"Cars 2" is a Clunker??

Sherry E

Currently tag-less...
Jan 5, 2008
According to critic Christy Lemire (she's one of the 2 critics on Roger Ebert's new movie review show), "Cars 2" is not good:


I have never read a bad review for a Pixar film before - or even one of their short films before - but I can't say I'm shocked, really. I know I'm not a 7-year-old boy, but I watched the preview for it and it did not look interesting to me. I couldn't even really tell what was happening and why. Maybe only young boys will really love it?

Frankly, I was not a huge fan of the first "Cars" - it was okay, but it is no "Toy Story," let's face it. But it sounds like it is much better than its sequel.

I was always puzzled that "Cars" was a popular enough film to warrant a whole entire land devoted to it in DCA. That concept still puzzles me to this day, but I am trusting in Disney and John Lasseter that it will turn out nicely.

I wonder if there will still be as much excitement about CarsLand at DCA next year, even though I have a feeling this sequel is not going to pull the box office numbers Disney-Pixar is hoping. It will pull some numbers because Pixar films always do, but I wonder if there will be as many repeat viewings.
Wow 1 1/2 stars bad? really? With movies like Hot Tub Time Machine? LOL

See, I really REALLY liked Cars. But it helped that I had a son who loved cars at the time..He was 2.

To be honest, I was weirded out there was a Bug's Land too? Let's face it, Carsland is to draw in big moolah..and in the young boy crowd, that's exactly what it'll do.

But I'm not really surprised that the second one is supposed to be less than impressive. I didn't think 1 1/2 stars but..not shocked in general.
TS2 and TS3 were not as good as the original and I doubt that C2 will be as good as the first. I loved Cars. I still watch it all the time and the 5 little boys I look after love it too. They are always dressed in Cars clothing and my little car table has all of the Cars characters on it.Their parents spend huge amounts of money on clothing and toys all these years after the movie came out.There is something about McQueen and Mater that draws these little boys in and I would bet good money that Carsland is going to be a HUGE draw.The girls have their princesses and now, the boys will have their Cars.
I love Cars...we own it because I wanted it, not the kids. LOL I want to see Cars 2 but won't until it's on DVD, I won't buy it either, but I will watch it. I NEVER pay attention to what the critics say, I very rarely agree with them anyway....
Kerri -

I like Christy Lemire, who said "Cars 2" was a clunker. I watch her on the movie review show she does. She is usually pretty fair and has opinions that I think a lot of people would agree with. She is roughly in our age group, too, so it's not like she is super old and stuffy. I agree with many critics about a lot of things. I don't plan it that way, it just happens. They all adored "Toy Story 3," for example - don't most people agree with that assessment? They all loved "The Hangover"!:rotfl2: And most critics love all the Pixar movies - as I said, I've never read a bad review of any of them until now. I think you would agree with more critics than you expect to agree with!:rotfl2:

From the trailer I watched for this 'Cars 2" movie - which was even before reading Christy's review - I was thinking, "This looks boring. What a bad trailer. It's not making me want to see it at all!" And then I read her review....that's why I suspect there might be something to what she said.

Susie63 -

I can't believe you don't like TS2 and TS3 as much as the first movie! That's a rare case in which I think the sequels are on par with or even better than the original. I think that is a perfect, absolutely special, magical trilogy. In fact, I actually think I love TS3 the most - I cry like a fool every time I watch it!:rotfl2:

Emmers - "A Bug's Life" is another weak link in the Pixar chain, I think. It's good. It's just not great like so many of the other ones are, and it's odd that it ended up with its own land, though I must say I like A Bug's Land and its clever theme.

Perlster - Thanks for posting that link. I will read it in a minute.
I have two boys that think "Cars" is a good Disney's animation movie created for boys. Speed, car races, etc.

They understand that is not something exclusive of boys, but they relate more to the story & characters than with something like Tinkerbell.

Let's see what my little critics have to say over Cars2 this weekend.
I never believe what the critics say. They always like terrible movies and then think they are "above" movies like Cars. My boys were telling me the combined critics ratings for other Pixar movies and they gave them all low ratings except for Wall E, and you know that they only did that because they felt like they had to because it had an environmental message.

