CJK's journey BACK to the real me!!!! Comments welcomed and encouraged!!

Thanks for the 64oz pitcher idea. I will do that so that I won't even have to count the glasses I'm having. I'll definitely do that, thanks!

Today I discovered a wonderful invention.....TURKEY BACON! With only 40 calories per strip, I felt like I had a breakfast of a Queen! I liked it a lot, but dh thought it tasted like fried bologna. :confused3 Anyway, it was a nice weekend treat. Otherwise, its been a pretty good food day. I had a handful of M&M's to satisfy my sweet tooth (120 calories). Right now, I'm sipping a fresh fruit smoothie. Yum!

Today I did yoga. My tennis raquet didn't look so good, so yoga fit the bill this time. I'm in pretty good spirits today which just makes everything easier. Hope everyone else is having a good weekend too!
I usually enjoy spending time with friends/family, but dh and I REALLY enjoyed having a day all to ourselves for a change! We went for a 45min. early walk, and then just relaxed, read, wrote letters. etc.. on the patio. It was wonderful! I made some different food choices today with salads which went well. The side salad that I bought at a local restaurant only had 15 calories without dressing which is amazing to me (considering the salad was pretty good and not pure lettuce!! I then used 1 tbsp of my favourite lowfat dressing from home which I used for dipping. I didn't feel deprived in the least!

This week we're entertaining twice which is always a little concerning for me, but if I made it through last week with all the crazy social events, surely I can get through these too (and maybe, just maybe have some fun too)! Water intake wasn't as good today, so I must get my hands on a big pitcher to fill each morning.

I hope everyone else had a good weekend too! :goodvibes
WTG on making great food choices! :banana:

The pitcher really helps me. By about 4 in the afternoon, I have generally lost track of how many glasses I have had. With the pitcher, I don't have to remember and think, just drink :rotfl2: .

I hear ya on the socializing. We have had back to back visitors since 6/15. Today was our first "guest free" day and we enjoyed just being lazy. :goodvibes
Thanks for the encouragement!

Sorry for not posting yesterday! I'm not sure what happened! Its been a pretty good couple of days. Dh is starting to be able to notice my weightloss. It's still a small amount (as I still fit in all of my current size clothes), but I can feel myself tightening up. If I could just get these thighs to shrink!! :teeth:

Tonight we're having company yet again which is always a big concern for me. I've prepared some healthy choices........except for the dessert! These guests LOVE chocolate so I didn't want to completely deny them that treat. My plan is to have a small piece after the fairly healthy chicken entree. I've been cleaning and cooking most of the day and managed to do 45min. on the treadmill.

Tomorrow I'm visiting another friend for lunch, so I won't have power of what I'm eating there, but I can exercise portion control. That's my motto these days - portion control.

I'm taking measurement tomorrow too. Hopefully I'll see some results. Not seeing much last week really put a damper on my spirits and I don't want to go through that again! Thanks for listening! :goodvibes
:goodvibes YAY on DH noticing! :thumbsup2 You are doing great! Keep it up, good plan on the portion control mantra!

Great job planning healthy choices. Portion control really is the key, isn't it. That is great that your DH has noticed your weight loss! :cheer2: :banana: :cheer2:

Why is it that the weight seems to come off the hips and thighs last while some other, err, "less endowed" places seem to be the first to go? :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: Some semblance of cleavage was the only upside to being fat for me. Now that is gone and I'm still fat. :crazy:

Good Luck with you measurements tomorrow. Get on the scale!
Thanks Linda, CACruisin'!

Yes...it's SOOO true that we lose weight in our chest before in your behind, thigh, stomach, hips, calf, upper arms.....need I go on?? :rotfl:

I'm still working on that scale thing..... :rolleyes1

Today started off GREAT! I measured today and lost close to 2 pounds between my waist/hips and thigh. I then had a great workout and planned to spend the day with friends.

