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Well, look at this, I watch the Bachelor and miss page 1! :happytv:

I think your car seat has a date imprinted in the plastic. It will tell you when you need a new seat!

Why are you taking the 6mon out of the peg perego seat? Molly is almost 6 months old and I haven't heard any chat about taking her out of her peg perego? Is it only an infant seat??

I wanted to ask about the car seats. Jenna is 7 years old and weighs 53 pounds I don't know off hand how tall she is. I am wondering if she should be in a car seat still or is the seat belt enough? I kind of think she should be, but the Sherrif's officer at the school says no she doesn't need one. She doesn't have one right now, because she got too tall for the last one.
I wanted to ask about the car seats. Jenna is 7 years old and weighs 53 pounds I don't know off hand how tall she is. I am wondering if she should be in a car seat still or is the seat belt enough? I kind of think she should be, but the Sherrif's officer at the school says no she doesn't need one. She doesn't have one right now, because she got too tall for the last one.

I think different states have different laws. Morgan is 7 but I have already told her to expect to be in a carseat until I drop her off at the church for her WEDDING! :lmao:

Here is a link I found real quick-

Here is the Florida law-
Child Car Seat Requirements
Florida law requires children under 5 years of age to be properly restrained no matter where they are seated in the vehicle. Children through age 3 must be secured in a separate carrier (child safety seat) or in a vehicle manufacturer's integrated child safety seat. For children ages 4 - 5, a separate carrier, an integrated child safety seat, or a safety belt may be used. If a safety belt does not fit the child correctly, a booster set should be used to correctly position the lap and shoulder belts once they outgrow forward facing child safety seats (generally at about 40 pounds and 4 years old). Children from approximately 40-80 pounds and under 4'9" in height should ride in a booster seat.
Infants must ride rear-facing until they are at least one year old and weigh 20 pounds or more. Rear-facing, the infant should be semi-upright at an angle or no more than 45 degrees. A forward-facing older child should ride sitting upright.

Never place a child in a child safety seat in the front seat of a vehicle equipped with a passenger air bag. Always use the back seat.

Violation of the child restraint law carries a fine of $60 and 3 points on the driving record.
Just checking in!!
Things are crazy here this week with the party coming up this weekend!! Also Miss Sophia has a dr. appointment to see the surgeon she has been saying her hernia bump hurts. I'll keep ya posted!!

And prayers please for my sil she is pregnant and was hemmoraging today and they said the baby has a 50/50 shot.

Thanks Guys!!
I wanted to ask about the car seats. Jenna is 7 years old and weighs 53 pounds I don't know off hand how tall she is. I am wondering if she should be in a car seat still or is the seat belt enough? I kind of think she should be, but the Sherrif's officer at the school says no she doesn't need one. She doesn't have one right now, because she got too tall for the last one.
The sherrif doesn't have a clue what he is talking about! That is very irresonsible thing to tell you! She is not safe enough with just a seat belt. Kids are safest in a 5 point harness for as long as they will fit into one. It sounds like Jenna would definitely fit into many of the 5 point harness seats on the market right now. There are several models that are made for older kids. We have the Britax Regent for Arminda, who is 70 pounds and about 52 inches tall. A child can be 53" tall and 80 pounds in this seat.

Britax also makes the Frontier, with similar height and weight restrictions, but the sholder height on the Frontier is lower than on the Regent.

Graco makes the Nautilus which is for up to 65 pounds, but I don't recall the height restrictions. Lydia is 48" and fits in it though, so taller than that. This one is cheaper, but would not be my first choice.
Just checking in!!
Things are crazy here this week with the party coming up this weekend!! Also Miss Sophia has a dr. appointment to see the surgeon she has been saying her hernia bump hurts. I'll keep ya posted!!

And prayers please for my sil she is pregnant and was hemmoraging today and they said the baby has a 50/50 shot.

Thanks Guys!!

Oh Anna, I'm sorry! I will be praying. How far along is she?