We got a free movie coupon when we bought Cars on blue ray so we will go see it in the theaters. Actually, I would anyway because I can't wait for the time it takes to get to DVD. Anyway, I'll see it myself and then decide what I think. I never take the critics word for it.
Kerri -

Emmers - "A Bug's Life" is another weak link in the Pixar chain, I think. It's good. It's just not great like so many of the other ones are, and it's odd that it ended up with its own land, though I must say I like A Bug's Land and it's clever theme.

And what's funny is..A Bug's Life and Cars hold the same special place in my heart..it was all around that time that my son LOVED them both. We watched Bugs life three times a day (I was pregnant and sick so we'd just lay together and watch it). So..even with that..I guess I was like ...A whole place dedicated to Bugs Life? Really? Until I saw it. Then I got it. Feeling 'small' like bugs..etc. The kids loved it. As for Cars Land..we were initially excited to go next year and see it. Now that I see our dates aren't going to fall when it's open we debated changing and have decided not to. It'd be crazy busy anyway. But looking at the attractions..meh.

I guess I can see more overall potential in a Toy Story land (Sorta like Bugs Life..feeling 'small' like toys..etc) BUT like someone else mentioned..girlies get princesses and now the boys have a place too.

I'll 'allow' it I GUESS :lmao: Now, if my current baby was a boy, I'd probably be SOOO super excited for it (as DS has outgrown it)
I never believe what the critics say. They always like terrible movies and then think they are "above" movies like Cars. My boys were telling me the combined critics ratings for other Pixar movies and they gave them all low ratings except for Wall E, and you know that they only did that because they felt like they had to because it had an environmental message.

We got a free movie coupon when we bought Cars on blue ray so we will go see it in the theaters. Actually, I would anyway because I can't wait for the time it takes to get to DVD. Anyway, I'll see it myself and then decide what I think. I never take the critics word for it.

All that's important to each one of us in the long run is if we personally like a movie, and if you are a parent you will care if your child likes it or not. But if we like something or dislike it, it doesn't mean that everyone else will feel the same, including critics, and that they are wrong if they feel differently. I'm not going to like something simply because it's Disney Pixar without seeing it first, but I know that the trailer for "Cars 2" totally underwhelmed me and bored me even before I read this review! And I had high hopes!

I have to disagree about some of the critics, PinkBudgie.:goodvibes I don't get that impression that you get from many of them. When I was younger and all the critics seemed old, I'm sure I thought "Bah! The critics are all wrong!" Now that I am the same age or close to the age of many of them, or even older in some cases, I read or listen to some of their reviews and they have the same opinions that I have in a lot of cases.:rotfl2: And they like a lot of the movies I like, such as things like "The Hangover," "Wedding Crashers," and all of the Pixar films (not just "Wall-E")! I guess that the movies I like are also terrible because critics like them?:rotfl2:

I don't know about the combined ratings you were reading for Pixar films, but I have never read a flat-out bad one until now. There have been some reviews that were lukewarm and not as great, because some of the movies are better than others, but Pixar generally hits a home run with most critics, as do most of the Disney animated features. Every now and then, things will not hit a home run and movies will not be as good - it happens!

Take, for example, the "Sex & the City" franchise - I love love love that TV series and yet, I did not like the first SATC movie as much as I'd hoped when I first saw it. It fell flat for me. It got decent - but not great - reviews and it had some flaws, and it wasn't until I saw it that I realized, "Yeah! What the critics said is spot on!" Eventually the first movie grew on me and I liked it quite a bit, but then the second SATC movie came out and while I love seeing the characters together, the movie was not great at all. The reviews of the movie were not great at all and when I saw the movie I knew why. Again, critics were spot on in that I agreed with their assessment!

Critics are just people with opinions - like we are people with opinions on the DISboards - but they get paid for theirs. No one's opinion is right or wrong - it's just a guideline to help other people out, but it's not meant to be the deciding vote.
And what's funny is..A Bug's Life and Cars hold the same special place in my heart..it was all around that time that my son LOVED them both. We watched Bugs life three times a day (I was pregnant and sick so we'd just lay together and watch it). So..even with that..I guess I was like ...A whole place dedicated to Bugs Life? Really? Until I saw it. Then I got it. Feeling 'small' like bugs..etc. The kids loved it. As for Cars Land..we were initially excited to go next year and see it. Now that I see our dates aren't going to fall when it's open we debated changing and have decided not to. It'd be crazy busy anyway. But looking at the attractions..meh.

