Y'all did great today so take tomorrow off and relax. Have some wings and beer, kick back and watch some football. You need a rest day anyway. Really it's ok.

Social Panda:hippie:
Y'all did great today so take tomorrow off and relax. Have some wings and beer, kick back and watch some football. You need a rest day anyway. Really it's ok.

Social Panda:hippie:

Please ignore this Windwalking Panda. At least when it comes to taking the day off to relax.

I believe he may have started a little early with the sauce. :drinking1

Go Pats....No go Giants. Ah who cares right. We are all there for the commercials! :happytv: :3dglasses
Good morning Buzzies! How is everyone doing?

I am feeling like a new woman! My golden puppy slept 5 hrs straight overnight on Friday and Saturday, and last night she slept from 10PM until 4AM. It is amazing what a difference a few consecutive hours of sleep makes!! She is loving all the snow and so am I because a tired puppy equals a happy owner!
So... Team.. How is everyone doing??? Just wanted to pop in and show my team some lovin'!!!!!! :lovestruc :lovestruc :lovestruc :lovestruc

I got some serious dancing in this weekend.. and man oh man are my calves tight!!! Tap Dancing uses different muscles than marathoning!!! :lmao: :lmao:

Well.. I am barely keeping my head from slamming down onto my desk right now... I don't think there is a word for the kind of tired I am feeling at this moment!! LOL!!

GO GIANTS!!!!! ;) Ya'll know I am a New Yorker after all don't you??? LOL!!!

Well.. Happy Monday.. Keep on MOvin' and Groovin'...


Good afternoon Team!

I wanted to pop in to say hi. I am expecting another week of very late nights at work (hopefully I will get a bit of relief next week). But never fear, I refuse to let work get in the way of my running and I will get those miles in for our team! I am really excited about the half marathon I have coming up in March and I am training to attempt a pretty big PR so I will get my runs in no matter how little sleep I have to get to do so.

I hope everyone has a great week!
Good afternoon, everyone!
Cindy -- so sorry you are in the same boat with me on the long work days. WISHing you whatever time you want/need to work out! :goodvibes

Kathy -- LOVE the new picture of tough guy. How appropos for this thread!!

Pat -- So glad you got some much-needed sleep. Yes, having a puppy is like having a toddler (without the benefit of diapers!)

Have a great day, everyone! Hoping we can all make it to the gym or somehow carve out time for some physical activity! :grouphug:
Hi Buzzy buddies:flower3:

How is everyone doing? Are we getting our steps in? You're still going to get a big old whippin from the Hakuna Matata team, but we want y'all to get stronger and fitter anyway.

Social Panda:hippie:
Wendy - Out of the mouths of babes, huh? Those are priceless moments! DD and I had started a habit on Sundays after church of getting the dog and going to various parks and hiking/walking, but we got out of the routine after I got injured last fall. We almost went yesterday but ended up napping instead (she had her big school dance Sat night and got very little sleep!).

Pat - so glad the puppy decided to let you sleep last night. :cloud9: They are as bad as babies aren't they?

Chris - Loved the article!

Cam - Have you warmed up from your Plunge?

Cindy - Don't let yourself get too run down. We don't want you to end up :sick: due to lack of sleep. :hug:

I did my gazelle this morning, and then tonight it was warm enough that DH and I took both dogs for a walk. Of course I brought my handheld Garmin with me so I could count my mileage and time for my Buzz Team. :thumbsup2 Came home and put it all in my spreadsheet. I just can't get it to subtotal yet. :headache: I'll use a calculator if I still haven't figured it out by Thursday.

To Infinity and Beyond!!! Let's go Buzz's Brigade! :cheer2: :cheer2:

Hi, team!

Jackie -- Thanks! They grow up so fast. :goodvibes

Allie -- I'm having problems getting a spreadsheet to work too.

Chris -- Did I read in one of these threads that you're a spreadsheet guy? Would you mind emailing me yours (a blank one, of course)? I'm great with Word or Powerpoint or InDesign or Camtasia -- all those programs tech writers use, but I know nothing about Excel and formulas!!!

Kathy -- Thanks for the love! All that dancing should race up lots of minutes for us.

Cam -- I missed that you were doing a plunge!!! You are my hero!!! Thanks for all you're doing on Sparkspeople too.

NY Kathy -- Can't imagine sleet -- I have to say we have had beautiful weather here lately. I'm a spoiled Southerner!

I'm sure I've missed lots of posts -- please forgive me. Gotta get ready for work! :wave:
Good morning Team!

Not much to report from last night. Between the puppy, the phone ringing, and needing to get online for my DD's SWA boarding pass (she is supposed to come home tonight - but the weather forecast is awful) I didn't get very many steps in at all. BUT - tonight DH volunteered to keep the puppy with him so I can have some quality TM time. Hopefully that will work.

To Infinity and Beyond
I am assuming that the lack of posting just means that everyone is out there racking up miles and hours and not sitting at the computer! :)

But.. selfishly I miss all of you!! LOL!!!

Way to Go Team!!!!

Come On Team 2.... Don't let our thread get lost in the dust.. Come on out and encourage each other!!!! GO TEAM!!!

Ok, I walked the dogs with the neighbor this AM, then did 30 min. of my C25K training, and now DH and I are about to go walk them again. Now what did you do today????

Let's go Buzz's Brigade!!!!!:cheer2: :cheer2:
Hey team. I ran tonight on the Treadmill again, but I'm withholding the distance and time from this thread at the request of our fearless leader. Hope everyone is moving and grooving.
Good Morning Buzzies!

I've got one more run tomorrow morning before I can post my weekly total. Today is a rest day, which is kind of a shame because its 65 DEGREES outside!!! But, I really needed the sleep, so I guess its a good thing.

I hope everyone has a good day!
Okay, I must admit that I am off to a slow start. My running buddy (and biggest motivator) blew out her knee skiing a couple of weeks ago. She's out for months.

I've gotten some weights, and a little walking in along with a couple of hours of volleyball (how do we count that?) But I've had a hard time getting outside.

I went to the park where I train and it was a disaster. A good deal of the trail was closed with trees down due to the ice storm in December. So I headed out to the soccer fields to run. They were SO soggy I couldn't do anything. So, today I thought that I'd find a good neighborhood to run in (I live out in the country but am off of a very busy and dangerous road). I woke up this morning to half a foot of snow and schools closed.

Ya, I know, waa, waa..... I need to develope a plan B and get out there. Never fear, I will get my miles in and log in some hours. I know that there will be a lot when I start training for Goofy in August. Until then, I am looking for a half marathon or two to train for between now and then. I do much better with a training plan on my calender! If anyone knows of a good way to find local races, let me know!

Happy running, walking and training all! I promise I won't let you down. Just need to find my grove!

Jill - Just log the hours you played volleyball. I don't know how you could account for miles unless you wore a pedometer. Do the best you can!

Ok, I don't know where the rest of you live, but here in AL, we had one heck of a storm last night. Woke up to tornado sirens. Heard the weather man say that one was spotted a mile away. Woke up the kids and spent time in the bathroom. Everything is ok, just scary. I still got out and walked the dogs.

So have a good day everybody!
Good morning, all! The only running I've done since Monday is back and forth to the "facilities". Have been violently ill with flu symptoms since Monday night. I am sure the 6 pounds I've lost will reappear as soon as I can keep water or anything else in my tummy.

I hope everyone else is racking up the miles and hours to make up for this slacker. I can't believe I've missed 2 days of work!


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