CP confirmation numbers?


Mar 3, 2004
Thanks to another Dis member, I was able to switch my original CP for the time that I really wanted, but here is my question.. when I called to do this, they gave me 2 confirmation numbers this time.. a number for my dining and a number for my CP tickets? Did anyone else get 2 numbers? I guess I am just wondering if this CM did it correctly , as when he did it, he was having trouble with his computer and he had to actually call Dining to get help... do you think I need to be concerned????

Ive only got one number. Now Im worried that I should have 2! I was told I have to pick up my tickets at guest services on the day with this number.

I seem to remember last year, when I booked a FDP I had 2 numbers and everyone else had one. Found out later that the CM had given me a Disney's "office use only" number by mistake. Maybe this is what you have for your CP?
You get two confirmation numbers. One is your confirmation number for the actual CP and the other confirmation number is for the restaurant reservations. If you did not get two numbers, you may want to call back and verify.
Thanks for the quick replies.. I guess I am just worrying too much.. just don't want to get there and not have the right thing!

Do I need to call to confirm this closer to my trip?
Ok, to clarify...apparantly this debate was had on the UK board recently, and the upshot was, some CMs link the numbers, so you only get one. Others will give you two seperate numbers. Either is fine and acceptable.

THANK YOU Miffy2003 for the clarification!!

Hope that helps.

I made my reservation about a week after they came out. I only got 1 number. I questioned the cm and she said the numbers were cross referenced in the system, so I only needed 1.


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