Christmas Has Come Early

Oh good! I'm not too late to the party! I can't wait to hear about your cruise since I now have one booked too! Loved the meal! It looks like some great food. It's nice that they gave you small portions so you could try so many different things!

By UK standards, those are not small portions and we most certainly stuffed by the end of it, but the food was so good.

Day 2

We had an extremely early start to the day. As our flight already left at 6:35, we had to be up at 4:00. When the alarm went off, we quickly got up and got ready. There was nobody in front of us at check out so this went fairy smoothly. We were advised at the shuttle was currently over at the airport, but that it should be back within the next 5 minutes or so. We took our luggage outside and the shuttle arrived shortly afterwards. About 5 minutes later, we were at Terminal 1. I had no clear idea where we needed to check in. Lufthansa has never been in the main check in area, but they also keep moving. Still, Graham found it very quickly. We had to check in using the self -service machines. For Graham, this was not a problem, but it took a few attempts until it was able to read my passport. Still, it did not take long until we were all checked in and had our boarding cards. We had been checked through all the way to Houston. We dropped off our luggage and the we were on the way.

Security was a different matter. There were not many people around, but quite a few had to go through the body scanner, which created a backlog at the baggage screening. When we approached security, we were told to empty our pockets, take off watches, belts and jackets. I overheard two of of the staff doing the screening saying that all the people who had to go through the body scanner had items in their pocket. We also saw bottles of water and soft drinks in hand luggage that was set aside for manual screening. Some people really are thick. There are so many signs around regarding the regulations for liquid and we were asked twice if we had any liquids in the hand luggage and people still did not get the message.

Once we had finally cleared security, we headed to the departure lounge. I wanted to get a neck pillow and fortunately the first shop we passed had precisely the thing I had been looking for. Graham was hungry by this time, but everywhere that served breakfast had long lines. So he gave up on this idea and found somewhere to sit. I wanted to get a limited edition eye shadow that was just released last week and is a perfect match for one of the dresses I have packed for the cruise. Fortunately they did have it and I soon rejoined Graham. I had one last thing to do before I really could relax and enjoy my holiday. On Tuesday a last minute meeting was sprung on me and I had to type up the minutes for this. I got started on this while we were waiting for the gate to be announced.

It did not take long until our gate was displayed on the information board. We sat at the gate for about 30 minutes until it was time to board. The flight took a little over an hour and I kept myself amused reading the onboard magazine. They came round with Cinnamon and Raisin Danish. I gave mine to Graham as I am not too keen on this kind of thing. We also both had an orange juice and some water.

In Frankfurt, we landed at a gate, which was about as far away as you could get and still be at the same terminal. Still, we had plenty of time. Our departure gate was in a terminal that I did not even know existed. They have been talking about building a completely new terminal for a while, but don't seem to make any progress with this. Instead they had added a new terminal area on top of the existing terminal. When I was not sure if we would be checked through all the way to Houston, I checked out if they still have the viewing areas that used to be one of my favourite hang outs as a child. I had noticed that they still have one at Terminal 2, but no longer at Terminal 1, which was the better one of the two. The reason for this soon became obvious. The new terminal is where the old visitor area used to be. Graham had asked if we would get to go on the little train that they have at the airport and I did not think we would as we were staying in the transit area, but we actually did get a ride.




When we finally got to security, there was some fun and games. After completely smooth sailing in Manchester, both my wheelie bag and my handbag were singled out for manual screening at Frankfurt. They asked me if I had a camera in my wheelie bag and I was asked to take it out. In my handbag, it was my iPad that caused offence. I have previously asked in Manchester and at different airports in the USA if I had to take this out of the bag in the same way as you would a laptop and was told "no". So I did not even think to ask at Frankfurt. However, there they do screen iPads separately. They send the iPad through again and then I was asked to take my things and follow a member of staff to a separate room where my camera was swapped for chemicals and also subjected to some heat tests. The irony was that we had a total of 5 cameras between us, but only my Lumix Bridge caused any interest.

