sale, so we bought it.

When we got to the Flamingo Pond I asked Judy to stand near the side of the walkway and put on the hat, so I could take a picture of her with the flamingos.

Almost immediately after she put on the hat, all the flamingos ducked their heads. Judy felt that she had managed to embarrass the entire flock.


Later on we found out that flamingos will post four sentries to warn them of any problems. Judy was at a location where she was considered a sentry, so the flock felt that it was safe for them to all go to sleep. So Judy is the only person I know of who ever was officially considered a flamingo by the members of a flock. (You can see another "sentry" in the center standing in back.)


:banana::banana::banana: WEll DONE, Aunt Jane:cool1::cool1::banana::banana:


When I was a kid we lived near Disney and had season passes. We would often go just for the evening parade/shows. We were the family who would find the perfect spot 90 mins early or more. Without fail people would always push their way in- usually adults getting right in front of the kids. :confused3 My brother has always been very gassy. My sisters and I hated this on long car rides, but didn't mind so much at Disney. Quite often his aroma was so bad that the people that had pushed their way in front of us would move away holding their noses and gagging. ;) Taking my own family as an adult, watching Illumniations isn't quite the same. :goodvibes

:lmao::goodvibes Some of the worst family memories can turn out to be the best!!


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