Canadian Buffoon's Exhausted Vacation - Update 09/01 - New TR link!

Nice update Love the gardens. Would love to see them one day.
If you get the chance,
you really should.

I wasn't kidding when I said

I highly recommended them.
I love waterfalls. You can keep the mountains and trees.
But lots of really nice waterfalls,
come with mountains and trees. ;)
How in the world is the river that color?
It's because it's glacier melt-water.
Glaciers grind the ground and create
a flour-like mix of minerals.

That's in suspension in the water.
No Harley places or what?
I forgot to mention.
I'd already done the ones
in Vancouver, but I did stop

at the one in Victoria. :)
I took some time off work last week to spend with my aunt/mother. Went to Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens. They have a Japanese Garden and an English Garden. I'll take you there one day if you can ever come.
That would be great!! :goodvibes
It felt great to be back at an airport.

And that feeling didn’t last overly long

I know that feeling! I still get excited heading to the airport but the stress of security and risks of cancelled flights just kind of kills that feeling fairly quickly!

I’m sure you know the drill.
Dump your carry-on on the belt.
Remove your own belt and anything

Do you have TSA pre-check in Canada? It's so nice not having to undress and remove my shoes through security.

Of course, flying in Canada
does have its differences.


No! Is that real??

After an uneventful flight
(which is always a good thing…
you do not want events)


Instead, I headed over to Lynn Canyon
where for free I got to cross a slightly
more modest (150’) suspension bridge
as well as hike some far less crowded trails.


Yikes! I don't know that I would cross that for free, let alone pay to cross one 3 times longer! :scared1:

The first item that fit the bill
was Gastown’s Steam Clock.
(Gastown itself is named after
a loquacious saloon keeper whose
nickname was Gassy Jack.)


every quarter-hour,
the four steam pipes at the top of the clock,
whistle out a merry tune much to the
enjoyment of the crowd that gathers
in anticipation… and then immediately
disperses as the last note fades.

Kind of a cute little thing :goodvibes

Turning away from the now silent clock,
I made my way just a couple of blocks west
where Gastown’s iconic Hotel Europe resides.


Very cool. It also reminds me of a show I watched on Netflix where they found the murderer staying…It's too early for me to think right now but I'm going to try to figure out what that was because I'm now curious if it was this place!

Unfortunately, I was unable to
quite complete my perimeter tour
of the park.
At roughly the half-way point,
I encountered a mass of cyclists
and pedestrians who were turning around.
(I later learned that perhaps someone had
fallen ill, been injured, or died on the path.)

Oh, no :sad1:

Climbing the steep road was not easy.
But after one or two stops,
I arrived safely, if a bit winded, at the top.

And I was glad I did.
Stanley Park’s only ice cream shop was there!


There'd better be ice cream up there after all that work!

The approximately two-hour
crossing was both scenic and
(again) uneventful.


Beautiful ::yes::

I ordered a pot of tea, which,
surprisingly, I enjoyed.


I say “surprisingly” because
I don’t really care for tea all that
much, unless it’s cold and
ridiculously sweet.
And has lemon in it.
Or some other flavour like
raspberry or peach.
And doesn’t really taste like… tea.

When in Rome…or Victoria.

So, I ordered both.
Hey, I was hungry.


Yeah, despite being hungry,
it was way too much
food for one person.

Wait…ALL that was yours?? :laughing:

Okay, I’ll stop.
Is there anyone here who
isn’t familiar with the theme
song to Gilligan’s Island?

Gilligan's Island - Theme Song. - YouTube

Hard to believe that only
Tina Louise (Ginger) is left.

That's my childhood right there…and also, I don't know that only Ginger was left :sad1:

And the long line spoke well
as to its popularity.
I got in line and dreamed of
delicious chowder.
The line barely moved, but
eventually, after about 30-40
minutes, I got to the front of the line.
Oh boy!
“One seafood chowder, please!” :goodvibes
“Sorry, we’re out.” :(

Definitely worth the wait.

Oh, boo.

All I’m going to say is that
the gardens are spectacular.
If you ever get a chance to
visit Victoria, I highly recommend it.
There’s a reason why the gardens at the
Canada Pavilion in Epcot are modeled after it.

