Covid And The Rest of Us

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At this point in Alberta at least and perhaps the rest of Canada too, nobody can say anymore where the transmissions are coming from. Our Provincial health authorities have bluntly stated that effective contact tracing is has become simply impossible with hundreds of new cases being diagnosed every day. The only sure ones are those linked to easily identifiable sources like hospitals and senior’s care facilities. They’ve all but stopped providing any meaningful data on who is being diagnosed demographically and only publish raw numbers. Our hospitalization and ICU reporting is similar but today, after a long while I did read a break-down of the most recent 27 deaths, which occurred over the past 5 days. The deceased ranged in age from late 60’s to over 100 and all but 4 were connected to medical or care facilities.

At this point the assumption is nebulous community spread but no one can say for sure. Cases are rampant in our K-12 schools; 147 separate facilities are currently reporting some form of outbreak. Schools are not closing, nor is anything much really, even though we had what was supposed to be "drastic restrictions" announced last week. Both the Chief Medical Officer and the Premier admit we just now taking shots in the dark and more stringent restrictions will have to follow if things don't turn around. Whatever that may mean. :worried:
I think the high case count depends on the region. Here in Ontario our numbers have been rising but they are mainly in Toronto, Peel and York. Where I live the region's around me have low case numbers. They really need to look into why the GTA is having issues with rising cases compared the rest of Ontario. I know they have high population. Its only 5 times more then Niagara but they have almost 30 times more cases.
@bavaria ‘a last post was on October 15, and it sounded a little ominous, truthfully. Hopefully she’s just taking a break from the boards. If she’s reading, though, we hope you are doing ok and we miss you!! 💐

Well, let me reply to that and say that my life is not good right now. It's every word I cannot use on this site. A year ago I was living for what many people was a dream life (with of course the usual troubles which I don't share with most people, even in real life, but it was a very good life).

Now go look at the list of the top most stressful life events, and I probably can tick off every single one. I don't share much publicly (or even privately) but I can say with certainty that this is one of the very worst years of my life, despite doing everything I can to make things better. I had to make several sudden decisions with none of us having any idea of the future, and every day I regret decisions I made weeks or months ago.

Then to come here and read from people who have not had very much impact on their jobs, their relationships, their housing, etc and to be judged or told to 'behave' is incredibly frustrating. I've tried to explain how many/most people are not doing well globally, and while I fall into that group, I know that I am still far, far better off than most of the group of us who are so devastatingly impacted by the reaction to the pandemic.

I'm tired of replying to people who cannot seem to envision losing a career/job, a home, having a terminal illness and not being able to get access to the proper care, losing family, and not being able to be with loved ones because of the global situation, and not seeing any hope on the horizon of things improving any time soon. And it's not just me, so many of us are dealing with this because we didn't have the 'normal' lives so many of you are blessed to have.

I know that I can just use the 'ignore' feature but I've never done that in my decades of reading here. I would hope that by now people can be a bit more empathetic and less judgmental and understand that not everyone can live right now the way they want them to live.

I am not looking for sympathy, and I know that I am still much better off than millions, but right now life is not good, and there is very little on the horizon that makes me think that it will be better anytime soon. (And that depends on how much life is left, because for some of us it may not be that long) But I'm not prepared to just sit inside and wait.
If you click her name, it says she last logged on yesterday, so while not here on this thread, she is around.
Good Morning and blessings on your day. :flower3: How are you and how is Honduras? Between the US election, exploding Covid everywhere and announcements about the vaccine, your experience with the hurricane has been completely eclipsed in our news. I’ve looked and looked to see if Samaritan’s Purse or the Salvation Army were sending ground teams so I could donate but found nothing. Please do let me know if there are local agencies you feel are being particularly effective.

