"But I'm not a woman"- A Spring Break 2018 Trip Report *finished 2/23 *

I just caught up with your TR and love it! Who is the youtuber that you met? I always watch tim tacker and the brookhart project if you're ever looking for someone new.

I'm terrified of not being able to fit on FOP, I actually skipped out on getting a FP because I'm scared of being kicked off. It'll help with my motivation for next year. I've lost 33 pounds so far but I don't think it's enough. :(

Anyway, love your pictures and love your report! :)
Hello! :wave: I am really enjoying your trip report. Your stamina is amazing, even if you did hit a few sleepy spots. :) Rope drop at AK sounds crazy! But you guys handled it in stride. I'm really impressed with how smoothly and efficiently your park days seem to go. You just seem like you're having such a relaxed and enjoyable time! :flower:Thanks for sharing!
We were at HS on the same day. We stayed through the rain. Luckily we remembered ponchos on this day. We had sometimes of the day we could have been in the same place. I looked for us in the background of your photos. :rotfl:I was hoping it wasn't our family getting pics and arguing, but no playstation at our house :rotfl2:
Love reading about your trip! You are inspiring me to get up and do early early rope drop like you guys did! Can't wait to read the rest!
Following along! You definitely do Disney the way my sister and I do - early rope drop to close! And sometimes PPO activities to after park activities lol Sounds like a great trip so far, besides the kidney punch your dad had to take. I love people watching and overhearing other guests conversations. So jealous you saw the Easter decorations! I definitely want to make it to the World around that time to see them one year!
I always have a little anxiety with ToT each time I ride.

You had good timing with the rain. Beaches is a good choice on HS day!

Every year I get a little bit better with TOT, maybe one day it won't bother me. We enjoyed it. Maybe one day we'll make an actual meal day out of it instead of just ice cream, but that was good too!

I am enjoying your report! Love that you and dad do this together! And I am super impressed with your early mornings and late nights with no naps in between! I would never make it with that schedule, lol!

Can't wait to read more!

Thanks! Yeah my Dad and I are good travel buddies. He's not a napper and while I do enjoy naps it's different in Disney :laughing:

I just caught up with your TR and love it! Who is the youtuber that you met? I always watch tim tacker and the brookhart project if you're ever looking for someone new.

I'm terrified of not being able to fit on FOP, I actually skipped out on getting a FP because I'm scared of being kicked off. It'll help with my motivation for next year. I've lost 33 pounds so far but I don't think it's enough. :(

Anyway, love your pictures and love your report! :)

Thanks. I met Disney Bee and Leo, well just the Leo part ha ha. It was a short visit since Starbucks was super busy. I watch youtube videos when I'm at the gym walking so I'll look into the brookhart project for sure. FOP was the source of many panic attacks just before but I really had no problem. Then again there's no certain set of rules as to who can or can't fit. I watched a lot of youtube videos about it too. I say try it! :)
Hello! :wave: I am really enjoying your trip report. Your stamina is amazing, even if you did hit a few sleepy spots. :) Rope drop at AK sounds crazy! But you guys handled it in stride. I'm really impressed with how smoothly and efficiently your park days seem to go. You just seem like you're having such a relaxed and enjoyable time! :flower:Thanks for sharing!

There's always some sleepy sports during the day. I don't always know if it's because lack of sleep or the heat and the people. Nothing a little caffeine doesn't help fix :laughing: We do always seem to have a great time. My friends always as me "how do you do it with all the crowds" It's all in the planning :)

We were at HS on the same day. We stayed through the rain. Luckily we remembered ponchos on this day. We had sometimes of the day we could have been in the same place. I looked for us in the background of your photos. :rotfl:I was hoping it wasn't our family getting pics and arguing, but no playstation at our house :rotfl2:

No it wasn't you :laughing: I always look in the back of people pictures to see if I see myself and no such luck. I've seen the back of my head on someone's youtube video. That's the closest I've come :wave:

Love reading about your trip! You are inspiring me to get up and do early early rope drop like you guys did! Can't wait to read the rest!

