China Trip report - Adults only May 2018

On the transport from HKDL to the Peninsula, were you able to specify what time it would take place?

I only found afterwards that this was an option. Apparently there was a miscommunication with the vacationista and we were told we had to find our own way to the Peninsula. We were fine with that since we were so happy that they were taking us to HKDL from the airport. Later, we were told this was a mistake and ABD offered to reimburse our Uber charge. So, I don’t actually know the answer but thought I’d share the info.
We discovered that ear picking is an ancient practice still popular at tea houses in Chengdu. Yesterday we went to the opera house and had the opportunity to purchase an ear cleaning/picking session and massage. I opted for both. The ear cleaning is very ticklish so I pretty much was giggling for most of it.


The opera house experience was pretty awesome! It is basically a ton of historical Chinese culture put together in a variety show. I didn’t understand any of it but enjoyed every moment! The performances were wonderful and entertaining. The costumes were amazing!








Below are a couple of screenshots from the hand shadow performance. It was really neat to see!


Below is the same performer demonstrating the art of face changing. These two pictures are literally seconds apart. I lost count of how many faces each of the performers changed into. They happen in a flash and go from one mask to the next in about a blink of an eye. It was really cool to see!




If you love food and exploring a culture from a food perpspective this trip does a nice job of incorporating that into the whole experience. I didn’t do much in the way of food porn pictures because I was busy stuffing my face.

Below is the before shot of our hot pot restaurant experience.

That meal looks AMAZING!

I'm curious about the ear picking. It looks very....interesting. Is the goal to remove wax buildup?
That meal looks AMAZING!

I'm curious about the ear picking. It looks very....interesting. Is the goal to remove wax buildup?

It was really good! We’ve had several other meals like that which were outstanding!

Wax and dead skin flakes. It is also supposed to be a relaxing leisure activity.
I only found afterwards that this was an option. Apparently there was a miscommunication with the vacationista and we were told we had to find our own way to the Peninsula. We were fine with that since we were so happy that they were taking us to HKDL from the airport. Later, we were told this was a mistake and ABD offered to reimburse our Uber charge. So, I don’t actually know the answer but thought I’d share the info.
Oh right, I remember reading that now. Thanks for the info, I'll be sure to ask.
It took us three tries. They are very particular about the photo. But once it was accepted online we got everything back fairly quickly and it is good for 10 years. We used CIBT Visas. They offer a discount with ABD.
We used CIBT as well. Struggled to get the picture right too. Finally was able to get one that a friend had photoshopped the background white enough to pass muster. Funny thing about the 10 year visa, we just got new passports a couple of weeks ago but the visa is in the old passport book. Not that we are likely to go back to China anytime soon though. Too many other places to go!

We get the afternoon with some FPs and the evening. If you are a Disney parks fan I would ssuggest going at least a day earlier. ABD will take care of transport from the airport to HKDL if you choose to do a pre stay there, which we did. They will also take care of transport from HKDL to the Peninsula.

Once you hit Shanghai will you have been to all 12 of the Disney parks? One question that often comes up is which castle you liked the best. I'll be interested in your answer.
Once you hit Shanghai will you have been to all 12 of the Disney parks? One question that often comes up is which castle you liked the best. I'll be interested in your answer.

Not quite since we have never been to Japan. However, we didn’t come all this way to go home without having been to all of the parks. So after Shanghai, we are staying an extra day to explore the park. Then, we are flying to Japan for 4 nights to hit the last two parks. We are also considering flying to Paris Disneyland for a weekend before the year is out so we can say we did all the parks the same year. This is an @DizDragonfly idea that we are mulling over since they are on the current grand slam the Disney parks trip with us right now.
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Awesome! We did Tokyo on the front end of our China ABD last year. Enjoy!

Hi all! Yesterday was the last day of our ABD adults only trip in China. After our morning activities we were on our own for a little before meeting up after some shopping for souvenirs. I began to notice that the right side of my face and jaw felt weird and somewhat numb. Ive been teaching CPR and First Aid nearly everyday for the last 11 years. Part of that involves teaching people to recognize signs of possible stroke and scare them enough to get immediate medical attention, rather than ignore it. Here it was happening to me. I could lift both arms with no problems and my speech wasn’t t slurred. I looked at DH and asked him if when I smiled if the right side of my face was moving. He said it looked off. I asked him to tell me what happenes when I stick out my tongue and he said it dropped to the right. At that point he realized when I blinked my right eye wouldn’t move or close. I told him to call the guides and explain I was having stroke symptoms and to get medical attention ASAP. I stayed calm and matter of fact even though I was terrified and doing everything I could to hide it.