Regarding the vaccine, it’s sobering to try and take a step back from all the discussions here in the developed world that predicate themselves on the sure assumption that “we” will have access at the first possible moment. Where does that leave the rest of the world? What is the news where you are? Interestingly, Covid rates in the second and third worlds are actually reporting quite a bit lower than developed nations but it would appear that's been achieved by draconian measures and the human toll must be incalculable. :sad1:
@bavaria I hope you are well. I sure miss your very honest thoughtful input here.
Absolutely! Unique regional perspectives is what this thread is all about and everyone that contributes has expanded the understanding and ideas of us all. Rejoin us whenever you’re ready @bavaria and I just want to thank everybody else that has or will give us their window on the world. :thanks:
Good Morning and blessings on your day. :flower3: How are you and how is Honduras? Between the US election, exploding Covid everywhere and announcements about the vaccine, your experience with the hurricane has been completely eclipsed in our news. I’ve looked and looked to see if Samaritan’s Purse or the Salvation Army were sending ground teams so I could donate but found nothing. Please do let me know if there are local agencies you feel are being particularly effective.
Well we are well as we were not directly hit by either Eta or Iota, but while praising God we are untouched, my heart is grieving at the devastation. Two major hurricanes in two weeks is, there really are no words. Hundreds of thousands of homes have been destroyed. Whole cities and regions throughout Honduras are flooded and damaged and cut off from food and supplies. More than three million people affected. That is 1 in 3 Hondurans. Not neighborhoods. Whole cities all around the country completely flooded. To the north, the south, the east, the west. Landslides everywhere. Bridges and roads out. On a scale of 1 to 10 it's a 12. How does one even begin to plan recovery for this? I know so many who are serving, literally shoveling mud out of homes, feeding and and loving on people. It is the bright light in this dark mess. Here are two but I could list 30 easily Stay small, the photos coming if of warehouses of donated food and supplies lost and not given to those who it was intended to help are rage inducing. It means smaller is better for the same day relief needed.
How have businesses like restaurants doing for people in the thread?
In my town, I don't believe we've lost any restaurants. But I do know that some in a neighboring city have closed. Some chains appear to have closed, or not re-opened, locations -- whether that is temporary or permanent I'm not sure. We've had take-out allowed since last spring, and in-person dining since the summer. Many restaurants are concerned though now that winter is here and outdoor seating will be lost. Plus as of a week ago we are not allowed to "socialize" with anyone outside our household, and that includes dining. Your own household can go out for dinner, but no lunches with co-workers or coffee shops with a friend, etc.
In my town, I don't believe we've lost any restaurants. But I do know that some in a neighboring city have closed. Some chains appear to have closed, or not re-opened, locations -- whether that is temporary or permanent I'm not sure. We've had take-out allowed since last spring, and in-person dining since the summer. Many restaurants are concerned though now that winter is here and outdoor seating will be lost. Plus as of a week ago we are not allowed to "socialize" with anyone outside our household, and that includes dining. Your own household can go out for dinner, but no lunches with co-workers or coffee shops with a friend, etc.
I know at least some places were trying to get heaters if they didn't already have them to at least extend the outdoor season a wee bit longer but from last I heard there was a difficulty in obtaining them.

There actually was one place in my metro (we've never eaten there) that decided they would close down for the winter entirely rather than try to stay open during this mess. That is the first and only place I've heard of around here to do that.

I hope those places you saw that closed and haven't reopened are just temporary closures :flower3:
How have businesses like restaurants doing for people in the thread?

In Ireland bars that do not serve food have been closed since March. The Vintners Association has been putting pressure on The Irish Government that when Level 5 restrictions are lifted on 1 December, that these bars are allowed to open. They have been getting money from the Government but many may not survive into 2021.

We did have indoor dining for a while but now we are back to delivery or collection only. The weather is not good enough for outdoor dining. Again if a resturant can not do take out they have to close.

Our 6 week lockdown ends on December 1 and the government will announce what restrictions we will have in December.

There is huge public support to get everything open but our Chief Medical Officer and our Government are very much against reopening's. Our numbers were over 1000 new cases per day and reduced down to approx 500 per day and has now plateaued. The CMO is not happy with the plateau and has said that the Irish people have got too complacent and taken their foot off the pedal. He wants to reduce to 100 new cases per day.

