COMPLETED-Peter Pans Christmas trip to Neverland! 19th- 23rd November

Great update :thumbsup2
Looking forward to the Sunday's report.

I know what u mean about crowds with buggys, but you had the right idea to go for a break in the Disney village ;)

Glad Sunday wasnt as bad.

This is why i choose to do our trip mon-fri cus i was worried about the crowds.
But after i had booked i then discovered that Fantillusion Parade has only been on during wkends in previous yrs, so i was disappointed, i even tried to change our days with travel agents, but it was far to expensive to make changes to our booking, so we didnt bother and we just hoped that Disney might change it and show Fantilusion every evening.
So u can imagine how excited i was when i found out the week before our holiday that the Fantillusion was on every day
But to be honest, fantillusion was lovely, but i prefered the Once Upon a Dream Parade and Enchanted Candlebration was absolutley stunning :wizard:

Wed, thurs and Fri was the less busiest day for us too :thumbsup2
Great update :thumbsup2
Looking forward to the Sunday's report.

I know what u mean about crowds with buggys, but you had the right idea to go for a break in the Disney village ;)

Glad Sunday wasnt as bad.

This is why i choose to do our trip mon-fri cus i was worried about the crowds.
But after i had booked i then discovered that Fantillusion Parade has only been on during wkends in previous yrs, so i was disappointed, i even tried to change our days with travel agents, but it was far to expensive to make changes to our booking, so we didnt bother and we just hoped that Disney might change it and show Fantilusion every evening.
So u can imagine how excited i was when i found out the week before our holiday that the Fantillusion was on every day
But to be honest, fantillusion was lovely, but i prefered the Once Upon a Dream Parade and Enchanted Candlebration was absolutley stunning :wizard:

Wed, thurs and Fri was the less busiest day for us too :thumbsup2

well yes! haha, thats why i booked over those days too! haha. i booked back in march I think, and at that point fantillusionw as only set for the weekends! so i did it wed to sun rather then mon to fri... so i was a bit annoyed when i rrealsed i could have done it anyway! haha... but on that note.. if i had done it mon to fri.. the air france strike was still on monday.. so that may have been a problem... but in the future, i would def avoid weekends at all cost!! hahaha
Loving your reports and pics :thumbsup2

I know what you mean about crowds, the pushing and shoving is shocking :scared1: the last trip we went on we had a double buggy and it was a nightmare.....glad it didnt ruin your trip.....
fantastic report and lovely photos

we were there the previous Saturday and it was so busy then as well - the worst Ive ever seen it and we are usually there peak times
I hate crowds, so I know what you mean about the pushing and shoving. That description of Ben protecting Milo made me go all mumsy. How lovely.
I think I met the same Peter Pan & Wendy in October & they were just lovely with my kids (especially Wendy) and gave them big hugs and told them how lovely it was to meet them - there no crowds about at the time though! It was lovely to read about your Peter Pan encounter, I'm sure you'll remember it forever. It certainly pays to dress the kids up. I have found that CMs give them more attention & my daughter has been called princess on many occasions. Once she was coming out of Anamagique in her princess dress (she was 4 at the time) and a CM stopped her & DH & asked if they wanted to go on the parade with Mickey. The next day they were part of the parade, sitting on the last float of the Studios Parade with Mickey Mouse. Pity I was 8 mths pregnant at the time & missed that trip!

Sorry to hear that it was so busy on the Saturday, I don't usually go at weekends, but have booked in January over my birthday weekend :scared1:

Looking forward to reading more.
I think I met the same Peter Pan & Wendy in October & they were just lovely with my kids (especially Wendy) and gave them big hugs and told them how lovely it was to meet them - there no crowds about at the time though! It was lovely to read about your Peter Pan encounter, I'm sure you'll remember it forever. It certainly pays to dress the kids up. I have found that CMs give them more attention & my daughter has been called princess on many occasions. Once she was coming out of Anamagique in her princess dress (she was 4 at the time) and a CM stopped her & DH & asked if they wanted to go on the parade with Mickey. The next day they were part of the parade, sitting on the last float of the Studios Parade with Mickey Mouse. Pity I was 8 mths pregnant at the time & missed that trip!

