China July 4, 2010


Happy Wife and Mom
Jan 27, 2009
Our family is celebrating today. We booked our Enchanted China trip for July 4, 2010! We are really excited, and maybe a little nervous, but we are definitely going!!!!!!!

Hooray for us!

I know it is early, but we would love to connect with anyone else going on this adventure.
Hi 2GirlsMama,
Congratulations on booking your trip. There is no need to be anything other than really excited and ready to go! ABD will be there to take care of everything. Have a great trip and be sure to post a trip report when you return. :thumbsup2
First Anal
Hi Jamie,
There is really a great reason for us to be nervous. We went on the same trip this past summer and were placed in quarantine for a week by the Chinese officials because of the H1N1 scare. No one in our family was sick, but we were seated on the plane near someone with symptoms. It was a completely awful experience. I have never been so terrified in my life. We have two daughters and they were on the trip with us.

ABD did everything possible to help us and we are very thankful. So, this trip is a second chance for us to experience China. We are excited, but, well nervous.
Our family is planning to do the Enchanted China Trip July 18, 2010, haven't booked yet but plan to later this month. Have you had the H1N1 vaccination shot yet? Do you think this would prevent quarantining in China in the future?
My DH and I wondered the same thing about the H1N1 vaccination. I really don't know the answer. The whole experience was so unreasonable that it really was difficult to understand. After we were in quarantine we were given the H1N1 test and it was quickly determined that we didn't have the virus. We were left in quarantine anyway. It was completely illogical, so it is difficult to apply logic and try to predict what will happen.

If there is any chance that we will be quarantined again, we will not go on the trip. I would never have placed my children in that situation if I would have realized how truly terrible the experience would be.

The short time we had on the ABD trip was absolutely fantastic. I would recommend it to anyone. We are thrilled with ABD and would not consider going to China with any other company.
Hopefully by the time this trip happens, this whole H1N1 issue will be in the past (crossing my fingers). You'll have a wonderful time on your trip. Congrats on your booking!
My DH and I wondered the same thing about the H1N1 vaccination. I really don't know the answer. The whole experience was so unreasonable that it really was difficult to understand. After we were in quarantine we were given the H1N1 test and it was quickly determined that we didn't have the virus. We were left in quarantine anyway. It was completely illogical, so it is difficult to apply logic and try to predict what will happen.

If there is any chance that we will be quarantined again, we will not go on the trip. I would never have placed my children in that situation if I would have realized how truly terrible the experience would be.

The short time we had on the ABD trip was absolutely fantastic. I would recommend it to anyone. We are thrilled with ABD and would not consider going to China with any other company.

Did you know that there is currently a travel alert concerning being quaratined in China? It expires Dec 30/09 but could very well be extended indefinitely. Certainly China won't ever guarantee you not being quarantined.

This is a quote from the US State Department website.

September 25, 2009

The Department of State alerts U.S. citizens to the quarantine measures imposed by the Government of China in response to the 2009-H1N1 pandemic that may affect travel to China. This Travel Alert updates the July 9, 2009, Travel Alert in order to advise U.S. citizens of the current quarantine situation. This Travel Alert expires on December 30, 2009.

In May 2009, China implemented a policy that allows it to quarantine arriving passengers who exhibit fever or flu-like symptoms. Although the overall percentage of U.S. citizens being quarantined remains low, the nature of the selection process makes it almost impossible to predict when a traveler may be placed into quarantine. From May to August 2009, the Department of State received thousands of reports of quarantined U.S. citizens. Since September, however, reports of U.S. citizens in quarantine have been infrequent.

In preparation for the October Chinese national holidays and for the fall/winter 2009 influenza season, local and provincial governments were tasked by the Chinese State Council on September 11 to strengthen disease control and mitigation measures, which could affect residents and travelers. Local and provincial policies towards 2009-H1N1 Influenza may remain unpredictable.

Although in July 2009 home quarantine was permitted as an option for some confirmed 2009-H1N1 Influenza cases, travelers are advised that quarantine in a designated hospital or facility remains a possibility. Quarantine practices, including the separation of children from their parents or guardians, can vary by location. In some quarantine situations, there exists the possibility of Chinese medical personnel administering medications to minors without parental permission; the unavailability of suitable drinking water and food; unsanitary conditions; lack of telephone access; absence of English-speaking staff; and limited availability of English-language interpreters. Travelers may also experience delays at airports, railway stations and other locations due to health screenings.
Thanks for the information, L Smith. Our family is very aware of the situation and we have first hand knowledge of China's policies! I was aware of the information you posted. Very similar information was available before we went to China this summer. We were just naive enough to think "it wouldn't happen to us". We are much more aware this time that it certainly can!

We are fortunate to have friends who live in Beijing who seem to have reliable knowldege of the trends for quarantine. We will remain well-educated before getting on the plane next summer.
Thanks for the information, L Smith. Our family is very aware of the situation and we have first hand knowledge of China's policies! I was aware of the information you posted. Very similar information was available before we went to China this summer. We were just naive enough to think "it wouldn't happen to us". We are much more aware this time that it certainly can!

We are fortunate to have friends who live in Beijing who seem to have reliable knowldege of the trends for quarantine. We will remain well-educated before getting on the plane next summer.

I figured you probably knew but thought others may need to be cautioned. It is the main reason we have put off our non-ABD trip to China. We won't take any chances with our kids.

I'm sorry your family had to go through that. I can't even imagine.
We fly to China (ABD) on an overnight flight out of LA--and arrived early in the morning their time, and it felt early in the morning. We adjusted pretty quickly on the front end. BUT! Coming back we had a harder time getting over jet lag, as our long flight had us coming in to LA late in the day. Nonetheless, we try to always arrive a day early for jet lag recovery (if any), and to get settled in to the first city and see sights that the ABD group won't be seeing. It was one of the best (if not the best) trips my family has taken--lots of "wow" moments!
I completely agree with WeLoveABD. This will be our fourth trip to China, and the jet lag is always much worse coming back home. We added one day to the beginning of the trip to get settled. Last time we went to the Temple of Heaven during our pre-day. It was wonderful.

We got our confirmation paperwork in the mail today. It has a really great list of suggested reading to prepare for the trip. It is even broken down by age group with recommendations for our kids, too. I really like that idea!
I really like that they give you suggested reading material, I always like to research our vacation destinations so I know what to expect.

All the quarantine info has left me a little gun shy to book yet, I think we are going to wait until January and see if China updates their quarantine rules, hopefully taking into consideration the vaccine, which my family has now all had. But of course I want to book before Jan 15 to take advantage of the free cruise offer.
Just giving this a little bump to move it up in hopes of finding someone else going to China with us.

We returned all our paperwork to ABD. Hooray!:cool1:

I am already gathering things to keep the kids entertained on the LONG flight. They were really great last time. They seem to be able to sleep anywhere!
Ni hao!

We just booked our ABD Enchanted China trip last week and promptly returned the paperwork! Very Exciting!:cool1::cool1:

Our trip begins May 30th...I was a little worried about the heat & humidity later in the summer. This will be our first trip to China and we are thrilled!
I'll also be posting a new thread in the hopes we can connect with another family on our tour.

I just booked the July 4th trip as well!! :goodvibes

My husband, my daughter who will be 12 next summer, and I will be traveling. My daughter was born in China, and this will be our first trip back. We're all beyond excited!



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