Cam & Howard's Vow Renewal PJ -1/12/09 - WP&WH--p.98: TRIP REPORT BEGINS

The Welcome bags were AMAZING!!! I am still relishing some of the treats that were in there.... I carry the mints in my bag!! Such love and personalization went into each and every one of them!!
When we got to JR, we met up with our dear friends Kevin (our officiant) and Kristen, whom we hadn’t seen since January 2008. Kevin is a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army and is “away” a lot – we keep him and his family in our prayers constantly. They are precious to us and I cried when we saw them.

I'm pretty sure I cried too. More than once, now that I think about it! You all are very special to us. :grouphug:

The Welcome bags were AMAZING!!! I am still relishing some of the treats that were in there.... I carry the mints in my bag!! Such love and personalization went into each and every one of them!!

Kathy is right! Loved the bags. I have eaten all my treats though. Weeks ago. Oink. :upsidedow

Very fab beginning!!!!! And you volunteered at the full marathon??? Unbelievable :goodvibes

Lisa -- That was such an awesome experience, but it was probably one the one "bad" schedule decision I made. I was just so wiped out all day Sunday and going in to Monday. Truly worth it, though-- what a great time! Wait til you see the pictures!

Cam I am LOVING your TR!! You are so detailed and organized! :worship: Everything is just so awesome and I want to be a guest too!! Kathy what a fantastic friend you are for helping so much! Cam is very lucky to have you as I am sure you feel your are very lucky to have her.

I can't wait to hear more!

Laura -- I'm glad you don't mind all the detail in my TR. I remember reading TRs during my planning process and I devoured the details and made a gazillion notes in a master file in my computer that I emailed to myself every couple of days. It became a good starting point for my "notecards" -- the smartest thing I did to keep myself organized. And yes, Kathy's among our blessings!

Kristen -- I am so glad you guys enjoyed your snacks!
Lisa -- That was such an awesome experience, but it was probably one the one "bad" schedule decision I made. I was just so wiped out all day Sunday and going in to Monday. Truly worth it, though-- what a great time! Wait til you see the pictures!

Laura -- I'm glad you don't mind all the detail in my TR. I remember reading TRs during my planning process and I devoured the details and made a gazillion notes in a master file in my computer that I emailed to myself every couple of days. It became a good starting point for my "notecards" -- the smartest thing I did to keep myself organized. And yes, Kathy's among our blessings!

Kristen -- I am so glad you guys enjoyed your snacks!

Awwww.. I didn't even see that lovely note.. Thanks Laura!! That was sooo sweet.. but.. I am the lucky one :) Cam and Howard are 2 of the most wonderful people in the world!!!! And their kids are true reflections of them...

Cam... You are just AMAZING... I Love Love all the details ... Yay can't wait for more!!
CAM!!!!!!! I LOVE your siggy pic!!! Girl you looked gorgeous!

Cam Howard is so handsome, he looks like a sweetheart! You're family is beautiful.

Your welcome bags were so nice aww!

I can't wait for more! Hey are you running in any of the marathons next year? I'm doing the half marathon in Jan. Can't wait.

Lynn -- I am so excited that you are doing the half-marathon in January!!! So am I! We definitely have to see each other before then, of course!

Thank you for all your kind words. Our "wedding day" was the most amazing, beautiful, FUN day of our lives. I can't wait to share more details!
Lynn -- I am so excited that you are doing the half-marathon in January!!! So am I! We definitely have to see each other before then, of course!

Thank you for all your kind words. Our "wedding day" was the most amazing, beautiful, FUN day of our lives. I can't wait to share moe details!

YAY you are I will have to see you and say hello!!!
I'm running with a couple other disney brides too, actually there is a big group of us lol. I'm so excited!

Cam you're so cute, can't wait for more.

Well, I have seen you all over these boards on other PJ's and I have to say it struck me how kind you are!! :angel: For whatever reason, I am just now beginning to read all about your VR. Even though I am only on page 6, I plan on reading this constantly for the next few days so I can actually get to the wedding!!! I am also having a VR, so I am excited to read all about your plans and then see how they played out on your big day!!
Maure- That is such a sweet thing to say. :flower3: Thank you! How are you feeling these days? I don't think I've seen you around and I remember when you were doing your PJ before you postponed your date (I STILL love your rings!! :) ). (BTW, the longer the planning process, the better! Everyone here shares awesome ideas and you get to collect them all and decide what works for you. PLUS you get to watch for great sales at places like the Target $1 spot and Michael's and buy supplies at your leisure. :banana: )
Thank you for reading. I love sharing the wonderful time we had planning and through the vow renewal and "honeymoon". :cloud9:
The plan today was that Howard and Andrew would run the 5k (Andrew very graciously and generously urged me to sleep in rather than to go cheer him on); Kathy would bring Jenn and Ade back to our studio to change clothes and get ready to go to AK once Andrew was back and dressed; and I was to sleep in (try to catch up on some sleep) until it was time to leave for my 10:00 pedicure appointment at SSR Spa with Rhonda.

