Charm Swap

I'm ready :). Sign me up for the animals/insects, please. I've never used charms in my albums before but I'm excited to start.
I'll take on the water, dolphins, sea shells, etc. :)

This should be awesome...I love charms. And this is the first swap I'm participating in.

So let me get this straight.

I buy 27 charms that are water related, seperate them into envelopes of 3 with my DISname on the outside, send all the envelopes with charms inside & a SASE to Patty...then wait for my charms in return.

Think I got it...yup I got it. Okay, it's off charm hunting I go. LOL

It isn't on the list but I will do snow flakes. I sent Patti an email and she was fine with it! I found some really cute ones! I do have one question??
Do we buy the ones that are actual charms with the little holes at the top or can we get the ones with out a hole and you glue down? Either is fine!
I'm not one to look a gift horse in the eye, so I;ll gladly take whatever I get. JMHO>
Beanie-I'm sure either will be fine as these are for scrapping - not a bracelet!
I have pages that I have used bloth on! :)

All catagories are accounted for and we are ready to roll!
I am looking for a suprise for you all that is why I did not sign in a catagory myself! :)

I'm doing suns and moons. Saw some really cute ones recently. Looking forward to getting all these charms! maggie
Just picked up my mail and guess what was there... :bounce: yep, the charms I ordered. Talk about quick. :)
Which company did you order from?
I can't wait for mine to come in!
I ordered $11 worth - not a lot of money - but it was a ton of charms! :)
I'm so excited, my charms were in today's mail! maggie
Got my charms today!
I love fancifuls - they are sooo fast! and cheap too!
I already divied them up into seperate baggies too! :)
Got mine sent out yesterday. I wanted to get it taken care of before DH and I leave town. (I'm so excited, we're going to WDW tonight for a wedding there on Saturday.)
I'm waiting for my order to come in the mail. I'm so excited. As soon as it comes I'll divide it up and send the baggies on their merry way. This is fun!
My stuff came today! So I hope to bag them up and send it out soon!


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