Thanks! We are all about being there from first thing in the morning until closing or we just can't stand up anymore (which rarely is the reason :rotfl:)

Following along! You definitely do Disney the way my sister and I do - early rope drop to close! And sometimes PPO activities to after park activities lol Sounds like a great trip so far, besides the kidney punch your dad had to take. I love people watching and overhearing other guests conversations. So jealous you saw the Easter decorations! I definitely want to make it to the World around that time to see them one year!
Thanks! Yeah we are all about those 17 hour park days. We always say if we need a break we can find a bench and sit, which we have done many of times! :thumbsup2
Hey everyone. Remember when I said I was going to work on this until it's done... back to school supply shopping has started and I've been super sidetracked. But I took a break from setting up lesson plans for next year to get this day posted! :)

March 21st - Day 5 - Magic Kingdom

The morning started with a 5:45 alarm. We had a breakfast reservation to get to.
We were up and dressed pretty quickly, going to bed early the night before really helped.
We were at the bus stop by 6:45 and a bus showing up about 10 minutes later.

We were the only people on the bus

We got to the Magic Kingdom a few minutes later and we were through security not long after 7:10.

There were several people just standing around, but no one was in a ‘reservation’ line, so I just wandered over towards the left, where it has always been.

As we were walking over the CM with the reservation sign was walking by.
We scanned our bands to confirm our Be Our Guest reservation and got in line.

Our fastpasses for the day were:
Splash Mountain 10:30 - 11:30
Big Thunder 12:30 - 1:30
Mine Train 1:30 - 2:30

A little less than a week before Disney I was talking to Crystal about needing a new Disney shirt. I had mentioned the one I was looking for online and didn’t see but that I want. She said “just let me know and I’ll do it”

I forget I have a friend that makes shirts, my brain thinks etsy, you order it and 3 weeks later it shows up. So we talked about the design and I told her what I wanted and she did a million times better than I could have ever imagined :lovestruc:lovestruc

I love love love my shirt. It’s my Disney saying for every park day!

We were given our papers and told to stand in line.

We waited, talked, and people watched. And the people we watched kept moving forward a few inches at a time. Eventually we all became super close best friends and I was about sitting in the stroller of the person behind me. Like always there were people who kept trying to sneak by the side and when the CM told them to back up, they would get huffy and tell them “but I have a reservation” then the CM would as nicely as possible tell them “so do all these people”. I couldn’t do it… I have a short temper when it comes to some things and that’s one, we are all going to the same place, pushing your way to the front and yelling at the CM that you have a reservation you have to get to now doesn’t make you anymore special then the rest of us who have a reservation and have been waiting patiently in line for 30 minutes. Ok rant over sorry…

They let us through a bit before 8 and off we go.

We made it to Be Our Guest and had ordered by 8:01 (according to the receipt) we were officially the first people to sit down. We decided to sit in the West Wing because why not.

I got drinks and utensils and a few minutes later we got our food.

We did the same thing we did the year before and split our food. I ate some of the pastries but I was so full I basically took a bite out of each :laughing:

We stopped at the bathroom and I took a picture.

We were going to join the line at Mine Train because of course.
So, we joined the line that was about 5 people deep.

We smiled and listened to the people who were talking about the weather next to us. It was that perfect comfortable in the shade and perfect in the sun kind of morning.

Around 8:40 they let us through. The people in front of us wanted the back row and since were not picky we ended up front row.

We got off and saw they were still letting people through the fastpass lane, so we doubled back to do it again.

We were doubling back but we saw the standby line being walked by and the CM’s were just about to stop people and I said we could do it again, but we have a fastpass for later in the day so let’s go do something else.

We ventured with the crowd over to Peter Pan and it was a 15-minute wait, not going to see it any lower than that.

We were on and off in a few minutes and debating where to go next.

Bathroom then Haunted Mansion
Also the clouds looked so cute and fluffy today :drinking:

We got to Haunted Mansion around 9:15 and it was posted a 10-minute wait but it was a walk on basically.

We enjoyed our ride as always and there was no photopass person at the exit this time, so we just kept venturing on.

Big Thunder showed a 20-minute wait and we were close, so we wandered over there.