I’ll let the photos do the talking
for the most part…

The famous Sunken Garden
portion of the gardens:


So beautiful! And it does kind of look like EPCOT!

It’s possible you’ve never
heard of Nanaimo Bars,
but if you have…
this is where they’re from.

And if you haven’t,
this is what they look like:


I heard about them on Schitt's Creek (awesome show if you've never watched it!), but also, I had a recipe that I ripped out of my Food Network magazine a while back that I hung onto for months but have since lost. I really would like to try them…sounds yummy…coconut and all!

Yes, like Disney math, it made sense
to drive two plus hours to avoid
a one-hour drive.
They complied and I was able bring
Kay back about 10 bars.
(Which, a couple days later,
when I got back home,
she stated “Oh. My. God. Best ever!!!”
So, mission accomplished. :goodvibes)

What a good dad :love:

I felt motivated to get a little artsy-fartsy.


Yikes…at first I thought that was snow!

(Apparently, it’s the Sea to Sky’s most
popular place to picnic.)


I can see why. So pretty!

This is taking the joy out
of flying ya know.
They really need to have
a pkondz only line set up,
don’t you think?

Yeah, what happened to your VIP bus pass? It doesn't apply up North??

And that concludes my
summertime excursions for 2021
I sure hope 2022 brings just a bit
more normalcy and a chance
to travel a tad farther abroad.

It doesn't sound like a terrible way to spend your summer. It's lucky you have so many beautiful places there to visit. But I'll be looking for the "normal" pkondz trip report soon too with your little martian guy (I miss him…did you forget about him or purposely leave him out?).

I may have missed his but have you started making plans to head back to WDW anytime soon?
I know that feeling! I still get excited heading to the airport but the stress of security and risks of cancelled flights just kind of kills that feeling fairly quickly!
I hear that cancelled flights
just got more likely for you guys :(

Do you have TSA pre-check in Canada? It's so nice not having to undress and remove my shoes through security.
We do, although it's called something else.
It costs $50, I believe.
Due Covid, I haven't bothered to look into it.

Even without Covid, I didn't feel
I was flying enough to make it worthwhile.

No! Is that real??
Yikes! I don't know that I would cross that for free, let alone pay to cross one 3 times longer! :scared1:
Not a fan of high, bouncy bridges?
Kind of a cute little thing :goodvibes
I liked it! :)
Very cool. It also reminds me of a show I watched on Netflix where they found the murderer staying…It's too early for me to think right now but I'm going to try to figure out what that was because I'm now curious if it was this place!
Never did find out exactly
what happened.

There'd better be ice cream up there after all that work!
Yer darn tootin!
Beautiful ::yes::
It really was. :)
When in Rome…or Victoria.
Wait…ALL that was yours?? :laughing:
That's my childhood right there…and also, I don't know that only Ginger was left :sad1:
Yeah. :(
Dawn Wells (Mary Ann) passed
just last December.

From Covid. :sad1:
So beautiful! And it does kind of look like EPCOT!
I heard about them on Schitt's Creek (awesome show if you've never watched it!)
I've seen the entire season. :)
but also, I had a recipe that I ripped out of my Food Network magazine a while back that I hung onto for months but have since lost. I really would like to try them…sounds yummy…coconut and all!
You can find lots of
recipes on the net. :)

What a good dad :love:
Nah. Totally self-serving.
This way I keep her out of my hair.

Yikes…at first I thought that was snow!
Dang it... just what I was trying to avoid.
I can see why. So pretty!
Yeah, what happened to your VIP bus pass? It doesn't apply up North??
Only applies to busses.
Not airports.

It doesn't sound like a terrible way to spend your summer. It's lucky you have so many beautiful places there to visit.
It's a big country. :)
But I'll be looking for the "normal" pkondz trip report soon too with your little martian guy (I miss him…did you forget about him or purposely leave him out?).
No. I decided to leave Marvin
out of the bonus chapters.

I may have missed his but have you started making plans to head back to WDW anytime soon?
Unfortunately... no. I'm still waiting for the border to open. There is some talk about it possibly opening in November, but... I'll wait and see.
Unfortunately... no. I'm still waiting for the border to open. There is some talk about it possibly opening in November, but... I'll wait and see.

Ya know, I’ll be there in February. :bitelip:
Okay… I’ve already spent a
whole day in Vancouver,
so, it’s time to leave, right?