The small bars, cafes and restaurants are suffering hugely and 2021 will see many closed for good. At this stage they are hanging on to see what happens in December but I'm sure many will make the decision about 2021 at the end of December.
Well we are well as we were not directly hit by either Eta or Iota, but while praising God we are untouched, my heart is grieving at the devastation. Two major hurricanes in two weeks is, there really are no words. Hundreds of thousands of homes have been destroyed. Whole cities and regions throughout Honduras are flooded and damaged and cut off from food and supplies. More than three million people affected. That is 1 in 3 Hondurans. Not neighborhoods. Whole cities all around the country completely flooded. To the north, the south, the east, the west. Landslides everywhere. Bridges and roads out. On a scale of 1 to 10 it's a 12. How does one even begin to plan recovery for this? I know so many who are serving, literally shoveling mud out of homes, feeding and and loving on people. It is the bright light in this dark mess. Here are two but I could list 30 easily Stay small, the photos coming if of warehouses of donated food and supplies lost and not given to those who it was intended to help are rage inducing. It means smaller is better for the same day relief needed.
That is just so sad :( this year just isn't letting up is it?
Hello everyone. I think often of @bavaria , I send a lot of love. I am glad to see you posting @MommyinHonduras , as I saw the second hurricane and was really concerned. ❤️.
I am going to be very honest, I am struggling mentally. The holidays are coming, normally we leave (escape), and with the closures of the husband has now seen how much I’m struggling, and we may end up flying somewhere, I’m not sure at this point, we are just in discussion mode. I don’t want sympathy, I’m just being transparent.

Restaurants here in red zones have been closed since Oct 1- indoor dining, I think they were only opened for that at some point in July ? Our provincial gov started this, and yesterday announced an extension until at least JAN 11 We had a press conference that also announced schools would close Dec 17 or 18, so we would be “allowed“ to hold 10 people gatherings Dec 24, 25, 26, 27, for the holidays, and schools would return a week late in January, 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️. Naturally many find this crazy, we have about 1200-1400 cases a day, 34 deaths, and now this ! People of different faiths, are upset, I get it too.

I am sure we have had some rest. Closed, but I personally haven’t heard much about it. The gyms are really the ones who I hear pushing to open.
In Ireland bars that do not serve food have been closed since March. The Vintners Association has been putting pressure on The Irish Government that when Level 5 restrictions are lifted on 1 December, that these bars are allowed to open. They have been getting money from the Government but many may not survive into 2021.

We did have indoor dining for a while but now we are back to delivery or collection only. The weather is not good enough for outdoor dining. Again if a resturant can not do take out they have to close.

Our 6 week lockdown ends on December 1 and the government will announce what restrictions we will have in December.

There is huge public support to get everything open but our Chief Medical Officer and our Government are very much against reopening's. Our numbers were over 1000 new cases per day and reduced down to approx 500 per day and has now plateaued. The CMO is not happy with the plateau and has said that the Irish people have got too complacent and taken their foot off the pedal. He wants to reduce to 100 new cases per day.

The small bars, cafes and restaurants are suffering hugely and 2021 will see many closed for good. At this stage they are hanging on to see what happens in December but I'm sure many will make the decision about 2021 at the end of December.
IIRC the local pub is an important part to social interactions there and are plentiful I can imagine how a shutdown so long too would impact things :(

I just hate thinking about how many places will be lost all over.

I wonder if there will be a middle ground eventually reached on your new cases per day or if your CMO will stay strict on getting to that 100 cases per day metric. I don't remember if you mentioned it before but is there a time frame for that new cases per day as far as what the CMO would really like to have? Like does it need to hold steady at that for 2 weeks? 4 weeks?, etc
IIRC the local pub is an important part to social interactions there and are plentiful I can imagine how a shutdown so long too would impact things :(

I just hate thinking about how many places will be lost all over.