As luck, bad or good, depending on how you look at it would have it, another guest had her contact rip and part of it went behind her eye and also needed medical attention. Our local guide, Flo, in Shanghai had already reached out to a contact she made for such emergencies. The doctor was not in the clinic and was at a conference about to go to lunch. She had already agreed to forego lunch and come in for the ripped contact and now was also going to stay for me as well. All hands were on deck. Flo, got us a van via China’s version of Uber and we were taken to a clinic. Along the way, my fear got the better of me and I told DH if the worst happens, that I hoped he knew I loved him more than anything in the world and while I don’t want this ride to end yet, it’s been the best ride ever because we were on it together.

There is no way we would have found this place. The moment we walked in the staff and doctor were already at the door to meet us and begin taking my blood pressure which was very high. It normally is not. After a battery of diagnostic physical tests both the doctor and I were thinking an onset of Bell’s Palsy is what we were looking at. None the less, I knew I’d need an MRI to rule out stroke and the doctor also agreed. However, things don’t work in China they way they do here as the doctor explained. She got me an immediate appointment at a diagnostic imaging cenetr for the MRI which was about 30 minutes away. The nurse from the clinic escorted DH and I in a hired car to the diagnostic center while Flo took the other couple to Shanghai Disneyland to rejoin the group. The moment we walked in the diagnostic imaging center, we were immediately taken care of and I was in the MRI machine in no time. She was very sweet and held my arm everywhere we went. After the MRI we waited a few minutes for the films and copy of the CD. The specialist called the dr and went over the results with her while the nurse hired another car to take us back to the clinic. Flo was there waiting for us with Jenny, our guide from Guilin who was also observing the entire trip as part of her training to be a full ABD guide for China. No signs of stroke and everything pointed to Bell’s Palsy. Before we had left the clinic to get me an MRI she had already prescribed me with an antiviral and prednisone along with drops and lubricants for the eye I can’t close. She gave me the films and cd and we were off again.

Jenny, got us a hired car and we drove to Shanghai Disneyland to meet back with the rest of the group. I was able to get in a couple of rides and of course join everyfor our farewell dinner at Club 33. Daisy, our local China guide knew we were going the following day to Shanghai Disneyland hotel and planned to be at the park by rope drop. She arranged to have our room ready by 9 am, even though check in is at 3 pm, just in case I needed to get back and rest. The guides also arranged to have some fast passes added to our tickets for the next day.

My thoughts: I have never experienced something so scary in my life. Thinking you might be having a stroke and may wind up dead or permanently disabled while you are in a country half way around the world where you don’t speak the language or understand the culture is not something I’d wish on my worst enemy. Now, of course we had trip insurance but somehow, I don’t think that could have done me any good when it came to the logistics and transport. I don’t imagine the phone number I’d be calling in the middle of the night would lead me to someone who had a doctor they could get to drop what she was doing and go to the clinic to wait for me, I don’t think they could have arranged for and transported me everywhere I needed to be and back to my vacation. I was blown away over how quickly everything was simply handled and provided with not an extra second wasted. I am beyond thankful that if this had to happen to me while I was out of the country, that it happened while I was with ABD. Daisy, Ralph, Flo and Jenny were amazing in how they handled this. I am so thankful.

I will finish the trip repor but will need some time. It’s harder to text with only one eye open.
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What a terrifying story. I am so glad that you were able to get medical treatment quickly and that you are okay. I hope you and DH make it home safely and without further incident.
Wonder if you are having a "shingles-like" event. So glad that everything was handled so well for you. This again emphasizes why someone should do this type of trip with an organized tour operator that can intervene and handle things for you.


How positively frightening for you two. Sending thoughts and prayers your way. As time permits, please keep us posted on your status and try to enjoy the rest of your trip as best you can.
Calypso!!!!! OMG how scary!! I'm glad you're ok!! I hope you can try to relax and enjoy the rest of your trip now that your worst fears are behind you. Thank goodness you had such helpful people along the way.
I can feel my own blood pressure rising just reading what you've gone through. Being in a foreign country compounds an already awful situation. I'm so, so glad you were able to get such excellent care and that you're on the mend.
Oh no, that sounds truly terrifying. I hope you are well enough to still enjoy the rest of your adventure as well as Japan!
Incredible story. I'm so glad you are okay, but how scary that must have been! I love Flo and Jenny (as well as Ralph)--you were clearly in amazing hands. I'm 100% with you in that if something not-so-great is going to happen in a foreign country, ABD is who you want to have in your corner.
That's terrifying and I'm so glad your guides got your through it as quickly as possible. It's amazing and wonderful you were able to return for the end of your ABD! May you regain your strength for finishing out your trip, will keep you in my prayers for a quick and full recovery :grouphug:
Wow! I hope everything is ok with you. How scary! I hope you get well and can enjoy the rest of your trip. Prayers, pixie dust and best wishes for you!
Incredible story. I'm so glad you are okay, but how scary that must have been! I love Flo and Jenny (as well as Ralph)--you were clearly in amazing hands. I'm 100% with you in that if something not-so-great is going to happen in a foreign country, ABD is who you want to have in your corner.
I totally agree with this, too! Totally one of the reasons ABD is worth it to me!



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