We saw a photoass guy so we wandered over there for our first picture of the day :thumbsup2

We were done but needed a bathroom break, so we went to the one by Splash and noticed there was no one in line. We looked at the wait time, 10 minutes. Let’s go we said.

It was a walk on. We had talked about how we had never done it with no line. It was a bit chilly but not enough to warrant the nonexistent line. Hey I’m not complaining.

We ended up first row :eek: :thumbsup2

Me and my “I’m going to pose face turned into my oh crap I’m going to get soaked face” and I did… at least my face did :laughing:

We found some sun to sit in for a while before our fastpass for Splash opened up.

People would sit next to us and we would listen to their conversations. I don’t know why but I love listening to other people and their plans, I just like to know how they think :goodvibes

After drying off a bit our fastpass time was no so back we went.

This time thankfully we were in the back row… :woohoo:

After Splash it was 12ish and we had some time until our next fastpass, so we grabbed a snack and found some sun.

I left my Dad standing by the exit for the Tom Sawyers Island boat and I went to get some drinks and popcorn.

We ate our snacks and people watched for a while.

Our fastpass window for Big Thunder opened so we walked against traffic to get into our fastpass line.

A good use of a fastpass, it showed 50 minutes.

We were attempting to make it to Mine Train… :crowded:

We had one more fastpass to use and some time to burn so we wandered over and found a ledge to sit on for a while. We talked about Disney karma. As we were walking over a little girl dropped her Minnie Mouse stuffy on the floor and like 4 people pointed it out. We talked about how if no one had pointed it out, we could have picked it up. Someone stole my Dad’s phone, well didn’t return it when it was lost so same as stolen. Then we were getting off of Big Thunder last year and low and behold someone had lost their cell phone and we did the good thing and returned it.

After our good karma ramble our window as open for Mine Train.

We mickey to mickey’d and I was on my phone looking for a fastpass. It showed the tea cups at 1:55, perfect timing.

We got off Mine Train and had about 5 minutes, so we pulled over and found a trashcan to stand next to.

We talked about what we would do after since it was almost time for Festival of Fantasy and we wanted to find our normal spot on the ledge. We didn’t want to stray too far, we had a 4:30 reservation at Liberty Tree Tavern.

We used our Tea Cup fastpass and I checked to see what else I could find. There was one for Pirates at 6:30 and we had one for Friday but why not go early.

After our twirl, we decided a bathroom stop and then to go check out our spot for the parade.

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We stopped at the Tangled bathroom because is there any other option really? ::yes::

We found our normal spot and staked our claim. Hmm a churro sounds like a great thing right about now. So I left my Dad on our spot and I wandered over to get churros and water.

Not long after it was parade time

I really do love that parade :lovestruc

We let the crowds thin out since we had no where to go besides across the street.

We stood up and got some blood flowing to my feet. Short people problems…

Traffic had let up after a while, so we decided to go check in early. We checked in a bit before 4 and 10 minutes later we were called back.

We met our server Gerry and she took our drink order. She explained to us how the meal worked on the dining plan and shortly after the food smorgasbord started.

I ate all the mac and cheese and stuffing because my Dad is a werido like that.


Ha ha my “I’m tired and my make up smeared off my face” face :laughing:

Our dessert came around and we poked at it because boy were we stuffed.

We cashed out around 5 and moseyed on over towards Pirates, we still had about an hour or so.

We found a ledge in the shady area next to Enchanted Tiki Room and people watched for a while.

Before we knew it our fastpass window was opened and off we went to decide whether or not we liked the new version…


Not the same… :sad2: :worried:

Hey were back there, somewhere :laughing: :rotfl2:

I checked fastpasses and found one for Buzz at 9:45 which would be perfect for after Happily Ever After.

We made our way towards the hub since we wanted to get a good spot for the fireworks.

First bathroom stop because yeah didn’t want to find a spot then have to go ha ha.
After our bathroom stop back to our mission: find good spot.
Or in this case it was still early so let’s find a spot off to the side until the crowds pick up.

We sat around for about 30 minutes then decided to venture off into the crowd.

Hey wait… photopass

We found a great spot against the ledge and next to the trashcan.

