Brides with Visible Tattoos??

Personally, I've never gotten a tattoo because.. well, I could never imagine my grandmother with one, and since i have a lot of her genetic traits..

I never want my future grandkids to see me with tattoos. LOL

However, it doesn't bother me to see wedding pictures with tattoos as long as they are tastefully done. I've seen some that looked like 'jail house' tattoos on a bride in a HUGE wedding, it was down right tacky looking. But, to each there own, if you love your tattoos, and you want to remember them in your pictures, then show them!!
it's ok.. I just don't think you know me as well as some of the other chicas on here, so you took me as snarky. believe me if i was being snarky towards you i would have quoted you lol
back to the tats, now your throwing ocd in there lol i think anyone getting a tattoo has this issue at first, but really it's only a question you can answer. how are you in real life? will you regret it years later when your a mom and at soccer games? im not being a smart ***, but these are all things you have to think of. will you mind people judging based on seeing the ink you have? idk, tattoo placement is very important decision but it should be where you think it will look best and make you happiest despite all other factors, kwim?

Thanks :) Sorry about that...thats part of why I hate text messaging I definitely love all my tattoos and won't be covering them up. But I guess being in a wedding dress seemed a bit different to me...maybe it's the fact that I would be paying hundreds of dollars for pictures. I was looking on google and saw quite a few pics of brides with tats (way more than me) and they all look beautiful. I guess now that I think about it, it's kinda silly. If you can see them any other day, why would my wedding day be any different.

And yes having OCD and getting tattoo's can be difficult:lmao:

PhilHarMaestro-That is actually a pretty cool idea, lol

Cinderella Fan- Never said anyone couldn't rant...I wasn't ranting either. Everything's cool
i dont think your post was snarky at all

it appears that some people are VERY passionate about their tats

i think its a VERY interesting question & people are curious

i think inkedoutmomma just read your post differently than you meant it...we ALL do that

i say go for what your comfy with!!

im thinking of getting another & i consider myself "too old" to get more, but its my body!!!

but heres a question for some tat ladies...have you ever tried to "fix' a tat...i was thinking of touching mine up??

i have not had to fix any tats, but you can def do what you are trying to do, and i get what you mean about it looking more real as opposed to cartooney
Thanks :) Sorry about that...thats part of why I hate text messaging I definitely love all my tattoos and won't be covering them up. But I guess being in a wedding dress seemed a bit different to me...maybe it's the fact that I would be paying hundreds of dollars for pictures. I was looking on google and saw quite a few pics of brides with tats (way more than me) and they all look beautiful. I guess now that I think about it, it's kinda silly. If you can see them any other day, why would my wedding day be any different.

And yes having OCD and getting tattoo's can be difficult:lmao:

PhilHarMaestro-That is actually a pretty cool idea, lol

Cinderella Fan- Never said anyone couldn't rant...I wasn't ranting either. Everything's cool

yes that was exactly my point!! if you love them and they are truly a part of you (which they seem to be) then show em!! just make sure the photographer takes pics of them tastefully in true wedding style, not cover of tattoo magazine style :rotfl: like i said earlier i think tummy you may regret if you plan on having children, same with hips :)
Personally, I've never gotten a tattoo because.. well, I could never imagine my grandmother with one, and since i have a lot of her genetic traits..

I never want my future grandkids to see me with tattoos. LOL

However, it doesn't bother me to see wedding pictures with tattoos as long as they are tastefully done. I've seen some that looked like 'jail house' tattoos on a bride in a HUGE wedding, it was down right tacky looking. But, to each there own, if you love your tattoos, and you want to remember them in your pictures, then show them!!

yes, but what if she did have them?? would you love her any less? doubtful, as wouldnt your granbabies.

what exactly qualify as tasteful and what makes it jailhouse looking? also, what difference does the size of the wedding matter (unless i read that wrong, the "bride in a HUGE wedding part")
yes, but what if she did have them?? would you love her any less? doubtful, as wouldnt your granbabies.

what exactly qualify as tasteful and what makes it jailhouse looking? also, what difference does the size of the wedding matter (unless i read that wrong, the "bride in a HUGE wedding part")

No, I wouldn't have loved her any less, but I would have thought it quite unbecoming of her in the role that she chose for her life. Just as I feel that one on my would be unbecoming of the role that I have chosen.

Jailhouse is the tacky greenline scribble that you quite often see on people coming out of county jails. If you've not seen, it don't know how to describe it. It is tacky and nasty looking. There is no artistic quality to it, it is just like someone took a green sharpie and wrote on someone's skin. The wedding was a large wedding in which every attention to detail was paid.. except for how the tattoos would look.
No, I wouldn't have loved her any less, but I would have thought it quite unbecoming of her in the role that she chose for her life. Just as I feel that one on my would be unbecoming of the role that I have chosen.

