Chunkymonkey and Chubbyhubby Feed the Force!! A May 2015 TR - Update 10/29 Trip Epilogue!

Day 2: Feel the Force! Star Wars Weekends Part 1

Adventure. Excitement. A Jedi craves not these things. -Yoda

Well, I an no Jedi but I am a hungry hungry hippo ready for exciting adventures so off to DHS we go!!

Today was probably the day I was looking forward to the most, well, along with the next 7 was Star Wars Weekends and we had a jam-packed day! I was actually worried that I had crammed too much into one day, but it was the only day I could get reservations for everything. We have both Star-Wars themed meals, the Feel the Force premium package, 3 FP+ and a dessert party! Oh and I was on a mission to meet Baymax...and I really wanted to go swimming in the cozy cone pool... Do we get to do everything we want to? Read on young padawan...

It was a beautiful day! We woke as early as we could, hoping to get to DHS before rope drop. I thought we could have woken up a bit earlier but we did have a long day the day before.

The view outside our building was adorable!


I have a confession to make...I have not seen Cars or Cars least not in their entirety (hangs head in shame). The only reason I stayed in the Cars suite is that I wanted to experience all the different buildings in AoA...and we already stayed at Nemo, and the Lion King side doesn't have a pool...


The Cars are very cute though!

We made our way to Landscape of Flavors and filled up our bottles and away we go to the bus stop! We were dressed in very appropriate attire:


We waited on line with other people, some dressed in Star Wars gear too! Soon a bus came. I have to say that there was always a huge line for MK and not so much so the other parks while we were at AoA.

AoA is actually quite close to DHS much to our luck. We got to DHS before rope drop!




Love all the Star Wars themed stuff! CS was absolutely smitten with this autograph book, so she got one!:


After entering the park, we saw the storm troopers! They were saying something but in all honestly we were pretty far back so we couldn't hear them. Move along!

The view without the hat is rather nice...its just seems more open, especially with the stage. This should make for some better fireworks viewing!


We inched closer to the front. Finally they let everyone through!


Of course we book it for Pixar Place! DH really wanted to ride TSM twice today and we had an FP+ for later.


I don't understand how we get there within the first 10 minutes of park opening and the line is already 30 all honesty we didn't wait that long...probably 20 minutes.

My sister didn't have Star Wars attire but she does have this really cool autograph book!


Since we were a party of 3, I had to choose if I wanted to ride with DH or with CS...this time I chose CS since I had a pretty good shot of getting best in car with her...I did not, but I got a pretty good score. FYI, my best score is around 216,000.


(psst, I was on the left)

DH ended up getting best in car...hmph.

We went across the street to get our picture with Woody and Buzz. But beware the Claw!




Here's our pic with Woody and Buzz!


On our way out we passed by Darth! His line was super long! It's ok, we have a meeting with him in a short while!


As we were walking my sister goes, "OMG Cinderella's carriage!!" and runs off in one direction. I apparently missed the carriage because I saw this:

"OOOOOH Giant Lego R2!!"


and C3PO too! But I was more excited about R2D2 whom I love. But it was easier to take a selfie with C3PO because we were the same height. :rotfl2:


DH then goes off somewhere (I honestly can't remember) and I hung out around the store near the Studio Catering Co. oogling at all the Star Wars merchandise. After about 20 minutes I realize I couldn't find I started walking. I rounded the corner on Streets of America, and I see CS, first on line for a picture with Cinderella's Carriage!!

So I'm running to her, waving my arms "Su-Queen! Su-Queen! Wait for me!" LOL it was too funny.
Here is our pic with the carriage.



In all honestly, in my semi-pro photography mind, it was not an ideal setting for a portrait...the sun was in our eyes and casting shadows on our skin, and we look a bit blown out. It's not easy to correct either,but I guess we got a picture with a pretty darn cool looking carriage so it was worth it.

Now it was time for our breakfast!!! I was hungry! We walked over to Sci Fi where we met DH and checked in for our meal.


