Confessions of a lurker


Aug 29, 2004
I'm almost embarrassed to say it, but yes, I am a lurker, I've been searching, reading, bookmarking websites from this board for about two months now. I just wanted to say that I think you guys are the best group of people, so helpful, friendly and you all obviously love Disney and the magic that goes on in and outside the parks. I've not really posted alot because I never felt like I had much to offer, but I will soon, as we're leaving next weekend for our fourth trip to Disney. Maybe I can help someone else out like you've all helped me. You guys are like a family and it's nice to see people hanging out, having a good time.

Thanks again!

Welcome, and have a wonderful trip!!!! Do tell about it when you get back!! Tell Mickey I'll see him in 3 weeks!! :Pinkbounc :bounce:
Thank you, thank you, I can't wait. I've told dh that we need to go once without the kids, he thinks that would be mean. So I pleaded my case further saying we wouldn't have to tell them WHERE we were going just that mommy and daddy need special alone time together (with Mickey and Minnie and Tigger and Cinderella and.......). He's still not convinced. LOL.

I hope you have a great trip too, Happy early Anniversary, ours is in four days, so we'll be celebrating this month too. I'll tell Mickey to keep a sharp eye out for you! Thanks!
Always room for one more Disney nut! Er . . . you don't mind if I call you a nut, do you?
Originally posted by weloveprincesses
Thank you, thank you, I can't wait. I've told dh that we need to go once without the kids, he thinks that would be mean. So I pleaded my case further saying we wouldn't have to tell them WHERE we were going just that mommy and daddy need special alone time together (with Mickey and Minnie and Tigger and Cinderella and.......). He's still not convinced. LOL.

I used to say that, too. But then I thought about it and I came to the conclusion that I would be spending the whole trip wishing the kids were there. Everytime we would pass IASW, I would probably cry thinking of my childrens' first trip on that ride.

DH and I will someday almost make that trip to WDW alone, but it will most likely be a family trip with a day out alone for us. To me, Disney trip = family trip. DH and I will go other places alone.

weloveprincesses---Welcome To The DIS!!!:wave: :wave2:
My dh and I went to Disney alone before our kids were old enough to go. We stayed at the Grand Floridian and it was great! I spent the next three years waiting to take the boys! :teeth:

Now when we go, we make at least one special dinner or night out for us alone. It's really nice.

Have fun!
Welcome to the DIS
We have converted another one
I was a lurker myself

:wave: :wave:
Thanks for such warm welcomes!
Harambe-uh, nut would probably be a nice name for me. My husband came to the conclusion that I was obsessed with our Disney trip as it's all I could talk about for the first three weeks after we decided to go and then booked it. It got so bad I had to preface anything I said to him with "This has nothing to do with Disney...Can you (fill in the blank)?" because if it had to do with Disney plans he didn't want to hear anymore! I think what really pushed him over the edge was when I asked for his help in Excel to design a spreadsheet for planning our days there.

Alicenwonder99-Oh no, you mean I might get an attack of the guilts? I never thought of that! I was about 32 the first time I ever went, dsd was 9 and dd was 1. We went over New Years Eve (talk about crowds) and I remember the first thing I though as we stepped through the turnstiles onto Main Street in MK was "We gotta come back without the kids!" I just wanted time to soak in the atmosphere. Sigh. You're probably right, I do that now wishing my kids were with me so they could see whatever I'm seeing.

Thanks again!
I have been a lurker for years. It has taken me a long time to become a "Dis Veteran" because I have spent most of my time just reading all the wonderful posts from all of the people on these boards. You don't have to be an amateur to be a lurker, I have read most trivia books, spent MANY days and nights in the parks, resturaunts and resorts, and buy and read the "Unofficial Guide" every year. I have an answer to most questions I see, that I either know from my own experience or from reading the answers on these boards, but I just enjoyed seeing how quickly someone would get the answer from others. I usually start posting more the closer I get to our next trip... like now! I find that I feel much more "a part of" when I actually post something and let my voice be heard. I am now planning my first Dis Meet with others attending the MNSSHP on 10/17. Have a really fun trip and continue to enjoy the community you have found here!
Okay, I admit I am a bit of a lurker myself. At first I didn't register. After I finally got up the nerve to register, I started to post some things. But then I discovered the search function at the bottom of the page. Now I use that whenever I have a question and usually the answer is there. I wish I had more original questions so I could post more often! LOL!

I love the DisBoards and all of the people here, and I spend far too much time reading all of the wonderful things. Thank you for everything, everyone. Now, if my trip could just come a little bit faster...:wave:
Hope to see you often have a magical trip.Please let us know how your trip went when you get back.::yes:: :wave2:
Hi weloveprincesses! I'll see you there next weekend! where are you staying? Are you hitting MNSSHP? I have lurked so much here. You are right, we have the best bunch of folks here on the DIS!:cool:
HI Maggi!!!:wave: Welcome to the DIS!!!!! You're right, we're just one big happy family :grouphug:

Have fun in the World!!!:wave2:
Hey there!! Welcome to the DIS!!:wave: Everyone here is a terrific bunch:) Have a wonderful trip and enjoy that planning:)
Come and hang out with us some more when you get back. And please let us know about your trip:D :earsboy:
Hey there! I've been a lurker too, enjoying all of the reviews and advice everyone has to offer!! It's addicting. Can't wait to hear about your trip, Enjoy!! :sunny:


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