Chemical Alley Part 2

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Dawn: she sat on the bus terrified, clutching the handrail. "There aren't even seat belts on this!"
Marcus: "How l-long d-do you-ou thi-ink it will-l b-be before I g-get be-tter?"
Doodle98 said:
Marcus: "How l-long d-do you-ou thi-ink it will-l b-be before I g-get be-tter?"

Lynn: "Soon. Just takes time. A couple days? A week or two...I dunno..."
Marina: "I'll tell her for you. It's okay." She wiped his tears away. "I'm sorry. He shouldn't have come back. He shouldn't have ever tried to redeem himself. He doesn't deserve you as a som. You're absolutely amazing, Jordan."

Dawn: she sat on the bus terrified, clutching the handrail. "There aren't even seat belts on this!"

Jordan: "thank you Marina" he said quietly. He lay down so his head was on her lap. "you'd really tell her for me? That means a lot. But you haven't even met her yet."

Caroline: "it's safe. Don't worry."
Lynn: "Soon. Just takes time. A couple days? A week or two...I dunno..."

Marcus: he groaned. "Why?" He felt vulnerable and helpless. He should be protecting Lynn. But she gave him everything. Care, love, and an actual home. Much more than he could ever give her. She didn't deserve to be burdened by him.
Ciel: "Thanks. Just thought it could be fun..."

Jaycee: She nodded, she looked down at herself. She was wearing sweats and a t-shirt, her hair was thrown in a ponytail and practically all of her make up had been rubbed off. "can I make myself look a little nicer first?"
Doodle98 said:
Marcus: he groaned. "Why?" He felt vulnerable and helpless. He should be protecting Lynn. But she gave him everything. Care, love, and an actual home. Much more than he could ever give her. She didn't deserve to be burdened by him.

Lynn: She shrugged and lay next to him. She started to fall asleep.
Jordan: "thank you Marina" he said quietly. He lay down so his head was on her lap. "you'd really tell her for me? That means a lot. But you haven't even met her yet."

Caroline: "it's safe. Don't worry."

Marina: she brushed the hair out of his face and kissed his forehead. "I'd rather have her hate me than have to hear it from you. It's fine. Sorry my lap is sorta small." She chuckled. The remaining part of her missing leg only went about halfway to her knee.

Dawn: "o-okay."
disneygirl520 said:
Jaycee: She nodded, she looked down at herself. She was wearing sweats and a t-shirt, her hair was thrown in a ponytail and practically all of her make up had been rubbed off. "can I make myself look a little nicer first?"

Ciel: "Whatever you want." he nodded.
Marina: she brushed the hair out of his face and kissed his forehead. "I'd rather have her hate me than have to hear it from you. It's fine. Sorry my lap is sorta small." She chuckled. The remaining part of her missing leg only went about halfway to her knee.

Dawn: "o-okay."

Jordan: He looked up at her his face still sad. "thank you, I love you" he shook his head when she mentioned her lap and smiled slightly.
Jordan: He looked up at her his face still sad. "thank you, I love you" he shook his head when she mentioned her lap and smiled slightly.

Marina: "Please don't be sad. I can't take it. But hey, we're alone. You can cry if you want."
Marina: "Please don't be sad. I can't take it. But hey, we're alone. You can cry if you want."

Jordan: "I don't think he's going to come back, so that's good" a single tear slid down the side of his face "I just want to know what he thinks is wrong with me. I mean why am I not good enough for him?"
Jordan: "I don't think he's going to come back, so that's good" a single tear slid down the side of his face "I just want to know what he thinks is wrong with me. I mean why am I not good enough for him?"

Marina: she wiped the tear away. "Jordan, that man is a selfish, lying idiot. If he ever tries to come back he'll get my other crutch in his face."
Marina: she wiped the tear away. "Jordan, that man is a selfish, lying idiot. If he ever tries to come back he'll get my other crutch in his face."

Jordan: he smiled slightly. It was the first time someone had talked about his father in the way that he thought of him. "thank you. You really know how to make me feel better."
Jordan: he smiled slightly. It was the first time someone had talked about his father in the way that he thought of him. "thank you. You really know how to make me feel better."

Marina: she smiled. "I should know how, you're my best friend." She looked around. "Want me to get you something?"
Marina: she smiled. "I should know how, you're my best friend." She looked around. "Want me to get you something?"

Jordan: he smiled "that's okay, here I'll show you my room." He stood up. He still felt down, but a lot better, had Marina not been here he knew he would have been much worse.
Jordan: he smiled "that's okay, here I'll show you my room." He stood up. He still felt down, but a lot better, had Marina not been here he knew he would have been much worse.

Marina: "One sec." She picked her crutches off of the floor and took a minute to stand up. "Okay, your room? Hey, where's your girlfriend, Karen, and your mom anyways?"

Dawn: when the bus stopped she was the first one off. She looked at the mall. "That's huge."
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