It's your TR so you make the calls....

Soon enough, it was time to board.

I've never been on a car ferry boat, just a people boat.

And I couldn’t decide which
plate of snicky snacks I wanted…
There were two that sounded good…

Well which ones did you pick? I can't tell what they are from the that your picture cause then you lied to me! You have two food porn pics!

Yeah, despite being hungry,
it was way too much
food for one person.

That looks like to much for two people!

Okay, I’ll stop.
Is there anyone here who
isn’t familiar with the theme
song to Gilligan’s Island?

What's with the whole Gilligan's island this summer, first Mark then you.....

Apparently, back in the
Hollywood heyday, the likes
of John Wayne and the Rat Pack
would vacation here.

There and Palm Springs....I guess they'd go to Victoria in the Summer...

We saw seals (but never got
close enough to photograph them),
as well as tons of jellyfish, starfish
and sea cucumbers.

Nice pictures of sea creatures!

I got in line and dreamed of
delicious chowder.
The line barely moved, but
eventually, after about 30-40
minutes, I got to the front of the line.
Oh boy!
“One seafood chowder, please!” :goodvibes
“Sorry, we’re out.” :(


All I’m going to say is that
the gardens are spectacular.
If you ever get a chance to
visit Victoria, I highly recommend it.

The only time I visited Victoria was for a music convention and I was working most of the days. We didn't get to see a lot. I don't even think we had a car. We mostly stayed around the Empress Hotel.

I couldn’t pass up a stroll through
the Japanese garden

I would expect nothing less!

It’s possible you’ve never
heard of Nanaimo Bars,
but if you have…
this is where they’re from.

I think they had them at the Canada booth at F&W in Epcot. I saw coconut and wrote it off my list.

“If I drive up to Nanaimo,
I can catch the ferry from there
and cross the channel north
of Vancouver. That would save
me from driving through Vancouver
to drive the Sea to Sky Highway.”

Yes, like Disney math, it made sense
to drive two plus hours to avoid
a one-hour drive.

I get it! We make silly decisions like that too!

I did however get a lemon bar.
And that sucker was so rich and sweet
that it took me two days to finish!

Love Lemon bars. Often times it will take me a couple days to finish a bakery treat, but if do, I risk it being eaten by Fran. :laughing:

I continued my drive south
to Vancouver, admiring the scenery
and stopping to photograph same
as the mood struck me.

Stunning scenery pictures there!

This is taking the joy out
of flying ya know.
They really need to have
a pkondz only line set up,
don’t you think?

I think it should be a "friends of pkondz" line. Oh, BTW I ran across a puzzle this morning that had your name on it. I'm a week or two behind on actually solving puzzles. I bookmark them every 2-3 days and then solve the oldest ones first. I find that most of the "solves" have been completed by the time that I get to them and if I can make it on the leaderboard then I'm doing pretty good. I've been "challenging" myself to beat certain people's times. I've passed some of them up and have made new goals. It used to be that I was missing the bottom time on the leaderboard by 5 seconds or so. Now I'm consistently making on there (unless all the really fast people have done the puzzle). I feel like this goal (and Galactic Hero on Buzz Lightyear) are within my reach. The puzzle one more so since I can practice every day.....

Here you go @franandaj,
my one and only food porn photo
of the trip! :laughing:

Or is it.....????

And that concludes my
summertime excursions for 2021
I sure hope 2022 brings just a bit
more normalcy and a chance
to travel a tad farther abroad.

Well I'm sure you heard that we are opening up the border to you Canadian locusts! Well unless you are one of the 4 million who have been mismatched doeses.......
I do remember my best friend's brother being able to eat a Big Mac in four bites by cutting it into quarters. Don't think it won him much of anything though.

That's some big bites.

Would be nice if you could
gift people with weather.

Yes it would. I would send you some warm weather.

My youngest DD doesn't like
cheese on her burgers.
I take it you do, now?

Yes I do.

Oh? How so?

There is too much to look at.

Ah. That question answered

Yes it was.

(Credit BC Ferries)

That's a big ferry.

The approximately two-hour
crossing was both scenic and
(again) uneventful.

Very scenic and relaxing.

I sat back and admired the view.

Very nice view with your tea.