Sorry to hear that it was so busy on the Saturday, I don't usually go at weekends, but have booked in January over my birthday weekend :scared1:

Looking forward to reading more.

wow!! Being part of the parade!! how amazing!!! Whats a great experience!!! Hopefully a weekend in Jan wont be so busy.. I think i was all the locals going for all the Christmassy things.... and lets face it... If I was local to Disneyland Paris.. I may very well be there everyday!!!:rotfl:
I hate crowds, so I know what you mean about the pushing and shoving. That description of Ben protecting Milo made me go all mumsy. How lovely.

yes, thank you, was such a gorgeous thing to see.. leaning right over him so if someone bumped into buggy he would get banged and not his baby brother.. so gorgeous

Well We had packed everything mostly the night before, so I rushed everyone out of Bed so we would be at the baggage stop in Sante fe for 7am. It was FREEZING! And we were all really underdressed for such weather... but we knew we would be in a boiling hot airport later.. so left it as we were. We dropped bags off at 7 and went straight for Breakfest... we didnt make our ususal "picnic" today.. as I had barely spent ANY money on this trip, so figured I would buy us lunch later.

We went into Park and Did Peter Pan a few times, Tea cups and then headed over to Buzz for our final go... which was CLOSED:scared1: .. People were making quite a fuss... but it didnt really bother me, ques for space mountain were 5 mins, so we had a quick ear bashing on that again:rotfl: then went into the Lion king Stage to look around, got some pics, then went and got into the que for Star Tours for opening!!


After this we went around a few shops in the park and went and had an early lunch in The pizza post... I think thats what it was called. Ben had the box of pasta.. which he loved.. (think he had missed pasta!) And Matthew and I shared a Pizza. Milo was being fussy with everything.. then ended up sharing Bens pasta too.. I just chopped it up a bit.

We then went to post Father Christmas a letter before we went home. SO we did a few, From Ben, Milo, Their Step sister Olivia and one of Bens friends.. then headed back to Central Plaza area where we saw the express coming past, great timing again! Then the snow started to fall!



We never get snow down here in Cornwall... so Ben was running around in pure excitment... as was I!! :love:


We kind of spent the next hour walking around in a daze!! Disney Daze lets call it! The rides were too busy anyway.. and I just wanted to take everything in.. so we walked around in the snow.. drinking hot choc and eating popcorn..was total bliss!!

Now... at this point I must tell you, most of this was caught on camcorder... and we have lost lead to put it on pc... so when this error has been sorted I will add some clips for you all to see. My mum also Has lots of photos of the our camera battery started to die at this point! So I have a few, but Il pinch her memory card in the next week and add more pics then!

All I can say is it was gorgeous!! It was light and fluffy when we were in park, by the time we made it to village for a bit of light shopping before we left... it was so heavy we were drenched in snow! After shopping we took the most beautiful walk back to sante fe, very slowly along the river, the ground was thick with snow, we even made a mini snow man!! The trees were frosted in white... it was just gorgeous! And made for the most wonderful exit from our beautiful Christmas trip to Disneyland Paris. By the time we got to Sante fe... the Buggy was officaillly and iglu! It was so covered in snow we couldnt see through the raincover!! we were drenched and cold.. but still smiling huge smiles, as it had been so much fun.


Here is pic taken from mobile! Will give you an idea of how the snow fell! Will get more pics when I can!

We didnt wait long for transfer Bus, and we were then off to CDG. Milo was not in the best of moods on this trip! haha.. but it didnt last long and we kept him entertained with his brand new Sulley teddy.... which of corse he picked... with no encouragment from mummy at all.......:rolleyes1

Ben sat with his brand new panther teddy....

When we got to airport.... we had issue after issue... the air france staff were not the friendly bunch we had had at Bristol! They would not allow me to keep buggy.. we had 3 hours to wait before flight with a baby!! As flight been delayed by snow a bit. They made the security check alot more complicated... not that I minded really.. as its nice to know they are doing a good job! But even smiling seemed to offend?? It was really hard coping with a tired baby with no buggy for so long, esp as I saw so many other mums with older children still had theirs... we literally had just got some random person on a power we had ben allowed to keep our buggy right up to boarding before! But it was ok....

If I was to give advice to those with children going to cdg.... take food!! It makes Disneyland Paris look cheap! And the food is not really child friendly... the only thing I found for ben to eat was some pasta and pesto ..tiny portion that cost me 11 euros! coke was nearly 4 euros! So in case your flight is delayed.. amke sure you are well stocked up... on the plus side though... they had a play area for milo to bum shuffle around and a playstation area ..which kept Ben and Matthew entertained for 2 hours! haha

Once on plane we found they had made yet another complication.. we had requested 2 times to make sure we were all sat together... and he said, yes your first to check in... thats fine you're all together... it was only when handing over boarding passes that I saw we were all over the place! Even Ben who was 4! On his own!!! I was so furious... first time whole trip anything got to me! The people on board would not help... but kindly the other guests felt so sorry for us they very kindly swapped their seats around.. so Ben sat with nanny one end and I sat with matthew the other with Milo on my lap... But i really didnt like not being near Ben.. it made me feel very anxious throughout trip.

