Cheating On The Mouse Boats Part 2 - This Time It May Be Terminal

Day 8

By the time we got up this day, we had arrived in Dubai. Although we still had a full day left on our cruise, we had an overnight stop in Dubai so we arrived there a day early. We go to Dubai fairly regularly and had only been there in August so we decided to call this an unofficial sea day. There were two things I wanted to do that day: I wanted to get the last port photo and I wanted to do our online check in for the next day. Every morning the ship photographers were out by the gangway to take photos. The photos had special graphics for that port and I really wanted the full set. So I had checked the previous day when they would be out to take photos and they said they should be there between 9:00 and 10:00. So we got up in time for this and headed out to get our photo.

As we were out and about anyway, we figured we may as well check out the terminal. We discovered shops that we had not seen on embarkation day. So we had a quick look. This turned out to be a rather fruitful undertaking. One of the shops was a jewellery shop. A few years ago, I developed a real liking for rose gold. I have a number of fashion jewellery items in rose gold, but I have never managed to find a piece of jewellery that is actual rose gold that I liked. Dubai is one of the best places to buy gold as you are just charged by weight and not for the workmanship. Unfortunately the tastes in Dubai are a bit more flamboyant then my personal taste is and most jewellery is dripping with gem stones. However hard I tried, I have been unable to find the plain rose gold pendant that I had been looking for. The hunt for one had become a bit of an obsession. So when I spotted the jewellery shop, I had to check it out. Initially I thought I was out of luck again. As far as the pendants were concerned it was just more of the same. I had actually already started to leave when something caught my eye. It was actually a pair of earrings, which consisted of a large rose gold heart with a smaller silver heart. Because the heart was quite large, I thought that this would make a perfect pendant. I make jewellery as a hobby and have all kinds of tools so I knew it would be easy to convert the earrings into two pedants. As they were really lightweight, they were a real bargain, too. One of them will get the first outing on our upcoming cruise.

With the purchase done, we headed back to the ship. I took my earrings to the cabin and then we went up to Windjammer to get some breakfast. Graham had some fruit and a pastry and I opted for an omelet, sausages and hash browns. We both had coffee and juice. We ended up chatting with an officer, who is from Germany. It was nice talking to him. Once we finished our breakfast, we decided to have a wander around the ship and take photos of the artwork that is dotted around the ship and especially in the stairwells. We went down the forward stairs and then walked down a corridor and walked up the midship stairs taking photos of the artwork as we went. It was nice to have a wander around the ship that was practically empty as most people were in port. We also took a little detour and checked out the itinerary folders near the Next Cruise desk. This was the point when we realized just how many opportunities our willingness to try Royal Caribbean has opened up. In 2010, after doing a Med cruise out of Barcelona and then a Westbound Transatlantic the same year, the idea was born that we should try to get once around the world in stages. This had kind of ground to a hold with our Hawaii cruise in 2012, but suddenly it looked like a real possibility again. Little did we know at that stage that we would add another segment to this endeavour as soon as May. By that stage, we will have gone halfway round the world.

Once we got back up to deck 10, we were ready for a rest. We found ourselves some loungers and made ourselves comfortable. I was hoping that I would be able to indulge in some plane spotting, but it was surprisingly quiet in the Dubai airspace. So after a while, we decided to go and play a round of mini golf. We had planned to do this at some stage when we had a look around the ship the first day, but for some reason we never got around to it until this point. The mini golf course on the Splendour has 9 holes and is pretty compact. I can imagine that this can get very crowded very quickly. When we started playing, we were the only people there, but we were soon joined by a group of tweens. They were better at this then we were, but politely and patiently waited for us to finish. We did enjoy playing although some of the holes were quite tricky.

