Covid And The Rest of Us

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Just for clarity, while your approach is respectable, there is no official prohibition anywhere in Canada of private gatherings within mandated guidelines. (For example, here is it 6 people or less indoors at private locations, providing the venue size allows for 2m personal distancing. There is no official limit on the number of persons who can meet outdoors with mandatory distancing.) It's not quite the same for our friends in Ireland and Australia.

Im sure that poster is well aware that there is no restriction. They did say that they are “choosing NOT TO.”
In NL, we are not getting any new measures now, we have one more week to bring the figures down (we are at 10K+ new infections the last few days).
If not, most likely the following will happen:
- Themeparks & Museums etc. close
- Not more than 2 people visiting, at the moment that is 4.
- Colleges, universities digital only
Problem is what to do with highschools, the younger kids (12-14) are not as infectious as 15-17 year olds, but for their mental development you do want all of them to be able to see their friends and classmates.
- All indoor sports will close, no gyms, pools
No exceptions for children, except for physical education at school. Outdoors sports not more than 2 people together. No team sports if you cannot keep your distance (Tennis doubles probably yes, no basket ball). Professional football might get an exception.

Most likely not:
- Mandatory closure of non-essential shops.
We also didn't do this during the first waive, most shops closed because there were no customers.
- A curfew
The newspaper writing this article gives as reason that a curfew is strongly associated with what happened during WWII. The government want to prevent that association.
- Forbid people to visit people in care homes.
This is one thing that most likely will be different from last time because of the impact it had on the mental health of the people. Care homes etc. will close when they cannot control an outbreak.
Just for clarity, while your approach is respectable, there is no official prohibition anywhere in Canada of private gatherings within mandated guidelines. (For example, here is it 6 people or less indoors at private locations, providing the venue size allows for 2m personal distancing. There is no official limit on the number of persons who can meet outdoors with mandatory distancing.) It's not quite the same for our friends in Ireland and Australia.

We, in Montreal are not allowed indoors or outdoors anyone not living inside our household. That is even to meet in a park, shop, etc. There are a few loopholes, such as if you live alone, then you are allowed one person, or of someone is doing work, etc. They started this Oct 1, 28 days to slow the spread, there is a press conference at 5pm tonight, word is this will be continue.
Just for clarity, while your approach is respectable, there is no official prohibition anywhere in Canada of private gatherings within mandated guidelines. (For example, here is it 6 people or less indoors at private locations, providing the venue size allows for 2m personal distancing. There is no official limit on the number of persons who can meet outdoors with mandatory distancing.) It's not quite the same for our friends in Ireland and Australia.

Yes Annette I went back and edited just now because 'the advisement' now reading 'advice of' is (medical ) because we are seniors, and the second scenario is a decision my son and his wife have made because of his work.
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I just thought it might be interesting, for those who don't have any travel restrictions, to see what its like in Ireland at the moment. We are in Level 5 restriction, and we are not allowed further than 5km from our home for non essential reasons. There are Police checkpoints on the highways checking why people are travelling. You can only travel for an essential reason, such as work, medical appointment, caring for a relative, food shopping, funeral etc etc.

This is a website which you show you how far you can travel for a non essential reason such as going for a walk or other exercise. It should open up to your location and then you just drag the pin to where your home is and the red circle will show you the 5km radius.
Thank you for posting the link. I just did our area and we live out of the city, it is an interesting perspective looking at it. I would have one small grocery store and we just had a pharmacy that set up in that same area so that would be helpful. I understand why you have this put in place though.
Thank you for posting the link. I just did our area and we live out of the city, it is an interesting perspective looking at it. I would have one small grocery store and we just had a pharmacy that set up in that same area so that would be helpful. I understand why you have this put in place though.

You are welcome. I just thought it would give people a better perspective, to relate it to your own local area. Some of my aunts live in rural areas. The big supermarkets in their nearest towns are all doing online shopping / delivery so people can still get their grocery shopping even if the big supermarket is outside their 5km. Also in rural areas, people look after each other and neighbours will do grocery shopping for those who cannot do the online shopping / delivery.
We, in Montreal are not allowed indoors or outdoors anyone not living inside our household. That is even to meet in a park, shop, etc. There are a few loopholes, such as if you live alone, then you are allowed one person, or of someone is doing work, etc. They started this Oct 1, 28 days to slow the spread, there is a press conference at 5pm tonight, word is this will be continue.
Wow - I didn't know it had come to that. Thanks for the update. One can only hope the added precautions begin to show a good effect soon.
Yes Annette I went back and edited just now because 'the advisement' now reading 'advice of' is (medical ) because we are seniors, and the second scenario is a decision my son and his wife have made because of his work.
I have heard of similar things - is his situation that he wants to protect you or does he have a job that requires stricter limits?