Once sat down Ben was fast asleep... and amazingly so was milo.. i was very carefully trying to put the baby seat belt on as to not wake him up.. when the air hostess came past.. and I think trying to help just pulled milo forward!! MY BABY!! I said.. "excuse me, dont you dare touch my child! I will do it", she apoligised... she was very young and I think realised what an idiot thing to do she just did. I was very polite to her throughout the trip..we all make mistakes. Luckily I got milo back to sleep with just a bit of crying.

Then we were off.... the flight was fast and we were quickly back at Bristol. You think the drama may have stopped... but nooo.. as I saw my new twin buggy come around.. I had boguht for this trip.. as Ben too bug to need it... I saw it had been snapped in half on one side... the metal literally snapped! So off to baggage enquiries I went.. exhausted... by this time I had a bad case of the giggles!! An just laughed it now in process of trying to get compensation for the damage...

The ironic thing being... that they said they took buggy off me 3 hours before our flight.. to insure it was safe! :rotfl: :rotfl:

I was then informed we had to take broken buggy home with us, as they may want to collect it! so we had two children to carry now who were asleep... couldnt sit them in anything.. and all our luggage... getting to the car was a barrel of laughs! haha

Well we finally got home to our house ..excited as our central heating was meant to be put in while we were away.... nothing done... heating had been turned off for 5 days.... condensation sogging every window... smelt damp... joy! so was up cleaning and making house nice until 4 in the morning! haha

sooooooo... as you can see... the min I left Disneyland Paris it all went a bit mad! hahaha... It was a sign from Mickey not to leave I just know it!!

SO once this trip has been paid off, the car has new tyres, mot and all those boring things that soak money up.. I will be booking another trip!! Matthew is going to work out extra hours to save up too.

It was a magical holiday! And fit for a child of any age. Even milo who is barely one... loved the parades! Since we have been home we have watched our footage on tv, and Milo and Ben have sat there clapping and smiling... like we are there watching it all over again!

I would like to thank everyoe for all the advice, as even with 5 days we didnt get it all done! But with you help I managed to do everything important with greater ease and information!

Babys- Not all the loo's have a changing area! There is the baby centre.. which is located in the Central Plaza area near the sign directed to Lost Children. Also the loo in Discovery land near Autopia has a changing area on the tops near the sinks... if that helps anyone!
baby food and napppies cost a fortune... and i bought milo one baby i was worried he was not eating enough.. and he hated it! haha

oh yes.. if you are planning on going when it is likely to be wet.. make sure your children have shoes with amazing grip! My son was wearing ugg style boots and is covered in bruises from slipping over on certain floor types outside.. not hat he minded... he said he was ice skating! haha

Pizza planet is a life saver to warm up and let little ones have a crawel and a play before going off to parade.... it was so large that even on saturday when we went in.. there was plenty of room available.

Tip: If your taking baby... i took boiled water over on the plane in a flask.. then topped up water already in bottles, so milk was nice and warm.. just had to take a sip of it to prove it was safe water. This way you can then use that flask either for the same purpose in park... or fill up with a nice warm drink from your breakfest buffet!

Hope you have enjoyed my first trip report covering the 19th to 23rd of November 2008. It was an amazing experience that I will treasure forever. I hope I can return again soon...and I will be lingering around the site until then, to keep the memories and planning alive!
wow what a great trip report. i really enjoyed it. i cant believe all the drama at the airport. you would think with all the people passing through they would be used to families.although when i went through the metal detector with ash who was asleep her baby straps set off the alarm. i tried to explain but they grabbed ash off me. drug tested me ash and the buggy. woke ash up from her sleep so she was cranky till we got home it was awful. the woman shook her awake and kept snapping her fingers to get ash to look at her.ugh i just wanted to gently take the straps off and go through again. no such luck!!
wow what a great trip report. i really enjoyed it. i cant believe all the drama at the airport. you would think with all the people passing through they would be used to families.although when i went through the metal detector with ash who was asleep her baby straps set off the alarm. i tried to explain but they grabbed ash off me. drug tested me ash and the buggy. woke ash up from her sleep so she was cranky till we got home it was awful. the woman shook her awake and kept snapping her fingers to get ash to look at her.ugh i just wanted to gently take the straps off and go through again. no such luck!!