Eventually, we were on our way again. By then we both were ready for some food. We found a German restaurant. We both had coffee, which was served with a piece of Milka chocolate. Graham had the Farmer's Omelette, which was almost like a Fritata with sliced fried potatoes and onions in the egg and was served with assorted German sausages and cheeses and a bread basket. I had Wiener Schnitzel with Potato Salad and a mixed salad. We both loved our food.



After our brunch, we had a quick look around the shops and then headed over towards our departure gate. Graham was watching the world go by from a window near the gate. I left him with our hand luggage and then set off to find something to drink. I was in luck. I found a news agent that had some Mezzo Mix, which should be familiar to those of you who have been to Club Cool at Epcot. I love this stuff and was glad that I managed to find a bottle. They also had a bunch of Disney comic books that I loved as a child and when I spotted one that had something to do with the Maya, I had to get this. With the shopping done, I rejoined Graham, who by then had found himself a table by our gate where he had a clear view over the runway. He was happy looking at the planes and I used the time to finish off the minutes for the meeting that I had on Tuesday. I had told my boss that I would email them to him once I get to Texas, but they offer 30 minutes free WiFi at the airport so I managed to send this before I got on the plane. I then had a bit of time left to enjoy the view and take some photos of some of the more unusual planes that came by.








With about 20 minutes to go before boarding, they changed our gate. The new gate was nearby so this did not present any problems. However, shortly after we arrived at the new gate, somebody noticed that the transit passengers, which seemed to be the majority of people on the flight, had not been security checked. So a call was made that all transit passengers should report to the desks at the gate. Complete and other chaos resulted out if this. The line that we had to join was impressive. This was made worse by the fact that most of the people in that line did not speak either German or English. The person dealing with us was quite relieved when he realised that I spoke German. He asked us just the standard questions about whether we had packed everything ourselves, if somebody had given us something to take and if we had any electronic devices. We then were sent to the desk, where they updated something on the system. The supervisor was not happy about this hold up as they had to get the plane out on time. In Frankfurt, if you lose your slot for take off, you have a lengthy wait to get another. It was a minor miracle that they got everybody processed in time and we left on schedule.
The flight was long at just over 11 hours, but comfortable and eventless. We were on a Boeing 767 and we had two seats to ourselves. They also had a pretty good entertainment system. I had decided on four films that I wanted to watch, but in the end I only wanted one film; The Odd Life of Timothy Green that I had wanted to watch for a while. I really enjoyed it. Lunch was quite pleasant. We both had Chicken with ****ake Mushroom Sauce with Beans and a Risotto. We also had a salad, a roll, cheese and crackers and a dessert that I can't remember. Unlike on Delta,no alcohol at all is included on United so there was no wine with dinner, but the soft drinks were flowing freely. Apart from watching the film, I spent some time playing games on the onboard entertainment system, read my comic book, work on the first instalment of the trip report and most importantly napped. I think I actually spent quite a bit of the flight asleep.

We did get a very unusual and very beautiful view. Because of the remnants of Sandy still being around, we flew right over Greenland rather than just flying across the tip. The snow covered mountains were so beautiful. As Graham was sitting by the window, he borrowed my camera to take some photos.



















Fortunately time went quickly about an hour before we got into Houston, they came round with Cheese and Ham Paninis and Vanilla Ice Cream. When we approached Houston, we had a beautiful sunset. Soon we were getting ready to land. I have to say I was impressed with the airport at Houston. The distances involved were quite big. At one point we were both joking that we had not realised that we were walking to Galveston. The line for immigration was long, but moved quite quickly. Graham had expected that the system would reflect that my application for British citizenship had been approved and that this would cause some questions, but there was no such problem. When we got to the baggage hall, our suitcases arrived on the belt just as we were walking up to it and customs was also quick and easy. When we got through customs, Graham spotted that there was somebody waiting who held an iPad with my name. The driver welcomed us and mentioned that he had started to get a bit worried that he had missed us. I was quite surprised by this. Despite the distances involved, it had taken exactly an hour between us landing and us getting into the car.











