Canadian doctor office procedure?


DIS Veteran
Feb 5, 2001
Hi all. I wonder if any of you can enlighten me. I'm not sure how procedures work now adays in doctor's offices. I know that when I go for my annual physical, they always tell me that they'll only phone me if there's something suspicious or wrong. Well, dh just went in for some kidney/bladder tests due to an accident and the doctor's office phoned today (2 weeks later) to make an appointment for dh to talk to the doctor about the results. Could this just be regular procedure or do you think something could be wrong? I'm really scared. Any thoughts?
How soon is your dh's appt? I know that once after my dh had a physical the doctor's office called and had him go in. We were both really nervous, turned out he just had a slight elevation in his cholesteral level. I would think that if things were really serious they would have admitted him to the hospital.

Try not to worry and I will keep good thoughts for the both of you.
Thanks PoohBWV

His appointment is in 3 days. Thank you for your help and encouragement. I will keep you posted. Thanks again...
My doctor once told me that he would call me personally if he had any serious news for me.

Sending tons of *Pixie Dust* for good test results for your husband, CJK! :)
CJK - I think if it were serious they would have asked to see your DH right away. My doctor did that once, too, and I was freaking. It turned out that I had gallstones, which was neither terribly surprising nor very serious (nor did it require any kind of treatment).

Please try not to worry, and I hope you're breathing a sigh of relief soon.
It's a shame that you are obviously stressed waiting for the appt.

Wouldn't it be a good idea if they routinely made an appt to follow up any patient who had testing before they had the test. If necessary they could bring it forward. It would save you some of the stress of being phoned about an appt. It also saves in the dilemma of confidentiality from the health carer's perspective when phoning about a patient and speaking to a relative first.

Thank you to everyone. We're trying to stay busy during these few days so as to not fixate on the appointment.

#1MMFan - I agree with you 100%
I was just talking to someone over here about a friend of the family who had cancer (a young guy) and was getting routine follow-up at the oncology clinic. Well turns out he was to have a routine chest x-ray and the radiographer phoned him up a few days after it was done and told him that he needed to come back because "there was something on the x-ray".

Of course, he was totally stressed over this, but when he went for the repeat x-ray days later it turned out that he had been asked to return because the x-ray had a fault and the photographic film hadn't developed properly. So all that time, he thought the "something" on his x-ray was a recurrence of tumour, and it was actually a fault. The radiographer just didn't pick his words carefully enough.

Thanks again for all your replies. I just realized that I never got back to all of you about the appointment. Turns out that something was found in one of dh's tests. :( Our doctor doesn't think it's cancer, but just to be safe, he's ordering more tests and a biopsy. This won't be done for another 2 weeks so we're continuing to wait. Unbelievable...... :( Thanks again for all your well wishes.
Continued good thoughts for you and your DH. Please keep us informed when you can.

Take care, CJK. Good thoughts and pixie dust sent to you and DH.

Well, it looks like dh has pre-cancer. They think they got it in time, but he's going for surgery this week to be certain. Scary times. :(
I'm so sorry CJK but it sounds like they have found it in time and as with any type of cancer the earlier they detect it the better chances of getting it all out of the body.:)

{{{hugs}}} and PD for you and your DH!:D
" Well, dh just went in for some kidney/bladder tests due to an accident and the doctor's office phoned today (2 weeks later) to make an appointment for dh to talk to the doctor about the results. "

This may sound strange CJK, and I hope you understand what I'm trying to say, but the accident (I hope it was nothing too serious), may have been a blessing in disguise. Catching the problem at a pre-cancerous stage, gives the Doctors a great opportunity to get rid of it before it develops any further. Like Sammi said, the earlier the better!

Good thoughts, prayers, and a {{{{{ Hug }}}}} for both of you.


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