Church Burned Down for Fighting Virus Restrictions

I don't see any indication of racism in this particular case at all. The church appears to be a white church.

But some posters just want to post what they want to post, whether if makes any sense or not.

I didn't say there was - I was only replying to someone who was rebutting the insinuation of an earlier poster.
So you think they deserved it?
Umm, this is Mississippi. A state where churches get burned down all the time by racists idiots, not to mention mass murders in churches by gun nuts.

That is exactly who you are, guv'nor. Exactly.

I think you are conflating Mississippi with "The South". According to Wikipedia, there have been 66(ish, I might have miscounted) African-American churches burnt to the ground since 1822. Nine of those have been in Mississippi.
This is very true. There is a perception that there are more racists in the South, however in my experience I have met plenty who were from Northern and other states. I think racial issues are highlighted more because of the population so it might seem to be the case, and certianly there are issues, though at least we attempt to deal with them. I've seen a lot of casual racism in areas where the population is very homogenous - stuff that I was taught was not okay at all growing up in the South. I think you can see it anywhere, though I don't think the majority of people anywhere, South, North, etc. really feel that way at all, even in Mississippi.

And that's a horrible event - there are better way to express one's opinion on the matter than arson! I hoep they catch the perpetrators.
As a member of a mixed race family who has lived in both the north and the south I have found racists are more obvious in the north but more dangerous in the south. But that is just one family’s experience
Another perfect day and opportunity here. Another chance for everybody to bash and hate. I seem to be noticing that lately.

After seeing one poster actually get a threatening voicemail from someone on here I knew the hate was real. After seeing two posters wish death on two other posters and one poster wishing covid 19 on someone’s kid I knew we were beyond bashing and hate. I don’t even know why I keep coming back. It’s like a train wreck. I can’t look away.
My first thought when this story broke is it could be an inside job for insurance money.

Knowing several people of that faith, doubtful. Not impossible; as we know, nothing is. But doubtful.

Any insurance money(if there is insurance on the building) would just go back to the church. And it would most likely be just minimum on the building. There wouldn’t be anything of value inside.
After seeing one poster actually get a threatening voicemail from someone on here I knew the hate was real. After seeing two posters wish death on two other posters and one poster wishing covid 19 on someone’s kid I knew we were beyond bashing and hate. I don’t even know why I keep coming back. It’s like a train wreck. I can’t look away.
It has been like that for a long time. Someone wished injury and death on my (then) young daughter over 14 years ago. My ‘crime’? I posted that I thought a controversial and tasteless Halloween costume was funny.
After seeing one poster actually get a threatening voicemail from someone on here I knew the hate was real. After seeing two posters wish death on two other posters and one poster wishing covid 19 on someone’s kid I knew we were beyond bashing and hate. I don’t even know why I keep coming back. It’s like a train wreck. I can’t look away.

I've seen a heck of a lot more distorting of peoples posts and claiming they wished death or ill on other posters than I've seen anyone actually doing it.
I would certainly hope that any member who received a threat of other inappropriate behavior from another member would report them to the Mods. Disagreement is one thing; threats are something else entirely.
After seeing one poster actually get a threatening voicemail from someone on here I knew the hate was real. After seeing two posters wish death on two other posters and one poster wishing covid 19 on someone’s kid I knew we were beyond bashing and hate. I don’t even know why I keep coming back. It’s like a train wreck. I can’t look away.
:eek: How on earth are DIS'ers getting each other's phone numbers? I guess I'd make a terrible stalker; I wouldn't even know where to start.


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