I think different states have different laws. Morgan is 7 but I have already told her to expect to be in a carseat until I drop her off at the church for her WEDDING! :lmao:


Good Mommy! :thumbsup2
She is due the end of august, so I guess about 2 1/2 months. They thought she had lost the baby a few weeks ago then discovered she had not and thought that maybe she was carrying twins and one died. They also had a miss carriage last summer and have been trying to have a baby on their own for quite a while! They have also been in the process of adopting from I believe china. They just want to have kids! I feel so terrible for them!! I think they would be great parents! One is a nurse and the other is a special ed teacher! They really are great people, so sweet and giving!! My heart is aching for them right now!! :hug:
Sorry probably more than you all wanted to know!
Well, look at this, I watch the Bachelor and miss page 1! :happytv:

I think your car seat has a date imprinted in the plastic. It will tell you when you need a new seat!

Why are you taking the 6mon out of the peg perego seat? Molly is almost 6 months old and I haven't heard any chat about taking her out of her peg perego? Is it only an infant seat??


If you were talking about my kiddo. No he is still in his Peg. I don't plan on taking him out just yet. I will need another seat when I do, so I'm getting my 2yr old a new seat instead and moving my son when I'm reading into the Britax BLVD. I'm going ahead and buying it when it goes on sale. I extend Rear face too. So he has a few yrs looking back at his sisters.
Made it here. I've just been lurking. I find it hard to keep up with you gals and Tom. :headache:
I have pictures of some things I have made. Maybe I will post them soon. My hubby is coming home from offshore tomorrow though so we will see! :love:
Anna I will be praying for your SIL. :hug:

Thanks for the information about the car seats. I think that I will keep Jen in her current car seat until I can get her a nice one that is more size appropriate. Where can I find the car seats that you guys recommended? I want to get her the 5 point harness. My worst fear is that something is going to happen to her while she is in the car and considering how preventable that is I would never be able to live through that.
Anna I will be praying for your SIL. :hug:

Thanks for the information about the car seats. I think that I will keep Jen in her current car seat until I can get her a nice one that is more size appropriate. Where can I find the car seats that you guys recommended? I want to get her the 5 point harness. My worst fear is that something is going to happen to her while she is in the car and considering how preventable that is I would never be able to live through that.

I bought my Britax Marathon at Babies R Us. I hear you can get great deals online though. Most of the major online retailers sell them. Target and Amazon to name a few.
I think they are well worth the money for the peace of mind they give you. They always have great ratings on consumer reports, and they just seem to be so well made.
I'm hoping my DD can stay in hers for a couple more years.

www.carseat.org forums were pretty helpful for me when I was looking to get my last car seat.
you know, if you're in any type of car accident your insurance company should replace your car seats. Not a good reason to get in an accident, of course, but poohnpigletCA had a little tiny scratch and got new car seats! Almost makes me wish my son had the twins' seats in his car when he totalled it. Then I could have Britax seats!
And the only reason I shared that was so that I could put something on the first page.

We had to fight tooth and nail for 6 months to get reimbursed for the carseat we had. I was livid and of course had already bought the new one immediately. It was totally rediculous! We did have a $300 carseat, but that shouldn't matter! It also looked perfect so in everyone's mind it didn't need to be replaced which made me even more upset.

This was USAA that gave us such a hard time too. The lady hit my husband and son and could have cared less! Hmm, this is not a good subject with me, so I'll just move on.

I wanted to ask about the car seats. Jenna is 7 years old and weighs 53 pounds I don't know off hand how tall she is. I am wondering if she should be in a car seat still or is the seat belt enough? I kind of think she should be, but the Sherrif's officer at the school says no she doesn't need one. She doesn't have one right now, because she got too tall for the last one.

Definately get her a new seat! Save every penny and get one of the bests! It will be well worth it in the long run!

I bought my Britax Marathon at Babies R Us. I hear you can get great deals online though. Most of the major online retailers sell them. Target and Amazon to name a few.
I think they are well worth the money for the peace of mind they give you. They always have great ratings on consumer reports, and they just seem to be so well made.
I'm hoping my DD can stay in hers for a couple more years.

www.carseat.org forums were pretty helpful for me when I was looking to get my last car seat.

www.elitecarseats.com is great and so is www.albeebaby.com

I would definately watch for the sales coming soon. I am sure we'll be chatting about them when the time comes!

Guess I should finish getting Dallas ready for school.
Made the move! I might have some things to post this weekend. . . like our hoodies for the dismeet!
Well, I got here waaaaaay back on page 3.......but at least I made it before I had to go to work! Usually we move while I am slaving away--and can't use the computer for "personal" reasons. (Not that I'd even be ABLE to Dis with 20 4 year olds needing my attention every minute!!!)
No fair moving in the middle of the night!