We people watched and made friends with the people next to us. Time actually passed quickly.

People sat next to us and about 15 minutes before the fireworks the kids needed to go to the bathroom, they ventured off and we both said here’s hoping they make it back. At the 5-minute warning the kids made it back, good for them.

The crowds picked up for sure :crowded:

The fireworks started and now I feel like I could actually watch them. Since they premiered I had avoided watching it until now.

Wow I loved it. There may have been a sniffle or two. I can’t decide which one I like more this or Wishes. One day its one the next day it’s the other.

We were going to go to our next fastpass but no one was leaving so we stayed for Once Upon A Time.

When that was over we finally made our way over to Buzz.

I lost... like always

After Buzz we decided to hit the PeopleMover

After our trip around Tomorrowland we decided to hit the Emporium before we wandered out.

We hit a photopass so we could get a picture in front of the castle at night :lovestruc

Whoa Margaret, that’s a big smile ha ha

Then no smile… ha ha. You can tell it’s been a 15 hour park day

I grabbed a few things at the Emporium then we finally made our way to the bus stop.

We were at the bus stop around 11:00 and at the room about 30 minutes later. I showered then called my Mom while my Dad showered. We talked about our day and what our plans were for the next day. We said good night and were asleep not long after.

You two sure have some long days in the park! Score on the 2 rides of MT after breakfast, glad you were able to do a lot before your FP+ kicked in.

I agree about the red head scene, just not as good.

I’m glad you liked HEA, Moana part is my favorite, love it! Wishes is still my favorite.
I'm tired just reading about your long days. So enjoying your trip report can't wait for the rest of it.
Well goodness gracious where has time gone :guilty::scared::confused3 Remember when I said I was going to keep on this? School started and got crazy, life happened, Disney trivia happened, and then my computer decided to not know how to hook up to wifi anymore. So if I need to use the internet for anything that can’t be done on my ipad I have to sit on the floor with the Ethernet cable plugged into my laptop. The struggle is real :laughing: I’ll probably have to buy a new laptop in the next couple of months. This laptop is at least 7 years old now so its about time.

So a few of my friends who you’ve seen before, formed a Disney Trivia team ha ha. It started as a fun thing to go to over the summer then it’s grown into something serious. We are the Dinglehoppers and we are pretty darn good. We’ve done 5 trivia's and have placed 1st, 2nd, or 3rd at all of them. So we are super proud of ourselves. And yes since Crystal is on our team she made us shirts with our team name and our names on them :laughing::laughing:

Someone else had our names… it wasn’t fair

Jalena and I went by ourselves and beat 30 some teams of 5/6 people :cheer2::banana:

My Dad has been asking me nonstop if I’ve been working on this and I said I haven’t. I did some more of it at work on my school computer over Parent/Teacher conference week so I could pass the time.

Then I realized we leave for Disney in 3 weeks and I can’t not have this incomplete before we go. So instead of working on other stuff I finished this off. At this point I’m thinking the last 2 days are for my Dad and I so if you wanna finish it off here you go :)

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March 22nd - Day 6 - EPCOT & Disney Springs (long live DTD)

The morning started again with a 5:45 alarm. That I may or may not have slept through, thankfully I woke up around 6:15. My Dad showered while I was stumbling out of bed, I asked him why he didn’t wake me up if the alarm didn’t and he basically said ehh you’d get up eventually.

We made it to the bus stop later then we had planned. It was EMH at EPCOT and had planned on being at the bus stop by 6:45. It was more like 7:10ish. We ended up having to stand on a the bus, which was fine but not how we usually plan our mornings.

We got to EPCOT and through security around 7:55. The park was open when we got there so we made our way over to Soarin’ since it was one we didn’t have a fastpass for today.

Our fastpasses were:
Mickey and Friends 9:10-10:10
Spaceship Earth 10:20-11:20
Frozen 1:05-2:05

We got to Soarin and there wasn’t any wait so we walked on and again, loved it :lovestruc

It was still early and we didn’t have anywhere to be anytime soon so even a 20 minute wait wasn’t anything to complain about.