When we finished our round of mini golf, we headed over to the Windjammer and had some lunch. They had a rather nice goulash that day so I had some of this with mash potatoes. Graham stuck with cold cuts, salad and some chips. We decided to pass on the desserts that were available and get a soft serve ice cream from the pool deck instead. Graham got a coffee while we were there and I had a Coke. We then went back on deck 10 and found ourselves some loungers. By then it was around the time most of the flights bound for Europe were leaving and a lot of them are Airbus A380s. So I was not disappointed. In between plane spotting, I read my book. It was just a really pleasant afternoon.

Once the main plane rush hour was over, my window for online check in had opened. So I left Graham to his own devices and headed over to the cruise terminal again to use their WiFi. This was pretty good on embarkation day, but was very patchy that day and I had to move multiple times to get a signal at all. In the end I did succeed and true to form, all I got was an online check in receipt. I double-checked the loads and they looked fantastic so I was not worried. I decided if I was there, I may as well check my emails. While I was doing this, one of the two people that I had chatted with the previous day came and sat next to me. She was flying back with my carrier the next day and was trying to sort out some special assistance and seating as she had one of her legs in a cast. I don’t think the person she spoke to understood what she actually required so I signaled her to hang up and I sent an email to my office to sort this out. Fortunately this was all taken care of although due to the patchy internet, I did not find out that it had until I got to the airport myself the following day.

I headed back to the ship and rejoined Graham. We spent a little while longer on our loungers, but once the sun turned away from us, we took this as a hint to go inside to pack. Fortunately the packing did not take very long. After this, we decided that we had earned a reward. On the first afternoon I got chatting to one of the bartenders at the bar in Centrum and we got to the topic of Caipirinhas. The Caipirinha is one of my favourite cocktails along with Margaritas and Mojitos. Unfortunately on DCL they possibly murder this drink. He asked me to come back and he would make sure I would get the perfect Caipirinha. At some stage I told Graham this story and once we had packed he suggested that we should see if the bartender is as good as his word. So we went down there. I had my Caipirinha and Graham had a beer. I am not sure I would go as far as saying that this was the best Caipirinha I ever had, but it was delicious and miles better than anything I have ever had on DCL.

After we had finished our drinks, I went back to the photo gallery for a last check on any photos that I had not spotted earlier. Fortunately the port photo from that morning was already out. So I collected this and then went to get the folders with the photos that I had collected during the week. I took them back to the cabin and then went in search of Graham who had gone off somewhere when I headed to get the photos. He had found himself a lounger by the pool. It was a beautiful clear evening, but a little breezy. I got myself a towel and made myself comfortable. Again, there was hardly anybody around and it was a nice way to end the cruise. At some stage, we realized that we better go back to the cabin to put our luggage out. So we went downstairs and took care of this.

Then it was time for dinner. Again there were only 4 of us. We had a lovely final dinner. Graham had the Seafood Ceviche, which consisted of shrimp, bay scallops, red onions, cucumbers, dill and cilantro for his starter and then went with the roasted rack of lamb with parsnip mash, white bean ragout and a thyme reduction. He seemed happy enough with his choice. There was nothing really on the menu that day apart from the starter that took my fancy so I went with some choices from the classic menu. I had the chilled mango and pineapple soup with toasted shredded coconut for my starter. I then went with the aged hand-cut Manhattan strip steak with garlic-herb butter and seasonal vegetables. This was really tender and flavourful. For my dessert, I went with tried and tested and had the Chocolate Sensation. Once we had all finished our meal, we said goodbye to our table mates and our serving team and then we headed to our cabin. Our luggage was still in the corridor so we put a few more odds and ends in there and then we went to bed.
I'm catching up. I'll just comment a day at a time so that I can remember what I want to comment on. I just got through the first day in Muscat. I love your dress! It's really cute.

It's too bad that so many places were not available for you to tour, but as you said, it's a reason to come back!

What really impressed me was how clean everything was. I wouldn't have thought you were outside, but more in an attraction at Disney if I didn't know better!

The hot dog place sounds good! I would have loved to partake in the Indian Food at least a few of the nights. Did you say that your table mates were from India? I forgot if you mentioned that in your initial meeting of them.
Your excursion sounded very nice. Too bad about your camera, I hope you get a new one soon!