I was looking for some of my DIS friends who happened to have similar ADR times as us (hi Lynn!)...but really I was just staring at the girl who was dressed up as Slave was a really cool costume and she looked really good in it, I have just never seen anyone show that much skin at Disney. Apparently that was a little too much skin because guest services made her wear a was a shapeless gray t-shirt but it covered her top half. Oh well. I wonder if they let her take it off after the meal?

I was soooo excited for this meal. Not only do we get to finally eat, but we got to meet the man himself...Darth.

Stay tuned, you must...
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I'm here!!! Now just to catch up :laughing: Oh, darn! I must have forgotten you were at AoA... I could have walked right over from Pop for a visit!!! :sad2:
I'm here!!! Now just to catch up :laughing: Oh, darn! I must have forgotten you were at AoA... I could have walked right over from Pop for a visit!!! :sad2:

OMG totally! I didn't realize we were so close until we were on ME leaving AoA and we passed by the lake, and then there was...Pop!!
Enjoying your report so far!

Today was probably the day I was looking forward to the most, well, along with the next 7 days

I think we can all relate to this statement!

The view without the hat is rather nice...its just seems more open, especially with the stage.

I agree. The theatre just seems like it fits perfectly into the end of that street. You can tell that it was designed for that purpose.

Can't wait to read more about your Star Wars day!
Enjoying your report so far!

I think we can all relate to this statement!

I agree. The theatre just seems like it fits perfectly into the end of that street. You can tell that it was designed for that purpose.

Can't wait to read more about your Star Wars day!

Thank you! I absolutely loved our Star Wars day....despite the crowds, it was crazy fun!
Day 2 Part 2: Star Wars Galactic Dine In Breakfast!

After we checked in at Sci Fi, we waited for about 15 minutes to be called. It was approximately 9:15 at this point...I was hoping breakfast wouldn't take too long because we had to check in at Min and Bills Dockside Diner for our Feel the Force package and the parade was happening at 11am.

Finally we were called and went to take our picture with Boba Fett and Darth Vader. I was so excited I was taking selfies when it wasn't even our turn!


When it was our turn I was literally jumping up and down!


Me: Vader, you are so powerful!
Vader: ...


Me: Vader! How about a selfie??
Vader: ....




Me: OK! Time for a real picture
Vader: ...the force is strong with this one...

(no he didn't really say that but how cool would it be if he did?!?)

Here's a pic from our camera:


And here's the photopass pic:


Oh and because I didn't want to leave Boba Fett out, even though I think his assassination skills are overrated...


Not a great pic but the sun was shining through the window and led to a weird glare.

Now it was time to enter the galaxy far far away!


We sat in one of the cars towards the back left of the restaurant. The screen was playing clips from all the movies, as well as the Force Awakens trailer (which just happens to open on DH's birthday in December! WOOT!), and little snippets of behind the scenes including some with James Arnold Taylor.

We were given light saber "wands" they were totally cool and of course we all geeked out and had a light saber fight in our car. *swoosh* *swoosh*


Except that my wand didn't want to had a really weak glow and didn't really light up. So I asked for another one and got it! *swoosh*


Impressive. Most impressive.

We were brought our pastry platter to start:

Star Wars Breakfast Pastries
Vanilla Cream Turnover, Almond Pastry, Double Chocolate Muffin

We got 2 platters for the 3 of us. My sister ate a whole platter herself! I was jealous. Not that it was really that good, but because if I ever eat a platter of pastries myself, it better be star wars-themed pastries.


The chocolate muffins were the best, they were moist and chocolate-y. The light saber sticks were not that good but they were fun to have a light saber pastry fight. The rest were pretty good.


To start, we all got the:

Greek Yogurt Parfait
with fresh berries and homemade granola

I also got some Blue Milk and coffee


The parfait was good and love the Yoda garnish. The blue milk was too sweet for me and I didn't love it, but it was cool to try once.

Oh, look, Stormtroopers!!




