Christmas at Our House

Attending church services YES
Attending special pagents, concerts or movies YES
Decorating the house and putting up a tree YES
Putting up lights outside No
Buying and wrapping gifts YES
Giving special tips to service providers NO
Charitable giving YES
Sending Christmas cards NO
Attending holiday parties YES
Hosting holiday parties No
Cooking a big festive meal Nope. Did that at Thanksgiving. Keeping it simple for Christmas( its just the 4 of us)
Baking/making special treats YES
Having time off from work YES
Travelling to be with family Not this year
Hosting overnight guests No
Taking a winter vacation NO
Relaxing in peace and quite at home YES!

Added by others:
Nutcracker Ballet: No (Though my dd wants to drive into Houston to see it.)
Christmas Markets: Possibly?
Going out to a special restaurant for Christmas Eve dinner: No

Driving around to look at others' Christmas lights and decorations: Always :)
Watching holiday specials on TV: Yes....or pull out the dvds and have a marathon :)

MY own addition: Day long movie marathons. This years possible lists: Patrick about 5 movies ready to go, Humphry Bogart, Re do an Aliens marathon, or possibly an 80's teen movie marathon.

Attending church services Not since I was a child

Attending special pageants, concerts or movies YES.....especially since I have schoolage kids

Decorating the house and putting up a tree YES

Putting up lights outside YES

Buying and wrapping gifts YES

Giving special tips to service providers no....although DD2s teacher and piano teachers get gifts

Charitable giving YES

Sending Christmas cards No...stopped a few years ago

Attending holiday parties YES

Hosting holiday parties Some years we do a New Year’s Day Open house but sadly I worked last year and this one.

Cooking a big festive meal DH does it

Baking/making special treats I DD1 is learning to bake so she is doing some of it.

Having time off from work Sadly no although I am off Christmas Day.

Travelling to be with family NO

Hosting overnight guests NO

Taking a winter vacation No. I am too low in senority to get time off then.

Relaxing in peace and quiet at home NO we host dinner.


Nutcracker Ballet I have in the past. My DD dance studio usual does it for their recital so I have yet to take them to the “real” one. I plan to every year but it hasn’t happened.

Christmas Markets Sometimes

Going out to a special restaurant for Christmas Eve dinner NO. We usualy do appies that night. Not sure what we will do this year aince I work until 8 pm.

Driving around to look at others' Christmas lights and decorations YES

Watching holiday specials & movies on TV & DVDs at home YES

Making Christmas Crafts, Gingerbread Houses included Sometimes. I haven’t since going back to work though

Christmas Caroling Not since I was a child.
Attending church services No
Attending special pagents, concerts or movies YES-ballet recital and school concert
Decorating the house and putting up a tree YES-just tree
Putting up lights outside No
Buying and wrapping gifts YES
Giving special tips to service providers NO-no tipping in NZ
Charitable giving YES
Sending Christmas cards Yes
Attending holiday parties YES
Hosting holiday parties YES-we have one every year for the kids. We fill 600 water balloons and have a kiwi snowball fight
Cooking a big festive meal YES
Baking/making special treats YES
Having time off from work YES
Travelling to be with family Some years
Hosting overnight guests No
Taking a winter vacation Some years (when we fly home for Xmas) otherwise it is Summer here
Relaxing in peace and quite at home NO-we have 3 young kids there is no such thing as peace and quiet

Nutcracker Ballet Wpuld love to but isn’t playing (my daughter is a ballerina and I checked)

Christmas Markets No

Going out to a special restaurant for Christmas Eve dinner NO. We do xmas dinner with my side of the family on Xmas eve

Driving around to look at others' Christmas lights and decorations YES

Watching holiday specials & movies on TV & DVDs at home YES

Making Christmas Crafts, Gingerbread Houses included Loads. We do an activity advent calendar so we have 25 days of crafts, baking and activities

Christmas Caroling Not a thing here.
Attending church services YES
Attending special pageants, concerts or movies YES--usually TSO
Decorating the house and putting up a tree YES
Putting up lights outside YES
Buying and wrapping gifts YES
Giving special tips to service providers NO
Charitable giving YES
Sending Christmas cards YES--not very many
Attending holiday parties YES
Hosting holiday parties MAYBE
Cooking a big festive meal YES
Baking/making special treats YES
Having time off from work YES---all the time now as I am retired, but always did as I was a teacher
Travelling to be with family Have done so in the past
Hosting overnight guests Yes, on the years our kids are with us
Taking a winter vacation Yes, now that we are retired
Relaxing in peace and quiet at home YES