I guess I can see more overall potential in a Toy Story land (Sorta like Bugs Life..feeling 'small' like toys..etc) BUT like someone else mentioned..girlies get princesses and now the boys have a place too.

I'll 'allow' it I GUESS :lmao: Now, if my current baby was a boy, I'd probably be SOOO super excited for it (as DS has outgrown it)

Emmers - On paper, A Bug's Land probably seemed like a wacky idea! Now having seen it in person, I love it! It is extremely clever in its details and touches - I mean, there are bug sounds coming out of the bushes in some places! The holiday decorations are wonderful! For anyone who loves Disney's excellent attention to whimsical details, A Bug's Land is a prime example of it, much like ToonTown, but also like ToonTown it gets labeled as only a place for kids, and so I think a lot of folks don't even pay attention to it.

I totally agree that the boys need something to offset all the Princess-ness of DLR. DLR is very Princess-heavy. So I think CarsLand will be wonderful for that reason. I also think Radiator Springs Racers will be a big hit for all ages. I have an open mind - it wouldn't have been my first choice for a new land, but I am trusting in the vision of Disney & John Lasseter! I am holding out hope that it will be another land full of hidden gems and details! The concept of it is blah to me, personally, and I didn't know if it would have much longevity through the decades so it may not be a place that I spend much time in while I'm in DCA, but for others it may be perfect!
Emmers - On paper, A Bug's Land probably seemd like a wacky idea! Now having seen it in person, I love it! It is extremely clever in its details and touches - I mean, there are bug sounds coming out of the bushes in some places! The holiday decorations are wonderful! For anyone who loves Disney's excellent attention to whimsical details, A Bug's Land is a prime example of it, much like ToonTown, but also like ToonTown it gets labeled as only a place for kids, and so I think a lot of folks don't even pay attention to it.

I totally agree that the boys need something to offset all the Princess-ness of DLR. DLR is very Princess-heavy. So I think CarsLand will be wonderful for that reason. I also think Radiator Springs Racers will be a big hit for all ages. I have an open mind - it wouldn't have been my first choice for a new land, but I am trusting in the vision of Disney & John Lasseter! I am holding out hope that it will be another land full of hidden gems and details! The concept of it is blah to me, personally, and I didn't know if it would have much longevity through the decades so it may not be a place that I spend much time in while I'm in DCA, but for others it may be perfect!

Agreed! :lovestruc
I have a friend who works in marketing for Pixar and he got to go to an early screening for Cars 2 back in December. He said they filled up a theatre with little kids and when they announced what movie they would be seeing, they burst in to cheers of excitement. He said seeing those kids enjoying the movie/franchise so much was amazing. I guess the movie was a big hit with them too. So I'm sure kids who loved Cars will like this one too. Adults I'm sure will be a little harder to win over. Though we analyze movies a bit too much sometimes...
I have a friend who works in marketing for Pixar and he got to go to an early screening for Cars 2 back in December. He said they filled up a theatre with little kids and when they announced what movie they would be seeing, they burst in to cheers of excitement. He said seeing those kids enjoying the movie/franchise so much was amazing. I guess the movie was a big hit with them too. So I'm sure kids who loved Cars will like this one too. Adults I'm sure will be a little harder to win over. Though we analyze movies a bit too much sometimes...

Yep - I think kids will love it, and that's probably the main thing that will keep the parents coming back repeatedly. The kids will just be happy to see anything new from Pixar. I have a hard time believing that John Lasseter would put out a flimsy sequel, so I am definitely curious to see the actual movie and form my own opinion. But they need a different trailer than the one I saw - it was a snoozefest!

Oh, and let's not forget - there is a "Toy Story" short that is playing before "Cars 2" (the Toys are in Hawaii, on vacation, wearing Hawaiian clothes and leis and things!), and I think that will thrill the kids and adults alike!