But then, plans got turned upside down......and so went my attitude! Weird. I only had 4 cups of water only all day. I also discovered BAKED DORITOS!!! Any of you have them? 13 chips equals 110 calories. They're sooooo good. I managed to only have this one serving of chips, but it was so tempting. They tasted practically as good as the regular chips.

I'm going to try to go walking tonight if my schedule allows. Thanks for encouraging me to stay on track.
WTG on your good measurements :cheer2: :banana: :cheer2: :banana: (now get on that scale!)

I haven't had baked doritos (might have to try them though - they sound yummy!). With other baked chips, etc. I need to actually count out exactly what I can have and then put the bag away before I start eating. Otherwise, I'll eat too many.

You are doing a fantastic job on your exercise challenge this month!
I love all those baked lays chips, the cheddar chips are good and the baked cheetos too. I actually count them out and put them in little zip lock bags so I know I'm getting the correct serving. Otherwise I will eat the whole bag! I had some of the fat-free ruffles today (counted them out!) and they are good too. You have to be very careful and not eat too many of those those or you will get a tummy ache! I have bought the 100 calorie packs of different things but they are really expensive...and I can count myself!

Good job on the measuring...I have never measured myself..I dont even have a tape measure. It would probably be a shocker if I did.

Yum! I'll have to try some of those different Lays flavours. I'm the kind of person who gets ANGRY when I feel deprived of something that I really want. Chips is one of those treats that I love so these baked chips are a great find so long as I can stay within one serving.

Yesterday was a weird day. I make it a point of never eating after 7:30pm at night. However, our dinner guests last night didn't even arrive until 7:35pm. I ate very well all day and allowed myself a few extra calories for dinner last night. I did enjoy a little wine and a tiny slice of dessert, but I think I still stayed under 1600 calories for the day. My concern isn't so much about the calories, but about how late it was when we finished eating - about 10:30pm!! Hope I didn't sabotage my weight loss plan too much? Today will be good, so hopefully that will help a bit!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Yesterday was a fantastic day foodwise. I had really good food from chicken breasts on buns, vegetable kabobs, salad, fruit and frozen yogurt! I was able to go on a 60min. walk in this heat too! I brought a water bottle along and was good to go. My motivation seems to be back on track and hubby is right there with me. It helps being accountable to him and to everyone reading this journal. Thank you!
You did great with your dinner party and it sounds like you had an awesome sunday too. :banana:

Glad DH is so supportive. Having a journal has definitely helped me stay on track and get back on track when I stray. :teeth:
Thank you!!! You're absolutely right about this journalling thing. It helps you when you stray. Today was only "okay" foodwise. I stayed on track in terms of calories and fat, but I did have too much sugar. For dessert tonight, I had frozen yogurt AND a rice krispie treat. I was just feeling a bit deprived tonight, so I figured having these treats would help me NOT binge. It worked!

Today I found out that I got a new job that I love so I was soooo excited! I immediately went on the treadmill where it felt like I floated through my workout! If only it always worked that way. :smooth: ;)

I'm hosting a baby shower this weekend so I'm really trying to stay on track all week so that I can have a few extra calories at the party.

Hope everyone else is off to a great start this week! :banana: :banana:
CONGRATS on the new job!! That is wonderful news.

Rice Krispy treats are soooo gooood! I could just binge on those! :blush: Glad it stopped your binge though. Great job!

I am currently really focusing on keeping my fat grams down. I have to really think about what I am eating. I am also consciously eating more fruits and veggies. Without the journalling I would not have realized where I was getting into trouble. Glad journalling is working for you too. :teeth:
Thanks for your continued encouragement. My thread hasn't caught on it seems! Ah well.