Did they serve drinks on the ship? Oh wait! There was a champagne reception you went to.

Sounds like you had a quiet evening.
I just went back to look at all the mosque pictures again, I would have had a hard time leaving that place!

Also love the jewelry you had on with the red dress from the previous evening.

That sounds frustrating finding the bus stops though.
Thank you for all the pictures of the ship, it looks very nice. Great idea to treat this as a sea day, I love just relaxing and enjoying what the ship has to offer.

I wonder why DCL does your drink so badly? are the ingredients done wrong? I remember you mentioning this problem before.

Looking forward to seeing the rose gold pendant, great that you found something you liked.
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Enjoyed day 8. Shame it is the last day. Nice port photo of each of you. I agree you have to get the set!

That was great getting the rose gold earrings and then converting them to a pendant. I like rose gold also. My grandmothers wedding ring was rose gold. Fond memories. That is clever you make your own jewelley I look forward to seeing the rose gold pendant on your TR for the next cruise.

I enjoyed the photos of the pictures inside the deck. The maps are lovely detail and add a great nautical theme to the ship.

What a fantastic white grand piano in the lobby from your photo. I just love grand pianos. Did they have a pianist every night?

Mini golf what fun! Then lunch looked good. I do enjoy a good goulash. But it has to be slow cooked and that meat falling to pieces. Sounded like RC had that right.

A nice relax on the loungers good to hear.

Dinner rack of lamb lovely. Good choice Graham. But wait... Corinna steak! That is a good menu. Then chocolate dessert? Oh my. Meat and chocolate. Divine. Off to the land of nod with content belly!
I love your dress! It's really cute.

Thanks. I can't wait to wear this again.

It's too bad that so many places were not available for you to tour, but as you said, it's a reason to come back!

This was actually a blessing in disguise as this gave us the chance to explore and just enjoy what we came across. It is also nice to have an excuse to come back.

What really impressed me was how clean everything was. I wouldn't have thought you were outside, but more in an attraction at Disney if I didn't know better!

Dubai and Abu Dhabi are like this, too. That is why I love the places I have been to in the Middle East so much. They are safe, spotlessly kept and the natives are friendly and hospitable.

The hot dog place sounds good!

I loved this. Fortunately the Ovation has a variation of this in form of a food truck on sea.

I would have loved to partake in the Indian Food at least a few of the nights.

I have to be very careful with spicy food because of a medical condition that I have.

Did you say that your table mates were from India?

They were all from South Africa, but of Indian ancestry. We are still in touch with two of them. They have adopted us as "cousins". We are hoping to go and see them at some stage.

Your excursion sounded very nice.

It was amazing.

Too bad about your camera, I hope you get a new one soon!

I am just $5 short as far as collecting gift certificates for the new camera is concerned. I would get it now, but I really don't need it at the moment. Not much chance for snorkeling during the upcoming trip

Did they serve drinks on the ship? Oh wait! There was a champagne reception you went to.

During the Captain's reception, the champagne was flowing very liberally. I also heard that drinks are flowing pretty freely in the casino, but that is not our thing.

Sounds like you had a quiet evening.

It was a beautifully relaxing evening.

I would have had a hard time leaving that place!

I did not want to leave either.

Also love the jewelry you had on with the red dress from the previous evening.

I had this set made for our Merrytime cruise on the Magic in 2013.

That sounds frustrating finding the bus stops though.

It all worked out in the end.

Thank you for all the pictures of the ship, it looks very nice.

The Splendour was a beautiful ship. Unfortunately she will leave the Royal Caribbean fleet in two days. She will go into dry dock and then will re-emerge in June as the Thompson Discovery.

Great idea to treat this as a sea day, I love just relaxing and enjoying what the ship has to offer.