oh my god! that awful! Thats even worse then what I had! What the heck is wrong with people! Poor Ash!
what a lovely trip, just a shame that the end was not such a good one.
never ceases to amaze me how ppl can treat families and young children....... sorry u both had a bad experience at the end - just makes me happier that we drive, as thinking of flying is a complete no no - much more stressful than driving i think!!!

hope all ur bills and ur house is ok now, and get the saving going! its how i did this trip - sunday overtime at time & half to get the money - and it worked great lol

thank u for sharing, and seein the snow is so exciting - wud love it if we get snow too (bet we just get rain lol)

and yes - ur kids are gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what a lovely trip, just a shame that the end was not such a good one.
never ceases to amaze me how ppl can treat families and young children....... sorry u both had a bad experience at the end - just makes me happier that we drive, as thinking of flying is a complete no no - much more stressful than driving i think!!!

hope all ur bills and ur house is ok now, and get the saving going! its how i did this trip - sunday overtime at time & half to get the money - and it worked great lol

thank u for sharing, and seein the snow is so exciting - wud love it if we get snow too (bet we just get rain lol)

and yes - ur kids are gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Arr thank you. Yes I would def drive if I lived nearer... But would cost a fortune in Petrol from cornwall.... but if petrol pricess still continue to go down...(fingers crossed) i may do that. Also that dream castle hotel that
Sara969 stayed in looks gorgeous..... that is tempting me!! haha
we r not exactly easy drive - it takes us about 3 to 4 hrs to get to the tunnel, hence havin a stop in hotel the night before..... its only cheaper as we used tesco vouchers for the tunnel - so just fuel to pay - am currently collecting the 5p of fuel vouchers, so we can get filled up even cheaper!!

we did consider flying - with the ryanair cheap flights, but think wed spend as much if not more with taxi to airport, and transfers from cdg airport to disney...... its hard to gauge really!!!

yes, dream castle looks fab, but im a disney snob n wanna stay onsite!!! one day will be dlh...... one day........
Yes i do know what you mean about staying onsite.... but if it worked out alot cheaper i wouldn't mind she said i was very disney themed etc. The tesco club points are a good idea... I have no idea how to do that.. to turn points into using the tunnel. I think would take us 4/5 hours to drive to tunnel... maybe bit more! haha... mmm... its a difficult one... our transfers etc were free.... i guess it all works out about the same, unless your lucky enough to live right near tunnel! But i cant wait... will have to do it in 2009... come what may!
Ben got so upset he put his arms over Milo to protect him and shouted... "Dont you push my brother... he is a baby"... at that point the warmth came back for me... really melted my heart! :wizard: :wizard:

Awwwww!!! That is soooo sweet!

Bob xoxoxox
I loved your trip report. What a nightmare at the airport! We had exactly the same thing at the airport flying out. We had been told we could have our buggy until boarding but were made to check it in! It was 5 in the morning and Jessica was 11 months old at the time. It's hard to believe that they would do that - it's not like she could have walked anywhere, so it's a necessity when you have other children and luggage. If Ben is anything like Olivia (who was just 5 when we went to DLRP) he will remember so much of this trip. She still remembers things that I had forgotten!
yes Ben is the same... he remembers everything! Its so nice, perfect age to take him it was. Yes it was daft, at this end at Bristol they said... "oh no of corse keep your buggy".. same size plane... same company... wierd!
Oh memory to add quickly!!! hahha. ben adores Dinosaurs... is dino mad, so I thought he would love dragon under castle.... haha... well i told him it was pretend as we were going in... but didnt preapre him enough... the min he saw dragon, it moved and made a noise... Ben literally ran out screaming! haha... poor thing... was funny though.. I ran after him picked him up and cuddled him.. he got over it quickly... but just to warn! haha... prepare them first! hahahaahah.... He is not usually scared of those things... we have been to dinosaur parks etc.. but Dragon really scared him! haha ... again.. Milo was not bothered... the crazy brave baby!
I really truelly loved reading your report...

From the tiny Air France plane (yip thats the fella we get haha!!) to the ski suits!!:rotfl:

Not sure if its just me but I felt myself well up with the characters being so nice to your son!:love: The photos are amazing!!

You don't happen to know if I will be allowed to take a buggy on Air France for my 3 year old son??? Don't want to be charged for taking it:thumbsup2


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