Brother SE-270D Sewing/Embroidery Machine

I was wondering if a Brother Babylock large hoop will fit the machine?!!!?

Nope, unfortunately. Well, it will fit, but will not increase your embroidering area which is limited to 100x100 (4x4). I finally gave in and purchased a Babylock Ellure with the 5x7 area, along with the 4x4 hoop. Best part is all designs are interchangeable, .pes format, with the exception of the Disney designs which are copyright protected to the Brother machines, hence I kept that one too. I keep it in the corner for quick mending, as the thread cassette is so easy that the girls can set up the machine for me.
Nope, unfortunately. Well, it will fit, but will not increase your embroidering area which is limited to 100x100 (4x4). I finally gave in and purchased a Babylock Ellure with the 5x7 area, along with the 4x4 hoop. Best part is all designs are interchangeable, .pes format, with the exception of the Disney designs which are copyright protected to the Brother machines, hence I kept that one too. I keep it in the corner for quick mending, as the thread cassette is so easy that the girls can set up the machine for me.

Bummer!!! Well let's hope I lose the auction! Oh well. :headache: Thanks for letting me know!!! From what you say -- at least it still can be used.....

Couple more questions regarding the fonts that come installed in the se-270D; do they come in upper and lowercase or just in uppercase? Is it easy to do 3 letter monograms (two small letters with a larger letter in between)?

To be honest, the preloaded stuff isn't all that great. Nothing fancy enough for monogramming. I invested in a card writer (Amazing Box II) and software from Needleheads called Monogram Wizard Plus and use that for three inital monograms. Be warned though, it's not cheap, the box cost me ~$200 on eBay new, and the software was around $250 from my sewing store. What I like about the software is you can manipulate and move the letters around, make words, names etc. I also spent $200 on sizing/editing software that lets me flip, mirror and duplicate designs. With a card writer you can purchase designs off the internet or cds preloaded with designs, then load them to the card and sew them out. I've done aprons, sweats, kitchen towels, etc. The preloaded fonts are pretty basic, block lowercase, script, simple stuff. Here's a copy of the brochure:
Thanks for the brochure! The fonts shown are not bad... and you say there's lowercase too? Too bad they can't be used easily for Monograms....

I am a computer graphic artist with TONS of graphic software and would you believe that NONE of the applications convert to a PES format?!!! All the fonts one could want and nothing without additional expensive software!!! Aaarg. Well birthday's coming -- will give a FUN reason to look forward to that day!

I love sewing (well ok -- love expanding the wardrobe!) and thought the machine would be a great way to accent. Also am eager to get going on some personalized Holiday gifts!!! Oh the projects!!!! :yay:

PS 43y mom of two with a zipper on the belly too!!!
Here is the Needleheads website, I have the Monogram Wizard Plus and a couple of the additional alphapacks. What I like about this software is that you can pick and choose and manipulate the ends and tops and everything.

There is also software out there that will allow you to scan your own design and convert it but we're talking about $1K or more. FWIW, if you don't get the Brother machine, look at the Babylock Ellure. Mine was around $1200, it also sews and embroiders, has a larger embroidery area (5x7) and is very easy to use, and I am a super novice sewer. I love this machine. But, as I mentioned, you can't use the Disney cards in it though. It is a real workhorse too.
You sound as though you really put your machine to use!!! I'd love to see some examples of your embroidery. I noticed people post their projects on this site... have you started a thread? A DIS blog?

Your last post is exactly what I had in mind -- eventually (once I pay for this initial purchase!) When the time comes I am going to definitely have to pick your brain. For now all this is a bit overwhelming... what an exciting feeling!
You're too kind! LOL, I go at it in fits and spurts, I actually haven't embroidered anything in almost a year, when I made fleece shoe and lingeree bags with drawstrings and labelled them shoes, etc. after I saw some in the Vera Bradley luggage. I couldn't see over $300 for a suitcase that was no lighter than mine just because it had cute bags with it, so I made some. I took a border and manipulated it and used a cute font and made frames for the words, they turned out really cute, used lime green and fuschia fleece, black thread and black grosgrain ribbon for the drawstrings. Also made a huge laundry bag for our trips too. Both machines do super easy buttonholes and have the overcast stitch that finishes off a seam like a serger without the cutter. As I said, I'm a novice but did make both girls's costumes for MNSSHP last year on the Babylock: Amy as Jack Sparrow:

Kelly's poodle skirt:
Wow!!! Those outfits are great!!! You MADE them?!!! And you girls are so proud of their mom in the pics!!! Was the pic taken this year? How old are your girls?
Holy Cow.. and you're a novice? Oh my... I'm so out of my league here! LOL

Beautiful work!! :thumbsup2
I won the machine on ebay. I can recommend the price, but it will be up to a week before the machine comes... but I have a good feeling about the sale (or he gives money back).

I can't seem to put the url for the auction in this post but I would be happy to supply it in an email!!!

The secret is -- he's lists as a dutch auction so the bids raise the price slowly (if at all).

Hope I was helpful!
Oh!! thanks! I thought you ment you won it as a prize in a game or contest! LOL.. DUH me!
I have the machine.. just don't ever use it. I have let it intimidate me like nothing else every has before.. Now that I've stopped babysitting my great niece I hope to have more time to play..
I know what you mean by intimidated!!! I have a very low end sewing machine from Wal-mart... it can do a lot but all I know how to operate is the zig-zag and the straight stitch!!! LOL! Even came with zipper foot and have no idea where it is and how to use it!!! LOL!

Hoping I am more adventurous when this comes!!!

Cyndi- How old is your grand niece? That's a wonderful reason to put the embroidery on hold for a spell!!!
Thanks! I have to say that the pirate costume was a challenge. I had little problems with the vest (duh), but the pants and blouse were quite challenging. The first sewing place I went to told me to go with the adult pattern (she was 9 then) and it was way too small. I finally found a childs size, but it only went to like a size 8 (???). Luckily it was a good fit. The way that the patterns are written is ridiculous. Nothing is straightforward and I have a college degree, lol. The pants come together funny, you have to sew them a certain way then flip them around to make the final stitches. If you make the seam in the wrong place they look like they are made for a 3 foot tall three foot wide person. :eek: (been there, done that, had to buy more fabric). I started on them in August of '06, took about two weeks to make. The poodle skirt was a piece of cake, the fabric was fleece so no need to hem. The zipper was interesting, as was putting in a waistband. I had to rip a few times and start over. All in all I was pleased with how they turned out though. This year we purchased costumes though since we were unable to attend the party. :(
My great niece is 17 months old.. I was keeping her as well as my granddaughter, who will be 2 Dec 31.. talk about a combination! LOL.. the 17 month old is a biter and that's the reason I stopped watching her. I was at the end of my rope so to speak! LOL.. gave up 2 newborns as well.. just can't take it in my old age! LOL
Now I have plenty of time to finish those projects I've started .. such as embroidering my husband's work shirts, the afghan for Maddie, my granddaughter, tee shirts, well.. you get the picture! LOL.. lots of things in piles in my sewing area! LOL
I think after all that work I'd take the following year off too!!! LOL!

I still make clothes for my girls but they are getting to the age where clothes need to be cool. BUT since it's gettng pretty cold here, they are happy to wear the (reversible) pants I made for them!!! (We'll see how they feel about the pants, next year!)
My youngest was a biter too. Think she liked the pressure on her gums!

What great ages!! I take care of babies that are a up to 8m old... after that and I am too nervous my house isn't "proofed" enough!!!
AH yes, cool clothes! Mine have both outgrown the monogrammed stage, and the Disney sweats I used to do are no longer "cool", so that 's another reason I slowed down.
LOL! Well after the coats that have been left at school (and in the lost and found) I decided that LIKE IT OR NOT their coats are going to have their initials!!!! LOL!

I am also eager to personalize a couple of shirts for DH. He's back in an office atmosphere (casual dress) and think he'll be snappy with Dockers!!!! (Such the sweatshirt kind of guy at home. Maybe a Mickey on a couple of those so he'll be too embarrassed to wear them!).


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