When we were done on our trip it was about 8:45 so we wandered over towards Mickey and friends.

There was some time to go so we sat on the bench near by and people watched for a bit.

Our window opened and off we went. It’s always a bit weird to meet characters because I’m either the oldest person there and it’s awkward or the group is older, and I fit in.

I can’t for the life of me remember what was so funny, but something was I guess.

Goofy kept rubbing my head ha ha

Ahh Minnie I love you

She saw my father/daughter button and seemed happy

After our fastpass we decided that breakfast sounds like a great idea. Where were we headed?

Sunshine Seasons of course…

We grabbed some breakfast and found a spot to sit.

Since we had no dining reservations at all today the plan was to hit up all the food booths.

We took our time eating and lounged around for a bit.

Around 10:00 we made our way to the exit. We had a Spaceship Earth fastpass to go use.

We made it right as out window opened. We mickey to mickeyd and on we went.

Today was a beautifully sunny and kinda breezy day. We decided, meaning me, I needed some caffeine.

I left my Dad by the fountain and I went to Starbucks. My Dad is super weird and doesn’t like coffee so I asked them if they can make a hot chocolate and she said yes. I got us each venti drinks and cashed in some snack credits.

My Dad’s picture to my Mom showing her he had some Starbucks

Finally, it was almost 11 so we made our way into World Showcase.

We stopped in Mexico to visit Donald and his buds.

I do love that ride. The movie holds a special part in my heart, I remember spending hours and hours watching it with my cousin Elisa when we were little.

We wandered off towards Norway. I had some school bread in mind.
People have mixed feelings about it but I love it.

My Dad found a bench to sit on while I got in line.

Me posing or standing or doing who knows what :confused3:laughing::laughing:

Hello friend

View from our table

We didn’t want to stray far we had a Frozen fastpass in an hour so we found a bench in China and people watched. My dad wandered off to get some steps for a bit ha ha

And got this picture apparently


Our fastpass window opened so we made our way back to Norway when we saw a photopass person. We hadn’t seen one here before, so we decided let’s get a picture.

Off to Frozen we went.

We were seated in the second to last row and my whole bottom left side got soaked and my whole booty ha ha

We stopped to say hi to the troll because we always do :)

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Since our plan was to eat snacks as lunch I was on a mission for my first one.

Germany… lets go

My Dad didn’t want anything, so he went to find a bench to sit on.

I got some cheese strudel with fruit and it was yummy

My Dad wanted a macaron so France was the next stop on our list.

We just so happened to pass by Japan, so frushi was a given right?

I got my frushi and hungout for a bit.

We said bye to Japan and kept moving along

We made it to France and made a beeline for a macaron.

And before I could take the traditional picture my Dad took a bite.. ahh he ruined it all :laughing:

So, I got one after the fact.
Close enough
After our macaron we stopped for a photopass picture because why not

I had been looking on the app for a particular 2018 magnet and it showed in only one place, World Traveler by the exit in World Showcase so that was our next spot.

I wandered around and couldn’t find it… I was going to call it a loss but my Dad said just ask so I did and the lady found it in the back. After I got my magnet we made our way out.

I had a few more things on my food list that I wanted to get, I wasn’t going to get to all of them I know for sure, so I narrowed it down to a few.

But before shopping, more snacking :)

We made our way to Refreshment Port to get our traditional cronut.

Last year we had one on our sad horrible lost/stolen cellphone day and the CM gave us 2 to celebrate our father/daughter trip and it was such a sweet moment.

After I got 1 to share since we weren’t hungry and I still had 3 more snacks on my list.
I found my Dad at a table in the shadyish area.

Violet lemonade and honey cheesecake was next. But I saw a stand that had flower and garden merch so serious squirrel moment…

Found a shirt so it was a productive squirrel moment at least.

Back to snack mode:thumbsup2

Found a table and went to get 2 violet lemonades because I told my dad I wasn’t sharing with him. Dropped them off to him and went over to get a honey cheesecake.

Made it back to the table right as my phone buzzed a text message. Crystal (shirt maker extraordinaire) was with her family in California and I told her to text me and I would wave to the west and her to the east and we would be waving at each other. We texted about our trips and the weather a bit before wishing each other good trips and that we would see each other at work in a few days.