As an entree I got the:

Mos Eisley's Morning
Egg White Omelet with ****ake Mushrooms and Caramelized Onions, Garlic roasted fingerling potatoes, and greek yogurt with berries


It was really good and I ate the whole thing. It's a good thing I love yogurt because I had it twice! This yogurt was more tart. I realized it's a pretty healthy breakfast too!

DH got:

The Dune Sea
Puff pastry with scrambled eggs, crab, asparagus, gruyere cheese and roasted tomato and avocado


He thought it was really good!

My sister got the:

Tattooine Sunrise
Scrambled Eggs, Neuske's Bacon, Sausage Links, and breakfast potatoes

Sorry I don't have a picture of it because she was sitting behind us.


Greedo, stop blocking my view!


Stormtrooper: Stop blocking her view!
Greedo: Waaaah! No creespa Greedo!


Me: It's all good Greedo, I won't send you back to Jabba the Hut. How about a picture?



I saw the Jawas picking up things from other, iphones, cameras....better hide mine! Never trust a Jawa!



We were very sad when we was an AMAZING breakfast. I love Sci Fi's ambiance in general but the food in the past has been secondary to the setting, but not this breakfast. The food was great and the character interaction was awesome!



PS...Lynn, where were you sitting!?! Maybe we passed each other!

Coming up...Feel the Force package Celebrity Motorcade!!
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Our monorail car was also empty save for a very chill guy sitting behind us!

Something about that man in the background looks a tad like Pete from the Podcast.

It was only then we realized that his old game was stored on his old Magic Band, and you have to start a new game with each Magic Band. So he just started a new game.
Odd you would think that they would be interchangeable on the bands. :confused3

The it real grass?
No its astroturf.

We headed to Fantasyland because we had a meeting with the princesses! But first, a photopass pic from behind the castle. I never got one from this view before.

:thumbsup2 Can't say I've seen many pics from here! Nice vantage point!

I like the LeFou's Brew and I think it's worth the calories.
:crazy2: More for you then! :crazy2:

Here's me and my sister on the train. Everyone says we look alike. Do we?

We headed out towards the buses...this was where our transportation luck stops. Our bus to AoA is literally the last bus stop all the way at the end...#34.
DH and I noticed how far that stop is. You might as well park at the TTC!

I have a confession to make...I have not seen Cars or Cars least not in their entirety (hangs head in shame).
:scared1: You gotta see Cars! Its cute!

I have to say that there was always a huge line for MK and not so much so the other parks while we were at AoA.
:rolleyes1:rolleyes1:rolleyes1 I'll save my rant for the right point in my TR. One is coming though! :ssst:

I don't understand how we get there within the first 10 minutes of park opening and the line is already 30 all honesty we didn't wait that long...probably 20 minutes.
Because the display for the wait time doesn't show anything less than 20 minutes. :rolleyes1


(psst, I was on the left)

I'm kicking myself that I never found this. It would have been a perfect picture for Little MIss. :sad2:

I have just never seen anyone show that much skin at Disney
Sounds like a great way to get a Horrible sunburn! :sunny::eek:
I am loving your TR! Sounds like that was an amazing breakfast experience, but I really think your commentary makes it. I love the Vader selfie. :)
Something about that man in the background looks a tad like Pete from the Podcast.

LOl I have not seen or heard the Podcasts yet but maybe!

Odd you would think that they would be interchangeable on the bands. :confused3

Yeah! That's no fun that you have to start a new game each time unless you use the same Magic you can't get a new color every year? Bummer.

No its astroturf.

That's what I thought! I didn't touch the grass though.

Can't say I've seen many pics from here! Nice vantage point!


:crazy2: More for you then! :crazy2:
LOL I think most people either love or hate it.

DH and I noticed how far that stop is. You might as well park at the TTC! was sooo far away!
:scared1: You gotta see Cars! Its cute!

I will!!!

:rolleyes1:rolleyes1:rolleyes1 I'll save my rant for the right point in my TR. One is coming though! :ssst:

Looking forward to reading it!