I had booked our airport transfer through ExecuCar, which is a sister company to Supershuttle. We have used ExecuCar previously in Los Angeles to get to our friends in Seal Beach and I was impressed with their service. Their service in Houston was fantastic. Unlike in Los Angeles, where they use mini vans, we had a sedan in Houston. I felt rather posh. Our driver was great, even though we were both tired, we spent the entire journey chatting to him. He has lived in Houston all his life and his wife is from Galveston county. He pointed out various landmarks to us and we just had a really nice chat. We must have missed the rush hour. I had been told that it would take about 75 minutes to get to Galveston, but it was actually about an hour. When we got to the hotel, we said goodbye to our driver and went to check in.

When I had booked the room, all they had available was smoking rooms at the travel industry rate, but I figured that this would be OK. When we got to the hotel, we were asked if we preferred smoking or non-smoking. So we ended up with a non-smoking room after all. We were also given a goody bag with a bottle of water, some Goldfish Crackers and some mini cookies. Our room was huge, clean and comfortable. When we got to our room, we quickly went to the bathroom and cleaned our teeth and then we went to bed.
What a nice start to your trip, but oh my! What a long day!
Signing on! :goodvibes

Your dinner the first night looked SO good! Glad to hear the flight was uneventful.
I'm glad your arrival was uneventful. What hotel did you end up staying at?
I'm glad your arrival was uneventful. What hotel did you end up staying at?

Holiday Inn on the Beach - I was a bit nervous about this as I had read very mixed reviews especially to do with noise, but the hotel was clean and comfortable, the staff where wonderful and the only noise we had was the dawn chorus from the grackles, which did not bother us at all.

Day 3

True to form on our first morning in the USA, I was wide awake at 4:00 AM. Graham was still fast asleep. So I quickly went to the bathroom, checked my emails and Facebook and then I went back to bed. I managed to sleep until about 6:00 AM, when the dawn chorus was in full swing. Recently I had read reviews on Trip Advisor where people had complained about the noise caused by Grackles at the hotel. Our room was overlooking the pool and palm trees by the pool where just heaving with Grackles. I have to admit that I quite liked the dawn chorus and I have always loved Grackles. We got up and had a shower. I put the coffee machine on. All the rooms at the hotel have balconies and Gulf views. We were also overlooking the pool and our view was partially obstructed by a roof- top, but the view was still pretty nice. We had a spectacular sunrise that morning. Graham had started to take photos with my little point and shoot camera, but I decided that this warranted getting out my proper camera. Once the sun was high in the sky, we had our coffee out on the balcony.









After we had our coffee, we decided to go for a swim. The pool opened at 7:00 and we were a bit earlier than this so we had to wait a short while. I had expected that the pool would be heated, but it was not. We did not quite need an ice breaker, but the water was cold. Before I could think too much about this, I went into the water and started swimming. Graham, who was already in the pool, was quite surprised that I had gone in. I did about 10 length and could feel my muscles unknot. Even though the water was so cold, the swim was lovely. We did get a few funny looks from people who were on their balconies. I think they thought that we were crazy to go swimming that early in the morning during winter. I was hoping for a hot tub to warm up, but unfortunately the hotel does not have one. We dried as much as we could and then wrapped the towels around ourselves and headed back to the room.




Once we had completely dried off and got changed, it was definitely time for breakfast. On the way to the hotel restaurant, we dropped off the towels by the pool. I also had another matter to take care of. I had set my favourite jewellery artist a challenge a while ago. I had emailed her a photo of my favourite handbag, which is a lilac Dooney and Bourke bag with purple Tinkerbells and swirls and fuchsia hearts and asked if she could make some jewellery based on this. She was up for this. I sent her the materials and she set to work. For simplicity, we had agreed that she would send the package to our hotel in Galveston. So I had to retrieve this from reception. Once I had my package, we went to breakfast at the Jetty restaurant at the hotel. We had the choice between the a la carte menu and the buffet. We both went for the buffet. We had coffee and orange juice. I had Fresh Fruit, Scrambled Egg with Peppers, Onions and Ham, Sausage Patties, Biscuits and Gravy and Breakfast Potatoes. Graham had the same, but also had some plain Scrambled Egg, Bacon and French Toast. We both enjoyed our breakfast and left absolutely stuffed.

