Confessions of the Resort Changers

I everyone. DisneyBride it is soo funny that you resurrected the thread. I was just thinking about you and ktink. How we all started in one place and ended up somewhere different. I was telling my husband that if he'd let me change to AKL, we'd be staying at Poly this time because of the changes :). I think we are aiming for Poly in 2009 :scared1: although I seriously doubt if we will pass up a good deal in 2008 (we're already talking about Universal next year). The rates went up quite a bit IMO. I'll really have to do some convincing this time.:rolleyes1 .

So....are ya all packed? How are everyone's itineraries shaping up, or should I say changing up? I can't decide a plan of attack since I've been secretly lurking on the methods of attack threads. I don't know whether to attempt EMH in the AM or not. Some say stay away from the EMH parks in the AM and others say do EMH's and quick leave before the crowds come. Some say evening EMH are good because a lot of people with young ones leave early or are too pooped or hot to return for them. Any suggestions? This is the part where I wish that I'd chosen a monorail resort.....

Also...I've discovered the tee shirt design about addicting. Look at your own risk is all I'm saying. I've already started requesting designs. :scared:
Welcome back everyone. StepD, did you ever get the Haviana's? I just discovered a new pair of flipflops in my closet. They were gift w/purchase from Lancome. I forgot I left them in the bag they gave.

As far as a.m. EMH, I have done them every year, and I would say, be at the park when they open, then, ride everything that interests you, or is on your touring plan. Then, by lunch, leave for a swim and go to another park in the p.m. If you don't get up early, then I would say avoid the park with a.m. EMH, because it does draw larger crowds, and people that don't have the park hopper.

For the p.m. EMH, we did the one at EPCOT last year, and DS got to ride Test Track 3 times in a row without getting off. I love traveling in Sept. Unfortunately, this will be the last year, as DS5 will start kindergarten.
Hi Nonsmom :) We don't have the hopper this time so we better avoid the early morning EMH's. We plan to go to water parks every other morning so we opted for the water fun and more option instead. Our plan is to water park, nap, and then hit the other parks on those days. I don't think we'll have time to hop this trip :thumbsup2 . I love the evening EMH's.
We went back and forth on whether to do the waterparks this trip or park hop. We figured with DS2, it might be better to wait until next years trip. We are staying at WL and they have a great pool, next year we will be paying for DS2 so it will be back to the moderates or the values. :sad1:
Unless, I get a job, then maybe I can convince DH. popcorn::

Also, I have heard they are changing the dining plan in '08, it will no longer include gratuity or an appetizer. The price is supposed to go down only $1. In other words, the price will be going up. :sick:
Well I guess it falls on my shoulders to keep the resort changers going!

Actually, I am a bit embarassed by my latest changes, here goes:

Old plan: 3 nights GV @ Poly with free dining. 4 nights @ OKW in a 2br, 1 night @ BCV in a 1br.

Unfortunately we are doing some renovation work on our house and of course it went over budget :confused3 so I needed to save money...

Original New plan: 6 nights in OKW 2br and 2 nights @ BC (no AP Poly rooms available) in a standard room with the AP discount.

but you see I really wanted to be in the MK area for the last 2 nights. I was also worried about not getting a real balcony @ BC. If we have to share a hotel with the kiddoes we NEED a balcony!

Hoping this is the FINAL PLAN:

6 nights @ OKW in br followed by 2 nights @ GF in a garden view room (it looks so beautiful, and sooo convenient to MK for MNSSHP as well as Epcot via monorail) with an AP discount.

Disney Bride:

I know you have stayed @ the GF before so pleeeease reassure me the kids will love it. I know I will:thumbsup2 .

I just typed up this post.....and I guess I took too long!!! Too mad to re type it now...will come back later!!! lol It was longgggggggggg.... kids loved it..Gasparilla's is great...both pools are nice...rooms are very "roomy"..Boca Chica was our bldg...we got upgraded from a garden to a lagoon....and we saw the castle! I will look up the room info for you! I lvoed waking up in the morning and being able to hear the sounds of MK opening!!! I love your FINAL plan!! :) will have a great time at the P and P Party!! I really miss ktink's posts!! Have you heard from her?
DOnt care for the new DDP.....I really think it has been a great value! kids loved it..Gasparilla's is great...both pools are nice...rooms are very "roomy"..Boca Chica was our bldg...we got upgraded from a garden to a lagoon....and we saw the castle! I will look up the room info for you! I lvoed waking up in the morning and being able to hear the sounds of MK opening!!! I love your FINAL plan!! :) will have a great time at the P and P Party!! I really miss ktink's posts!! Have you heard from her?
DOnt care for the new DDP.....I really think it has been a great value!