That cheesecake was amazing by the way :)

I was still on the lookout for the flowerpot coffee cup and since we were right next to the Disney Traders shop I popped in there. I found the cup as well as a few more thigs, including a kids plate that I use at least once a week ha ha

After spending some money I stopped in Mouse Gear one more time to see if I could find the castle otterbox case and right at the till there they were. Happy dance… they had 1 left for my grandma phone.. happier dance :cheer2:

I made my purchases and we made our way towards the exit.

I decided I should make a bathroom stop before we got in line to get on the bus because you never know…

Apparently, my Dad sent this to my Mom to show her how much stuff I bought :eek: :thumbsup2

We got to the bus and based on how everyone was sitting and waiting I think they’ve been waiting for a bit.

It was around 4:30 by the time we got to FQ so we decided to unload, refresh and head to the boat to Disney Springs.

I mean come on how beautiful is that??

We decided we were starving since all we did was snack since breakfast. We know we wanted to go to D-Luxe, after a few confused faces and a u-turn we found it and thankfully it was quiet and there were places to sit.

We ordered and were given our numbers. We found a table and I went to get drinks and dips.

Our food showed up and it was super yummy… but maybe I expected a lot more. Will we eat there again probably at some point but since Springs has so much to try now we’ll probably hit up a new place next time.

We wandered over to the Coke store because my Mom wanted a coke coin bank and my friend is a compulsive Diet Coke drinker, so I wanted to get her a keychain or something.

We found some things and made our purchases.

Then we wandered to hit up some more stores. First, lanyards for work. Then a new Alex and Ani braclet a ruby mickey head since I’m a July birthday. Then World of Disney for the main shopping. I had decided I wanted a spirit jersey but I hadn’t decided which one I wanted so I picked up 3 and asked my Dad which one said Margaret ha ha. I decided on purple :)

We didn’t have many other things we were looking to do and we wanted to call it a little early since tomorrow was our last day.
We wandered back to the dock around 7:30 and there was a boat waiting for us when we got there.

We got back to our room by 8:00ish and decided to relax for the evening. I did some rearranging/prepacking and made a mental list of what I had purchased that was on my list and what was still on the list.

I showed and called my Mom to tell her the plan for tomorrow and that it was our last day and we were super sad.

We called it a night around 11ish with another 5:30 morning

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It wasn't until I linked the last picture that it linked the small version. I could have fixed them but I wanted to finishing posting it so I'm just going to leave it :) :confused3:laughing: I'm trying to watch the Penguins and Flyers hockey game and sitting on the other side of the living room isn't that much fun ha ha

March 23rd - Magic Kingdom

The alarm went off and the always dreadful day… last park day. It was 7:00amEMH at MK so we wanted to be there around 6:15ish.

We got dressed and wandered to the bus stop where we were a bit early so we watched the man clean the sidewalk. We saw him everyday pretty much ha ha. We saw something small and furry walking in the parking lot. When it got closer we saw it was a little orange kitty. My Dad and I being ourselves decided to talk to the cat and see if he wanted to be our friend, he didn’t and we were sad ha ha.

Eventually the bus showed up and off we went.

Again, here before security opened.

We got through security, made it to the next line, then apparently since I didn’t take any pictures, we were through all that and heading towards Tomorrowland a bit before 7:00.

Our fastpasses for the day were
Mine Train 9:00-10:00
Haunted Mansion 10:15-11:15
Pirates 11:30-12:30

Where is everyone ha ha

We went over to Space Maountain and our party of 2 got separated into 2 cars so we knew what picture we needed to do.

Ha ha

We got out and saw it was still a 10 minute wait so round 2 here we go. The girls from the last ride had the same idea.

We got a picture with them again ha ha

After SM we went over to Buzz to see how many times we could go around there.

Only 5 rounds this time.. and again my Dad was just short of Galactic Hero. I’ve personally given up ha ha.

By now it was 8:00 and that’s when I realized I haven’t made a bathroom break in a while lol.

Look sunlight.

