Christmas With The Wickets - Pretrip to the Return 22/12/08 Plus Photos to 19/12/08

We love Universal and Islands too. Suess Landing is lovely for little ones (we enjoy it too). I read a lot of Dr Suess books to my lads when they were younger so am familiar with some of the characters.

I hope your little 3 year old enjoys her holiday as she is just the age to believe in all the characters and has the added advantage of having an experienced parent with her to make sure she only goes on rides that are suitable for her.

Often we have seen little ones dragged on to rides whilst pleading not to go on them. This year we did see one parent take their son away before the ride but we also saw a little girl repeatedly saying she didn't want to go on the Great Movie Ride but she was taken on any way. I felt so sorry for her and she was terrified and started to cry. Her little eyes were wide open when the cowboys started fighting with guns near her and she saw the guns. It was real to her. Fortunately, the CM saw she was stressed and stopped the ride whilst someone came and walked her and her Dad out.
We love Universal and Islands too. Suess Landing is lovely for little ones (we enjoy it too). I read a lot of Dr Suess books to my lads when they were younger so am familiar with some of the characters.

I hope your little 3 year old enjoys her holiday as she is just the age to believe in all the characters and has the added advantage of having an experienced parent with her to make sure she only goes on rides that are suitable for her.

Often we have seen little ones dragged on to rides whilst pleading not to go on them. This year we did see one parent take their son away before the ride but we also saw a little girl repeatedly saying she didn't want to go on the Great Movie Ride but she was taken on any way. I felt so sorry for her and she was terrified and started to cry. Her little eyes were wide open when the cowboys started fighting with guns near her and she saw the guns. It was real to her. Fortunately, the CM saw she was stressed and stopped the ride whilst someone came and walked her and her Dad out.

Thank you :hug: .I don't force my girls to do anything+it makes me mad to see what you have witnessed myself.I saw this alot as well whenever we have been-why would parents want to scare the life out of there child-it does'nt make sense to me.
I hope Dd3 loves the characters,well she is 4 next month.We are really worried about this,last year Dora+Boots were in our local shopping centre+she screamed the place down as soon as they got near her,even though she was so excited to meet them.
We were worried about Dd7,who was only 3 1/2 when she first went to Florida,but had no problems-she went running straight to Mickey as if they were the best of friends-i have that picture on show-it's lovely.x.
Lovely story about your eldest and Mickey. Your youngest will probably see the reactions of your eldest when you go to Disney and be okay.

I hate seeing kids being dragged off on rides they don't want to go on as I remember how it is to be frightened of a ride. Up till 2000 I wouldn't go on rollercoasters due to going on the Grand National at Blackpool and nearly being flung out of the car on every bump. There was no way I wanted to go on them and my hubbie didn't drag me on so I can well imagine the terror the young ones must feel. In 2000 I decided to try rollercoasters again and surprisingly I loved them but it was my decision, now I will go on anything. Oophs I tell a white lie I won't go on that sling ball thing with 2 arms that you are catapulted into the sky on in Orlando.

Last year my hubbie and lads saw a young lad being dragged by his Dad on to the Tower of Terror ride. I felt sorry for him, I don't think anyone should be forced to do a ride. Oophs told another lie I regularly force the hubbie and the lads to take me on Its A Small World.:rotfl:


Christmas Simpson's Ride


Shrek, one of the Macy's Parade Floats


Cookie Monster (I think) Macy's Parade Float


Sign to Hard Rock Cafe

Hard Rock Cafe


Madonna items at Hard Rock


Macy's Parade


Macy's Parade


Macy's Parade

I love your Macy's parade photos, although I've stayed in Disney for 2 wonderful Christmas's I've never actually seen this parade and seeing these photos has given me another reason to go back for Christmas.:cool1: :cool1:

Many thanks
Bev you're photo's are fantastic(yet again) :thumbsup2 .Love the parade ones+yes that is Cookie Monster-i always used to watch Sesame Street.I love the little individual themed Christmas tree's-especially the Simpsons one.x.
Thanks Michelle, I loved seeing all the Christmas decorations.
Polynesian Resort


The Castle


Festive Decorations


My favourite ride


Strangest animal at AK


I wish our December weather was like this


My fav ride at AK


Close Up of Decorations on AK Tree


Apple Store window at the Florida Mall


Love this all lit up


Me and my lads


The Hubbie and the lads


We look like we covered a lot of parks on this day MK, AK, HS plus Florida Mall, wow!
Thanks Nat, I am looking forward to seeing all your Halloween themed ones when you go.:)
Where we ate breakfast


The Hulk


The hubbie and eldest brave this ride


Poseidon's Fury


Portofino Bay Hotel


Men in Black


The Grinch Show at Islands


Well I just sat myself down with a coffee and read through your reports and had a good look at your piccies.
Sounds like you had a fantastic time and, after seeing some of the pics, I think I would love to give it a go sometime in December. We have already got our next 2 trips booked, and both are in October, so maybe sometime after that we will plan one for Xmas.
Thank you for taking time out of your holiday to let us know what your were up to, and for the pics showing us what we are all missing. I was beginning to wonder, as I looked through them, if we were going to get to see the famous xmas hat of yours - then there it was right near the end. :thumbsup2
Well done to your all for managing to ignore your colds and carry on regardless - it must have been tough at some points, especially for the men (*** we all know how bad man-flu is - right :rolleyes1 ) so good on you all.
Thanks Kenny. I would definitely recommend going to see the Christmas decorations and events.:goodvibes


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