Because the display for the wait time doesn't show anything less than 20 minutes. :rolleyes1

Ah ok....


I'm kicking myself that I never found this. It would have been a perfect picture for Little MIss. :sad2:

Yes if my sister hadn't found it I probably wouldn't have known since I usually walk in other ways, and not Streets of America too often.

Sounds like a great way to get a Horrible sunburn! :sunny::eek:

Yeah, it was very skimpy!

I am loving your TR! Sounds like that was an amazing breakfast experience, but I really think your commentary makes it. I love the Vader selfie. :)

Thank you!! Welcome and thanks for reading! Star Wars day was the highlight of the trip! Along with about 27 other things... :)
I made it in your Trip Report! If you look at the picture of the Storm Troopers, to the right...Matt has his back to you (black tshirt) and I am across the table from him. Sabrina (barely visable, is next to me)

If I knew how to quote I would clip the image of you and ChubbyHubby from the beginning of this day because I LOVE LOVE LOVE your outfit.

I hate shorts, and I always feel like I have to wear them in Disney. Ick. Ick. Ick. They are totally unflattering on me. They ride up when they shouldn't and make me feel gross. Shorts just aren't cute! :(

Your outfit however is super flattering, completely put together, and NOT SHORTS! YAY! I am in love. (The dress from the first day was also adorable.) Thank you for setting an example of super cute WDW touring. Looking cute and put together is totally my goal for our next trip (just 10 days away now). I bought a bunch of cute dresses that I can also wear to work and a few pairs of *shhhh* skimmies. What's your secret to looking great in the heat at WDW?
I made it in your Trip Report! If you look at the picture of the Storm Troopers, to the right...Matt has his back to you (black tshirt) and I am across the table from him. Sabrina (barely visable, is next to me)

Are you talking about this picture?

I see you and Matt!!! That is too funny. I can't believe we were right there. We may have walked past you?!? It was way to dark to see anything though...I had to lighten this picture because I could barely make out the stormtroopers. Hope you enjoyed your meal! We sure did.

If I knew how to quote I would clip the image of you and ChubbyHubby from the beginning of this day because I LOVE LOVE LOVE your outfit.

I hate shorts, and I always feel like I have to wear them in Disney. Ick. Ick. Ick. They are totally unflattering on me. They ride up when they shouldn't and make me feel gross. Shorts just aren't cute! :(

Your outfit however is super flattering, completely put together, and NOT SHORTS! YAY! I am in love. (The dress from the first day was also adorable.) Thank you for setting an example of super cute WDW touring. Looking cute and put together is totally my goal for our next trip (just 10 days away now). I bought a bunch of cute dresses that I can also wear to work and a few pairs of *shhhh* skimmies. What's your secret to looking great in the heat at WDW?

Aww Thank you!! I really didn't feel all that chic...I prefer comfort almost above anything, and yes it's hard to find cute comfy clothes for Disney that doesn't scream theme park tourist. I don't like shorts either...I used to wear long Bermuda shorts because those were the only ones that would cover my thighs, but I wanted something cuter. My skorts. The skirts with the built-in shorts underneath. I wear them at all the parks. I buy them from athletic departments - so they are used for tennis, running, hiking etc. So they are all stretchy and comfy. Some even have pockets! Just be wary that sometimes the tennis skorts can be really short so they look like swim skirts, lol. I really like a pair I got from Athleta (I will be wearing it the next day at Epcot on this TR) because it had a longer length and looked just like a flare skirt.