I am hoping that I will get a few relaxing days like this on our upcoming cruise. I will make sure that I will have plenty of books on my iPad and I can see spending a few hours every day either in the Solarium or maybe on our balcony relaxing and reading.

I wonder why DCL does your drink so badly? are the ingredients done wrong?

I really don't know. It definitely has to do with the ingredients. Caipirinha in its purest form is just cachaça (sugar cane spirit), brown sugar, lime and ice. The first time I had it on DCL, they made it with Bacardi rum instead of cachaça. Rum and cachaça are both based on sugar cane, but with cachaça the alcohol results from the fermentation of fresh sugarcane juice that is then distilled, while rum is usually made from refinery by-products such as molasses. The taste is completely different with cachaça being a lot smoother. I think it was @Flossbolna who mentioned that they make it with agave nectar on DCL. I have no issue with agave nectar in general, but it does not work in this drink.

Shame it is the last day.

Yes, but this was the beginning of a great big beautiful tomorrow. When we got off the ship, we had no idea just how many exciting opportunities this cruise would open up.

That was great getting the rose gold earrings and then converting them to a pendant.

I have finally got around to doing this tonight and I am pleased with the result.

I like rose gold also.

Traditionally, I only have worn silver, but in recent years I really fell in love with rose gold.

I look forward to seeing the rose gold pendant on your TR for the next cruise.

It will definitely make an appearance. It has been boxed up and is ready to be packed.

I enjoyed the photos of the pictures inside the deck. The maps are lovely detail and add a great nautical theme to the ship.

Thanks. Artwork is something Royal Caribbean does very well. The Ovation has a collection of 11000 pieces of art.

Did they have a pianist every night?

Yes, usually before early dinner.

But it has to be slow cooked and that meat falling to pieces.

This one definitely hit the spot.

Your pictures from Day 6 came out very nicely!

I love to occasionally have one large meal like that in the middle of the day! It sound like I would have loved it and the galley tour as well. I hope they offer one on our Alaskan Wonder cruise!
Day 9

Time really does fly when you are having fun. When the alarm went off that morning, our cruise had sadly come to an end. We got up and ready and gathered our last odds and ends together. As we were in that process, the phone rang. It was one of our table mates, who wanted to know if we were still in our room. She had a little something for me. She arrived a couple of minutes later and gave me a beautiful pair of earrings. I have not had the chance to wear them yet, but they are definitely coming on the next cruise with us. After we said goodbye again, we took our hand luggage and left our cabin one last time.

The last morning was something that I much preferred on Royal Caribbean. There is no assigned seating for breakfast. There are various departure lounges for the different levels of the Crown and Anchor Society and continental breakfast was served at those. We did not qualify for those yet so we headed for the buffet. I expected this to be packed, but it was actually fairly quiet. We both had some fruit, juice and coffee. Graham went with a standard cooked breakfast and I had the omelette, sausages and hash browns again. Once we had finished our breakfast, we headed to our meeting spot, which was in the theatre.

When we got there, we were asked for our luggage tag number to make sure we were in the right place and they we were asked to find a seat. We made ourselves comfortable. They also had coffee, juice and pastries set up, but as we just came from breakfast, we were not tempted. I used the opportunity to take some photos in the theatre.

We did not have long to wait until our tag number was called and a member of the cruise director's staff escorted us down to the gangway. We had our Sea Pass Card swiped one last time and then we headed over to the cruise terminal. As we had received our entry stamp to the UAE in Abu Dhabi a couple of days earlier, we did not even have to clear passport control. He headed straight to the luggage hall and the suitcases were well organized. Our suitcases were even relatively close together. Once we had our luggage, we were intercepted by a porter, who took our luggage off us. At the exit of the baggage hall, we were then intercepted by a member of staff from Arabian Adventure who asked us how we were leaving the port and where we were going. When we told her by Royal Caribbean shuttle to the airport, she directed us to the right bus. The whole process from having our Sea Pass Card swiped for the last time to sitting on the bus took about 10 minutes. I was very impressed. I think this must be the record for the smoothest debarkation. When we approached the bus, I had to smile. This was also operated by Arabian Adventures.