After breakfast, we quickly went back to the room to drop off my jewellery and to pick up the things that we needed for the day. I also put on my sunscreen. I had bought bio- degradable sunscreen for Cozumel and did not want to have to bring multiple bottles or tubes of sunscreen. I know however from past experience that this is not the easiest thing to use and if I wanted to avoid looking like a clown, I was better off putting it on in front of a mirror. With that task out of the way, we headed out.
Our destination for the day was Moody Gardens. Neither of us had any clear idea of the distances involved and we set off walking. Very close to the hotel, we spotted an IHOP, which meant that breakfast the next morning was taken care of. We had walked for quite a while when we came across a Walmart. I had discovered one little problem the day before. Graham had only packed sandals and trainers, but no formal shoes. Neither is permitted at Palo. So we needed to get some formal shoes for him. Walmart seemed to be as good a place for this as any. This was the right decision. We got a pair of Dr Scholl shoes for Graham for only $30. I realised that I had never brought my water shoes so I got a pair of those for $7. I also spotted some huge bottles of Moscato for around $8. I did not want to have to carry this around all day, but decided to get some wine to enjoy on our balcony later.

When we came out of Walmart, Graham spotted a bus. He decided to ask the driver if this bus was going near Moody Gardens and was told that it did not, but the next bus that would come through would go to Moody Gardens. That bus came a couple of minutes later. That was definitely a good thing as it would have been a long walk. The bus dropped us by the hotel and from there it was a 5 minute walk to the visitor centre. Moody Gardens is essentially an educational charity although it does also have a hotel, a golf course and a mini water park. This last thing is a bit of a surprise as the big Schlitterbahn water park is right next door. The educational part consists of a Rainforest pyramid, the aquarium pyramid and the Discovery Pyramid, which is essentially a hands on science museum. They also have a paddle wheeler that does hour long trips on the nearby lagoon, an IMAX screen and what they call a ride film, which is a cross between an IMAX screen and a simulator. We got a combo ticket, that gave us access to all those things.





Our first stop was the Rainforest pyramid. The first part of this was a bit odd. It was a relatively dark space with words printed on the walls and ceiling and sounds of the rainforest. This part seemed to go on forever. Ultimately this led to an underwater viewing area for giant sea otters. There was a handy bench in that area so we sat down and watched them for a while. We then had to go up some stairs that first led to an overlook of the dry part of the sea otters' habitat and then the actual rainforest pyramid. We started our tour on the canopy walkway. This is a relatively new addition. There is a bit of a recurring theme in Galveston. A lot has changed in Galveston since September 2008 when Hurricane Ike made landfall and caused a lot of devastation. The irony is that this was one of the three hurricanes that we were surrounded by on our first cruise. All the pyramids at Moody Gardens have been built to withstand much bigger hurricanes than Ike. Indeed it was not the hurricane itself that caused all the damage, but a flash flood that was associated with it. The water forced open the gates to the loading bay and flooded the Rainforest pyramid. It is a miracle most of the animals survived and only about 20% of the plants that are very sensitive to salt water were lost. When they were getting ready to reopen the Rainforest pyramid, they added the canopy walk. From there we got a close up of Scarlet Ibises, doves and other free flying birds, a sloth and a couple of monkeys that seemed to be as curious about us as we were about them. We got talking to one member of staff who was impressed that we had seen a sloth in the wild in Costa Rica. We then followed the walkway down to the ground level where we saw an ocelot, a Chinese crocodile, parrots including rare Hyacinth Macaws, turtles and fish. I was really surprised to see stingrays. I had always assumed that stingrays are saltwater fish, but apparently there are also fresh water varieties. There was also a huge variety of tropical plants although I have to admit that my attention was mainly captivated by the animals. One thing that I had particularly looked forward to was a walk through butterfly garden, but we did not see many butterflies.




















