Covid Curious

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In comparison: the first time I had it was before they realized anyone that hadn't been to China could get it in 2020 and the doctor didn't know what to do with me (there were no tests really). I had 4 days of 103.8 degree fevers, I could barely move, could barely breathe, felt like my muscles were trying to break my bones, and my 5 year old asked me nervously one morning if I was going to die. And I felt like that was a real possibility. It took me MONTHS to recover. I lost 20 pounds (don't worry I gained it right back ;) )
OMG. I am so sorry for what you have/had to go through. I would have cried when your 5 year old asked that question.
So glad you are getting better even tho very slowly.
Know that a complete stranger(Me) is thinking of you.
We have been May 2021, July 2021, March 2022, April 2022, and all 3 of us have been negative (we wear masks indoors but did indoor dine in April). We were there last week May 17-20 and wore KN95s in all indoor areas and no indoor dining. We drove. I developed a headache and slightly dry throat 5/21and tested positive on a rapid 5/22. DH tested positive 5/25 and received bebtelovimab infusion today (he can’t take paxlovid due to his heart medications). DD is still testing negative. I had the equivalent of a bad head cold and really tired for 3 days, DH had more aches/headache.
I have visited WDW 7 times during the Covid era — between September 2020 and March 2022. All trips were 4-6 nights long, sometimes solo and sometimes with family. We always flew, stayed in Disney resorts, and visited the parks every day. We masked and socially distanced as required, and took part in indoor dining. My mask of choice is a KN95. Everyone was vaxxed and boosted as available.

Luckily, in all those trips none of us has ever tested positive for Covid. In March I did catch a nasty cold, which three tests said was not Covid.

