Couch to 5k

Is it really bad for me to run 2 days in a row? I have an erratic work schedule and sometimes my day that I am supposed to run is a day where I work a 14 hour shift on my feet the whole day, and the last thing I want to do is get up early or stay up late to run on those days-BUT, I could easily fit it in on a different day, however that would mean I run 2 days in a row sometimes. I'm just curious what people think. I don't want to injure myself, but it's taken me about 10 days to finish the first week because I am afraid of running two days in a row if I'm not supposed to. And, I actually feel like I WANT to run more because I'm surprisingly enjoying it :)

In the first 4 weeks or so, I ran two days in a row a few times because of schedule chaos. It was fine. It became difficult in week 6 for me to do two days in a row, and then do the last run of the week 2 days later. It was the 3rd run of the week that I struggled in.

I got through the runs, but it was really tough. If I ran the 3rd day after 2 days rest, I still didn't have enough gas in the tank to really push the last 1/3 of the route. If I went on 3 days rest, I had a lot of soreness the day after.

So, I think it is fine to do 2 days in a row, but you will have to pay attention to what your body is saying. If I had it to do over, I would have stopped my run and walked it out. Then do the 3rd run a day later. I am better at paying attention to my body now. I know when it's not a good day to run pretty quickly, and I slow it down to a walk for that day.
Thanks for the advice everyone. That was pretty much what I was thinking but I just wanted to hear other people confirm that it would be okay as long as I felt up to it and don't overextend myself. My goal is to finish by the end of August.
Hi runners! Just here to cheer you on. I did C25K successfully in 2007 and am now trying again to return to running. Tonight my dog could not keep up so I had to walk most of my route. It would seem it is just me now as I go for 28 minutes straight... I love how my stress gets wiped out of my brain! Keep pounding the pavement!:thumbsup2:thumbsup2
Hi all: new to this thread. I came to WISH hoping to make a journal or something, but I've found so many supportive threads I may just do this!

I began the Couch25K back in Jan, but between being sick and kids activities I totally got off track. Just ran W2 D1 yesterday, hoping to run again this afternoon. My schedule is so crazy with work, school, family I need you all to keep me going!

How does everyone do it? Do you schedule a specific time to exercise? Any tips to keep going will be greatly appreciated! I work 15 hours a week, am on call 24/7, beginning full time grad school in the fall :scared: , and have 2 in high school this year. Help me stay motivated!
YAY! After injury and changing my running shoes I am finally just finished with W9D2 today!

I am afraid that I am not running at a 10 minute/mile pace as this is suppose to gear you for. I am more doing a 2.5 mile pace per 29 minutes...

Hoping to pump up my mileage to 3. Running my first ever 5K on Saturday!!
YAY! After injury and changing my running shoes I am finally just finished with W9D2 today!

I am afraid that I am not running at a 10 minute/mile pace as this is suppose to gear you for. I am more doing a 2.5 mile pace per 29 minutes...

Hoping to pump up my mileage to 3. Running my first ever 5K on Saturday!!

Don't worry too much about your pace. I did C25K a year ago and I am no where near doing a 10 minute mile, but I can run 13 miles!
Does anyone have any advice - I can't seem to run for more than 18 minutes straight. I've been using C25K, but I am stuck at the 15 min run, 5 min walk workout (the end of week 6 on my app). I tried to make the 20 minutes, but I have some kind of block and if it's not a stomach cramp or feeling like I"ll throw up then it is my legs hurting. I have gone back a week and tried to build up to the 20 minutes again, but no luck this morning. It may just be a mental block, but I want to overcome it. I signed up for a 5k in 5 weeks and would really like to be able to run most of it without walking. Any tips?
Is it really bad for me to run 2 days in a row? I have an erratic work schedule and sometimes my day that I am supposed to run is a day where I work a 14 hour shift on my feet the whole day, and the last thing I want to do is get up early or stay up late to run on those days-BUT, I could easily fit it in on a different day, however that would mean I run 2 days in a row sometimes. I'm just curious what people think. I don't want to injure myself, but it's taken me about 10 days to finish the first week because I am afraid of running two days in a row if I'm not supposed to. And, I actually feel like I WANT to run more because I'm surprisingly enjoying it :)

