Counter Service Kids Menus Are Really Limited!

So I checked the difference in price with 4 adults or 2 adults and 2 kids and there is a big difference. But I have to say that if the choices for kids are really that bad (I didn't even know the CS places had a "kids menu") then I will say that I will use the loopholes and get my kids what they want to eat. Because if Disney is crazy enough to not have kids burgers at the burger place and kids pizza at the pizza place then whatever. For pizza at least maybe they could let you use 2 kids credits to get one adult pizza that the kids could share (might work for the little kids anyhow). I think they need to do some work on this plan, but I'll know better in August.

And before someone flames me by saying that I didn't even have to pay for the dining, let me say that it was Disney that advertised it to get me to go. I wasn't even planning a trip, but the deal looked too good to pass up.
It is interesting to me that if any of us disagree with rationalizing paying for a child's meal while ordering an adults meal, we are called DDP police or whatever.

It is a public forum and we are free to state our opinions.

Depsite what you say, it is apparent that WDW does want those paying for children's meals to actually purchase children's meals. The brochure is so very clear about that.

I don't know you and could care less what you do but it is ludicrous to justify it anymore IMO. Obviously, you disagree.

If the cost of the plan goes up in the future to help cover the cost of revamping the system to eliminate this abuse, I bet it will be those very abusers who complain the most. :rolleyes:
Well here's more of my justification... We saw the Ad. FREE DINING! Yup, it made us call. There was free dining. Now if they don't have food that my kids will eat, then they didn't give me free dining did they? If there are things on the kids menu that will work (and I already assumed that meant TS meals) then my kids will eat from the kids menu. They will have TS from the kids menu every time. But CS has a different menu. That's ludicrous. CS meals could all be considered kids meals.
Well here's more of my justification... We saw the Ad. FREE DINING! Yup, it made us call. There was free dining. Now if they don't have food that my kids will eat, then they didn't give me free dining did they?

That is actually funny. So besides offering free dining, it has to suit your appetites as well!???? :lmao:

What if someone's 4yo will only dine on lobster and caviar? Must WDW provide that as well. According to your logic, yes! :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

I'm going to read this thread from time to time for amusement but am finished posting as the ends people will go to justify what is not allowed is astonishing! popcorn::
BCV23 said:
That is actually funny. So besides offering free dining, it has to suit your appetites as well!???? :lmao:

What if someone's 4yo will only dine on lobster and caviar? Must WDW provide that as well. According to your logic, yes! :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

I'm going to read this thread from time to time for amusement but am finished posting as the ends people will go to justify what is not allowed is astonishing! popcorn::

Nope, you take me too literally. What I said was a burger place should have a kids burger. If they have nothing that my kids will eat then it was a waste. So I will make sure my kids eat. If they want pizza from the pizza place then I will get it for them. I'm supposed to give my kid "chilled chicken" whatever that is when I am getting a burger. That's just stupid. Now, I would also be happy to pay the difference if I had to but they don't have a way to do that. If they were serious about enforcing it then they would have the credits issued as kids or adults. Seriously, it would take about 10 minutes to program the computers to do that. They obviously realize that the kids menus are not adequate for some counter service (I'm assuming that's the same as what they call Quick Service on the plan now). I'm not interested in stealing from Disney. I'm interested in making sure they don't rip me off by selling me something I can't use. (Yeah, I know, I didn't have to pay. But they sold me the vacation based on the dining plan for free. If I find that I can't use it for my kids then they did rip me off).

And again, I am only talking counter/quick service. My kids will of course eat off the kids meal at TS.
Whether I get my 8 year old an adult or child CS meal will depend upon what his needs are at the time. The first half of our trip we are paying for DP, the second half it is "free". If I know we are going to have unused CS credits during that reservation (which we will) that are intended for adults, I justify getting my child an adult meal because I am, IMO, using adult meal credits (I know children must order off child's menu rule). But, if there is a problem with credits used that way then I will pay OOP or we can share (but I think sharing to provide more food in our case is ridiculous since we will basically be throwing away credits at the end.) I don't feel like I would be cheating Disney out of anything. That's JMHO and everyone is entitled to theirs.
BCV23 said:
Why would you have to keep a tally even if you eat some meals seperately? If a child is dining, you order a child's meal. ;)

It is not specualtion that you paid for a child's meal nor is the brochure in any way ambiguous about this point.

I think everyone should send their pb&j and chilled chicken eating kids over to BCV23's table, so he/she could explain why only adults get pizza, burgers, lamb,etc..... :rotfl2:
frayedend said:
If they were serious about enforcing it then they would have the credits issued as kids or adults. Seriously, it would take about 10 minutes to program the computers to do that.

Yeah, that is what I find so curious about this whole thing with the credit pools. How long has Disney done the dining plan? A couple of years now at least and they have offered the free dining promotion twice.
I give Disney business exec's some credit. They aren't stupid. They know of this issue. I think there is some deeper thinking going on there in the board room...I'm not just thinking of hurricane season, but the whole psychology of dining at Disney, extra money spent at TS for add-ons and cocktails, extra money spent in the parks and I'm sure much more than I can think of here in front of my computer.