:mad: Don't like the new DDP idea either. It will end up costing us a lot more because when you go to places like LeCellier and the higher priced restaurants, the bill comes out to about $2-300 and paying 18 percent of that for a tip is going to be a bummer over a long stay. Unless, they give us free dining again, then it won't be as bad :flower3: my psot that never got posted I commented on your great advice on the EMH's! We do have hoppers due to the fact we are not sure how DD14mths will be....and i would hate to be at the YC one evening and say hey lets walk over to Epcot...and then couldnt cause we were at AK in the a.m.....
DDP....the wine plan???Hello...they better have $40 bottles of wine on the vino lsit...Cakebread chardonney is my fave...but that would be a total extravagence (sp?) Deluxe DDP..I would hate to be obligated to 3 ADR's let alone 1 every day....If I was going on a 3 night trip maybe...and do one signature meal....but I cant see paying for it for a long trip for the whole family...DD is now 10 and will not eat that much!! DS14 yes.....:)
My sister is getting married on Saturday so I'm very busy....but not so busy that I can't check my ticker and find out whats going on. I haven't heard from Ktink. I've sent her a few messages. I hope everything is okay with her aunt. Ktink we all miss ya!!

Nonsmom :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 Two thumbs WAY up. I feel like I've been let in on the biggest best secret in the world. To think I've been three times already and I'm still finding out new things about the world.
Disney Bride - I hope it works for you. We have done well every time with the have a light breakfast in the room, get to the parks when/or shortly after they open. Tour then break for lunch around 11 and then head back for a swim, shower and go to dinner and catch a couple of rides. It really helps the little ones focus. DS5 does not do well with waiting in lines at all, so this really helped. It has also helped the rest of us who do not do well in the heat.

StepD-I had been about 15 times before I learned about half of the tips, and 18 times before finding Disboards. So don't feel bad. :teacher:

My husbands friend goes every year and has just bought the AKVC. They fill me in on a lot, but most of it I have found out on my own. I just check with them to see what they think of the restaurants I book, they just got back last week from 1 wk at BWV and then the Disney Cruise. I only dream of vacations like that. :cool2:
hi everyone...I'm back, now I know why I am a switcher....I just really want every thing to go off perfect and lets face it, it never will.

what came out of my trip,

I will never split my stay again.
I will never stay at por again, even though I was a big fan of this resort prior to this trip..
on the other hand, we are now spoiled for the gf..I've never heard any one mention the pine ?something building, anyway, thats what we got, it has not been renovated yet as I heard some of the other buildings were. They are building a little portico out in front and they had begun working on some of the rooms on the first floor while we were there. Even with the construction it was 10x nicer than por. the staff was so nice. At por I request aligator bayou and a close building as my hubby has a lung condition....they stuck us in one of the mansion buildings sooooo far away and with the heat, we didn't even make it to the main building or pool..thank god I was only there one night.

I will never again go in august. 110 with the heat felt hotter. it was that hot at sunrise and when we went back to our room at 10pm, it was still in the 90's

I will never waste 2 days at universal. If they open the harry potter thing I would go for 1 day, but not stay on their property. (although we did see one of the guys from kiss at the hard rock hotel)

I would make my adr's later in the evening. I made mine early thinking there would be time to walk off the big dinner, but with the heat and being full walking off the big dinner was not appealing. One thing I did that was great, imo, was to make an early lunch at coral reef and a dinner at kona the same day, which left me with only cs the next day which I really liked. we made it our mk day, so we were free to do what we wanted without worrying about making a dinner ressie time.

can't wait to plan and re-plan my next not yet set:confused3

Sorry to hear about the things that didn't go well but if you can't wait to start planning your next trip then all is well and you had fun. Thanks for the tips. If it makes you feel any better, we had 103 and 104 here in NJ last week. It seems there was a heatwave everywhere. We made our ADR's late because on our last trip we didn't even want dinner until later after the wonderful lunches we had.

Welcome Back!!!:yay:

Sorry to hear about the things that didn't go well but if you can't wait to start planning your next trip then all is well and you had fun. Thanks for the tips. If it makes you feel any better, we had 103 and 104 here in NJ last week. It seems there was a heatwave everywhere. We made our ADR's late because on our last trip we didn't even want dinner until later after the wonderful lunches we had.

Welcome Back!!!:yay:

thanks step...btw, I don't mean to come off like it was all bad. The gf room we had was wonderful. Somehow we got the corner room on the first floor. We had a view of the castle and the poly as we had 2 balconies....which was a great surprise. When it was hot, we hung out in the pool and drank..:dance3: (thank god for the disney rewards bucks$$$, those drinks are expensive, but we didn't hold

one night I just sat in the lobby and watched the passers by and listened to the piano and band. It was so relaxing. (oh yeah, and drank, again)
My husband doen't want to stay anywhere else now. (this won't bode well for my resort swaping tendencies:lmao: )

got to get back to my post trip chores.:laundy: ..(now I know why they have this little icon)
one night I just sat in the lobby and watched the passers by and listened to the piano and band. It was so relaxing. (oh yeah, and drank, again)
My husband doen't want to stay anywhere else now. (this won't bode well for my resort swaping tendencies:lmao: )

This won't bode well for your pocketbook either;) .