That said, it is surely a matter of luck, and we always go knowing that contracting Covid is a real possibility. I believe it is only a matter of time before one of us does catch it somewhere. Hope all who are experiencing Covid recover quickly!
We are FL residents and have been going to Disney multiple times throughout COVID. We've never gotten COVID from the parks but I know plenty of people who have. It's just so dependent on so many factors. OP - I saw that you said your family flew... I don't think that helps!
we went May, 2022. five days, we all wore masks indoors except indoor dining and stayed on property. we did not wear it on the skyliner if we were alone in one. 3 days after returning my daughter, adult, got covid. i feel confident to say it was from the airplane because while we were masked (surgical), my daughter did not sit next to us, but the 3 of us were in a row and not her. she sat with others who were not masked, most of the plane wasn't masked and the man near her was ill with god knows what. so while i doubt it was from wdw, i feel strongly it was from the airplane coming back. so those things matter too, even though we were masked at disney and plane, most were not. we did not remove masks on plane for drinking or eating either.
we went May, 2022. five days, we all wore masks indoors except indoor dining and stayed on property. we did not wear it on the skyliner if we were alone in one. 3 days after returning my daughter, adult, got covid. i feel confident to say it was from the airplane because while we were masked (surgical), my daughter did not sit next to us, but the 3 of us were in a row and not her. she sat with others who were not masked, most of the plane wasn't masked and the man near her was ill with god knows what. so while i doubt it was from wdw, i feel strongly it was from the airplane coming back. so those things matter too, even though we were masked at disney and plane, most were not. we did not remove masks on plane for drinking or eating either.
I swear it is always the plane coming home that it (and other bugs) get spread. For our last trip (May 22)we were fine but there was a very clearly very sick family on our returning flight, and my son came down with a bad respiratory virus (not Covid) that we all ended up catching. My husband caught delta after our trip in October 21. The plane coming home was full of people coughing terribly and the couple coughing in the row behind us had very bloodshot eyes as well. He started feeling sick about three nights later and tested positive for Covid the next morning. I feel very thankful that of my three trips over the last two years I’ve never caught Covid. Hoping my luck holds for our next trip in 13 days. Now I know that I need to be especially vigilant on the plane.
I swear it is always the plane coming home that it (and other bugs) get spread. For our last trip (May 22)we were fine but there was a very clearly very sick family on our returning flight, and my son came down with a bad respiratory virus (not Covid) that we all ended up catching. My husband caught delta after our trip in October 21. The plane coming home was full of people coughing terribly and the couple coughing in the row behind us had very bloodshot eyes as well. He started feeling sick about three nights later and tested positive for Covid the next morning. I feel very thankful that of my three trips over the last two years I’ve never caught Covid. Hoping my luck holds for our next trip in 13 days. Now I know that I need to be especially vigilant on the plane.
we were happy though that this was our return flight and she got to rest in her bed at home and not in a hotel room.
I swear it is always the plane coming home that it (and other bugs) get spread. For our last trip (May 22)we were fine but there was a very clearly very sick family on our returning flight, and my son came down with a bad respiratory virus (not Covid) that we all ended up catching. My husband caught delta after our trip in October 21. The plane coming home was full of people coughing terribly and the couple coughing in the row behind us had very bloodshot eyes as well. He started feeling sick about three nights later and tested positive for Covid the next morning. I feel very thankful that of my three trips over the last two years I’ve never caught Covid. Hoping my luck holds for our next trip in 13 days. Now I know that I need to be especially vigilant on the plane.
We had two very sick couples on our April flight coming home. We flew Southwest so sat as far away as possible and kept our masks on the whole time. One of the men who was sick was wearing a mask but took it down every time to cough into his hand or wipe his nose with his fingers...gross! I got a really bad cold and fever three days later after that trip but tested negative three times. I wasn't so lucky after our May trip and tested positive two days after flying home. For our next trip we're going to drive so that's one less airplane trip.
We had two very sick couples on our April flight coming home. We flew Southwest so sat as far away as possible and kept our masks on the whole time. One of the men who was sick was wearing a mask but took it down every time to cough into his hand or wipe his nose with his fingers...gross! I got a really bad cold and fever three days later after that trip but tested negative three times. I wasn't so lucky after our May trip and tested positive two days after flying home. For our next trip we're going to drive so that's one less airplane trip.
I was thinking next time we should double mask on the flight. or wear the kn94 ones, etc. one surgical one didn't do enuf for my daughter.
I was thinking next time we should double mask on the flight. or wear the kn94 ones, etc. one surgical one didn't do enuf for my daughter.
Surgical masks such that many of us were wearing for quite a while (and cloths masks) are not advised and haven't been for a long time. For a while it's been N95 or equivalent. We wore KF94 masks. Regardless the fit should be tight enough on the face. I know without a doubt there was a substantial difference when I switched over from the surgical masks I had been wearing to KF94 ones, much tighter less air leaks.

You may also check if any of the places around you that qualify for free masks have them. While we didn't bring them because they were not travel compatible we had gone just before our trip to Walgreens near us that qualified and they gave us N95 masks but the ones they gave us have a plastic cage around it completely (thus they were not easy to travel with) but having tried one on they were also tight fitting.

If wearing KN95/KF94 double masking is not advised. N95 you could double mask if you felt like it.
I swear it is always the plane coming home that it (and other bugs) get spread. For our last trip (May 22)we were fine but there was a very clearly very sick family on our returning flight, and my son came down with a bad respiratory virus (not Covid) that we all ended up catching. My husband caught delta after our trip in October 21. The plane coming home was full of people coughing terribly and the couple coughing in the row behind us had very bloodshot eyes as well. He started feeling sick about three nights later and tested positive for Covid the next morning. I feel very thankful that of my three trips over the last two years I’ve never caught Covid. Hoping my luck holds for our next trip in 13 days. Now I know that I need to be especially vigilant on the plane.u
To everyone out there , be aware that you can test negative with the Rapid Test ,2 but still be positive . My 9 yr granddaughter came home with 101 fever on a Friday after school. My daughter took her to Urgent Care . Tested for Covid , Strep and Flu. She tested negative for all 3 . The PCR test would be back in 7 days. My daughter who is a pediatric nurse , took her to her pediatrician the next day , where she tested Positive on the PCR test right there. If my daughter had gone on the fact that the Rapid test at Urgent Care was negative and had sent her to school the following Monday , look how many kids she could have infected while at lunch. My granddaughter only felt bad for 2 days , then felt back to normal. She had actually been homeschool for the first 1 1/2 years when the epidemic started. This semester when she was back , she work a mask and only took it off at lunchtime. We're very thankful that her case was mild . By the way , the CPC test from Urgent Care came back Positive. It was 7 days after it was taken just like they said .
I've managed two Disney Trips (WDW last Nov when it was still heavily masked and Jan in DLR when it was moderatly masked) with out catching anything. I've also been in DC and LA in May with out catching anything. I masked when indoors, ate outside or in my room and all trips were done on airplanes in KN95s. I plan to keep being sensible.