I have run 2 days in a row many times! Schedules are hard to exercise around, but good for you to keep at it! Usually, when I have to plan 2 days in a row running, I make the first run a little easier. Maybe at a bit slower of a pace. The second run I make sure I run at my normal pace for the entire time. This way I don't hurt myself or get so tired that I only give half effort for both runs. :)

Hi all: new to this thread. I came to WISH hoping to make a journal or something, but I've found so many supportive threads I may just do this!

I began the Couch25K back in Jan, but between being sick and kids activities I totally got off track. Just ran W2 D1 yesterday, hoping to run again this afternoon. My schedule is so crazy with work, school, family I need you all to keep me going!

How does everyone do it? Do you schedule a specific time to exercise? Any tips to keep going will be greatly appreciated! I work 15 hours a week, am on call 24/7, beginning full time grad school in the fall :scared: , and have 2 in high school this year. Help me stay motivated!

You are doing great already! Coming on here and looking for encouragement is awesome! Try to plan out your whole week the week prior so that you know exactly when you will have time to run, and maybe a back-up time or two just in case something pops up. I think having more chances for you to run will guarantee that you get your runs in. Just make sure to keep at it, and you will be doing fine! Good luck and congrats for getting motivated even with your busy schedule! You are awesome! :woohoo:

Don't worry too much about your pace. I did C25K a year ago and I am no where near doing a 10 minute mile, but I can run 13 miles!

That is so awesome to hear! I really was trying to push myself to get to that 10 minute mile but you really put me at rest a bit. It's not about the speed, but the endurance! Thank you! :flower3:

Does anyone have any advice - I can't seem to run for more than 18 minutes straight. I've been using C25K, but I am stuck at the 15 min run, 5 min walk workout (the end of week 6 on my app). I tried to make the 20 minutes, but I have some kind of block and if it's not a stomach cramp or feeling like I"ll throw up then it is my legs hurting. I have gone back a week and tried to build up to the 20 minutes again, but no luck this morning. It may just be a mental block, but I want to overcome it. I signed up for a 5k in 5 weeks and would really like to be able to run most of it without walking. Any tips?

You know what helps me get my mind off of the time when I am running(and hurting) is I go through my body and think about how I am running. I start my head, looking straight ahead. Not up or down or to either side. I make sure my shoulders are loose and not up by my ears, lol. Then I make sure that my arms are bent at a 90 degree angle and not going across my body as I pump them back and forth. That makes you waste more energy. I make sure that my hands aren't clenched into fists but relaxed, as if I am holding onto two fresh from the chicken eggs. Then I think about my legs, landing underneath my body, not in front of myself and pushing off at the end, making myself move forward. At the end of that I think about my breathing and making sure that I am giving myself ample oxygen so as not to get a cramp. By the time I've gone through everything that I am supposed to be doing, I've gone another few minutes. If you aren't thinking about the time, you can easily lose track of it!

If your BODY is telling you that it can't run anymore, listen to it. Maybe you have to take a 30 second or minute break in the middle of your 20 minute run. There is nothing wrong with understanding your body and taking the break necessary. Make sure you also drink plenty of fluids the day before runs to make the runs a little easier on you. Good luck in the future and YOU CAN DO IT!!! :cheer2:
Does anyone have any advice - I can't seem to run for more than 18 minutes straight. I've been using C25K, but I am stuck at the 15 min run, 5 min walk workout (the end of week 6 on my app). I tried to make the 20 minutes, but I have some kind of block and if it's not a stomach cramp or feeling like I"ll throw up then it is my legs hurting. I have gone back a week and tried to build up to the 20 minutes again, but no luck this morning. It may just be a mental block, but I want to overcome it. I signed up for a 5k in 5 weeks and would really like to be able to run most of it without walking. Any tips?

