Celebrity DVC Members


DIS Veteran
Mar 9, 2003
Okay so we had some fun with the last one about the funniest posts so let's try this.....

Does anyone know of any celebrities that are DVC members? I realize that might be a tough one to know (unless you are friends with them or relatives). So if the answer is no then how about any celebrity sightings at WDW?

My contribution is a few years back (not sure which trip) we were standing in line for the Peter Pan ride. All of a sudden my wife hits me in the arm (we're from NY originally) and yells out "Lou, it's Ray!!" Right about now I'm thinking who do I know named Ray that nearly caused me to get knocked to the front of the line? Well it was Ray Romano from Everybody Loves Raymond. He and his family were ushered through the handicapped area to be low key but thanks to my wife the whole line (all 20 minutes worth of them) started shouting out "Hi Ray".

You would have thought from her reaction we were childhood friends!
Scotty Bowman (Legondary NHL Coach) is a member and on the DVC Member Cruise.
Herve V. (Tattoo from Fantasy Island) was on the OKW/DTD boat - not a member.

ME - Ok, I'm not really a famous celebrity :) - but I have been a movie and a music video. A friend of mine is famous in the music industry and he used some of our childhood home movies as clips. His parents were always running around with that home movie camera :)
Don't know of any Celeberity Owners, but had one celeberity sighting in MGM. DBF and I were sitting on a bench trying to figure out what to do next when he grabbed the camera and said "That's Michael Bolton!" I didn't know what to do, so I ran after him-- DBF asked if he could take a picture and MB said yes, but he wasn't going to stop walking so DBF snapped a picture of me chasing after MB!!!!!

We were also at US in the early '90's when they spent the whole day making a video of a new young star who was covering a Janis Joplin tune. There were people in the park, but not a lot really stopping to watch. DBF said to me, "Who IS she? She's great!! I said "I think she's country, but listen to her, she's going to be BIG!!!!!"

It was Faith Hill! And I kick myself every time I think I didn't bother to stop and take a pic!:eek: :eek: :eek:
I'm not sure if Richyams is a celebrity but he certainly a legend!:)
I mean that in the nicest of ways.
Honest to God in my original post I was going to put....

PS Richyams is NOT considered a celebrity.

Too funny!

Hey Rich maybe I should rethink that!;)
Saw the guy from Who's Line Is It Anyway - Colin? (The bald guy.)
We were at DL on Main Street and I bumped into him on a corner.
Pretty funny guy.
Many years ago, when his t.v. show was just hitting it big, I saw a interview with Drew Carey. We were @ WDW when Regis and Kathie Lee were taping a show and he was their guest. He was saying what a WDW fan he was and that a couple times a year he would sneak off to Disney by himself for a couple of days. He said that with a body of a regular joe, he could just throw on a hat and sunglasses and blend in like a tourist. Apparently he had done this many times.
Since then, every time we are @ WDW I always wonder.................Hum.
Just in case other DVC members might want your autograph, can you post a picture of yourself, in case they run in to you at WDW.
When we were at WDW in '95 (I think), we stood in line behind the Willis family at Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. That's Bruce, Demi, and their 3 daughters. I couldn't believe they actually waited in line. They were very nice and made small talk about how much my DH resembles Bruce.

BTW...my DH is a **small** celeb here in Baltimore. He works in film and video production and has even won an Emmy.
The only reason to join the DVC is to save money. Saving money is the furthest thing from the minds of most celebrities.
In fact, the more money you have, the less incentive there is to join DVC. Wealthy people have access to much more lucrative methods of investing than most people, so tying the money up in DVC makes even less sense for them.
BUt you would think there would be some "B" list name we could recognize that aren't exactly rolling in dough. You know, some Brady kids, Eight Is Enough kids, maybe a few Survivors even some has been entertainers, Bo Donaldson, maybe a couple of Haywoods, Blue Oyster Cult members....the lead singer, Buck Darma??? is Howard Stern's cousin.

I must thank my fans for their adulation, but I am not worthy.
We saw the Wiggles in street clothes in EPCOT last November. Captain Feathesword was there too.
We saw Ann Coulter at BCVs last month when we were staying there. A sign was in the lobby that mentioned that a VIP breakfast was being held in her honor. We saw her sitting outside between the BC resort and the BCVs.

In case you don't know who she is, she is a political 'talking head' and author. She is on a lot of those politicial talk shows on the cable news channels. So she would be a 'B' list celebrity, I suppose.


Blue Oyster Cult, B list? I think not. I think you should edit your post:D

They'll always be A list in my book.

P.S. I need more cow bell.:D
Originally posted by Mooobooks
Ann Coulter needs to have her bare bottom spanked in public!

Several years ago DH and I were at MGM and saw Sinbad along with a couple of kids. Funny thing was we kept running into him. Saw him on the backstage ride, at the Comissary lunch area and at the "Honey I shrunk the Kids" playground. We never did speak to him 'cause we kept saying "Nah, it can't be"....DS was only about 10, so it's been a while :D
About 4 years ago we were at DD and looking over the store that

David Copperfield was going to open. We saw a few people crowded around someone and when we looked closer saw that it was David himself. DW, who is never shy, went up to him and he gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. At that point I realize I had left the camera back at OKW.


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