I was up long before 8 and working on the placecard holders. They were gorgeous little paper chairs that we'd mostly assembled at home -- I "built" and taped them and embellished them (gotta have the bling! ;) ),Andrew had filled them with Disney mints, and I packed them very carefully and brought them in my carry-on. All that was left was to tie the bows and attach the names to them (LOVE glue dots!!!) and package them alphabetized to be delivered to Franck's. But they were/are very delicate because of the pretty chair “back” and I was concerned about them getting smashed in the process.

By the time everyone arrived at the studio, I had the chairs done and was packing/organizing the boxes for Franck's. Howard created "bumpers" for around the chairs in the box and took over the organizing so I could get a shower, and then he drove me to SSR for a very relaxing hour with my dear friend and race partner, Rhonda.


HINT TO BRIDES: pack a back of supplies like bubble wrap, tape, glue sticks, glue dots, glue gun & glue sticks, scissors, pens, markers, extra pieces of all your ribbon, etc. -- you will not regret it!)

While at SSR I tried to schedule a facial for any of the spas, and was able to get an appointment at GF for 1pm. I've never had a facial before, but my skin was so dry it was actually flaking on my cheeks, so I decided to take the leap. After the pedicure, Rhonda and Michael (her DH) drove me back to BCV. I stopped at the front desk and they were able to get us into a 2 BR on the 4th floor (the studio was on the 3rd floor). Once again, everyone at the front desk was SOOOO nice and very eager to do whatever they could to help us get into our new villa so I could get wedding stuff organized.

Howard and I moved ALL of the stuff (except what was going to Franck's) from the 3rd floor to the 4th floor with no luggage cart and no help from the kids who we'd foolishly sent off to the parks. LOL!! It took Howard and me (no exaggerating) no less than 15 trips to move everything. Howard also made a number of trips to the van to put everything in it that had to go to Franck's. (That is one of the things we really, really enjoy about Beach Club Villas – there is a parking lot very close to the villas and a door that leads right to the elevators, unlike GF or WL where we would stay later in the week and burn MANY calories going back and forth to the van parked in sometimes remote locations. While at GF, we used valet almost all of the time) It took us more than 90 minutes to relocate to the 2BR, and then it was time to head to the GF spa.

Side note: You’ve heard me mention my notecards. This is where they came in really handy. When you are in a rush, it is easy to forget things – it was so nice NOT to have to make a second trip to Franck’s since there was a card listing everything that had to go to Franck’s and how stuff was to be grouped (i.e., Ceremony: program vase tied with bow and filled with beads, programs, memorial candle (to be lit before ceremony); Floral (to be delivered to Laura Kidd) – Jenn’s bouquet jewels; GF Bakery (Lenox cake topper castle); PreReception/Reception: Items for guestbook table (guest book, special markers, table tent asking guests to find their page and sign the guestbook, teddy bear), placecards, cake serving set, Precious Moments figurine, menus, table number holders & table numbers, etc. etc. Stuff was grouped with instructions taped to the top. I saw one DIS Bride that did a mock-up of her guestbook table and took a picture so that DFTW would know how it was to be set up – I think that was so smart, but we didn’t have a strong preference, so we left it to their discretion, and everything looked wonderful. My kids joke about “Mom and her lists” but everyone has accepted that that is just the way I am and it makes things run smoothly and makes me less :crazy:

Anyway, everything ended up looking fabulous on the “big day” (here’s a preview from friends’ pix to make up for my lack of other pix here. LOL!):





Howard drove me to GF spa, dropped off everything to Franck's, went to Gasparilla's for lunch (I'd still only had a leftover nutri-grain bar, a cup of coffee and some Mickey pretzels; Howard had about that much AND had run a 5k, so we were both hurting), and came back to pick me up. We were back at the resort by 2:30 and I grabbed a veggie wrap at the Marketplace. Howard carried Jenn’s gown, the tuxedos & shoes/accessories and all the stuff from the safe in the studio to the 2BR by himself (poor guy! He’d started his day at 4 a.m. and had already run a 5k with a half marathon and marathon ahead of him). Howard continued to organize the studio for his family’s arrival (I wanted to be sure there was cold bottled water and microwave popcorn, plus their welcome bags, etc. and we swapped out the used towels from the studio with fresh ones from the 2BR), I got us unpacked and started making a pile by the front door of everything we needed for the rehearsal, rehearsal dinner, and the dessert party. (That’s another one of my quirks – must have a “launch pad” where everything gets piled that has to go out the door with us when we are going somewhere. LOL)