Traffic was pretty heavy that morning so the trip to the airport took a while. Still, we had plenty of time until our flight so we were in no rush. When we arrived at Dubai International, I was a little confused. I am in and out of Dubai quite regularly both for duty travel and for pleasure, but I had no idea where we were when we arrived at the airport. We got off the bus and into a building and there were check in desks in that area, but they were not open. I saw some people in Emirates uniform wandering around and asked them were I can find the staff check in. They directed me down a corridor and once we got to the end, I knew where we were again. We had arrived at the back of the building that houses the bus station and the rental car agencies. We crossed the road and headed into the terminal. We went straight to the staff check in and were told to come back 2 hours later and they would check us in. They used to have a seating area by the staff check in, but that had been removed. Since then they have introduced a staff lounge and I am sure I will make good use of this in May. However this time round we went to the main check in area and found some seats there. We both got our gadgets out and made good use of the free Wi-Fi. I was also still carrying a bag with all kinds of foreign coins. At Manchester airport they have charity collection boxes for foreign coins, but I had totally forgotten about this when we left. It turned out that Dubai airport has the same kind of thing and there was one very close to where we were sitting. So I emptied our coins out there. At one stage I clicked on the link for our online check in receipts and noticed that we now had boarding cards. I told Graham that I was just going to check with the staff check in if this meant that we could drop off our luggage. The colleague checked in his system and was surprised that we had already been accepted for the flight. He did tell me that we were OK to drop off the luggage. So I went to retrieve Graham and the luggage and we dropped this off. We then headed through security, which was surprisingly quiet and painless. Normally there are long lines as the desks were you get your exit stamps and then again at actual security. As it was, we just breezed through and headed up to the departures level.

Dubai airport is probably my favourite airport that I have flown in or out off, although I also have a soft spot for Honolulu and Paris Charles de Gaulles. It does not really feel like an airport and has the feel of an upmarket shopping mall. The access from security is exactly in the middle of the concourse. As we had plenty of time, we browsed the shops on both sides of the concourse. Once we were done exploring, we decided to have a coffee at Starbucks. I had one last Toffee Nut Frappuccino, but Graham went with an Americano this time. I checked where we had ended up on Seat Guru and unfortunately my hunch that we had been allocated emergency exit seats turned out to be true. Most of our customers would love to sit on these seats. I do not share this enthusiasm and indeed a lot of my colleagues do not either. Still, it was only going to be a seven hour flight and flying standby you have to be grateful to just get on the flight.

Once we finished our coffees, we headed towards our departure gate and made ourselves comfortable. I tried to browse online, but the Wi-Fi was suddenly very patchy. So I read for a bit instead. Soon our gate opened and they checked our boarding passes and passports and then we went to the downstairs area of the gate. Boarding was a smooth process and we left on time. We flew right over the port and it was rather sad seeing the Splendour sitting there waiting for her new friends. The flight was very smooth. We were talking to two members of cabin crew that were sitting opposite us for take-off and landing. One was actually from Manchester and the other was from Vancouver so we had plenty to talk about. During the flight I watched The Second Best Marigold Hotel again and then I watched Boy Choir. This was quite deep, but I really enjoyed the film. I cannot remember what we had for lunch, but we were also served a traditional afternoon tea with finger sandwiches, scones, clotted cream and jam, which was very nice. We also got treated to a spectacular sunset. At the beginning of the flight, I commented on the kids’ toys. I had not seen them before. Until recently we had monsters and now we had all kinds of animals. They are really cute. Essentially the animals are a bag and contain a fleece blanket. The members of cabin crew promised that they would check if they had a spare one for me. They asked me what animal I would prefer and I told them a camel. They only had pandas left, which again turned out to be a bit of an omen as to what the future had in stock for us as far as travel plans are concerned.