It sounds a little strange, but my advice is to slow down. I had trouble making it even 10 minutes at a time, but once I slowed down, I was able to run 35 - 40 minutes. Slow down, take smaller steps, hydrate up. All of these helped me. That and I tell myself over and over. "You can do this. And you can do it better than yesterday."
I also find that changing out what you are listening helps, granted I havent been to the point you are at in years (just restarted W1D1 this morning in fact). Listening to a podcast or book on tape might be what you need to keep your attention diverted from the run. I found I was actually irritated when the little voice on the app said "workout finished" because I wanted to keep listening and I only let myself listen is when I am running.
It sounds a little strange, but my advice is to slow down. I had trouble making it even 10 minutes at a time, but once I slowed down, I was able to run 35 - 40 minutes. Slow down, take smaller steps, hydrate up. All of these helped me. That and I tell myself over and over. "You can do this. And you can do it better than yesterday."

Good idea - I have actually been running faster, so I'll try slowing down and see how it goes. My DH also pointed out I tend to stop sometimes because I'm tired and should just try to push through it and see that I can go further even if I'm tired or bored.
I have run 2 days in a row many times! Schedules are hard to exercise around, but good for you to keep at it! Usually, when I have to plan 2 days in a row running, I make the first run a little easier. Maybe at a bit slower of a pace. The second run I make sure I run at my normal pace for the entire time. This way I don't hurt myself or get so tired that I only give half effort for both runs. :)

You are doing great already! Coming on here and looking for encouragement is awesome! Try to plan out your whole week the week prior so that you know exactly when you will have time to run, and maybe a back-up time or two just in case something pops up. I think having more chances for you to run will guarantee that you get your runs in. Just make sure to keep at it, and you will be doing fine! Good luck and congrats for getting motivated even with your busy schedule! You are awesome! :woohoo:

That is so awesome to hear! I really was trying to push myself to get to that 10 minute mile but you really put me at rest a bit. It's not about the speed, but the endurance! Thank you! :flower3:

You know what helps me get my mind off of the time when I am running(and hurting) is I go through my body and think about how I am running. I start my head, looking straight ahead. Not up or down or to either side. I make sure my shoulders are loose and not up by my ears, lol. Then I make sure that my arms are bent at a 90 degree angle and not going across my body as I pump them back and forth. That makes you waste more energy. I make sure that my hands aren't clenched into fists but relaxed, as if I am holding onto two fresh from the chicken eggs. Then I think about my legs, landing underneath my body, not in front of myself and pushing off at the end, making myself move forward. At the end of that I think about my breathing and making sure that I am giving myself ample oxygen so as not to get a cramp. By the time I've gone through everything that I am supposed to be doing, I've gone another few minutes. If you aren't thinking about the time, you can easily lose track of it!

If your BODY is telling you that it can't run anymore, listen to it. Maybe you have to take a 30 second or minute break in the middle of your 20 minute run. There is nothing wrong with understanding your body and taking the break necessary. Make sure you also drink plenty of fluids the day before runs to make the runs a little easier on you. Good luck in the future and YOU CAN DO IT!!! :cheer2:

All great ideas - Thanks so much!
I also find that changing out what you are listening helps, granted I havent been to the point you are at in years (just restarted W1D1 this morning in fact). Listening to a podcast or book on tape might be what you need to keep your attention diverted from the run. I found I was actually irritated when the little voice on the app said "workout finished" because I wanted to keep listening and I only let myself listen is when I am running.

I've never tried listening to a book on tape or podcast. Good idea. I do think a distraction would help me.
I got smoked this morning. Thankfully the woman's shirt said 'ultrarunner' on the back as I watched her outpace me. I know I am running very slow but today I only clocked about 2.5 miles in 28 minutes. I have another 28 minute run and then I up to 30.

