Crazy stories at disney world

A few years ago, I took three friends from work.

They teased me all week about how much of a Disney fanatic I am and wouldn't it be cool if I worked there when I retired.

On the last day, we were sitting on the curb waiting for the parade to start on Main Street. One of the CM's that gets you in the parade mood was walking around greeting everyone and she stopped to say hello. She was dressed in this beautiful victorian costume and had this really bubbly personality.

My friend turned to me and said this is it, you should do this job when you retire..... you are always so upbeat and funny. The CM turned to me and said, "Sister, there's room for only of us in this one horse town." I laughed and said, "No really, I would love to do what you do." She leaned down and whispered, "No really, I just finally worked my way up to this job and I am not giving it up!"
One Crazy...

On the last day of our Dec09 trip I took DH to POFQ to get his first Beniegt. While filling up our drinks at the fountain we overheard the strangest conversation between a mother and her 12-14 yr old son. The mother was very sternly telling her son "...I don't care how full you are, we ARE getting ice cream" The son replied " I am too full and my stomach hurts" Then the mother said "tough, should have thought about it before you finished your food- I wan't Ice cream, so you are getting icecream end of discussion" . :confused3 I know that WDW is a special place where normal everyday rules do not apply. But it was so wierd to hear a child get in trouble for not wanting dessert. DH & I both grew up in "if you don' teat all of your veggies..." houses. So we both locked eyes and once we were out of ear shot DH who never seems to be phased by anything say's "well, thats the first time I have ever heard that argument, this place is like Bizzaro world"

One scary...

A few Solo trips ago, I was coming out of the womens bathroom by TOT and a nice lady standing by a stroller called me over and said "is this your baby?"
:eek: I said no and she explained she just walked up and found a baby in an unattended stroller!!! She had asked everyone around and was a little nervous standing too close to the stroller- she didn't want someone thinking she was taking their child. She had called over a CM and by this time Disney security showed up and took over as the Security gaurd was calling it in a gentlman ran up and said it was his child, that they were on a ride and their older kid was supposed to be watching him- but apparently had left the baby unattended to stand in line for something (food or fp's can't remember) anyway they were escorted off stage and I am sure had to jump through many hoops to prove it was their child. I couldn't help but feel a little sorry for the parents if it was the older child who walked away. But boy did they get lucky that it was a kind stranger that found the baby and informed a CM about the situation, and not someone with less than honorable intentions. :scared:
I have 2 sisters, 10 and 11 years younger than me so I have had stroller gaurd duty on more occasions than I care to remmenber. I shudder to think what my parents would have done to me had I wandered away :scared1: Let's just say the nieghbors wouldn't have seen me for quite some time.
I have a crazy story a few years ago my family and I went to WDW(mom, dad, me, little sister) My little sister and I are very competitive. we were racing to our room and we were tye so we were struggling to see who could get there key in the door first. she had to go to the bathroom very bad and we were laughing uncontrollably and she peed her pants right in front of the room :) It was so funny.....never expected that to happen :lmao:
I have a few...but a feel good one is when we had my dd then maybe 4 yrs old in Epcot. We were in world showcase strolling along when we came across a rotund man with a long white beard with a red shirt and suspenders, well, Becky just kind of froze in place for what seemed like an eternity. The man smiled down at her, handed her a card without a word and strolled away. The card said "you hav just met the real Santa Claus". So, I said, "well, I guess Santa liks to vacation in Disney World too!"

I just started reading this thread but that was the most amazing, magical story I think I've ever heard. So cool :cloud9:
About 3 years ago I was on a trip with my family (mom dad and sister). We were in EPCOT one afternoon and on Test Track. The ride was pretty slow to start and finally stopped when we were outside on the loop. We sat there for about 10 minutes when the ride picked up speed and finally finished. When we got to the end of the ride we asked the CM if we could ride again since it broke down. He said yes and we continued again on the ride for the second time. This time the ride broke down right before the barrier test. We sat at the barrier test for another 5 minutes. The lights came back up and we sped towards the barrier. Everyone in the car had the same reaction and facial expression wondering if the barrier was going to open :scared1 The barrier did open on cue and the ride finished. Lets just say that was enough thrill for one day and we did not ride for a third time. :earsboy:
About 3 years ago I was on a trip with my family (mom dad and sister). We were in EPCOT one afternoon and on Test Track. The ride was pretty slow to start and finally stopped when we were outside on the loop. We sat there for about 10 minutes when the ride picked up speed and finally finished. When we got to the end of the ride we asked the CM if we could ride again since it broke down. He said yes and we continued again on the ride for the second time. This time the ride broke down right before the barrier test. We sat at the barrier test for another 5 minutes. The lights came back up and we sped towards the barrier. Everyone in the car had the same reaction and facial expression wondering if the barrier was going to open :scared1: The barrier did open on cue and the ride finished. Lets just say that was enough thrill for one day and we did not ride for a third time. :earsboy:
This one is more of an "embarassing moment" than anything else...