A friend of mine has a son who is a neurosurgeon; one of only three in our entire city. His hospital unit has had to remain active due to the urgent, life-threatening nature of the conditions he treats. Calgary Health Region has centralized neurosurgery and several other critical specialties to one floor in one hospital. It is apparently locked down like Fort Knox. All personnel who work there have to sign legal declarations every single day to attest they have not violated any mandatory precautions as defined by their employment agreements. One such measure is that a person can only have a cohort of 6 or less persons outside their household and that cohort is permanent - the 6 people cannot switch in and out. His wife had to quit her job and the kids are now schooled remotely. Unfortunately, his parents didn't make the 6-person cut. :(
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Just for clarity, while your approach is respectable, there is no official prohibition anywhere in Canada of private gatherings within mandated guidelines. (For example, here is it 6 people or less indoors at private locations, providing the venue size allows for 2m personal distancing. There is no official limit on the number of persons who can meet outdoors with mandatory distancing.) It's not quite the same for our friends in Ireland and Australia.

We are in phase 2 “lite” in the hot zones in Ontario. No more than 25 people outdoors and 10 indoors with physical distances of 2 meters. We are not supposed to be around people outside our household other than for school and work basically. My family has been following this almost all along. We have seen my parents a few times and a friend and her kids a few times. My kids are in school and I work in one of their schools in a minor role. My husband is working from home. So not like Ireland or Australia, but different from Calgary and even just down the highway in Niagara. I’m very grateful I’m not restricted to a 5 km radius, it would cut me off from one of my preferred grocery stores. It’s all frustrating but hopefully, fingers crossed, temporary.
We, in Montreal are not allowed indoors or outdoors anyone not living inside our household. That is even to meet in a park, shop, etc. There are a few loopholes, such as if you live alone, then you are allowed one person, or of someone is doing work, etc. They started this Oct 1, 28 days to slow the spread, there is a press conference at 5pm tonight, word is this will be continue.
I could do this if it was required of me. I dearly love the people that I live with.

However, I do know a few people that actually are in very bad living situations. I couldn't imagine what this would do to them. I couldn't imagine not being able to meet up outside, with a mask, in a park with a friend.
I could do this if it was required of me. I dearly love the people that I live with.

However, I do know a few people that actually are in very bad living situations. I couldn't imagine what this would do to them. I couldn't imagine not being able to meet up outside, with a mask, in a park with a friend.

For sure it is not easy for so many, so many individual situations. We are now extended until November 23rd, but it will be revisited and looked at in 2 weeks.

My one best friend lives up north, we FaceTime and talk, but it isn’t the same. She is not in the same conditions, so it is for sure restricted. We have checkpoints on the highways, not that I would go, but it’s just so oddballish (my own word, lol ), and I can’t even explain in words how much I miss her, she feels the same. I just hope each day into this is one day closer to the end.
We are in phase 2 “lite” in the hot zones in Ontario. No more than 25 people outdoors and 10 indoors with physical distances of 2 meters. We are not supposed to be around people outside our household other than for school and work basically. My family has been following this almost all along. We have seen my parents a few times and a friend and her kids a few times. My kids are in school and I work in one of their schools in a minor role. My husband is working from home. So not like Ireland or Australia, but different from Calgary and even just down the highway in Niagara. I’m very grateful I’m not restricted to a 5 km radius, it would cut me off from one of my preferred grocery stores. It’s all frustrating but hopefully, fingers crossed, temporary.
Hold that thought. We've got revised restrictions coming tomorrow in response to rising numbers. As the stated goal, which has been repeated over and over, is to not disrupt business and commerce, one can only guess private, non-commercial activities are going to be tightly curtailed.
Hold that thought. We've got revised restrictions coming tomorrow in response to rising numbers. As the stated goal, which has been repeated over and over, is to not disrupt business and commerce, one can only guess private, non-commercial activities are going to be tightly curtailed.
I have no issue with that at all. Mainly cause the majority of new cases are coming from family gatherings and private parties. The places that people don't wear masks.
Rising numbers...happening worldwide unless one is wearing two masks and locked in their basement. It's a reality and doesn't necessarily correlate with a high death rate.