Driving around to look at others' Christmas lights and decorations: Yes
Watching holiday specials on TV: Yes
Special Christmas Eve dinner: Yes
Special Christmas Morning brunch: Yes
New pajamas: Yes
Cookie exchange: Yes
Nutcracker Ballet: No--did go once

Santa Tree for grandkids: YES
Attending church services Nope

Attending special pageants, concerts or movies nope

Decorating the house and putting up a tree YES

Putting up lights outside Nope...hubby went crazy one year, Christmas vacation crazy, LOL and said never again. Haha

Buying and wrapping gifts YES

Giving special tips to service providers nope

Charitable giving YES

Sending Christmas cards yes

Attending holiday parties yes

Hosting holiday parties We have a Christmas Eve-eve gathering with friends and host a New Years party.

Cooking a big festive meal No... I'm all about simple and easy. Snack foods rule our holidays.

Baking/making special treats YES

Having time off from work yes

Travelling to be with family No

Hosting overnight guests Not this year

Taking a winter vacation No :(

Relaxing in peace and quiet at home Yes


Nutcracker Ballet no, I've never seen it.

Christmas Markets yes... love them!

Going out to a special restaurant for Christmas Eve dinner Nope

Driving around to look at others' Christmas lights and decorations YES

Watching holiday specials & movies on TV & DVDs at home YES

Making Christmas Crafts, Gingerbread Houses included Yes

Christmas Caroling Nope
Attending church services YES
Attending special pagents, concerts or movies USUALLY
Decorating the house and putting up a tree YES (two trees)
Putting up lights outside YES
Buying and wrapping gifts YES
Giving special tips to service providers YES
Charitable giving YES
Sending Christmas cards YES
Attending holiday parties YES
Hosting holiday parties YES (most years, including this year)
Cooking a big festive meal YES
Baking/making special treats YES
Having time off from work YES
Travelling to be with family YES (usually the weekend after Christmas for a couple days to visit my family)
Hosting overnight guests YES (Just my MIL usually)
Taking a winter vacation NO
Relaxing in peace and quite at home SORT OF
Aren’t they? They are trouble with a capital T. I’m already eyeing them this morning and I haven’t even had breakfast yet.
DS and I go to Pub Quiz on MOnday nights, so I specially made them today so we can take the lions share to give the staff and just leave a few for us (and my oldest who comes home for the holidays tomorrow) to indulge in. Good thing, because, yes, I could go through far more than I should awfuly quickly
Attending church services CHRISTMAS EVE, YES (my church doesn't do a Christmas day service unless it's Sunday)
Attending special pageants, concerts or movies SCHOOL PERFORMANCES, YES
Decorating the house and putting up a tree YES
Putting up lights outside YES
Buying and wrapping gifts YES
Giving special tips to service providers NO
Charitable giving MOST OF THE TIME
Sending Christmas cards SOMETIMES
Attending holiday parties ONLY FOR WORK
Hosting holiday parties DO YOU MEAN BESIDES CHRISTMAS DAY?
Cooking a big festive meal YES
Baking/making special treats YES
Having time off from work YES
Travelling to be with family NO
Hosting overnight guests NOT SINCE MIL PASSED AWAY
Taking a winter vacation NOT MOST OF THE TIME
Relaxing in peace and quite at home YES

Added by others:
Nutcracker Ballet: NOT IN YEARS (Both my kids performed in it, and my wife took my daughter to a performance once years ago.)
Christmas Markets: YES (but probably not after this year. Children performed at them several times)
Going out to a special restaurant for Christmas Eve dinner: SOMETIMES
Driving around to look at others' Christmas lights and decorations: NO
Watching holiday specials on TV: YES
Making Christmas Crafts, Gingerbread Houses included: YES (at church, during our "Advent Workshop")
Christmas Caroling: NO
Woke up to a White Christmas: YES
Last edited:
Attending church services no
Attending special pagents, concerts or movies no
Decorating the house and putting up a tree YES (doing it today, actually!!)
Putting up lights outside no
Buying and wrapping gifts YES
Giving special tips to service providers NO
Charitable giving YES
Sending Christmas cards yes
Attending holiday parties YES
Hosting holiday parties no
Cooking a big festive meal SOME YEARS (depends where we're having Christmas)
Baking/making special treats YES
Having time off from work YES- just Christmas day, new years day well and the weekend
Travelling to be with family no
Hosting overnight guests no
Taking a winter vacation NO (I wish!)
Relaxing in peace and quite at home a little