I wonder if there will be a middle ground eventually reached on your new cases per day or if your CMO will stay strict on getting to that 100 cases per day metric. I don't remember if you mentioned it before but is there a time frame for that new cases per day as far as what the CMO would really like to have? Like does it need to hold steady at that for 2 weeks? 4 weeks?, etc

Yes the Irish Traditional pub is such an important part of life in Ireland. In rural Ireland, most small towns have more pubs than shops and many have been in the same family for generations. When American tourists do eventually come back to Ireland, many places they knew before Covid or read about online will not be open.

The CMO said he wanted 100 cases by end of the lockdown on 1 December. But Covid fatigue is setting in. The rush hour traffic into Dublin in the mornings has not eased, meaning huge numbers of people are not working from home like the Government wanted people to do. The retail industry is also not happy and due to pent up demand want shopping hours extended and restrictions eased in December. People are not adapting to online shopping and want in person Christmas like they always do.

Ireland is very much a family / multi generational society and huge numbers of people travel from various parts of Europe for the Christmas holidays. Again the CMO has spoken out about this and basically told people not to come home to Ireland for Christmas, which has angered many people.

The strict lockdown and restrictions are working, the numbers are reducing but Irish people are not very open to change and want Christmas like it always has been and don't realize the implications that could have.
Well we are well as we were not directly hit by either Eta or Iota, but while praising God we are untouched, my heart is grieving at the devastation. Two major hurricanes in two weeks is, there really are no words. Hundreds of thousands of homes have been destroyed. Whole cities and regions throughout Honduras are flooded and damaged and cut off from food and supplies. More than three million people affected. That is 1 in 3 Hondurans. Not neighborhoods. Whole cities all around the country completely flooded. To the north, the south, the east, the west. Landslides everywhere. Bridges and roads out. On a scale of 1 to 10 it's a 12. How does one even begin to plan recovery for this? I know so many who are serving, literally shoveling mud out of homes, feeding and and loving on people. It is the bright light in this dark mess. Here are two but I could list 30 easily Stay small, the photos coming if of warehouses of donated food and supplies lost and not given to those who it was intended to help are rage inducing. It means smaller is better for the same day relief needed.
Thanks so much. I've tried with both links just now; the first one has gone through but the second one (which sounds like an amazing organization!) is glitching on the donations page but I have reached out to them and hope I can get it to work with their assistance. I'm glad to hear you are well but I know it's also just so crushing to be well while observing the plight of so many. :hug:
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Hello everyone. I think often of @bavaria , I send a lot of love. I am glad to see you posting @MommyinHonduras , as I saw the second hurricane and was really concerned. ❤.
I am going to be very honest, I am struggling mentally. The holidays are coming, normally we leave (escape), and with the closures of the husband has now seen how much I’m struggling, and we may end up flying somewhere, I’m not sure at this point, we are just in discussion mode. I don’t want sympathy, I’m just being transparent.

Restaurants here in red zones have been closed since Oct 1- indoor dining, I think they were only opened for that at some point in July ? Our provincial gov started this, and yesterday announced an extension until at least JAN 11 We had a press conference that also announced schools would close Dec 17 or 18, so we would be “allowed“ to hold 10 people gatherings Dec 24, 25, 26, 27, for the holidays, and schools would return a week late in January, 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️. Naturally many find this crazy, we have about 1200-1400 cases a day, 34 deaths, and now this ! People of different faiths, are upset, I get it too.

I am sure we have had some rest. Closed, but I personally haven’t heard much about it. The gyms are really the ones who I hear pushing to open.

My husband mentioned to me a couple nights ago he's almost at his breaking point of just needing some normalcy in our lives; that conversation was triggered because his dad had texted asking about Thanksgiving. Vacations had become an important part of our relationship and even though we got a ski trip in late Feb we lost two other big vacations from all this.