Strangely, I have 3 friends who all have sons, and none of their sons like "Cars" that much at all. I don't know why. I would have totally expected them to be all about "Cars" at their ages, but no...:confused3 They are all huge "Toy Story" fans and they love the other movies but seem to show no interest in "Cars." I keep telling them that they may want to visit DLR next year after CarsLand is open, and they could not care less.:confused3
Kerri -

I like Christy Lemire, who said "Cars 2" was a clunker. I watch her on the movie review show she does. She is usually pretty fair and has opinions that I think a lot of people would agree with. She is roughly in our age group, too, so it's not like she is super old and stuffy. I agree with many critics about a lot of things. I don't plan it that way, it just happens. They all adored "Toy Story 3," for example - don't most people agree with that assessment? They all loved "The Hangover"!:rotfl2: And most critics love all the Pixar movies - as I said, I've never read a bad review of any of them until now. I think you would agree with more critics than you expect to agree with!:rotfl2:

From the trailer I watched for this 'Cars 2" movie - which was even before reading Christy's review - I was thinking, "This looks boring. What a bad trailer. It's not making me want to see it at all!" And then I read her review....that's why I suspect there might be something to what she said.

Susie63 -

I can't believe you don't like TS2 and TS3 as much as the first movie! That's a rare case in which I think the sequels are on par with or even better than the original. I think that is a perfect, absolutely special, magical trilogy. In fact, I actually think I love TS3 the most - I cry like a fool every time I watch it!:rotfl2:

Emmers - "A Bug's Life" is another weak link in the Pixar chain, I think. It's good. It's just not great like so many of the other ones are, and it's odd that it ended up with its own land, though I must say I like A Bug's Land and its clever theme.

Perlster - Thanks for posting that link. I will read it in a minute.

Actually of the three Toy Story movies..TS3 was my least favorite. Too dark.Too many mean characters.
Actually of the three Toy Story movies..TS3 was my least favorite. Too dark.Too many mean characters.

I had to warn my friend when she was buying her son a Lotso plush toy last year (before seeing the movie) that he was actually an evil villain!

TS3 definitely had a bit of a darker edge to it - the scene where the toys are all holding hands as they are about to meet their fate is harrowing - but I can't help sobbing at the very end, through the whole final scene with Andy!:rotfl2:
DS is 4 and he loves cars...we have every single car I think...the regular ones then the Duplo sets...etc...most I bought on sale (or clearance) but pretty sure we (family that gave gifts included) spent a fortune...we actually have 2 copies of the movie (bought a second when they came out on blueray, pretty much to get the free tix to cars2 lol)...we are so excited to go see it...granted we have 2 free tix but we would be going even if we didnt have free tix...and pretty much everyone we know (kids from school and soccer team) are all going to see it (most this weekend...i think we will wait as I had crowded theatres)...

And as for Cars land...I never had any desire to go to Disneyland (grew up in Mass now live in NC) why go to cali when Disneyworld is closer and bigger...that being said when I found out about cars land...Disneyland is now on the agenda probably for 2013...cant wait for that either...

We already started collecting the new cars...thinking that disney did this on purpose making a ton of new cars that we have to buy...but it makes DS happy and he will play for hours with it.
I can not wait until carsland opens. I have been planning a trip to Disneyland in 2012 since we found out there were building carsland. We have 2 young boys and they will love carsland. That is the one thing that Disney disappoints me is there is not enough directed to young boys. I was thrilled when we found out they were working on carsland because my sons now get to see there favorite characters to life. My sons love toy story as well but Disney already has 2 rides focuse on these movies. So I could not see why they would want to have a toy story land when hey have nothing representing Cars. We will be going to December of 2012 just because of Carsland
Rotten tomatoes is currently at 50% for all critics. We are going in with low expectations this time around. The first one was good (had nostalgia with route 66, love story (I like bonnie hunt), good animation, and was funny. I don't know how well the spy/comedy theme is going to play out though. John Lassetter is very good at what he does though so if his name is attached I will spend the $$$ to see it.

Come Friday all the critic opinions will be posted on rotten tomatoes and we'll see a true representation of how it will be. I really like that website. I have a few favorite critics and I love to read their work.


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