Christmas With The Wickets - Pretrip to the Return 22/12/08 Plus Photos to 19/12/08

Thanks, I hope he is too. It is only 4.33 over here so he is fast asleep. I went to sleep early last night so consequently have woken up too early this morning and far too excited to sleep. Unfortunately, my cold seems to have got worse now.

Anyway yesterday we enjoyed our walk to Citywalk though felt a bit disappointed that there were no Christmas decorations other than in the shops. We especially liked the Bubba Gump shop and the hubbie did the Bubba Gump photo outside the shop. We spotted loads of stuff we thought the youngest would like.

When we got back the youngest had just woken up, I checked his temperature as he seemed to be very hot and was not surprised to find he had a temperature. A quick nip down to the shop was required to buy some more painkillers, they must wonder what we are doing with them, but my supply had petered out quite quickly this holiday. The tablets helped to bring his temperature down. They had been using the Sudafed nose spray everyone recommended in one of my other threads and agree it is really good. Looks like I may have to use it today.

With the youngest not being too well and with it being cold outside I thought the best place for him would be bed. He was, however, feeling a bit hungry which was a good sign because he had not ate much all day, neither had any of us, it could be the first time we come back from Florida and dont put on any weight. We are just grabbing stuff as and when someone was hungry. The last thing I had ate was an apple pie and hot chocolate in AK at 11 am, now it was 7. Time for some food I thought. The eldest was hungry, and was quite happy to stay in and let his brother recover so we left them and just nipped out to the nearest Subway, bought some lovely sandwiches from a totally gold toothed server and bought some painkillers from the 7/11.

We were going to rent a movie but the lads were already watching Bear Ghyllis on a surviving programme which they were finding quite entertaining. It wasnt long till I started feeling tired as I had been up since 5.30 so I left them and snuggled down in my room, closely followed by the hubbie. I woke in the night only to discover it was only 12.30 and now obviously have woken up early but at least it gives me chance to catch up with this.

I dont know what we are going to do today, I am hoping the temperature may be a bit warmer first thing but am not too bothered just dont want any rain. We were just saying it was a lot better it being cooler with everyone being at different stages of this cold bug we have got, the youngest felt freezing all day yesterday and couldnt warm up till we did him a bath, then he warmed up too much. If the weather had been like July I think we wouldnt have been able to do anything much because we would have just been too tired in the heat but as it is we can cope. We will just take it easy with the youngest and give him plenty of breaks today. Hopefully we will be off out somewhere for a while.

Cya later.

Bev x
Hey Bev

Really enjoying your live reports, so glad your having a great time but do hope you feel better soon:goodvibes Keep them coming really enjoying them:thumbsup2
Thanks Sue, glad you enjoying them.

Weather was a little bit chilly this morning but sunny and now 1.09 has warmed up quite a lot.

We have just been down to Islands and all the rides were walk on with FOTL but were only 5 minutes anyway for anyone else. The park was quite quiet compared to what we are used to in July.

We went on all the big rides, The Hulk, Dr Doom, Spiderman and Duelling Dragons (front row) plus Cat in the Hat and the Snitch ride or whatever it is called. Suessland is decorated really well for Christmas. The hubbie bought a Grinch hat and has been walking round with it on which has had a few funny looks (bright green with a face on at finger like things sticking out of the top), the eldest bought Grinch gloves.

We went to the Bubba Gump shop and the youngest bought a Run Forrest Run teeshirt, I bought some magnets. We followed this by lunch at Nascar.

The youngest is feeling a bit better and is managing to wander round okay. I just have the same symptoms but not mentally bothering me if you know what I mean.

Anyway just popped back to the room for 5 minutes, off to Disney now.

Hope you are all having a good Saturday.

Bev xx

Thanks Nat, I hope you enjoyed your trip to New York and would love to read a trip report about it, hint, hint.:goodvibes

I will just finish yesterday off now as I was too tired to do anything but jump into bed by the time we got in last night.