But I didn’t really come for the tea.
I came for the grub
(and the view.)

Can't blame you there.

That is some good looking grub.

Okay, I’ll stop.
Is there anyone here who
isn’t familiar with the theme
song to Gilligan’s Island?

And now it's stuck in my head.

Our guide kept regaling us
with tales of the area all the
while pointing out sea life.
We saw seals (but never got
close enough to photograph them),
as well as tons of jellyfish, starfish
and sea cucumbers.

Loved all the sea life photos.

That's a very colorful area.

Luckily, there was another shop
just a stone’s throw away.
And they had a salmon chowder.
And it was quite good,
so, it all worked out in the end.

I'm glad you found some chowder but I'm still disappointed your didn't get what you came for.

I’ll let the photos do the talking
for the most part…

I loved all your photos and can't decide which one is the best. Everything is so gorgeous.

It’s possible you’ve never
heard of Nanaimo Bars,
but if you have…
this is where they’re from.

Never hear of them.

And if you haven’t,
this is what they look like:

Yum, I like coconut.

They complied and I was able bring
Kay back about 10 bars.
(Which, a couple days later,
when I got back home,
she stated “Oh. My. God. Best ever!!!”
So, mission accomplished. :goodvibes)

You're a really great Dad.

I did however get a lemon bar.
And that sucker was so rich and sweet
that it took me two days to finish!

I do like a good lemon bar too.

It was completely fogged and rained in.
I couldn’t see anything except for a few
feet of road!

Oh noooo!!

I felt motivated to get a little artsy-fartsy.

And I like it.

Brandywine Falls.


Yes, the water really is that colour.

I was wondering. It really doesn't look real.

I continued my drive south
to Vancouver, admiring the scenery
and stopping to photograph same
as the mood struck me.

Once again I'm loving all your photos.

Shannon Falls is located only a short
drive north of Vancouver and as such
is a quite popular place to visit.
(Apparently, it’s the Sea to Sky’s most
popular place to picnic.)

I can why it's so popular.
It's your TR so you make the calls....
Mine! Mine! Allllll mine!!!
I've never been on a car ferry boat, just a people boat.
Not much different.
After you park, you can't
stay in the car.
Well which ones did you pick? I can't tell what they are from the picture.....
I don't know!
I just checked the menu
and it's all changed.
is that your picture cause then you lied to me! You have two food porn pics!
I guess you caught me!
That looks like to much for two people!
It was.... urp!
What's with the whole Gilligan's island this summer, first Mark then you.....
When it's a classic,
it just doesn't get old.
There and Palm Springs....I guess they'd go to Victoria in the Summer...
Certainly not in winter!
Nice pictures of sea creatures!
Thanks! :)
The only time I visited Victoria was for a music convention and I was working most of the days. We didn't get to see a lot. I don't even think we had a car. We mostly stayed around the Empress Hotel.
Too bad, (although
the Empress is beautiful.)
So many nice things to see/do.
I would expect nothing less!
I'm getting predictable! :blush:
I think they had them at the Canada booth at F&W in Epcot. I saw coconut and wrote it off my list.
Yeah... it's really too bad, but...
That's the recipe.

I get it! We make silly decisions like that too!
We all do!
Love Lemon bars. Often times it will take me a couple days to finish a bakery treat, but if do, I risk it being eaten by Fran. :laughing:
Stunning scenery pictures there!
I think it should be a "friends of pkondz" line.
I'd be okay with that. :)
Oh, BTW I ran across a puzzle this morning that had your name on it. I'm a week or two behind on actually solving puzzles. I bookmark them every 2-3 days and then solve the oldest ones first. I find that most of the "solves" have been completed by the time that I get to them and if I can make it on the leaderboard then I'm doing pretty good. I've been "challenging" myself to beat certain people's times. I've passed some of them up and have made new goals. It used to be that I was missing the bottom time on the leaderboard by 5 seconds or so. Now I'm consistently making on there (unless all the really fast people have done the puzzle). I feel like this goal (and Galactic Hero on Buzz Lightyear) are within my reach. The puzzle one more so since I can practice every day.....
Every now and then
I'll make sure to do a
cat puzzle, just for you. ;)
Or is it.....????
Whoops! :laughing:
Well I'm sure you heard that we are opening up the border to you Canadian locusts! Well unless you are one of the 4 million who have been mismatched doeses.......
And apparently, that's okay too now.
Hey. I'm going to try to send your package in the next couple of days. Not sure how long it takes but I'm guessing at least a week. Nothing major.