I'm already within my 45 day mark and have paid for our trip, but am wondering in our case if free dining was really a good deal. I hate to even do the math to find out. (I'm sure though Disney has done the accounting sceanarios for guests like my family, though.) No AAA discount, buying one day tix when we already buying tix for our trip not during the DP promotion and then some issues with having an extra adult for two nights but having to pay for every night even though she won't be there so we can keep "free dining", knowing we won't use all our credits...I don't want to think about it now -- I'll just have a good time. But, I really don't think that Disney is providing free dining out of the goodness of their hearts. An answer in their FAQ that tells a person what they should do, isn't real enforcement. And I believe if they really want to enforce their rule, they can easily do it (it would be one of the lesser complicated procedures Disney performs).

Ah, yes another justification for cheating Disney out of $5 for a burger for my kid :rotfl:

I'll likely will dutifully follow all the "rules" because it is just hard for me not to, but I won't think it is that big of a deal until Disney takes the "10 minutes" to resolve the problem with their computer system.
I understand the rationale of all the "rule-followers" who would consider it cheating Disney, but seriously folks, as several posts have stated that I've read in numerous threads on this topic, if Disney was really that concerned about people using Adult CS credits for children they would have surely fixed this glitch in the system by now. You can't truly believe that Disney execs are that certain that everyone will follow the rules. It's presumably a loss they're willing to shoulder in exchange for the numerous credits that go unused. I know that my family left Disney last year with several unused credits simply because it was too much food to use up. Just my 2 cents! :)
We found it easier to just order three adult meals--there were three adults in the party--and one extra entree like a hot dog, burger, etc. No way my DD is going to eat beans and weenies while we are all have burgers or pizza. We just let her use the credits for breakfast at the hotel--kids Mickey Waffle. The kids choices are stinky at many of the park CS. DD is now considered an adult so I wil paying for her as an adult and I do not have to worry about the really strange things they have put together for the kids meals. Sorry but a pizza place should offer children pizza, a burger place should offer burgers. As for the free dining comments, well it is only free for those who are able to go during that promotional and yes even if it is free it should be kid friendly and edible. I have never been able to go when it is free dining and have paid for the plan, which is worth it, but to say that someone should not complain because it is free doesn't make sense. It is only free for a very short period of time and even if you dont' have the plan you will still enounter the ickky things on kids menus. Which, isn't that what the real problem is? Foods that are not really what our children would expect to be offered. DD does not expect that she'll have to eat a turkey roll up and sugar free jello when we are eating pizza and canolli. And she wouldn't expect to eat grilled cheese while we were eating filet. At home we would not make her eat chilled pieces of chicken while we ate burgers. The point is that the choices for children's counter service is a little bizarre at best and downright ickky at the worse.
BCV23 said:
That is actually funny. So besides offering free dining, it has to suit your appetites as well!???? :lmao:

LOL! ITA! Long before FDP or DDP at all, didn't we all realize that there are many many CS choices in ALL the parks???? Hey, I dunno - :confused3 - I just have always chosen which restaurant works best for my kids and I as a group. I don't dis Disney because those fries are flavored and DS doesn't particularly care for them....:rotfl:

Sounds like those entitled adults are working hard on raising entitled kids. If I work to have my Asperger's kid effectively deal with disappointment, what on earth is the problem if your kid can't eat what he wants every day all the time?????

I am so glad I am going this trip with DD, turning 10, and she's a FDP "adult".
I really don't see a problem with counter service. My DD will likely not eat anything off the children's menu (she has very adult tastes) but the portions are so huge, that if I order 3 CS for DH, DD13 and me, there should be plenty to share with DD7.

TS is a different story and I am choosing my ADRs based, in part, on the children's menu.
mlwear said:
I'll likely will dutifully follow all the "rules" because it is just hard for me not to, but I won't think it is that big of a deal until Disney takes the "10 minutes" to resolve the problem with their computer system.

Changing the system is quite a bit more involved than a 10 minute fix......

On another note, while we were down there last week, we did see people trying to order adult items for kids on the DDP & they were told that if they were going to use DDP, they had to use a kid's credit for a kids meal.

I was listening to the family next to me in line at Pecos Bill's in MK & I'm pretty sure that the cashier allowed a family to use 2 kid's credits to purchase 1 adult CS meal......They really didn't seem happy about it.
Tink10 said:
Changing the system is quite a bit more involved than a 10 minute fix......

On another note, while we were down there last week, we did see people trying to order adult items for kids on the DDP & they were told that if they were going to use DDP, they had to use a kid's credit for a kids meal.

I was listening to the family next to me in line at Pecos Bill's in MK & I'm pretty sure that the cashier allowed a family to use 2 kid's credits to purchase 1 adult CS meal......They really didn't seem happy about it.