After leaving the Hard Rock the hubbie wanted to go in that hunting, fishing shop Pro Bass or something like that at Festival Bay. It is such a strange shop with some equally strange people. The car park was filled with big jeeps which felt like on a Saturday all the hunters were getting their provisions. Anyway we just bought, or rather I just bought a festive red jumper with snowflakes on it and a lovely shell necklace. It took a while to track the lads down as you cannot see over the shelves to scan the huge store so eventually we made it out of there.

The traffic always seems bad in this area on a weekend we always forget and end up getting stuck in it. We headed down to Magic Kingdom.

Magic Kingdom was beautifully decoratedl down Main Street with a huge tree and decorations stringing between the 2 sides. Well worth seeing. The first stop was the big shop as the youngest had spotted a hat he wanted in Epcot and wanted to buy one here. A santa hat with mickey mouse ears sticking out and I bought a santa hat with mickey ears plus a Minnie Mouse spotted bow on the front. We put them on and took several photos by the tree, it felt festive. The eldest was going to buy a Pirate jack hat but couldn't get it on right, then he wanted a santa hat with Stitch ears but we couldn't find one, saw quite a few people wearing them but it turned out they were not on sale any more and they were old ones people were wearing.

The park was extremely busy, all the rides had long lines and we only did Stitch, Tomorrow Transit and Carousel of Progress. We did fast pass Space but it was broken when we went back and Thunder Mountain but everyone had gone after a parade so the fast pass line looked like it was going to be long. We had gone back across between those 2 areas struggling through the crowds quite a few times so we were all feeling a bit tired.

We did stop for a drink break a couple of times and I can recommend the hot chocolate at the baseball chip shop.

The main reason we had gone in was to see the Castle and the fireworks and neither disappointed. At 6.30 we watched the Mickey show and the castle lighting to crystals and I must admit I shred a tear as it looked so beautiful and was what I had been looking forward to seeing most in this holiday. I felt so lucky to have been able to see it because it looked amazing, they also changed the colour affects several times which made the crystals look so pretty.

We struggled waiting to see the fireworks but eventually they came on and again they didn't disappoint and were out of this world. There is nothing quite as beautiful seeing the fireworks exploding over the castle plus the castle showing off it crystals. Well worth being in a busy Magic Kingdom to see it.

I was tired as I had been up since 4, we left the park at 10 and were hoping it would be easy to catch the ferry to the car park. It wasn't too bad and we managed to get on the next ferry and then we just walked to Grumpy car parking lot rather than wait for a trolley to that spot, just seemed easier. We were all relieved to sit down in the car, in the warmth as it had been a long time wandering round the park. We very much enjoyed the castle and fireworks but didn't enjoy the crowds. I have been very surprised at how busy AK, Epcot and MK have been as I thought these were the quiet weeks in the whole year for Disney through something I read in the Unofficial Guide but to us it felt the same as in July.

It didn't take long to get back to the hotel, I jumped in a hot bath to warm up and took some medicine. The sudafed nasel spray helped again, thanks to those who suggested it and snuggled down and it wasn't long till I was fast asleep.

I have now woken up at 8 when the hubbie started to run a bath and started coughing like mad. The eldest is almost back to normal, the hubbie has a bad cough, the youngest blocked nose and me the same. The youngest has just knocked at the connecting door and laughed as he saw me sitting on the bed with my Santa hat on doing this blog. He promptly went back into their room and put his hat on.

We are just taking it easy this morning and recovering from the late night yesterday. I think we are going to just go into Universal which will be quiet and enjoy FOTL for the morning.

Oh forgot to say the eldest was walking round with Grinch gloves on yesterday (The Grinch WHo Stole Christmas) which isn't that well known at home but loads of people were giving him funny looks especially the kids. I said he should get the Grinch santa hat and be different.

Its nice not having to rush about again. I think the weather is supposed to be warmer today. It is tending to be cold in morning, warm in afternoon and cold on a night which has made it a lot easier for us to get around with having bad colds. I think if it had been like in the summer we wouldn't have been able to do anything.