Soon, it was time to head to the WISH meet at the POP Century Food Court. YAY!!! :banana: :woohoo: :goodvibes We would be seeing so many of our friends there, some that we hadn’t seen in a year and others that we hadn’t seen since the Minnie Marathon in May, the Philly half-marathon in September, Marine Corps marathon in October, or the Philly marathon in November. I missed so many of our WISH teammates so much and couldn’t wait to get to POP!! :cloud9:
Cam the menus and favors came out beautifully! Wow Howard is superman, I would have been dead doing all that after running the 5k! You have such a special guy!

BTW: Thanks for the tip! :thumbsup2
WOW!!! Cam, you are super organized!!! I am very impressed. Hopefully if I can talk DH into a VR, I hope I'm as organized as you are. I might be PM'ing you for tips!!! :rotfl: Great update. :thumbsup2 The chairs were so adorable!!
I just got caught up on your wonderful start so far. First, I love your ears from Tokyo Disney!

The shots from assembling the welcome bags and of shopping for supplies brought back some great memories from last year. Isn't it so much fun putting them together!

I completely understand how you feel about having to hand off the programs to your friend. Sometimes it just gets so overwhelming. It sounds like Howard was wonderful as usual. I can't believe he ran the 5K and was ready and able to help move to the other room and to take everything to Franck's!

I love the chair place cards which are so cute. I just can't wait to read more, I have a feeling I will have a lot of catching up to do after I get back from Disney (we leave on Saturday for our anniversary trip.)

Did you figure out how to upload all of your pictures at the smaller sizes? I know you mentioned you were having problems resizing.

Another question- did you have any anniversary Disney graphics that were generic? I'm hoping to make a sign for our door this weekend.

Thank you for your kind words, Laura, PoohGirl and AlternateEgo! It is so much fun reliving those days while I share them with everyone.

Vanessa -- So many of my ideas came from earlier DISBrides, including you. I still am so appreciative that you shared your newsletter and water bottle templates. :hug: We didn't use any anniversary stuff at all and stuck with wedding and honeymoon. I did find romantic graphics by doing a google search for "Disney wedding clipart". WOW! I cannot believe your one-year anniversary is coming up. Where in the world did the year go? How exciting for you and Kris to be returning for your anniversary! :lovestruc
Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but we had an AWESOME weekend surprising our friend Charlie belatedly for his birthday. :grouphug:

Our pictures are up on Randy's website and I've now gone through them 3 times. LOL!! I'm bummed that I had on no makeup for our dessert party and couldn't do my hair. Long story made somewhat short -- after doing the 5k, 1/2 marathon and marathon, Howard was hurting so badly Sunday that Kathy had to drive me over to the GF to check in and await my dress. Howard never made it over there before the rehearsal which was before RD which was before the dessert party. So, I only had my clothes -- no makeup and no hair stuff and I looked SOOO bad for the dessert party. So, you can skip right over those and go right to the wedding day ones where I look almost as good as everyone else, having been "prettied up" by the wonderful Ana and Lili. ;)

Go to and search Cam and 3 sets come up (if you search "Howard" there are other couples' pix that come up too, but I'm the only Cam on his site ;) ) The pix should arrive here tomorrow and I will post the very carefully selected ones we like best. :goodvibes

By the way, I think you should get to have a practice wedding day so that you can look at the pictures and see what stupid expressions you WOULDN'T make when it counts. Oh, and you'd make sure that every time your gown slid up your body so that it looked like you had no neck, you pulled it back down. And when you see that you hunched your shoulders in most of the shots, you could remind yourself not to do that either. ........ Despite all that, Randy got some great pics and really captured how much FUN we had on our VR day. :faint:
Cam, your pictures are wonderful! And you didn't need makeup at your dessert party, your happiness was shining on your face.
I feel like I was there. You looked gorgeous in EVERY SINGLE PICTURE, Cam. Truly. Your joy is making me feel like I'm wrapped up in a very toasty blanket.
Oh Cam,:hug:

I am so excited to be reading your TR!:cheer2: Everything looks wonderful!:cloud9: I'm crying happy tears for you and Howard all over again.... I am so glad that you were able to do this. :hug:

I look forward to checking out your pictures...I'm hoping my dial-up internet lets me! ;)

I can't wait to read more!!!!!:goodvibes


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