Since EMH had finished the rest of the park was open so we decided to wander over towards Adventureland .

But we needed a snack and we were looking forward to trying the Cheshire cat tail.

Found it. We shared it as we walked over towards Big Thunder.

Big Thunder was a 15 minute wait. I have no pictures of us actually in line or on the ride but I know we did it.

Now our window for Mine Train was open so off we go :)

Afterwards we still had time until our fastpass for HM so we said what’s a trip to Disney if there isn’t a ride on Small World?
Posted wait time 15 minutes :)

Ha my favorite person in the whole ride

Hey we survived.
Afterwards we still had some time to kill so Philharmagic it is :)

We dropped off out glasses and thankfully no sunglasses were harmed in the process.
Bathroom break then fastpass time.

It’s always weird to take a bathroom picture and trying not to get pictures of people in the process ha ha

Haunted Mansion time… still amazing, still one of my favorites

We hit up photopass on the way out

Now we had a bit of time until our next fastpass for Pirates so Adventureland we go.

We stopped for a Dole Whip because one why not and two we haven’t had one this trip.
After our snack and laughing at a CM squawk like Hei-Hei at people walking by, we looked at the time and Pirates time.

We scanned in and since this was our last FP before lunch I looked to see what I could get for about 3 after lunch.

I got a Jungle Cruise for 4:15.

Were such weridos ha ha

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Lunch was at 12:45 at Wilderness Lodge so it being 11:45 we decided to head out.

We got to WL around 12:15 and decided to bathroom break it then check in bit early and see if we would get in early.
12:25 we were heading to our table. I’m telling you I love being a party of 2.

What am I so excited about? The milkshake or the cornbread


We got the platter like we always do. It’s so yummy.

And being on the dining credit the dessert menu came back and we just stared at it trying to pick. Again we try to change some things up and our traditional meals every year.

I went with cheesecake and my Dad went with apple pie.

All in all we were stuffed but not nauseously stuffed like every other year we’ve been here so we called that a success and bathroom breaked before heading back.

We made it back to MK by 2 and since we had a bunch of time until our fastpass and there was a photopass at the entrance we decided to jump in line.

The CM was amazing he would take 10 pictures in different poses of every group that was going up which is a wonderful sight. Sometimes you get those photographers that say smile ok thanks but this guy was living his best life.

Our turn came around and he was loving on our father/daughter buttons. He was a blast and I’m so upset with myself that I didn’t note his name because he was amazing and these pictures are some of my favorite from the trip.

We finally made our way in and decided lets jump on the train because again we haven’t done it all trip yet.

We decided to get off at New Fantasyland and hang around there for a while.

We saw a photopass person and decided to stop because why not.

By this time we knew if we gingerly strolled over to Jungle Cruise we should arrive right on time.
We didn’t get far before we hit a wall

By the time we got to Jungle Cruise is was perfect timing. So we scanned in and off we went.

We had decided we were going to stay for the fireworks but we weren’t going to camp out like the other day so we picked the spot by the Tomorrowland entrance but it was super early still so we decided to get our people move on.

But first a pretzel.

We lounged/people watched for a bit until we continued our stroll onwards towards the Peoplemover.

We got there and it was a little bit of a wait, so we got in line and in a while later we were getting our calf stretches on going up the hill.

We ended up getting a car towards the back…

Since it was still early and super sunny we decided to find a spot to sit and relax in Tomorrowland until we made our way over to the bridge area.

We got some Coke zeros to get us through the next few hours and found a comfy spot. I charged up my phone and checked facebook for a while.

It was starting to get a bit later so we said we should probably head over and stake our spot.
Thankfully we went when we did. We were the first ones there but within about 15 minutes more people started showing up.
Leave it to me to stop and decide right then that I had a need for corn dog nuggets and I had to get them now.

I grabbed some money and wandered over there. Again, it was crowded but nothing like when they were doing construction on the hub like 5 years ago and it was cold and we needed jackets and I had to get to the emporium to get them 10 minutes before the parade. After that not even rope dropping Pandora was as scary ha ha a close second though.

I got my nuggets, fries and cheese and made my way back to where I left my Dad.