Hope you are all having a good Sunday and looking forward to Christmas.

Bev x

We have had a lovely day, the weather was nice and warm so we were back into teeshirts.

We spent most of the day in Universal enjoying the peace and quiet of the park compared to the crowds and bustle of MK last night. We nipped back to the hotel so the youngest could change into shorts.

As we were going back into Citywalk we started talking to the security guard on the walkway he was from England so was interested in us. He was from the Wirral and had moved over here a couple of years ago, bought a house with an acre of land, swimming pool and lake at the bottom of his garden. He worked 4 days a week to pay his medical insurance and played golf the rest of the time. What a life, he was chuffed to be living here.

We went over to Islands and did all the none water rides though the lads did venture on River Adventure as it was quite warm but no way as warm as in July when we don't mind getting soaked. We also caught the Grinchmas show which was really good and had foam snow at the end which was class. We just accidentally walked in to a last performance of the day show which was ideal because during the day people were lining up quite early to get into it and also because it was getting dark the lights on the Christmas tree and set looked really pretty.

The hubbie wanted to do some shopping and who was I to disagree. We nipped to the Mall Of Millenia which is our closest Mall. I bought some more cultured pearls in blue this time, a Gap jumper, a couple of American Eagle long sleeved teeshirts plus 4 little snow globes with snowman in and our names on them, I thought these were cute.

Our legs were tired after this shopping trip and we were hungry so we headed to our nearest Chipolte. This is a Mexican Grill, counter service restaurant that you can eat inside or take away. We had burretos with chicken or beef and they were delicious as per usual and I recommend them. So if you see a Chipolte sign and are hungry stop by and try them. I had a tortilla with chicken, cheese, rice, black beans, lettuce, fresh tomatos just to give you an idea of the type of food and whether you would like it or not.

Anyway back in the room now, just chilling (red wine in hand). On tv Santa Clause 2 is on which is a class movie to watch at this time of the year.

Cya tomorrow.

Bev x

I had a good sleep, woke up early so looks like we will be able to hit one of the Disney parks early. I think everyone fancies Hollywood Studios but I need to check to see if it is an EMH day or not.

Everyones health much improved though the hubbie has a smokers cough in the morning and he doesnt smoke.

Weather already 65 now at 713 am so it looks like being a warm day. Probably expose my legs this morning in shorts for the first time which will look funny because I intend to wear my santa hat as well.:rotfl:

Cya later.

Bev x
just caught up,enjoyed reading have a fun day :goodvibes
Thanks Rachel.

We have had a lovely day, the weather was like a typical British summers day but cloudy, dressed in teeshirt and shorts. I think the temperature was in high 60s or low 70s but very pleasant.

All okay health wise just the lingering symptoms of coughs, etc but feeling tons better.

Me and the hubbie had breakfast outside this morning which was very pleasant, looking out onto the swimming pool. The Hard Rock has a big balcony outside its big lounge in reception which has chairs and tables.

We went to Hollywood Studios and had a fantastic day. It felt a lot quieter than Magic Kingdom and was very enjoyable. It was an EMH day yesterday. We managed to do Toy Story Mania twice which was excellent and I would say if you want to do this ride do it first and pick up fast passes otherwise you will end up having to line up for an hour plus for it as the fast passes run out quite early. We also did all the other rides.

I also tackled a nemesis of mind The Tower of Terror. I have not been on it since 1998, first time in 1996, both times hated it and it terrified me. Then in 2000 decided to go on rollercoasters as Islands had opened and discovered they were not as terrifying as I thought (Grand Prix at Blackpool had terrified me years ago) but still avoid ToT. Ten years later I thought if I can go on every other ride plus Dr Doom ToT cannot be that bad so I thought I would go on it and it was nothing compared to the other rides I go on. I was glad I tried it again as it is such a fun ride.

We stayed till the Osbourne Lights came on and they were fantastic and well worth seeing. I loved the snow as well. Apparently, according to my bro, the hills near my home have had 100 to 300 mm of snow but it feels different having the fun snow at Florida which I enjoyed more. I would say see the Osbourne Lights is a must, Christmas music plays which helps to make it seem all the more festive. We hope to return before we come home as we enjoyed it that much.

