"coteau_chick"We do believe in "George"


DIS Veteran
Mar 12, 2007
Here is my cast of characters

Me 36 Stay at home mom. I started planning this trip two years ago when we got back from our 2006 Mardi Gras Disney World trip.

DH He loves Disney World too. This was his second trip. He leaves all the planning up to me.

DD 15. She loves The Little Mermaid. She is the typical teenager. She causes me to think "Maybe I am stupid" I pray I can just get through this teenage stage with her. She loves to point out how uncool I am every chance she gets.

DS 10. He is my little man. He still wants as much of my attention as he can possibly get. I know I better soak this up because it might be gone with the wind soon.

DD 7months old. Our little baby. In case you are wondering about why there is such a large gap between her and the other two children, I will explain. It took us nine years to get pregnant for her. We wanted a big family and it just didn't happen. We are so blessed to have her. Our little surprise.


This is a picture of us taken in Atlanta in December.

Now that the introductions are out of the way I can start my report.


We made it to the airport about one hour before our flight was to take off. I figured that was plenty of time since our airport is very small. I was wrong because after we checked in all 8 of our bags (yes, I overpacked big time) we got in line for security. I have never seen a line that long at our airport before. The line was stretched out to Hong Kong. When we were almost to the end of the line they were anouncing the final boarding call for our flight :scared1: . I was freaking out. My husband kept telling me to calm down they were not going to leave us but I started crying like a big baby. I started telling him that it was his fault because he had to stop for a bottle of water on the way to the airport. When I got to security the lady didn't even look in the diaper bag to see if I had any bombs . I said "This is the diaper bag" and she said, "Just go before you miss the plane".
Once we were settled on the plane the baby fell asleep. Thank God. She was so good on the plane. I was scared about what she would do, but she did fine. I am sad that we don't have any pictures from the airport because we were so rushed we didn't have time to stop and pose for pictures.

We landed in Atlanta and then we hurried to get to the gate for our flight to Orlando. We had like 30 minutes between flights so we didn't mess around. When we got to the gate they had already made the final boarding call:scared1: I freaked out again. I can't believe we almost missed this flight too. Again we didn't have time to take pictures at this airport either.:sad2: Now we were finally on our way to Orlando.

We started this trip out with me feeling rushed. It continued for some reason. When we landed in Orlando I felt like we needed to hurry to make it to magical express. I guess I thought we were going to miss it if we didn't hurry. I finallly calmed down once we say Roy at the red carpet. He told us to make a wish as we crossed the red carpet to get to the Magical Express. Thats when my eyes teared up and I felt like the magic was starting and we were officially at Disney World.:goodvibes I felt the stress just lift off of me.

Coming up next................
Did my wish come true?
Your 15 yo sounds like my almost 15 yo, lol. What I want to know is did she wear the Elizabeth Swan costume you bought her?
Wow I was the first to post! I cant believe it, especially with Coteau Chick being so popular and all!
I was wondering when you were going to start this!

Thank heavens you made both of your flights! I'm always worried about that , so I'm at the airport 2 hours early. Then I sit around wisihing I had waited awhile!:)
I feel stressed just reading about your airport adventures. I'm glad it all worked out and you made your flights. At least you didn't have to sit around waiting in the airports! :goodvibes
Woo hoo!
:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Glad to see you've started your trippie! I'm excited to hear how your trip worked with a teen and an infant. My DS just turned 15 and we're TTC (Trying to Conceive) number two. We're planning a trip for Spring of '09...hopefully with a new little Disney addict!
Your airport experience sounds like something that would happen to me. I'm glad that you were able to put that all behind you as soon as you stepped onto the ME carpet and fell under the spell of the Magic of Disney!
Great shot of the family in Atlanta, BTW. Now on with the Trip Report!!
I get the same way at airports. We also are in Louisiana and have a very small airport, so we tend to get there a bit later than we should, and I am always arguing with DH that we should have gotten there sooner. Somehow, it has always worked out.

I can't wait to read the rest of your report.
Your 15 yo sounds like my almost 15 yo, lol. What I want to know is did she wear the Elizabeth Swan costume you bought her?

You will have to wait and find out. I will give you a hint though. We got into a big argument the night of the party.

Wow I was the first to post! I cant believe it, especially with Coteau Chick being so popular and all!

I wish:laughing:

I was wondering when you were going to start this!

Thank heavens you made both of your flights! I'm always worried about that , so I'm at the airport 2 hours early. Then I sit around wisihing I had waited awhile!:)
We sure didn't have time to sit. Heck we didn't even have time to go pee pee.:rotfl:

I feel stressed just reading about your airport adventures. I'm glad it all worked out and you made your flights. At least you didn't have to sit around waiting in the airports! :goodvibes

I really was stressed and it wasn't nice.

Woo hoo!
:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Glad to see you've started your trippie! I'm excited to hear how your trip worked with a teen and an infant. My DS just turned 15 and we're TTC (Trying to Conceive) number two. We're planning a trip for Spring of '09...hopefully with a new little Disney addict!
Your airport experience sounds like something that would happen to me. I'm glad that you were able to put that all behind you as soon as you stepped onto the ME carpet and fell under the spell of the Magic of Disney!
Great shot of the family in Atlanta, BTW. Now on with the Trip Report!!

I really did put it behind me when I stepped on the carpet. It was amazing. How long have you been ttc? I hope it doesn't take you as long as it took me (nine years).

I get the same way at airports. We also are in Louisiana and have a very small airport, so we tend to get there a bit later than we should, and I am always arguing with DH that we should have gotten there sooner. Somehow, it has always worked out.