If I wear a dress, then usually it just has to be stretchy and lightweight so that it's not too hot. I avoid anything with too many buttons or zippers...I need to have room to eat too. :)
Cotton is also my preferred material. :) I'm sure you will look very cute with your new dresses! Hope you decide to do a TR!
Yep. that's definitely us! (You can see his big authentic looking lightsaber in the picture sitting to the right of Matt) At one point in time the Storm Troopers were trying to arrest him. It was pretty funny because the kid at the next table was holding the light saber and hid it when the storm troopers came by and would not help Matt out. :)

It was VERY dark in there. We all LOVED our breakfasts! I had the Shrimp and grits with a side of scrambled eggs and they brought bacon to the entire table (we asked...because no one ordered anything of the dishes that come with bacon!) Those were some of the best grits I have ever had. They reminded me of the Mealie Pap at Tusker House's breakfast. No one cared for the blue milk (I did not try it). But their coffee was also some of the best I had that trip...better than the pressed coffee at Kona.
I haven't really started reading yet but I want to say that I'm reading along! I'm also starting a trip report for these same dates, so it is going to be very interesting seeing what we did same/different. Also...I'm very jealous of your pictures. Are these just with a phone or with a camera? Or maybe you guys are just super photogenic. I never look that good in vacation pictures.
Yep. that's definitely us! (You can see his big authentic looking lightsaber in the picture sitting to the right of Matt) At one point in time the Storm Troopers were trying to arrest him. It was pretty funny because the kid at the next table was holding the light saber and hid it when the storm troopers came by and would not help Matt out. :)

It was VERY dark in there. We all LOVED our breakfasts! I had the Shrimp and grits with a side of scrambled eggs and they brought bacon to the entire table (we asked...because no one ordered anything of the dishes that come with bacon!) Those were some of the best grits I have ever had. They reminded me of the Mealie Pap at Tusker House's breakfast. No one cared for the blue milk (I did not try it). But their coffee was also some of the best I had that trip...better than the pressed coffee at Kona.

That is too funny! Can't believe we were so close! That's a cool light saber that Matt had. Did he carry it throughout the park all day?

Mmmm. I was contemplating the shrimp and grits too. I think Mealie Pap at Tusker is just grits too...or is it polenta? I did enjoy Tusker house a lot! I didn't know you could order bacon too! Bacon and I....we're best friends. I could have used some...but is it like typical Disney bacon? It's not usually as crispy as I like it to be...

The coffee was quite good. After drinking the coffee flavored water at the resorts...this was much needed.

I haven't really started reading yet but I want to say that I'm reading along! I'm also starting a trip report for these same dates, so it is going to be very interesting seeing what we did same/different. Also...I'm very jealous of your pictures. Are these just with a phone or with a camera? Or maybe you guys are just super photogenic. I never look that good in vacation pictures.

Thanks!! I've started reading your report too! Can't wait to see how your days turned out! I just

As for the's all just smoke and mirrors. I used to be a photographer. I know what the most flattering light and angles are...hands on hips, tilt to the head...and a lot of concealer.

Actually my photos are 60% point and shoot and the rest is iphone pics. I never use flash unless it's pitch black (like sci fi). My camera is a Canon G7X.

BTW, I think you look really cute in your pics!! Your expressions are fantastic!
Day 2 Part 3: Legends of the Force Motorcade with Feel the Force package

As we left our breakfast at Sci Fi we raced out to make it over to Min and Bills to check in for our FTF package. We had to select from one of the talk shows that day, but of course, the Stars of the Saga show was completely booked. We only had a choice of the Star Wars: Rebels or the Obi-Wan and Beyond show. We selected the Obi-Wan show with James Arnold Taylor. It just worked with our times better since it was in the evening and we can attend after dinner and before the fireworks.

We got our lanyards and went through to the roped area which is to the left when you're facing the stage. It was the same location we were in last year when we did the Frozen Summer Fun Premium Package.

But first, a photopass pic!


We all got bottles of water (drinks are included in the price) and DH got a diet coke. I apparently didn't have enough to eat at breakfast because I got popcorn. But it's like when you smell popcorn, you just want to eat it, especially Disney popcorn!!



This was our view of the stage:


We were about 3 rows back...not the greatest view of the parade but at least we could see the stage really well. In about 20 minutes the parade started! Here are my pics from the parade (I did have to crop out a few heads that were in front of me):






The young Jedi's were so cute!