Today was measuring day again. I lost 1/4 inch there, and another half inch here. I should be pleased that the trend is going DOWNWARD, but here's the kicker. I still haven't dropped a single size in clothing. After 1.5 months of SERIOUS exercising and watching my food intake, I still haven't dropped a size. Admittedly, when I started, all of my clothes were tight, and now they're getting loose, but all of my current size clothing still fit. It's really, really frustrating me. I don't think I can do much more (except drink more, but I'm even starting to drink 8 cups of water a day). I don't think I can exercise more than I am now. I could try to increase intensity, but certainly not exercise more in terms of quantity. I do Taebo which is supposed to be similar to lifting weights. Billy Blanks always claims that with his workout routines, you don't need to lift weights because through his exercises, you're doing resisting training. I don't know. Maybe I should try resistance training?

My trip is 2 months away and I was really hoping to be in some small sizes of clothing. Now I'm wondering if that will happen. I bought a pair of jeans that are 2 sizes smaller than I am right now. I had (foolishly), hoped I'd be in them by the end of September, but now I'm thinking it was just a dream. I'm not about to give up or anything, I just think I need to let go of that unrealistic dream.

As I said, food and exercise have been good. Water intake is getting better. I'm hosting a baby shower this weekend with lots of food being there, so that will be my main obstacle for this week. But, I'll likely be running around chasing toddlers and preparing food, decorating......so hopefully the exercise can help compensate for the few extra calories!

Hope everyone else is having better luck than me this week! :sunny:
Don't be discouraged about not being in a smaller size yet. The inches are coming off. You are gaining muscle from the exercise and you are healthier overall. The smaller sizes will come. I have lost +15 pounds in the past 3 months. I was wearing a couple of 16's and 14's (very tight) and now wear all my 14's. I still don't count this as going down a size yet since I was wearing 14's before (even if they were too tight - I was NOT going to buy any more size 16's!)

You are an exercising superwoman so, I don't think any increase there is really needed. Have you tried journalling your food intake? That has really helped me in seeing exactly where the calories/fat/carbs/protein are coming from. I use fitday.com. I have seen other people recommend sparkpeople.com.

Have fun at the baby shower. You can make healthy choices, and if it is not healthy, then just remember portion control. :cheer2:
Thanks so much for your support and encouragement. My apologies for my mini temper tantrum yesterday!! Today is a new day and I'm feeling MUCH better. I had breakfast with a friend and made a healthy choice (whole grain bread), and then came home and had a terrific workout on the treadmill. It's amazing how much better you feel after exercising.

Sounds like our stories are very similar. All of my size 16 pants are now loose on me (were tight 1.5 months ago), but they are definitely still wearable. But, dh says it's basically as if I have lost a size because of how tight they were before..... I'm still in denial that I was ever larger than a size 16!!! You're absolutely right that we're getting healthier & stronger. I'm focusing on that today and throughout the weekend. Hope you have a great weekend too! :sunny:
HI, CJK! :wave:

I've been meaning to check in on your journal but it has been pretty hectic around here.

It sounds like you are continueing to do excellent on your eating and exercise! Don't get discouraged about the clothing size. I have been working at this since January (although possibly not eating as good as I should) and I wouldn't say that I have dropped a size. I'm similar to you and CACruisin' in that my pants were getting too tight but I just REFUSED to buy bigger clothes. I stopped shopping altogether for awhile there. All my pants fit pretty good now, but I like them to be a bit loose. So I wouldn't go down a size until that size was fairly loose :confused3 I would love to get back to a size 12 though. I was that for about 8 months 6 or 7 years ago. :cloud9:

Congratulations on keeping the inches coming off! :cheer2: I still say you've GOT to get on the scale. Even if it is only once a month. How else will you update your WISH banner? :sunny:

Keep up the good work and have a great weekend!
No need to apologize. Much better to vent and tantrum here than keep it bottled up inside or worse - have a food binge. Tantrum away whenever you need to.

:rotfl2: I just stopped buying clothes. I wore a lot of sweats because I didn't want to know that I was so big.
I've always heard that the way your clothes fit is your best indicator when it comes to weight loss. If those pants are baggy on you, that is awesome! That is such a great feeling...good for you! You are definately on the right track! Hang in there, Denise


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