The "10 minute fix" was a tongue in cheek refernce to a pp. Of course, it is more than 10 minutes, but still not so difficult.
If Disney wants it stop, it will. Perhaps, your anecdote illustrates that. If so, I am sure more stories will be posted.
I agree about some of the weird choices on the childrens menus at CS places. I don't understand not having a kids burger at a burger place or a kids pizza at a pizza place. If my DD 4 wants a burger at Pecos Bill, I will just pay for it, I guess. The DDP is still a good deal for our family. :)

Also, it does seem like Disney is starting to crack down on the whole child/adult credit thing. Page 5 of the new brochure (dated June 2006) clearly states that a child's meal entitalment can not be used to pay for an adult meal. It's speculation at this point but some people report being told by CM's that a credit seperation is in the works and you will only be able to use what your card states eg. 4A/2C. Meaning you can't order 3 adult meals with your card at either CS or TS. It will be interesting to see if this change comes about.
NMW said:
I agree about some of the weird choices on the childrens menus at CS places. I don't understand not having a kids burger at a burger place or a kids pizza at a pizza place. If my DD 4 wants a burger at Pecos Bill, I will just pay for it, I guess. The DDP is still a good deal for our family. :)

Also, it does seem like Disney is starting to crack down on the whole child/adult credit thing. Page 5 of the new brochure (dated June 2006) clearly states that a child's meal entitalment can not be used to pay for an adult meal. It's speculation at this point but some people report being told by CM's that a credit seperation is in the works and you will only be able to use what your card states eg. 4A/2C. Meaning you can't order 3 adult meals with your card at either CS or TS. It will be interesting to see if this change comes about.

Why not? If they separate the credits and your card says 2A/2C and you want to order 4 Adult CS credits, then you've used up 4 A credits and have all your child credits still available. I think that it would make more sense to separate the credits and then let the guest use them as desired until they are gone. As of the first week of June, the computers allowed any number of CS credits to be deducted at a time no matter how many adults and children were on the reservation. If the credits were separated by A/C, then if you order 10 adult CS meals on the first day of your 5 day trip, you'd only have 10 child CS meals left. According to Disney's FAQ on their tickets/package page, you can use them in any way you choose. Until they are separated, I find it hard to believe that Disney expects the guest to keep track of the A/C credits themselves. Once they are separated, they surely won't expect that a child MUST eat a child's CS meal assuming they use an adult credit to pay for the adult meal.

Q. How does the Disney Dining Plan work?

A. Use your meals and snacks in any order and in any amount throughout your stay until your total is completed. For example, on the day of arrival your travel party of four could use four counter-service meals, and then on day two your party could use four table-service meals, four counter-service meals, and two snacks. You can continue using meals any way you like for the rest of your stay until the number of meals allotted are completed.

Present your Key to the World card to your server prior to ordering, so your server knows to charge meals to your Disney Dining Plan. Applicable taxes and gratuities are already prepaid and included. Your meal usage will be tracked electronically to your room reservation. Each time you redeem meals or snacks from your Disney Dining Plan, your server or cashier will provide you with a receipt showing your remaining balance.
Page 5, child entitlements are not to be used for adults. So that is Disney's expectation.

This means to me that the meal is for a child, not an adult. That being said, for 10 days I dont want my kids eating junk. Fried Chicken nuggets, hamburgers, Pizza, even Mac N Cheese or fries, is a VERY unhealthy diet for children. I hate the fact that I have to use my DP to buy fruit! :confused3 Why cant they be like McDonalds and start offering healthier choices? Ham or Turkey sandwiches at least! I know how I look at the rule is that the meal is for a kid. If my kids want an adult buger, or salad, I am ordering that, and I will challenge Disney on their unhealthy choices for children. Its as bad as school lunches!
am i the only one that realizes that no one is FORCING any guest to actually purchase, thereby agreeing to follow the rules of, the dining plan? if you don't like the choices that the plan provides, then don't use it!
As far as "Forcing" people ... some people may be worried because they are already within the 45 day period.

Anyway ...

I think the thread here is not about getting around the rules but rather still maintaining some degree of flexibility.

In light of the DDP seperating A & C credits there SHOULD be more options for kids. 2 or 3 options especially at a TS is not acceptable. You can go into any sit down chain restaurant and get at least 1/2 dozen choices if not more on the kids menu.

I bet once the changeover occurs and people start getting upset about the limited chioces they will expand them ... just like they did with the snacks.

For my family ... we only have 1C and 4A on our upcoming trip so it won't put a crimp in our plans too much if the system changes over.

Until the system changes over I can understand not trying to order 3 A means on a card that sais 2A 1C ... but I don't plan on keeping track of how many of each kind ( C of A) that I have used until the printout on the bottom does it for me.

It will be interesting to see how long it takes for the new computer tracking system to be in place.



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