Other stuff we do

Going to look at Christmas lights with the family YES
Gingerbread house and baking cookies YES
Added by others:
Nutcracker Ballet: No, not our thing
Christmas Markets: YES - actually helped run a large one last weekend, usually have a table at a couple of local markets but too busy this year.
Going out to a special restaurant for Christmas Eve dinner: No, always eat at home Christmas eve after church service. We watch Christmas movies and eat ourselves silly.
Driving around to look at others' Christmas lights and decorations: Sometimes, not as much any more, the kids can't handle that long in the backseat together.
Watching holiday specials on TV: NO
Making Christmas Crafts, Gingerbread Houses included: Will do some this year, have a sci fi tree for my husband that needs some new ornaments and a tree skirt
Christmas Caroling: No, but my youngest's school is trying to put something together during the break so we may do so this year.
Woke up to a White Christmas: Nope, it rarely snows here
Attending church services YES
Attending special pagents, concerts or movies YES
Decorating the house and putting up a tree YES
Putting up lights outside YES
Buying and wrapping gifts YES
Giving special tips to service providers A FEW (UPS GUY AT WORK)
Charitable giving YES
Sending Christmas cards A FEW
Attending holiday parties YES
Hosting holiday parties YES-started this past weekend
Cooking a big festive meal YES
Baking/making special treats YES
Having time off from work YES
Travelling to be with family YES
Hosting overnight guests YES-had some this weekend
Taking a winter vacation NO
Relaxing in peace and quiet at home a little
Attending church services NO
Attending special pagents, concerts or movies YES
Decorating the house and putting up a tree YES
Putting up lights outside YES
Buying and wrapping gifts YES
Giving special tips to service providers NO
Charitable giving YES
Sending Christmas cards YES
Attending holiday parties YES
Hosting holiday parties YES
Cooking a big festive meal YES
Baking/making special treats YES
Having time off from work YES
Travelling to be with family NO
Hosting overnight guests NO
Taking a winter vacation NO, although every year I say that we're going to take one the next year.
Relaxing in peace and quite at home YES
Attending church services Depending on the Christmas Eve plans may go to a midnight service
Attending special pagents, concerts or movies No, but we do watch the Charlie Brown Special, Sound of Music depending on what night it is on and perhaps the reruns of NCIS Christmas episodes on whatever network is showing them.
Decorating the house and putting up a tree Yes
Putting up lights outside No but we do have a Peanuts lawn thing we put up, not a blowup
Buying and wrapping gifts Yes
Giving special tips to service providers No
Charitable giving Yes
Sending Christmas cards A few
Attending holiday parties Yes
Hosting holiday parties Yes
Cooking a big festive meal No
Baking/making special treats No
Having time off from work Yes
Travelling to be with family Fortunately the main family is within an hour
Hosting overnight guests No
Taking a winter vacation Maybe a long weekend depending on work
Relaxing in peace and quite at home Hopefully
:santa: Which of these activities are regularly a part of your Christmas celebrations? Feel free to add things that I've missed and if you celebrate something other than Christmas, what do your festivities include? :santa:

Attending church services Nope
Attending special pagents, concerts or movies not special movies, but yes; plus the Nutcracker ballet
Decorating the house and putting up a tree YES
Putting up lights outside YES
Buying and wrapping gifts YES
Giving special tips to service providers NO
Charitable giving YES
Sending Christmas cards yes to a few
Attending holiday parties Only DH's company party
Hosting holiday parties no
Cooking a big festive meal No more. too many years in the kitchen while everyone else was having fun.
Baking/making special treats YES
Having time off from work YES
Travelling to be with family no
Hosting overnight guests sometimes
Taking a winter vacation sometimes
Relaxing in peace and quite at home yes

Added my answers above, plus:
Going out to look at Christmas lights on Christmas Eve
Watching Christmas shows on tv

Of course, this was all when the kids were little. Now that we're down to just one at home, and he doesn't really care if I decorate with my Christmas bells or not, I've cut back. We had a few rough years when DH was sick, and I guess all the trappings got pushed aside. We haven't had a tree the last couple years. DS just wants cash now, so no need to really wrap gifts (send gifts directly from retailers to the other kids). More relaxing than worrying about putting things up and taking them down.