There were some boosting their numbers due to extreme measures...didn't pan out . This virus is here for the long haul and I PRAY it comutinies to weaken or at least show it's not as lethal to normal healthy individuals. Yes we are all in this together but maybe not as some preach. We are not controlling this virus. It will run it's course ... although don't misconstrue my thoughts. We still need to use precautions AND common sense. We will have a better outcome.There is a balance.
Today is my "day" to be out to take care of the needs of my family. I was pulled over by a group of about 20 well armed men both police and military and had my ID checked, all good it was my day, but then had to exit my vehicle and allow for it to be searched by the fiscal, (public prosecutor/ district attorney best translations). Why, well as long as we are in red alert due to covid the local and national authorities have full access to power over anyone at anytime for any reason they deem is a reason.
Today is my "day" to be out to take care of the needs of my family. I was pulled over by a group of about 20 well armed men both police and military and had my ID checked, all good it was my day, but then had to exit my vehicle and allow for it to be searched by the fiscal, (public prosecutor/ district attorney best translations). Why, well as long as we are in red alert due to covid the local and national authorities have full access to power over anyone at anytime for any reason they deem is a reason.
Talked to my aunt today, she lives in a rural area. She drives about 90 minutes to hospital in the city for treatment twice a month. Last Friday she was stopped by the Police 3 times going to the hospital and 3 times returning home from the hospital. She had her hospital documents so she was fine, but it took her longer to get home due to the traffic.
Today is my "day" to be out to take care of the needs of my family. I was pulled over by a group of about 20 well armed men both police and military and had my ID checked, all good it was my day, but then had to exit my vehicle and allow for it to be searched by the fiscal, (public prosecutor/ district attorney best translations). Why, well as long as we are in red alert due to covid the local and national authorities have full access to power over anyone at anytime for any reason they deem is a reason.

This is so interesting to me. I am a US history teacher and today we are learning about the Bill of Rights. I might use your example for my 9th period class of places where rights are not the same as in the USA.
Dr. Henry, our provincial health officer, announced yesterday that we are getting new restrictions here in British Columbia.

British Columbia announced Monday it is limiting private household gatherings to members of an immediate household, plus their “safe six,” the same day the province announced it recorded 817 new cases of COVID-19 over the weekend.

The weekend increase is the highest daily rise over a three-day period in the province.
The new provincial health order on household gatherings, issued by Dr. Bonnie Henry, the provincial health officer, goes into effect immediately.
Henry said it has become clear gatherings of fewer than 50 people are not always safe.
“We need to pay more attention to those settings where we have people coming together for celebrations,” Henry said.
“This is going to be a challenge, more for some people than others. But this is something we need to do as a community.”
Henry said if someone comes from a large family, six additional guests may be too many. Henry said enforcement will be stepped up for those who may disregard the latest order.
She also said the orders are enforceable by bylaw officers, police officers, environmental officers, etc. People can issue complaints about a large party, in the same way they would file a noise complaint.
Henry said the new order will likely be in place into the new year.
“That is a possibility that we will not have large family gatherings over Christmas,” Henry said.

Henry also said on Monday that it is now an expectation (not a health order) that people wear non-medical masks in public spaces to slow the spread of COVID-19.
“I’m also stepping up our recommendations and advice around wearing masks,” Henry said during Monday’s press conference.
And she is asking businesses to review their COVID safety plans with this new mask expectation in mind.
Henry says the expectation for masks in indoor spaces doesn’t change the way the school plans are designed.

“My expectation around masks is that we will all be wearing masks in public spaces,” Henry said, listing examples like grocery stores, renewing drivers license, hardware store and transit. She said those are situations where people can’t keep a safe distance so that is an additional layer of protection.

Henry said the risk is still minimal outdoors, so if people are going out for a walk or a run and there’s space for people to spread out, no mask is needed.

For my family, this will not really change the way we have been carrying on. We limited our "bubble" back in March and outside the 3 of us, we only really see my mother and our 3 friends next door. I switched to working from home in March and will probably never go back to my office, DH does go into the office 1 or 2 days a week but we now limit the number of staff to 6, down from around 14. He has his own private office and wears a mask when he goes into the building then takes it off when he gets to his office. DS is doing in class learning full time but he goes to a small private school so his cohort is around 60, half of the max 120 for high school.

We have only had 250 cases here in the Vancouver Island Health Authority which has a population of 850,000 people but I'm not complacent by any stretch of the imagination, it can all go south anytime so we are all still quite careful.
This is so interesting to me. I am a US history teacher and today we are learning about the Bill of Rights. I might use your example for my 9th period class of places where rights are not the same as in the USA.
I did a Zoom meeting with a group of boy scouts in Kansas last week to talk about Honduras for their citizens of the world patch, it was interesting to talk about the differences with a group of 12 year old boys. Do you teach High School?
Basically if you need to drive further than 5 km for entertainment, exercise, to socialize with friends or family, to go to a park or the beach or other social area you can't
That would be nearly impractical in the suburbs. It's just over 3 miles if converting. Don't get me wrong I totally understand the why behind it but in the 'burbs things are sprawled out for a reason.
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