I know you're not looking for sympathy but I just want to say I get it the need to get away, lord love a duck I'm getting to that point mentally myself. The holidays tend to be stressful under a normal year for me with family obligations constantly pulling this year had just been even worse, if I thought I could get away with it I'd ditch it this year and spend time with just my husband on a weekend getaway (there's plenty of places to go within driving distance that could adhere to COVID restrictions/precautions). If you end up getting away I hope you end up having a lovely time :)

That's good to hear about that aid coming for the restaurants :)
In Ireland bars that do not serve food have been closed since March. The Vintners Association has been putting pressure on The Irish Government that when Level 5 restrictions are lifted on 1 December, that these bars are allowed to open. They have been getting money from the Government but many may not survive into 2021.

We did have indoor dining for a while but now we are back to delivery or collection only. The weather is not good enough for outdoor dining. Again if a resturant can not do take out they have to close.

Our 6 week lockdown ends on December 1 and the government will announce what restrictions we will have in December.

There is huge public support to get everything open but our Chief Medical Officer and our Government are very much against reopening's. Our numbers were over 1000 new cases per day and reduced down to approx 500 per day and has now plateaued. The CMO is not happy with the plateau and has said that the Irish people have got too complacent and taken their foot off the pedal. He wants to reduce to 100 new cases per day.

The small bars, cafes and restaurants are suffering hugely and 2021 will see many closed for good. At this stage they are hanging on to see what happens in December but I'm sure many will make the decision about 2021 at the end of December.
It's getting to the point that the raw numbers are a bit meaningless. 1,000 cases or 100, what's the point in setting an abstract goal? How are your hospitalization and fatality rates? That seems to be what the focus is here.
Hello everyone. I think often of @bavaria , I send a lot of love. I am glad to see you posting @MommyinHonduras , as I saw the second hurricane and was really concerned. ❤.
I am going to be very honest, I am struggling mentally. The holidays are coming, normally we leave (escape), and with the closures of the husband has now seen how much I’m struggling, and we may end up flying somewhere, I’m not sure at this point, we are just in discussion mode. I don’t want sympathy, I’m just being transparent.

Restaurants here in red zones have been closed since Oct 1- indoor dining, I think they were only opened for that at some point in July ? Our provincial gov started this, and yesterday announced an extension until at least JAN 11 We had a press conference that also announced schools would close Dec 17 or 18, so we would be “allowed“ to hold 10 people gatherings Dec 24, 25, 26, 27, for the holidays, and schools would return a week late in January, 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️. Naturally many find this crazy, we have about 1200-1400 cases a day, 34 deaths, and now this ! People of different faiths, are upset, I get it too.

I am sure we have had some rest. Closed, but I personally haven’t heard much about it. The gyms are really the ones who I hear pushing to open.
I'm so sorry, and I very much understand, including the reason for your distress. :hug: Please consider coming out to Banff. It's no tropical paradise but definitely a departure from what you're used to and breathtakingly beautiful and peaceful.
So, the announcement was out yesterday afternoon about the new BC restrictions.
No social gatherings of any size for anyone not in your household or core bubble. Core bubble is immediate household plus a maximum of 2 people outside their immediate household.
Mandatory masks in all indoor public settings and workplaces.
High risk exercise classes not allowed, spin, hot yoga, HIIT, and the like.
All non-essential travel should be avoided. This includes travel within your own public health area but outside of your local region.
Funeral, weddings, and baptisms can continue but a maximum of 10 people including the officiant.

For us personally, it means that our office has to do daily health checks on all staff and that unless you are inside your private office, masks must be worn at all times. We were also thinking of going up-island for a few days in December but that has not been cancelled. Also, the only person we are going to be seeing this Christmas is my mother. She lives alone and does not go out so she is going to be in our core bubble, however our friends next door will not be joining us for dinner.

DS's school has their winter break starting in 3 weeks and the school is prepped to go remote at zero notice. He said yesterday that he felt as though Dr. Henry was softening the ground for possible school shutdowns. I reminded him that if that happened, he would still need to attend school virtually for the entire school day but he pointed out that at least he would not have to wear his uniform! :)
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