Canadian Weight Loss Thread!

I'm wearing my size 16 jeans today! YIPPEE! However, I also have a size 18 that are tight....go figure.

My first goal of being under 200 lbs during March Break is doable!

My next goal is to be 150 lbs in August!


Wow, Sandra GOOD FOR YOU!!!:cool1: A great feeling I'm sure......keep up the good work.
How is everyone doing today?

Walking in the snow and shoveling sure is helping my cardio! LOL!

Doing great here... Hurting a little from Heidi's workout yesterday, but feeling good nonetheless!

Mary Jane
I got into my second pair of size 16 pants today. YIPPEE FOR ME! Today I walked in the snow as a part of my workout, shovelled with PURPOSE and did 5k on the treadmill. I'll do another 2k during Corrie and some arm work....I did leg work yesterday. I'm so close to reaching 200lbs! I'm 202lbs right now. I'm looking to see UNDER 200lbs during March Break! S
Well I'm also trying to loose some weight before our March Break trip. I started at 182lbs Jan.6th and I'm 169.6lbs as of this morning - down 12.4lbs overall. I'm finally able to fit into some of my 'skinny' clothes again and I've lost almost all of the baby weight I put on with this last pregnancy (he's gonna be 2 this year so I told myself to drop the weight 'cuz I won't be able to use him as an excuse anymore!) I'm hoping to drop another 8-10lbs in February. I wish everyone success in the weight loss journeys! :grouphug:


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