Been working on where to eat. We're going to eat in the castle. I never have and have wanted to since I was a child. I wish they would start dining plans again. I have anxiety over it. The last time I went without one was 1996! I also went to River Country and Discovery Island that year.

I just noticed that you also went in 1978. I was five and we went in May. When were you there?
Yes it would. I would send you some warm weather.
Hold off on it until
middle of winter, okay?

There is too much to look at.
I get that!

That's a big ferry.
Not too shabby.
They actually have 35 of them.

Very scenic and relaxing.
Very nice view with your tea.
I could do worse... and have!
That is some good looking grub.
It really was!
Just... too much!

And now it's stuck in my head.
Good. Mission accomplished. :laughing:
Loved all the sea life photos.
Had fun taking them. :)

That's a very colorful area.
It really is.
Just screams "photograph me!"

I'm glad you found some chowder but I'm still disappointed your didn't get what you came for.
I was too.
But at least the salmon was good.

I loved all your photos and can't decide which one is the best. Everything is so gorgeous.
Never hear of them.
Come up here
and I'll get you some.

Yum, I like coconut.
Then these would
be right up your alley.
You're a really great Dad.
It's to make up for all the times
I beat them and poke them
with sharp sticks.
I do like a good lemon bar too.
How can you not?!?!?
And I like it.
You're the first!
I won't quit my day-job.

It really is. ::yes::
I was wondering. It really doesn't look real.
It's real. ::yes::
Once again I'm loving all your photos.
Hey. I'm going to try to send your package in the next couple of days. Not sure how long it takes but I'm guessing at least a week. Nothing major.
Major or minor... oh boy! :goodvibes
Been working on where to eat. We're going to eat in the castle. I never have and have wanted to since I was a child.
I did that when the kids
were little. It was fun!
I think you'll enjoy it. :)
I wish they would start dining plans again.
I wish they would start
free dining again!
I have anxiety over it. The last time I went without one was 1996!
You'll do just fine. :)
I also went to River Country and Discovery Island that year.
Missed both of those. :headache:
I just noticed that you also went in 1978. I was five and we went in May. When were you there?
To answer your question...
Technically we were there in
1978 and 1979.
We arrived in MK in 1978 and
left after the fireworks in 1979.

New years eve if you're still wondering.
I don't know!
I just checked the menu
and it's all changed.

I've never been to tea. The only thing I know about is scones with clotted cream or cucumber sandwiches. None of which really interested me which is probably why I've never done it.

Every now and then
I'll make sure to do a
cat puzzle, just for you. ;)

Ive started publishing puzzles of my own cats again as there aren't really enough from others right now to keep me entertained.

And apparently, that's okay too now.

Yes my friend texted me about that while I was at the Chiropractor. The gal who getting me set up thought I was nuts when I gave a "yay!" 🎉🎉 when I read the text.

She asked "what?"

And when I said, "They're allowing mixed-vaxxed Canadians into the country now!" I could hear her eyes rolling back in her head.
I've never been to tea. The only thing I know about is scones with clotted cream or cucumber sandwiches. None of which really interested me which is probably why I've never done it.
There’s soooo much more. :)
Ive started publishing puzzles of my own cats again as there aren't really enough from others right now to keep me entertained.
I had no idea!
Yes my friend texted me about that while I was at the Chiropractor. The gal who getting me set up thought I was nuts when I gave a "yay!" 🎉🎉 when I read the text.

She asked "what?"

And when I said, "They're allowing mixed-vaxxed Canadians into the country now!" I could hear her eyes rolling back in her head.
So can you come to the US now?
Soon, it looks like.
I think the date the border opens is Nov 8th?
But still need to get a negative Covid test
no more than 72 hours before I return to Canada.
Which sucks.
Oh for crying out loud!!! They sure don't make it easy.
Can we come to Canada? Or do we need tested too?

We paid off the room portion of the trip. Now we need park tickets and plane fare. I think it will be here before we know it with being busy over the holidays and my birthday.
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