Ashley Eckstein: (from Star Wars: The Clone Wars; Star Wars Rebels)


Tiya Sircar: (from Star Wars Rebels)





The characters and celebrities converged on stage. James Arnold Taylor gave a rousing welcome to everyone and then we were joined by Darth Vader himself. Oh and Emperor Palpatine was there too! (Ian McDiarmid).






The characters then left the stage and came back around! We got a much better view this time.




Ian McDiarmid!!


I picture him saying: "Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side." Yes Sir!

Here's a little collage that I put on Instagram about our Star Wars Day up to this point...


We had a great time during the parade...yes it was a little hot with the sun on us, but it wasn't that humid and I ate a lot of popcorn!

After the parade we went over to Star Tours for our first FP+. We actually got a scenario that we've never seen before! We almost always got Endor for the past 2 years, but this time we got a city scene at the was neat and I kept wanting to be the Rebel Spy but I never was.

Stay tuned for more character pics from DHS!!
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Following! Mostly I'm just enjoying the fact that you say "on line" vs "in line" as in "I waited on line for TSM". Must be a Jersey thing, everyone makes fun of me (in PA) for saying on line.
Following! Mostly I'm just enjoying the fact that you say "on line" vs "in line" as in "I waited on line for TSM". Must be a Jersey thing, everyone makes fun of me (in PA) for saying on line.

Thanks! LOL I didn't realize I typed that...I think I use both interchangeably. Not sure if't is'a NJ thing...could just be me!!
So excited to see the castle again! It was our first time seeing the new hub too. It's gorgeous! The it real grass? It looks like carpet, it's so perfect.
This is one of the best hub pics I've seen. The first part had just opened on our last trip, so its great to see the whole thing in all its brady bunch astroturf beauty

We headed to Fantasyland because we had a meeting with the princesses! But first, a photopass pic from behind the castle. I never got one from this view before.
Where is this? Love the angle

Here's us with Cinderella, DH wasn't ready for the pic but I was!

Looks like you are more than ready for your princess close-up

I like the LeFou's Brew and I think it's worth the calories. We also tried the pork shank for the first time. Oh. Em. Gee. Definitely worth all the calories! It was succulent and tender...falling off the bone. I think this will replace my turkey leg addiction!
Love Gastons and the brew, but never tried the pork shank. Gotta add that to the repertoire.

Here's me and my sister on the train. Everyone says we look alike. Do we?
You definitely have the same nose, but that is about all that I see. You definitely look related to me, just not alike ; )

We went to one of our favorite QS places, Columbia Harbour House. None of us were super hungry so we decided to just split 2 entrees amongst the 3 of us...we got the Lighthouse Sandwich and the fried chicken breast and fish combo.
Ahh, CHH one of my favs. We love the fish and lighthouse sandwich. Great choices if I do say so myself

What a cute room! We had previously stayed at the Finding Nemo section and it was great too. But you can tell it's a value resort...we had the blended shampoo/conditioner, there are no pool towels, and we went from sleeping in Frette linens on the cruise to percale at AoA...oh the horror. #firstworldproblems
Love your room. We did the lion king section before and love the double bathrooms and more room. You're right, definitely not deluxe, but not HoJo's either ; )

I was looking for some of my DIS friends who happened to have similar ADR times as us (hi Lynn!)...but really I was just staring at the girl who was dressed up as Slave was a really cool costume and she looked really good in it, I have just never seen anyone show that much skin at Disney. Apparently that was a little too much skin because guest services made her wear a t-shirt.
How did you not get a picture of this?????? I would have paid some good money to see that sight

The blue milk was too sweet for me and I didn't love it, but it was cool to try once.
Star wars is generally lost on me, but food is not. Though blue milk does not look too appetizing. Any chance there was a little blue russian (aka vodka) in there?

Mos Eisley's Morning
Egg White Omelet with ****ake Mushrooms and Caramelized Onions, Garlic roasted fingerling potatoes, and greek yogurt with berries
This looks delicious!


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