However my boss just got back from San Antonio on Tuesday and tested positive Thursday. In early May a coworker went to a wedding in New Mexico and two days later tested postitive and two days after that her husband also tested postitive. So it's still out there.

Luckily the current strains are milder and with so many vaxxinated those who do get it are also getting lighter cases.

I plan on still being careful for the forseeable future.

I hope everyone recovers soon and everyone else stays safe.
To everyone out there , be aware that you can test negative with the Rapid Test ,2 but still be positive . My 9 yr granddaughter came home with 101 fever on a Friday after school. My daughter took her to Urgent Care . Tested for Covid , Strep and Flu. She tested negative for all 3 . The PCR test would be back in 7 days. My daughter who is a pediatric nurse , took her to her pediatrician the next day , where she tested Positive on the PCR test right there. If my daughter had gone on the fact that the Rapid test at Urgent Care was negative and had sent her to school the following Monday , look how many kids she could have infected while at lunch. My granddaughter only felt bad for 2 days , then felt back to normal. She had actually been homeschool for the first 1 1/2 years when the epidemic started. This semester when she was back , she work a mask and only took it off at lunchtime. We're very thankful that her case was mild . By the way , the CPC test from Urgent Care came back Positive. It was 7 days after it was taken just like they said .
I meant PCR test.
We've been to Disneyland 4 times and not gotten sick, but I'm fully expecting to on our DW trip this month. We plan on masking, but I don't know if my teenagers will end up feeling too self conscious with no one else wearing them.

I know a family who was at DW a couple weeks ago and they all got Covid while there. They said that they kept going to the parks sick and dining indoors, flew home with no masks, because the trip was expensive and they didnt want to waste it. I imagine a lot of people are doing the same.
We've been to Disneyland 4 times and not gotten sick, but I'm fully expecting to on our DW trip this month. We plan on masking, but I don't know if my teenagers will end up feeling too self conscious with no one else wearing them.

I know a family who was at DW a couple weeks ago and they all got Covid while there. They said that they kept going to the parks sick and dining indoors, flew home with no masks, because the trip was expensive and they didnt want to waste it. I imagine a lot of people are doing the same.
Well, at least you know now that those people have NO morals. Hopefully, you can avoid them, I sure would.
We've been to Disneyland 4 times and not gotten sick, but I'm fully expecting to on our DW trip this month. We plan on masking, but I don't know if my teenagers will end up feeling too self conscious with no one else wearing them.

I know a family who was at DW a couple weeks ago and they all got Covid while there. They said that they kept going to the parks sick and dining indoors, flew home with no masks, because the trip was expensive and they didnt want to waste it. I imagine a lot of people are doing the same.
Oh wow! They could have at least worn a mask! i ended up getting covid 2 weeks ago from WDW and we cut our trip short a day. We drove so luckily didn’t fly, but I did have to use bathrooms on the way home during the 10 hr car trip, and I felt weird/ guilty even doing that. I wore a KN95 and moved as fast as possible.
what is still so challenging for people is that if you go on vacation it's your vacation time from work, then if you get covid and you in-person worker, you now need five more days home recovering adding onto your sick days or not getting paid. in addition, once you actually return, it's so hard to get back into work mode because you were on vacation mode then sick in bed mode . it's a long haul and makes life difficult.
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