When we got to Manchester, passport control was relatively quick and painless. We did however pass on the e-gates as the line for those was longer than for the traditional passport control. There was a little snag at the baggage carousel as for some reason luggage kept getting stuck. Eventually we had our luggage and we did not have to wait long for a train home. Another wonderful holiday had come to an end.
What a fabulous trip, wow!!! These are places I have never before even seen pictures so this was a real treat for me.

How sweet of your tablemates to give you earrings, I look forward to seeing those.

Sounds like a very smooth departure. What a great idea to have groups in set places and not until they're ready for you do you leave the ship.

Will this ship not be in Royal Caribbean's fleet after the dry dock?

Thank you so much for sharing this trip with us.
I loved reading about your trip! How wonderful that you enjoyed it so much.

Oh, and yes, during the Caipirinha and Mojito tasting we had my sister inquired why we did not get real sugar for the caipirinha and the answer was that DCL customers are very health conscious and therefore they only use agave sirup as the sweetening agent in all of there drinks! :rotfl2: Yes, because when you get a caipirinha your biggest concern is that you are getting real cane sugar! It is so stupid, but such a typical policy that only someone in a cubicle far away from any real bar can come up with!
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These are places I have never before even seen pictures so this was a real treat for me.

I am glad you enjoyed it. This is a fascinating part of the world.

Sounds like a very smooth departure. What a great idea to have groups in set places and not until they're ready for you do you leave the ship.

I was very impressed how well this wall all organized. It will be interesting to see how well this works on a much bigger ship.

Will this ship not be in Royal Caribbean's fleet after the dry dock?

This is rather complicated. The straightforward answer is no. The Splendour will move to TUI Cruises and become the TUI Discovery. She was originally supposed to be called Thomson Discovery, but TUI (in Germany) and Thomson (in the UK) are the same company and the UK arm will be rebranded as TUI soon. Where it gets complicated is that Royal Caribbean is part owner of TUI cruises so they are essentially still owning part of the ship.

Thank you so much for sharing this trip with us.

Thanks for reading along.

I loved reading about your trip!

I am glad you enjoyed it and thanks for reading along.

How wonderful that you enjoyed it so much.

This was a real surprise for me and completely changed our plans for this year.

Oh, and yes, during the Caipirinha and Mojito tasting we had my sister inquired why we did not get real sugar for the caipirinha and the answer was that DCL customers are very health conscious and therefore they only use agave sirup as the sweetening agent in all of there drinks! :rotfl2: Yes, because when you get a caipirinha your biggest concern is that you are getting real cane sugar! It is so stupid, but such a typical policy that only someone in a cubicle far away from any real bar can come up with!

That is so silly. Cocktails are hardly health food. When I have a cocktail, I only care that it tastes good and not that it is healthy. You are right, only pencil pushers can think of something like this.

Interesting about Thompson becoming TUI Cruises. I wonder how much confusion this will cause as the German TUI cruise ships are all called Mein Schiff (my ship) followed by a number. Now there will be other TUI shops, too. I hate the Mein Schiff names as they are so uninspired. So typically German to not come up with a new name for every ship, but just give them numbers.... Arg! However, I have only heard good things about them. I like their truly all inclusive concept, no gratuities, all drinks included etc.
Thank you for explaining about the TUI and relationship to RC.

You have opened my eyes to a possible RC cruise in the future.
Day 7 sounded very nice. The mosque was lovely. Again, I liked the Arabic dress that you wore in the pictures!
Day 7 sounded very nice. The mosque was lovely. Again, I liked the Arabic dress that you wore in the pictures!

It was a nice day and the mosque was easily the highlight. The dress will make a repeat appearance on the next cruise.

Wow! Already to putting your luggage outside the stateroom! Nice that you could help that lady out with her arrangements. The ship looks very pretty, I can understand why you guys are returning to RC. The steak sounded good. I'm really craving steak, but I'm holding out for Thursday night once we're in Orlando! We're going to our favorite steakhouse chain.


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