I can't wait to read the rest of your report.

The airport we went to was Lafayette regional. What airport did you use? I don't know what the deal was with it being soooooooo busy that day.
I really did put it behind me when I stepped on the carpet. It was amazing. How long have you been ttc? I hope it doesn't take you as long as it took me (nine years).

I always love the feeling of stepping onto the first monorail ride of our trip...you know, the one at MCO! It still makes me feel like we're at Disney!
We've been TTC for the past year, although I would've liked to start earlier. My DS15 is from a previous relationship and while DH and I have been together for 8 years, we've only been married for 2 1/2. It's been a tough journey already, and with my age (35) and DH being 40, it's especially tough when things aren't covered by insurance because DH is 40.
We'll keep trying, though!
Extra :hug: for you for going through nine years of TTC! It certainly was worth it! What a beautiful inspiration she is!
Wow! What a crazy way to start your trip! Can't wait to find out how the rest of your trip turned out!:goodvibes
Wow! What a crazy way to start your trip! Can't wait to find out how the rest of your trip turned out!:goodvibes

I will post some more later.Glad you are here.:thumbsup2

I always love the feeling of stepping onto the first monorail ride of our trip...you know, the one at MCO! It still makes me feel like we're at Disney!
We've been TTC for the past year, although I would've liked to start earlier. My DS15 is from a previous relationship and while DH and I have been together for 8 years, we've only been married for 2 1/2. It's been a tough journey already, and with my age (35) and DH being 40, it's especially tough when things aren't covered by insurance because DH is 40.
We'll keep trying, though!
Extra :hug: for you for going through nine years of TTC! It certainly was worth it! What a beautiful inspiration she is!

Don't give up it is soooooooo worth it. I wish I could describe how I felt the day I got the positive pregnancy test result. It was AWESOME, certainly worth the wait. I will send some positive baby dust vibes your way:wizard:
Day one part two

The Magical Express took us to Animal Kingdom Lodge. Check in went very smooth, there was no line. We decided to stay at akl because ds loves animals. He wants to own his own zoo one day. He really wanted to stay at akl. When I booked our room they told me that they didn't have any Savana view rooms available. I was upset because ds really wanted to see the animals from our balcony. I called back a few more times over the next couple of months and tried to upgrade to savana view but they would never let.

Now getting back to my red carpet wish. I wished the same thing as ds. We both wished for an upgrade on our room to savana view. Guess what!!! Our wish came true. I don't remember the name of the cm who checked us in but she was sweet. Everyone at akl was extra nice except for our mousekeeper. I will tell you more about her later.

The check in cast member who upgraded us for FREE said " I can upgrade you but I am so sory you will be able to see the construction from your balcony." I can't believe she was sory I was just happy that ds would be able to sit on the balcony and see giraffes. I am not going to complain I was just thankful for her helping us out.

Here is a picture of our view. We were lucky because ds is fascinated with construction as well as animals. So we didn't mind the construction at all. We watched the giraffes and other animals . We also watched the men put up the side walls of the villas. Cool.


After check in our room wasn't ready so we went eat lunch at the food court. I can't believe it but I forgot the name of the food court. After lunch our room was ready. We went put some of our cary on bags up and then we headed to MK. When we got to the bus stop a bus was pulling up and we were still a little ways off and I did my freak out thing again. I was like telling dh to run and I thought we were going to miss the bus. I guses I was having a flash back from the airport. :rotfl2: DD 15 (Courtney) said that I was acting like a nerd. I am glad I didn't trip.:rotfl:

Our flight landed at 10:40 and we were in MK for 2:00.


Up next I will explain "George"

I read on the disboards that Pirates of the Carabiean is haunted by a ghost named George. He was a welder that was killed while building the ride. The cm have to tell him goodmorning everyday when they open and goodnight when they leave or the ride will break down. I also read that if you say "I don't believe in George " while riding poc it might break down. Well, I told this to my kids and of course they wanted to try it and see what would happen.

I just wanted to explain my title.;)
Great update! :thumbsup2 Great view from your room - I wouldn't have minded the construction if it came with a free upgrade! Thanks for sharing the timing between when your flight arrived and what time you arrived at MK. Our April trip is so short we want to take advantage of every minute - I've been trying to figure out how long it will take us to get from the airport, checked in and to a park. I'll allow a little more time than it took you since you had such a smooth check-in. I can't wait to hear what happens with George! :goodvibes
Great start to your TR! Can't wait to read more. :thumbsup2

And....ooooh, I forgot about George!! SPOOKY!! I rode that ride twice by myself. Glad I didn't remember then!:scared1: :rotfl2:
OH! Can I join in? We just got back from our trip, too, also with a 7 month old! (and, by the way, all of ours are conceived with LOTS of help and prayers!)
OH! Can I join in? We just got back from our trip, too, also with a 7 month old! (and, by the way, all of ours are conceived with LOTS of help and prayers!)

I would be happy for you to join in. Thanks for the statement about all of you children being conceived with lots of help and prayers. That encourages me because I really would like another one. I am praying about going for another trip to the fertility doctor. When we made our magic carpet wish at Disney I wished for two things. I already said what the first one was (for a savana view upgrade). The second one which I have kept a secret untill now was for another baby. My friend would think that I am crazy if the knew that because first of all I am 36 and it took nine years for us to get pregnant for Grace. The second thing is that everyone seems to assume that we would not possibly want anymore children. People say to me all the time that she is my little cabose. It makes me mad that they assume that. Am I wrong for wanting more? I just don't feel like my family is complete yet. Sory to go off topic but I felt like venting. Thanks for listening.;)


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