We were last in Disney in 2007 and I had a 4 year old DS. Now, you have to know that we live in a somewhat rural area. DS at age 4 was only about a year out of potty training and still in the "you gotta go, when you gotta go" stage.

So we are strolling through Epcot with our other two children and my Aunt and her family when, "he's gotta go". So, just like when at home, he looks for the largest form of vegetation. We are in Epcot, on the main drag in WS, and my DS drops his pants (all the way to the ankles, cause that's how you roll when you're 4). I was mortified!!! I was a few steps away and not in time to stop him. DH thought it was, not acceptable, but normal, and didn't try to stop him. Someone walking past actually commented on the "cuteness of his bum"..... Ugh, talk about feeling you are the redneck Mama from H***.

But, on the bus "home" that evening, both DS4 and DS7 watched their father stand up and give his seat to a woman and child. And both DS's proceeded to do the same... even my little 4 yr old. Well..... Maybe redneck values aren't so out of style.
Wow these stories are just amazing to hear! Very funny too! I hope when I go to WDW for the first time in Jan 2014 I get to share a funny/crazy or Scary story!
I don't think I have any weird or outrageous stories to tell... lol I mean, I think the only ones I have took place at Universal... I'm trying to think of a good WDW one... XD Hmm... Oh yeah!!! HOW did I forget THIS one?!?!?!


Well, we went to WDW for my birthday for my first time when I was 9. It was the first and last time I ever got to go on one of their animation tours, and they were putting the finishing touches on Lilo & Stitch. I went in not even knowing, of course, who Lilo and Stitch were, and came out IN LOVE WITH THEM. I couldn't WAIT for the movie to be released. At my school, I was the MOST excited kid for Lilo & Stitch. Well, we saw the movie, LOVED it, and bought it as soon as it was released on VHS. For the next two years, I watched it over and over, learning even the Hawaiian lyrics without even looking them up, got the soundtrack, got a Lilo doll that came with Scrump and a gym bag that included a hair brush and her hula stuff, and secretly became the animated series' biggest fangirl (that's a different story that I don't tell to too many people because they'll just think I'm crazy and making it up). Well, for my 12th birthday, my mom decided to take me to WDW and Universal again. I was SO excited!

So, here comes the main part of my story. We were in the Magic Kingdom, at one of the gift shops, and they were selling something I just HAD to have and even now that I'm 20, I have never parted with it- an adorable plush Stitch backpack! But it got EVEN BETTER. As we left the shop, we bumped right into Lilo and Stitch! I RAN to go get a photo with them, with my Stitch backpack already packed and on my back! I was posing with them for the camera when I felt a slight tug on my backpack, and I automatically went into Stitch-Defense mode because I thought someone was trying to steal it from me. Nope! Turns out, Stitch got curious and started examining my backpack! XD

Soo... That's probably the most magical moment I ever had at WDW. I mean, nothing could beat being messed with by your very favorite Disney character.
One time we were riding on a fairly empty bus in the afternoon. There were two kids crawling under the seats and grabbing our legs and the parents weren't paying any attention to them. Well, for some reason the bus driver had to slam on the brakes and narrowly avoided an accident. The kids who weren't in their seats hit their heads and were pretty frightened and the parents started cussing out the poor bus driver who was obviously pretty shaken up from almost wrecking. Luckily some other people on the bus stood up for the bus driver and let them know that if they had been paying attention to their children in the first place it would have been better. We were sure to thank our bus driver and cheer him up on the way off the bus.
Also, I'll tell a good crazy story before telling my other crazy story. In 2007 at Disneyland my friend and I got to the park at opening and went and rode the Pinocchio ride and ended up getting Dream FastPasses at the exit! Then in 2008 I went to Disney World with a different friend (her first time there) and our first park was Magic Kingdom. I wanted to ride the magic carpets first (I love them for some reason) but she didn't want that to be her first ride, so we did POTC and then went on the magic carpets. And we ended up getting Dream FastPasses at the exit of that ride! It feels pretty crazy to have gotten Dream FastPasses at Disneyland and Disney World!

So this story is really gross, and I wasn't there for it, but my friends told me. Two of my friends went to Disney World for a dance competition, and they were in line for Space Mountain when one of them decided she had to change her feminine product right there and couldn't wait to get off the ride. So she changed it there in the queue for Space Mountain.:sad2: I was so repulsed by that story and I have no idea what she did with the used one... Sorry for grossing anyone out, but it is pretty crazy!


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