Maybe in a few years I'll want to start things up again, for the grandkids, if they come during the holidays. But other than that, we will at most get a tree. But not this year...the cats wouldn't stay out of it!
Attending church services YES. We've gone a couple of years in a row now to Christmas Eve services that are kid friendly. It's really adorable, usually with children's choirs.
Attending special pageants, concerts or movies YES-went to ODD's choir performance last week for school. It was great!
Decorating the house and putting up a tree YES
Putting up lights outside Normally yes, but not this year since we'll be moving in January
Buying and wrapping gifts YES
Giving special tips to service providers No. Don't really use any service providers. No pool boy or gardener or newspaper person.
Charitable giving Yes
Sending Christmas cards No way. But I do post a Passive-Aggressive Dysfunctional Family Christmas Newsletter on Facebook every Christmas season for grins & giggles.
Attending holiday parties No
Hosting holiday parties No
Cooking a big festive meal YES
Baking/making special treats YES. We bake julekake (pronounced yoo-luh-kah-kuh) every Christmas. Norwegian Christmas bread. The traditional version only has raisins in it. It's wonderful as toast. Makes the whole house smell like Christmas. You should bake it from scratch. Don't use a bread machine.
Having time off from work Usually yes
Travelling to be with family Have done so in the past, but not this year
Hosting overnight guests Maybe. Friends are still figuring out their plans.
Taking a winter vacation No
Relaxing in peace and quiet at home YES

Driving around to look at others' Christmas lights and decorations: Yes, but not on Christmas Eve.
Watching holiday specials on TV: Yes
Special Christmas Eve dinner: Yes. My sister makes Roast Beast (ok, prime rib) with Yorkshire Pudding
Special Christmas Morning brunch: No. Too busy opening presents. Breakfast is usually grab & go serve yourself stuff.
New pajamas: Yes, but 1 relative always gives all of us new PJs every year. Now I have like 8 sets of PJs and we don't need any more. I hope that the relative gives us something else this year.
Cookie exchange: No
Attending church services YES, we haven't been able to attend every year, but enjoy it when we can. We always go to my parents' church where I grew up. It's an old school country church, the kids do most of the program which is full of life and fun. And, like a PP, they end with Silent Night by candle light and it's beautiful. Probably my favorite part of Christmas.
Attending special pagents, concerts or movies Depends, no more school concerts or pageants, but we usually hit at least one movie with the family during the school break. This year will probably be two: Star Wars and Pitch Perfect 3.
Decorating the house and putting up a tree Yes. I always decorate inside. My traditional decorations include candelabras in every window, the Christmas tree in the front picture window, and a wreath for the front door, all with white lights. I usually put a few Christmas pieces in the space above the kitchen cabinets and on a few tables/shelves. But that's about it.
Putting up lights outside It varies. This year all I have is one of the super easy projectors. Mine has white snowflakes that float across the front of the house. I'm considering getting another since our house in on a corner, then I could fill both sides that face the streets.
Buying and wrapping gifts YES, always. I love shopping and wrapping and gifting.
Giving special tips to service providers A few.
Charitable giving Varies year to year, but usually something. We typically collect for a different charity each year at work.
Sending Christmas cards Again, it varies. I haven't yet this year. Not sure if I'll find the time as it's getting pretty late.
Attending holiday parties YES. 3 usually. DH family, My family, and a larger gathering of my mother's family (so my cousins, aunts, uncles, our kid's second cousins, etc.)
Hosting holiday parties Not this year. I hosted in the past.
Cooking a big festive meal DH family typically has a traditional meal. My family has a sit down meal, but we don't always have the same meal, we hash it out year to year. The larger gathering with my aunts/uncles/cousins has become a soup and sandwich party that everyone loves. Several family members bring their best homemade soups, my side of the family provides the sandwich fixings. Then tons of apps and desserts. It's a nice change from all the sit-down meals from Thanksgiving and Christmas. (And since the party runs from noon past midnight with folks floating in and out all day, the food holds up better and people can eat on their own schedules.)
Baking/making special treats Usually one or two.
Having time off from work Depends on if it's my year to be on call, but usually I get one day.
Travelling to be with family Once in a while. I have a sister in Florida we may travel to see. She's coming up here this year.
Hosting overnight guests Only if you count the college kid.
Taking a winter vacation Not this year, but I have a couple of times. It was fun.
Relaxing in peace and quite at home That's usually Christmas Day. It seems to be the only day that we don't have a party or event to attend. The grandparents may stop by, but that's about it.
Driving around to look at others' Christmas lights and decorations. No, But I enjoy checking them out while walking with my friend.
Watching holiday specials on TV: No.

Special Christmas Morning meal. Super Easy, and too evil to eat any other time, Breakfast Pizza and Biscuits with Chocolate Gravy.
New pajamas: No.
Cookie exchange: Not this year, but my sisters and I have done this in the past.
Caroling? I enjoyed it, but no one seems interested anymore. We would visit homes where people lived alone or were housebound, and area nursing homes. I think people enjoyed it, and I know I did.


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