We popped in to our nearest Chipolte for a snack to take back to the hotel. I shared mine with my youngest which was better knowing he had some food as he didnt fancy a whole one as they are quite filling.

It is nice just chilling back at the hotel now.


Bev, so glad you are having a good time and pleased that you are all recovering now. I'm really enjoying your regular updates, it almost feels like we are there with you. Would love to see some pictures, once you are back home - I would love to vist at Christmas and see all the decorations.
Thanks, glad you are enjoying it. It is definitely worth coming at this time of the year and seeing the decorations. I will post some photos up when I come home, I cannot do it now as my computer (Asus EEE Linux) doesnt work with photobucket.

Just woken up at 7.30, grabbed computer, quite warm already outside though very foggy, supposed to be in high 70s low 80s in the afternoon all week which is nice. The humidity levels are right down though compared to in July which is really nice as it makes it so easy to get around without getting tired.

Anyway off for a bath now, dont know what we are doing today. I love this playing it by ear holiday.

Cya later.

Bev x
It's very foggy here too - and there the similarity with Orlando ends :rotfl:

Have a great day :thumbsup2
Thanks Joh and Nat. Weather beautiful now, glorious sunshine and a bit of heat to rival July weather. Just nipped back to the hotel to get changed and have a sit down by the pool for a while, may even take a dip, hope to have a cocktail or two.:rotfl:

We have been in Universal for the morning and did all the rides we wanted to. Crowds are very quiet.

We went to the Hard Rock Cafe for lunch, the meal was okay but nothing fantastic. I liked seeing all the rock stuff, they had some objects from Sum 41 which was cool. I would have liked to have seen some Green Day stuff but didnt spot any.

Anyway off to the pool now, cya later.

Bev x
Well only needed one before the youngest was asking what was in that cocktail (not quite the words he used), as ice cubes were flying through the air! Eldest was not impressed.

Had a swim, lie down and a soak in the jacuzzi, now changed and ready to have a stroll to Portofino Bay which has a huge Christmas tree outside its entrance.

I want to catch the Christmas tree exploding snow out of it at the end of the Macys Parade at Universal so we are then heading back there for a while. May go shopping afterwards (with a bit of luck).

We headed back into Universal after the pool yesterday and watched the Macys Parade properly. The best place to watch it is in the road with The Mummy on. The floats are from the Macys Parade in New York and the balloons were really big. Every now and then short pieces of coloured paper are shot down from the surrounding roof tops on to the crowd below which looked really good. We very much enjoyed the parade and were glad we had taken time to watch it properly. on the first day we saw it just as it was coming out of where it is stored so none of the balloons had risen into the sky properly, where we stood last night all the balloons were towering above us.

We followed this excitement by another ride on The Mummy. Then I wanted to buy some gloves and a hat but wanted to have them sent to my room. I couldnt understand a word the woman was saying on the desk, neither could my husband, she went off to check and came back with an answer we couldnt understand so we just left it for now.

We then popped over to Islands and did The Hulk, Dr Doom and Duelling Dragons in the dark which some how made it seem a lot faster. We enjoyed seeing all the christmas decorations round Suessland.

We headed back to the hotel with the full intentions of going out to the Florida Mall or Mall of Millenia but we made the fatal mistake of sitting down. We all got engrossed in a programme showing how a man goes round buying all the stuff for the Hard Rock Cafes and Hotels which was really interesting. I faded pretty fast and even though I felt hungry I just could not be bothered to move and was soon asleep.

The best bit about going to sleep early is that you wake up at bit earlier in the morning which is what I have done now (current time 7) so I am going to get everyone up and head to Disney for opening times.

Cya later.

Just had breakfast outside again, how cool is that in December?

Now just waiting for the eldest to come out of the shower then we are heading down to MK. The sun is shining and top temp about 79 today, lovely.

Cya later.

Bev x


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