Life is good

Life is even better

We hungout and people watched somemore and then it was fireworkds time. Was it as good as being front row center now but it was still pretty amazing.

We let the crowd thin out before we made our way to our traditional last ride.

Last foot picture on the last ride of the last night of the trip.

We said bye to Tomorrowland and I was detetmined to get a Le Fous brew and it was still early. I power walked over and the CM was like no more sorry.

Boo sad face.

I guess next time I’ll have to make sure to not wait until the last day. We made our way towards Main Street for some pictures and shopping.

We found a photopass person and grabbed our last pictures.

We said thank you and walked a little bit father down and said hey lets get some more pictures ha ha

We hit the Confectionary to grab a few last minute things then said farewell until next time Magic Kingdom.

We powerwalked to the bus stop and were the only ones there yay.

We waited about 10 minutes before a bus showed up a few minutes later. We waited for a few more people then back to French Quarter we go.

And were home :)

We got back to our room and Mousekeeping left our Tragicial Express tickers on the bed. We showered and did some packing. I called my Mom and told her about our day and that our bus was picking us up at 10:15 for our flight.

We called it a night around midnight with a 7:00 alarm so we could eat some breakfast then head out :(

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March 24th - Travel Home

Travel home days are always short but still kind of fun to close out the trip.

The alarm went off and we got dressed and made our way down for breakfast.

I love you Mickey waffles

We had some snack credits to cash in still and I had a bit left on some giftcards to burn through so we wandered over to the gift shop and got that all taken care of. I ended up with 4 bags of treats which went to good use at our professional development day that Monday ha ha.

Yay we did it!!!

We got back to the room and finished packing everything up and wheeled our sad selves to the bus stop.

Bye room

We waited on the benches until the bus pulled up and off we go.

Our sad faces because the trip is over but our how did we do all that with no sleep faces ha ha

We got to the airport and hit the Universal shop to look around. We were through security and on our way to our gate with enough time to kill. I always worry about making all the connections on time. So far so good.

We passed time by sending eachother our pictures we took during the week. Before we knew it, it was time to load up and head home.

Bye Orlando

Bye Florida

I slept the whole flight like I always end up doing ha ha
We landed in Dallas and made it to my gate since I left first

Well the backpack I bought in the kids section at target lasted until the very end.

I said bye to my Dad and was told to start planning the next trip.

Bye Dallas

Hello Arkansas

I got home around 8 that night and my friend picked me up. I grabbed some dinner and went home to Staalzy. For a cat that is not a loving cat ha ha boy was she happy to see me.

My dad made it home and then his ride drove him the 45 mintues home.
I called my parents when they were home and we talked about our flight and said good night.

Thanks to anyone who followed along when I was posting in a timely matter then anyone who read the last 2 ½ days. As of today my Dad and I are 21 days out until next trip so here is hoping and forcing myself that I remember to post at a normal time :) See you all soon :wave:

Have fun at Disney! Still can't believe how you guys do it on such little sleep!

We went over to Space Maountain and our party of 2 got separated into 2 cars so we knew what picture we needed to do.

Ha ha

We got out and saw it was still a 10 minute wait so round 2 here we go. The girls from the last ride had the same idea.

We got a picture with them again ha ha

After SM we went over to Buzz to see how many times we could go around there.

Only 5 rounds this time.. and again my Dad was just short of Galactic Hero. I’ve personally given up ha ha.
Love all those photos! And so hilarious about the same stranger in the SM photo!
I just read through your TR! So awesome that you get to get bonding time with your Dad like that and that he seems to enjoy Disney as much as you do!

My Mom, sister and I are 14 days out from our trip! Hope your next one is just as good!
I just read your entire trip report. I'm basically exhausted just reading about your long days! :faint: I had to laugh when you were nearly dozing in the Beach Club lobby because there's ALWAYS people sleeping in that lobby, myself included!

I like to get to the parks early but I don't believe I've ever gotten to the parks as early as you do. Part of my problem is the 3-hour time difference; it's a lot to overcome. I might have to try it sometime just for grins. It looks nice to be at the front of the crowds.


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