Completed WDW Trip but undecided on contacting Disney


Tomorrow's Child
Jul 28, 2017
Me and my nephews had a great trip about 18 weeks ago. Everything was great, however there is one issue that is still bothering me. During our visit to the MK we encountered a cast-member who obviously had some issues. While waiting in line for the Starjets/Astro Orbiter me and my nephews witnessed from afar a very happy elderly male guest jump and and down with joy and 'run' over to his family. I told my nephews that the mature man was so happy and that they too, if they live well and embrace joy and happiness, could be just as vibrant and energized as he is. At that moment a male cast-member overheard what I said and began to yell at me. He told me not to "make fun of other guests" and that it was not very mature of me. I tried to explain to him what I said and clarify my comment in an effort to reassure him that I was not making fun of any guest. The cast-member walked away while I was still talking.

I felt pretty badly but shrugged it off. After the Starjets me and my nephews went over to space mountain. We waiting in line for quite a bit. When we came out my nephew asked me what time did the MK close that evening. Low and behold the same castmember from earlier who shouted at me came overheard us again and started talking to us. His speech was filled with profanity. He also used an inappropriate sexualised term to describe one particular subject. My reaction was to get away from him immediately. My young nephews were seriously bothered by that guy. They are children and it was upsetting to encounter the castmember. In all of my years I have never encountered a castmember like this one guy. My nephews asked me if I was going to report him. I debated it all night long. However I know that the cm's put up with all kinds of crazy behavior for guests. I thought that perhaps this one guy may have cracked. I don't know. I didn't want to be 'that guest' who goes and tattles on a cm. But at the same time we were really upset by his behavior. The cm had missing teeth and looked very badly. I'd never seen a cm look like this before either. Most of the time cm's are fairly or very attractive people. Who seem to take good care of themselves. I am one of the people who visited EPCOT Center on day one back in 1982. So I have a very compassionate spot in my heart for the cm's and all that they do for the world. I always tell my nephews to make sure to thank cm's and show respect to the cm's always. We care about them very much. I am and shall always be an advocate for greater perks and higher wages for cm's. They are beautiful people who give so, so much to sometimes a thankless world. I thin because I have much empathy for cm's I decided not to report the cm that we encountered on our trip.

I am still uncertain if I made the right decision. My greatest fear is that he will go and behave badly towards other guests in the future. I honestly don't know if I did the right thing by letting it all go. If I reported him he might have lost his job. He already looked so badly and it would make me feel even worse to ever find out that he might deteriorate further if he lost his disney job. I don't want to be the person who ruins another person's life just because I was made uncomfortable for a few moments at the MK. I want to be the guest who supports cm's and not the one who always complains and causes a problem. I just don't know if I did the right thing.
I'd report him just like I'd report anyone who was in a public service position and using abusive speech towards me and/or my family. His behavior was 100% unacceptable even if he was having an off day.
Are you sure he was a cm and not dressed like one? Just seems really odd to me. I would report for sure, that is not acceptable. I am sure others have reported this cm if his behavior is such.
Absolutely report them 110%. I hope you have a name too. Totally uncalled for by anyone let alone a CM
I thought it might be a CM impersonator, too. Most all CM's I've encountered looked and acted professional. Not one would use profanity or sexual innuendo ever, and that's one reason why I suspect if he really was a CM. report it anyway, as they need to catch someone impersonating a CM like that.
The first incident was bad enough, but after that second encounter I would have been looking for a manager! His behavior was totally over the line. I hope you have enough information that they can investigate and deal with it. I hate to think he was actually an employee.


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