Covid And The Rest of Us

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Yes. Obviously. And, so...?
Are you suggesting it could be from “the flu”?
I wrote that it (coronavirus) may be the culprit based as do the reports.
sorry, i wasn't trying to get into a fight.
Just adding information.
Where i live, we have had very very very few deaths under the age of 60.
I think they can actually be counted on one hand.
But one of them was very young. Only 22.
And he died of exactly that. Myocarditis.
People became terrified that some new deadly complication was associated with covid.
And moreover, they felt the hospital was negligent.
Neither was true.
But until it was clarified, people were terribly upset and worried.
It was explained that it's not that uncommon and happens more than we know from other viruses that attack the heart.
Until the clarification, people were terrified. I believe that was the only case of covid that resulted in myocarditis where i live. Or at least the only one that resulted in death from myocarditis.
This early morning I heard that there is believed to be yet another mutation! Flights from Africa to the UK are now suspended too. :(
I remember when my governor pledged not to force businesses to close at the state level but leave the decision up to local health departments and counties it was...will they really? But she's repeated this multiple times and I believe she'll hold to it allowing local health departments and the counties make those decisions
And people wonder why Americans distrust our local officials..

Despite repeatedly saying she hold to her word and despite saying she believes our state has control over COVID even with the higher numbers she wants to take back state control stating "stop giving local officials the final say over the state’s response to the coronavirus pandemic" and this was after she stated in October "A much more effective way is to have the local buy-in," "The better way to do it rather than using the hammer is to continue to work closely with local officials, local public health officials."

Y'all this is why we lack confidence in the word of our government. I really wanted to believe her and she stated she was going for re-election in a couple years just a few days ago. I've been mostly okay with our governor's response but I'm tired of this stuff. Y'all wonder why we protest our government officials? This is part of it.
Christmas Day Update From Ireland
The Irish Department of Health has been notified of two further deaths of people with Covid-19, 1,025 new cases and confirmed the new UK variant of the coronavirus has been detected in Ireland.

There has now been a total of 2,194 Covid-19 related deaths in Ireland and 84,098 confirmed cases.

Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Holohan said the new UK variant of SARS-CoV-2 had been detected by whole genome sequencing at the National Virus Reference Laboratory in UCD.

"Further testing in the coming days and weeks will establish the extent to which it is present here. In the meantime, it is vitally important that we each stay at home, avoid social contact and avoid all forms of non-essential travel," he added.

"It is particularly important that those who have arrived from the UK strictly self-isolate for a full 14 days following arrival. They should not interact with others, visit others, socialise or go shopping.

Dr Holohan said the HSE is making arrangements to test recent arrivals from the UK.

Earlier, Dr Holohan renewed his appeal for people to limit their contacts as much as possible over Christmas.

He said none of the indicators of the virus are showing encouraging signs and Ireland now has the fastest growing incidence rate in the EU.

The best present people can give to their loved ones this Christmas is to strictly adhere to the public health advice, he added.

Yesterday, the first of the new Level 5 restrictions came into effect with restaurants, gastropubs and cafes closing except for takeaway and delivery.

Hairdressers, beauticians and barbers were among the other businesses to close until at least 12 January.

As part of the measures religious services will move online after today but places of worship can remain open for private prayer.
"The U.S. government will mandate a negative coronavirus test to travel from the United Kingdom, the agency announced on Christmas Eve.

The restrictions go into effect Monday. All airline passengers will need to test negative for COVID-19 within 72 hours of departure."

CDC stated "all airline passengers arriving from the UK must test negative in order to fly to the United States."

Related to the UK strain concerns.
"The U.S. government will mandate a negative coronavirus test to travel from the United Kingdom, the agency announced on Christmas Eve.

The restrictions go into effect Monday. All airline passengers will need to test negative for COVID-19 within 72 hours of departure."

CDC stated "all airline passengers arriving from the UK must test negative in order to fly to the United States."

Related to the UK strain concerns.

it's a good call, but it's likely already here. They've detected over 30 cases in Denmark I think, and they know because they do a heck of a lot more genome testing than we do. But...having said that, this is a necessary step.
it's a good call, but it's likely already here. They've detected over 30 cases in Denmark I think, and they know because they do a heck of a lot more genome testing than we do. But...having said that, this is a necessary step.
Yup I commented about they already thinking it was here on this thread earlier this week :) they think maybe mid-november..but it hasn't been genome sequenced yet. Agreed it's a good decision at this point.
Yup I commented about they already thinking it was here on this thread earlier this week :) they think maybe mid-november..but it hasn't been genome sequenced yet. Agreed it's a good decision at this point.

Makes sense the way that it's ripping through the U.S. at this point.

Not sure if you or anyone has read the book Apollo's Arrow by Nicholas Christakis, a Yale scientist....I'm not that far in, but it's very interesting. He gets into previous pandemics, especially SARS. Because it was contained much faster than our current pandemic, there is good scientific studies on the super spreader events that occurred. It's going to be a bit tougher with this'll be...."Super Spreader Event: Winter Holidays: Everywhere."
it's a good call, but it's likely already here. They've detected over 30 cases in Denmark I think, and they know because they do a heck of a lot more genome testing than we do. But...having said that, this is a necessary step.
it's likely already everywhere in the world, just no one was testing before this...
and it probably explains the spike in cases everywhere, including countries that had managed to contain spread until now, like in Asia
it's likely already everywhere in the world, just no one was testing before this...
and it probably explains the spike in cases everywhere, including countries that had managed to contain spread until now, like in Asia

It literally just started spreading in some places in Asia. Not has been for a while.
Those Asian countries have strict contact tracing programs and constant genetic sequencing protocols that most other countries around the world do not do. But, yes, the spikes from the last seven days in Japan and Korea were attributed to this new variant brought in by travelers originating from the UK.