On my return route I got passed up by some major eye candy. He had his shirt off and the definition on his back was impressive. Maybe someday I'll get to see his abs... For some reason watching his defined calves quickly outpace me and turn the corner did not bother me like the woman passing me up...:rolleyes1
Well I guess I am a Couch to 5K graduate! :cool1:
My husband and I ran a 5K on Saturday and had a wonderful time. We did it just under 40 minutes. When I started C25K I figured it would take me an hour. Once I got into the later weeks I set a goal of 45 minutes. Week 8 day 1 I realized I could do it in 40 so I set that as my goal. I meant to grab a watch so I could check my time as we ran but of course I forget it. I decided not to hold my phone and keep checking the time and left it in the pocket of my hydration belt the entire time. And I did it. The timer was near 39:40 when I crossed the finish line. When we started we were only about 20 seconds back so even though I do not have my official time I know it was between 39:00 and 39:40.

I have another 5K in three weeks and as you can see from my signature I am running an 8K in 12 weeks! I also plan on a 10K about a month after that. If anyone is interested the 8K is for the Wounded Warrior Project going to benefit our wounded service members and I am raising money for the foundation. There is a link in my signature with info.
Well I guess I am a Couch to 5K graduate! :cool1:
My husband and I ran a 5K on Saturday and had a wonderful time. We did it just under 40 minutes. When I started C25K I figured it would take me an hour. Once I got into the later weeks I set a goal of 45 minutes. Week 8 day 1 I realized I could do it in 40 so I set that as my goal. I meant to grab a watch so I could check my time as we ran but of course I forget it. I decided not to hold my phone and keep checking the time and left it in the pocket of my hydration belt the entire time. And I did it. The timer was near 39:40 when I crossed the finish line. When we started we were only about 20 seconds back so even though I do not have my official time I know it was between 39:00 and 39:40.

I have another 5K in three weeks and as you can see from my signature I am running an 8K in 12 weeks! I also plan on a 10K about a month after that. If anyone is interested the 8K is for the Wounded Warrior Project going to benefit our wounded service members and I am raising money for the foundation. There is a link in my signature with info.

Way to go! You have a great pace! :thumbsup2
I'm going to be trying this workout...I'm nervous since I am NOT a runner. My goal is to do the Expedition Everest Challenge in May. I can walk and walk but I can't run for any length of time. Let's hope I can do it!
sissy_ib said:
Well I guess I am a Couch to 5K graduate! :cool1:
My husband and I ran a 5K on Saturday and had a wonderful time. We did it just under 40 minutes. When I started C25K I figured it would take me an hour. Once I got into the later weeks I set a goal of 45 minutes. Week 8 day 1 I realized I could do it in 40 so I set that as my goal. I meant to grab a watch so I could check my time as we ran but of course I forget it. I decided not to hold my phone and keep checking the time and left it in the pocket of my hydration belt the entire time. And I did it. The timer was near 39:40 when I crossed the finish line. When we started we were only about 20 seconds back so even though I do not have my official time I know it was between 39:00 and 39:40.

I have another 5K in three weeks and as you can see from my signature I am running an 8K in 12 weeks! I also plan on a 10K about a month after that. If anyone is interested the 8K is for the Wounded Warrior Project going to benefit our wounded service members and I am raising money for the foundation. There is a link in my signature with info.

Congratulations. That's quite a milestone. I fell off the schedule and am two weeks behind. I am schedule to run in my first 5K Aug. 30. I never thought about setting a time goal. Thanks for the idea.
Okay, so I am now on W4D1 and I had to stop! Too much pain in my left leg! Now I'm super discouraged because I"m behind schedule and I don't know how long it will be until the leg gets better.
lttlmc3 said:
Okay, so I am now on W4D1 and I had to stop! Too much pain in my left leg! Now I'm super discouraged because I"m behind schedule and I don't know how long it will be until the leg gets better.

I was having trouble too with this program. I got to W3D2. My shins were killing me. So I just switched to Easy 5K. Its Jeff Galloway as well. It lets you set your interval pace of 1 minute running, 1 minute walking and on up from there. My shins seem to be doing better. Maybe you can try that.


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