Seriously, I am sooooo glad you posted about the GF. Somehow I ended up with a GF ressie for 2 nights at the end of our trip next month (It's been such a long strange trip:hippie: I'm still a li'l fuzzy on the details...:rolleyes1 )
so it is great to have an affirmation that we will love the resort.

Us resort changers live for affirmation (and complimentary upgrades of course).
cakey...welcome back!!! WOW 2 balconies...did you have a garden view?? Yes you did it to yourself now!!!! You get very spoiled at the GF!!
By the time we left, my kids wanted to move and live in the GF (they were 6 and 9)..Mind you....they first thought it was too fancy! will love this place!!!! You will want to stay longer next time!!! was your sisters wedding???? Hope it was great and everything went well...:) Are you ready yet?
Me? OMG....not even close being ready for school which starts on the 21st next week, which is also DS13 b last weekend in WI fo much to do at home UGH...I dont even have any Disney stuff together yet!! Help!!! DH has to fly out to SAN Fran to see his Dad next weekend....
Well, I guess I need to take a break from the boards.....NOT!! lol

cakey...try a spilt stay another time....:) DOnt give up:)
I too loved the GF when I stayed with DD. DH and I decided against it for this trip, I didn't think DS would appreciate the atmosphere. I think GF is the perfect resort for a "girls trip". Plus, it reminds me of a particular beach club at home (Cape Cod).

We are doing a split stay this time, I will let everyone know my opinion when we get back!

I have sooooo much to do before we leave on Monday! My house is a mess, I have to pack for 11 days for me and the 2 kids, and DH informs me that his work regarding this trip is done other than packing for himself, which he will do Sunday night. (FYI....he's done nothing other than pay for it!) UGGGHHHH!!! So.........instead of cleaning my house, I am on the DIS Boards!!:rolleyes1
"I want to love GF tooooo" (she whined as she read about the others' who had stayed at the resort..) Affirmation also drives others to change their resort plans. Do you think that it's too late to switch?:lmao: Believe it or not, I called and asked about the situation at AKL just in case I get to WL and hate it and demand to be relocated to AKL :laughing: Just kidding (about the demanding not about calling to ask about the AKL.) My sister's wedding was absolutely the most beautiful wedding I've ever seen (except for mine of course). The wedding and reception was at a club on a lake. The wedding was on the beach at the lake where there was a lighthouse and a wooden bridge. It was a brunch so the early morning sun was perfect. Oh may goodness it was beautiful. If I knew how to post pictures, I would show them off. (Gotta learn before we go). I want to begin a pretrip report only because I want to do a trip report when I return and I don't want to just start out the clear blue.

Still waiting to hear from Ktink....hope everything is okay. If you're lurking ktink, drop us a line, we miss ya.

MomtoprincessA....MONDAY??!!. OMG... I'd be :banana:. This would be me:laundy: :laundy: take a break:woohoo: , DIS :surfweb: :laundy::laundy: . I am so excited for you!!!
StepD, sounds like the perfect day/wedding.

Were you able to get your touring plan down? I have been taking a break from reading e-mail/DIS for a few days and have had both DS's out all day running their little legs off. I am just hoping to be able to get away with only one stroller this year. I figure the more exercise they get the better they will hold up when we get there. :rotfl:

I can't believe we are under a month!:cool1:
StepD, sounds like the perfect day/wedding.

Were you able to get your touring plan down? I have been taking a break from reading e-mail/DIS for a few days and have had both DS's out all day running their little legs off. I am just hoping to be able to get away with only one stroller this year. I figure the more exercise they get the better they will hold up when we get there. :rotfl:

I can't believe we are under a month!:cool1:

I'm working on my touring plan now. I found a wonderful link on a thread here where someone was willing to share their spreadsheet. I will be able to map out my plan based on the information you gave me and the book that I plan to borrow from my neighbor. I will let you know what I come up with just in case I missed something. I will be ordering water from Costco but I'm not sure how soon I should order it. Will they just hold it behind the desk? Should you order it a couple of days before or weeks....OMG I only have 15 more days (14 because this day is almost over :thumbsup2 )

How old are your children? My DS (6) was 4 on the last trip and he refused to ride in a buggy (as he called it). Mostly because his older brother DS (10) at the time, was walking so he wanted to do the same. Somehow, if you catch them before they melt down, they seem to do okay walking. I wish that someone would push me and DH around in a buggy :lmao: . By the way, is it crazy for me to hope that each one of us wins a castle stay during our upcoming trip? That's what I'm hoping for pixiedust: !!

Disneybride....looking forward to the meet at MK.


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