Edited: Looks like Japan just decided to close their borders to everyone until end of January for now. Makes sense. Good decision. I’m sure other Asian countries will follow suit very quickly.
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updating what's happening where i live:

we're moving to 24/7 vaccinations....
vaccinations will be given 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week...

and additional vaccination locations have been opened..
initially it was only centralized vaccination centers throughout the country..
now neighborhood vaccination centers are being opened as well...
and they will also start making house call vaccinations to the elderly who live at home and can't make it to a center...
and army medics are being trained to help the nurses, so that vaccination centers can be kept open 24 hours a day..

they want to get the elderly and high risk completely vaccinated as quickly as possible...
they started with everyone over 60 last week..
starting this week, those who are high risk under 60 will begin being vaccinated as well..
and they think they'll start vaccinating teachers next week...
i think i heard that they want to have everyone vaccinated by the end of February, though i don't know if there's enough vaccine for that as yet...

also, it's interesting that before the vaccine was approved, in polling, only 20% of those asked said they would be vaccinated..
but now that it's here, there's been a mad rush to make appointments at a much higher rate of demand...

i'm editing this to add that obviously medical workers were the first to be vaccinated.
Their vaccinations were done at work, so it didn't impact on the public.

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updating what's happening where i live:

we're moving to 24/7 vaccinations....
vaccinations will be given 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week...

and additional vaccination locations have been opened..
initially it was only centralized vaccination centers throughout the country..
now neighborhood vaccination centers are being opened as well...
and they will also start making house call vaccinations to the elderly who live at home and can't make it to a center...
and army medics are being trained to help the nurses, so that vaccination centers can be kept open 24 hours a day..

they want to get the elderly and high risk completely vaccinated as quickly as possible...
they started with everyone over 60 last week..
starting this week, those who are high risk under 60 will begin being vaccinated as well..
and they think they'll start vaccinating teachers next week...
i think i heard that they want to have everyone vaccinated by the end of February, though i don't know if there's enough vaccine for that as yet...

also, it's interesting that before the vaccine was approved, in polling, only 20% of those asked said they would be vaccinated..
but now that it's here, there's been a mad rush to make appointments at a much higher rate of demand...

Can you share where you live?
Can you share where you live?


I just edited my post above to say that medical workers were the first priority
Their vaccinations were begun last Sunday. But they are vaccinated at work, so it doesn't affect how the public is vaccinated.
That is to say, medical workers and the elderly (everyone age 60 and up) began vaccinations simultaneously.

Can you share where you live?
:scratchin I was wondering that too. Wherever it is they must have an almost endless supply of vaccine to enable 24/7 vaccinations at numerous sites. Alberta's first allotment was about 4,000 doses of BioNTech split between 4 sites due to the deep-freeze requirements. It only took a day or two to exhaust it and now we're waiting for supply of the Moderna, which will begin distribution at a wider range of locations as it has less difficult storage requirements.
:scratchin I was wondering that too. Wherever it is they must have an almost endless supply of vaccine to enable 24/7 vaccinations at numerous sites. Alberta's first allotment was about 4,000 doses of BioNTech split between 4 sites due to the deep-freeze requirements. It only took a day or two to exhaust it and now we're waiting for supply of the Moderna, which will begin distribution at a wider range of locations as it has less difficult storage requirements.
Israel contracted early on for millions of doses of Moderna and Pfizer.
I think the contract with Moderna was signed in May.
The Prime Minister is what i'd call a corona fundamentalist, or coronaphobic.
He has been serious about it from the beginning.

But of course, we're a tiny country. Both in size and population (9 million people).
So there are a lot fewer people to vaccinate and being small, it's easy to move the vaccine around.
The country is about the size of New Jersey, so you can imagine how easy it is to distribute, even with the difficult storage requirements of pfizer.
just adding that i think we initially had 4 million doses delivered and initially were hoping to vaccinate 60,000 people per day..
but last week, which was the first week, we hit 65,000 vaccinations per day.
So they figure by moving to 24 hours a day, we can get to 120,000 vaccinations per day.
But even 65,000 is pretty good i thought.
one more thing, there is still a local vaccine in development - it's in phase 3 trials..
it's a traditional vaccine and i think the hope is that it will, along with astrazeneca, be able to be used in poorer countries that are unable to handle pfizer and moderna storage and distribution requirements.
Israel contracted early on for millions of doses of Moderna and Pfizer.
I think the contract with Moderna was signed in May.
The Prime Minister is what i'd call a corona fundamentalist, or coronaphobic.
He has been serious about it from the beginning.

But of course, we're a tiny country. Both in size and population (9 million people).
So there are a lot fewer people to vaccinate and being small, it's easy to move the vaccine around.
The country is about the size of New Jersey, so you can imagine how easy it is to distribute, even with the difficult storage requirements of pfizer.

Wow...Isreal is about the same size as New Jersey. And I can assure you that here in New Jersey, we are quite far from a 24/7 vaccination situation. My sister-in-law manages two Covid units at a hospital here. She won't get her vaccine yet week because they didn't have enough for all of her team and she wouldn't until every person on her team gets vaccinated. She's scheduled for this Thursday if they get their shipment. I'm hoping that the pace really starts to pick up here in the U.S. soon. Also hope you get your vaccine soon!
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