Anna, will be praying, thank you for sharing your SIL's story.
Wow you ladies were chatty last night!!! 3 pages!!!

So I'm a bad mommy. I didn't even know that they would make 5 point harness seat belts that would fit a 5 year old!!! I never looked into it because I don't think I know a single person with one...and you guys all seem to have them...so weird. (which btw is REALLY bad since I'm a child protective worker). Aisling has been in a high back booster (with the harness straps taken out) since she was 4. Up until this fall, in MA you didn't need to use a car seat AT ALL for a 4 year old so my inlaws get SOOOO mad when I insist they use her car seat in general. At least now I have the LAW to back me up. We now need to be in boosters until you are 4'8.
Ok I made it!
jessica that pooh shirt is adorable!

GoofyG how old is DD again who you are having a hard time potty training? Could it be she just isn't ready? Kyle was my rough one I had to bribe him and that didn't always work. Good luck!
Well, look at this, I watch the Bachelor and miss page 1! :happytv:

I think your car seat has a date imprinted in the plastic. It will tell you when you need a new seat!

Why are you taking the 6mon out of the peg perego seat? Molly is almost 6 months old and I haven't heard any chat about taking her out of her peg perego? Is it only an infant seat??

You know the girl who got the very 1st rose? I think her name is Nikki? Well she was one of my George's secretaries!:scared1: He made me watch it because of it. She is this pageant girl or something like that. She worked at George's company for a few yrs and when she asked if she could have time of to do the Bachelor they said NO! so she quit. George and a bunch of people at work where watching because they where sure she would screw up because they all said she was so flakey and not the sharpest tool in the shed. He was very surprised at how she came off the 1st epi and we decided she had her pageant face on.

I wanted to ask about the car seats. Jenna is 7 years old and weighs 53 pounds I don't know off hand how tall she is. I am wondering if she should be in a car seat still or is the seat belt enough? I kind of think she should be, but the Sherrif's officer at the school says no she doesn't need one. She doesn't have one right now, because she got too tall for the last one.
Nikki is 9 and about 55lbs and will be n a car seat probably until she s 18 since i want to try to keep her in one until she is at the max weight limit! Her dr said she could come out ut i am not comfortable with it because she is so small.

thanks for answering my ? about do I make the Southern Belle dress of just dress her up. Nikki is so go with the flow she doesn't care. I just don't want her to be the only one dressing up. She doesn't care if she is the only one decked out either way remember this s the girl who wears her petti skirts to Walmart and would wear a Tiara all day if i let her! :lmao: She would also never think to ask me to actually make her something she just isn't like that. She NEVER asks for anything! when my sil took her to Toys R us to pick out stuff for Christmas the only thing she picked out was a book!
My thought on it is if i go through all the trouble will she wear it only once? I figured I could make on of carla's Peasant dresses but fancy with a big sash on the back and maybe some rick rac on it. Or save me the trouble ad she can wear a Petti skirt. UGh what to do what to do!!!!!

Any other suggestions???? I am torn!!!
Nikki is 9 and about 55lbs and will be n a car seat probably until she s 18 since i want to try to keep her in one until she is at the max weight limit! Her dr said she could come out ut i am not comfortable with it because she is so small.

Same with my dd, she is 9 1/2 and still in a booster seat. I don't think any of her friends are still in car seats at all. She complains occassionally, so I had her sit in the car without the booster and buckle up and showed her how the seat belt didn't hit her in the right spots. She too, will be in booster until she is 18........

Can you tell I procrastinating on making the other Daisy Duck dress.:lmao:

Are you going to post pics of the Daisy Duck dresses? Pretty please.

I made it, and with no car seats! I made this trip with out the kiddos, I needed a vacation.:goodvibes

Hey did I mention that my DD2 bit her sister on the bottom!:rotfl2:
I felt bad because all I could do was this :confused3 :rotfl2: :rotfl:

My reply, don't take stuff away from her.

Just thought I would share and give you all a laugh!
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Why are you taking the 6mon out of the peg perego seat? Molly is almost 6 months old and I haven't heard any chat about taking her out of her peg perego? Is it only an infant seat??


I have to admit we took DD out of the infant seat at about 5 months. She went into a rear-facing Britax and we were all so much happier. She HATED the infant seat and would wail the entire time she was in it.
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