When we finished with the Rainforest pyramid, we decided to head over to the Discovery pyramid . However, this was not due to open until midday. So we decided to head back to the visitor centre to get something to drink. In the end, we never made it back to the Discovery pyramid. I got excited when I saw that orange soda was one of the options at the fast food outlet. I really love the American orange soda and could not wait to have some. Unfortunately they had run out and I decided to be virtuous and just have some water. Once we had finished our waters, we had a quick look at the gift shop and then went back outside to walk towards the boat dock. This was the day before their annual Festival of Lights opened and preparations were in full swing. It looked quite impressive what they were putting together there and it is a shame that we did not get to experience this. What caught my attention most was ice skating rink. They were just putting the finishing touches to this when we walked past. This was huge. I initially thought that they were using an artificial skating surface, but the fact that a Zamboni was parked outside indicated that this was genuine ice. I found this utterly fascinating considering that there was just a tent between the ice and the rather strong Texas sun.

After we had a look around in the grounds, we went down to the boat dock. It was still a bit early so we sat down at some picnic tables and were amused by the grackles. The paddle wheeler looked very impressive. It is actually only a replica, but it still looks impressive. As soon as they were ready, we got on the boat. Initially we found some seats outside. It was a little windy out on the bayou so we soon found some window seats inside. The boat trip lasted one hour. There was not a great amount to see, but it was a lovely relaxing way to spend an hour.


Thats wonderful that you got special jewelry made. I hope you share pictures of it.
Once we had finished our boat ride, we headed over to the aquarium pyramid. The first exhibit we came to was the seals and sea lions. They have a number of California Sea Lions and Harbour Seals and one Fur Seal. A couple of the animals were born in captivity, but most of them were rescues that cannot be released as they would not survive in the wild. They have a very cute pup that was born at the aquarium to two of the rescued harbour seals. We spent a while observing them and it was not quite clear who was watching who. The Fur Seal particularly kept swimming over to check us out. They have a bunch of smaller tanks with all kinds of different fish and marine life. They also have a walk through tunnel with sharks, eels and stingrays. Apart from the seals, my favourite exhibits was the penguin habitat. I was also fascinated by the sea turtles, which are also all rescues.





Once we had finished in the aquarium, we decided that we had seen enough for a day and headed back towards the hotel to catch the bus. We had a bit of a wait, but the sun was lovely and their was a bench so that was no hardship. When the bus came, it felt like we were getting a tour of the whole of Galveston. Still, it was nice to just sit. We got off at Walmart again and decided to get a bottle of the Moscato. For some reason we could not find it again, but we came across a display with a different brand of wine that also offered the huge 1.5 liter bottles of Moscato and was only $1 more expensive. So we got this and then got a taxi. We asked the driver to stop at our hotel and Graham quickly took the things that we did not need to the room and then we carried on to the Pleasure Pier.

When I first started to research Galveston, I had spotted that they have a Bubba Gump Shrimp Company. I had wanted to eat at one of those for a while, but had never got around to it. I won't eat most seafood, but I like shrimp. So I decided that this time, we would finally eat there. We ended up sitting outside on the decking and had a nice view over the Pleasure Pier. Graham had a Budweiser and Top Sirloin with Fried Onion Strings, Mashed Potatoes and Chargrilled Shrimp Skewer. I had Shrimpers Delight (Tempura Shrimp, Coconut Shrimp, Peel and Eat Shrimp with Fries, Tangy Asian Dip, Cajun Marmalade and Cocktail Sauce), which I washed down with a very nice Margarita. We both had some water, too. Neither of us had room for dessert even though they had some rather nice ones.



When we had finished our meal, we could not spot any taxis so we decided to walk back to the hotel. This turned out to be quite a hike. Still, it was a lovely evening and we got to see a beautiful sunset on the way. When we finally arrived at the hotel, we checked if we had to pre-book the cruise shuttle for the next morning. They only run one shuttle per hour and the 10:30 shuttle was already fully booked so we booked two seats on the 11:30 shuttle. I was not overly happy about this as our check in time was 11:30 to 12:00, but there was nothing that could be done about it. Once we had sorted this out, we went straight to bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was asleep.
Thats wonderful that you got special jewelry made. I hope you share pictures of it.

It should show up nicely in the formal night photos, but here is a sneak preview:



And this is the bag it is based on:


I love this necklace. I am hoping to post the next installment tonight and this is the beginning of all things Disney.



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