Jailhouse is the tacky greenline scribble that you quite often see on people coming out of county jails. If you've not seen, it don't know how to describe it. It is tacky and nasty looking. There is no artistic quality to it, it is just like someone took a green sharpie and wrote on someone's skin. The wedding was a large wedding in which every attention to detail was paid.. except for how the tattoos would look.

Ok, maybe i'm dense?? what role did she choose? what role have you chosen? (sorry, maybe you stated it previously?)

and yes, i agree with the green line scribbles being yucky. I would hope that anyone getting tattooed that heavily would choose a great artist that they love and can make the art they have in their head look beautiful on their skin. But that's just me. Like I said earlier, one should only get what they love and thought out on their bodies. I think this happens a lot with people who get tattooed young and think oh i love this band.. or oh i love this, then 10 years later they hate what they got. That's always a bad thing ;/
Ok, maybe i'm dense?? what role did she choose? what role have you chosen? (sorry, maybe you stated it previously?)

and yes, i agree with the green line scribbles being yucky. I would hope that anyone getting tattooed that heavily would choose a great artist that they love and can make the art they have in their head look beautiful on their skin. But that's just me. Like I said earlier, one should only get what they love and thought out on their bodies. I think this happens a lot with people who get tattooed young and think oh i love this band.. or oh i love this, then 10 years later they hate what they got. That's always a bad thing ;/

I work in child protective services, I work in a position where I do not feel that being tattooed is appropriate or professional looking. My coworkers that have chosen to be tattooed have very small tattoos that are not visible in their role in the community. My opinion is that visible tattoos are no always appropriate.
I work in child protective services, I work in a position where I do not feel that being tattooed is appropriate or professional looking. My coworkers that have chosen to be tattooed have very small tattoos that are not visible in their role in the community. My opinion is that visible tattoos are no always appropriate.

I think that attitude is the exact reason people with ink can't make it further in this world. I think it's ridiculous that anyone would/could judge somebody based on ink on their body. It's just as bad as judging based on race,religion or sexual preference. I just don't see how ink or any of the other stuff has to do with being appropriate, kwim?

ps- i know how words can come off on these sites and i assure you it was not said with snarkiness.
I think that attitude is the exact reason people with ink can't make it further in this world. I think it's ridiculous that anyone would/could judge somebody based on ink on their body. It's just as bad as judging based on race,religion or sexual preference. I just don't see how ink or any of the other stuff has to do with being appropriate, kwim?

ps- i know how words can come off on these sites and i assure you it was not said with snarkiness.

I'm not going to argue with you on this however, if you think my attitude towards tattoos equates to judging someone based on their race, religion or sexual preference, you obviously don't understand what I am saying.

Look around at company dress codes.. let's see, I'm not allowed to wear excessively short skirts, flip flops, t-shirts, denim, frayed or dirty clothes. I have to wear a bra. I can be made to go home and put on a slip if my skirt is see through.

Now, right now, at home, I am wearing a tshirt, denim capris and crocs. That is what I prefer to wear. If I were allowed, I would wear it to work daily. So, I make a choice to work some where that I have to comform to my employer's desires in order for me to get ahead and be successful.

As person cannot choose what race or sexual preference to be, but they can choose whether or not they want to tattoo their body. If you don't make it ahead in the world because you chose to tattoo your body, that's on you. No one has to conform their attitudes about a CHOICE you are making in order to ensure that you get ahead in the world.

You implying that my feelings about excessive tattoos is the same as other's discriminating against someone because of race, sexual preference or religion is insulting and not appreciated regardless if you said it with or without snarkiness. The OP asked for opinions and I gave mine. I think many people on this board are forgetting that this is a public message board, you are going to get people that agree with your opinions and people that don't. Just because someone does not agree with your opinions or ideas, it does not mean that you need to beat a dead horse to show them how wrong they are.
I'm not going to argue with you on this however, if you think my attitude towards tattoos equates to judging someone based on their race, religion or sexual preference, you obviously don't understand what I am saying.

Look around at company dress codes.. let's see, I'm not allowed to wear excessively short skirts, flip flops, t-shirts, denim, frayed or dirty clothes. I have to wear a bra. I can be made to go home and put on a slip if my skirt is see through.

Now, right now, at home, I am wearing a tshirt, denim capris and crocs. That is what I prefer to wear. If I were allowed, I would wear it to work daily. So, I make a choice to work some where that I have to comform to my employer's desires in order for me to get ahead and be successful.

As person cannot choose what race or sexual preference to be, but they can choose whether or not they want to tattoo their body. If you don't make it ahead in the world because you chose to tattoo your body, that's on you. No one has to conform their attitudes about a CHOICE you are making in order to ensure that you get ahead in the world.

You implying that my feelings about excessive tattoos is the same as other's discriminating against someone because of race, sexual preference or religion is insulting and not appreciated regardless if you said it with or without snarkiness. The OP asked for opinions and I gave mine. I think many people on this board are forgetting that this is a public message board, you are going to get people that agree with your opinions and people that don't. Just because someone does not agree with your opinions or ideas, it does not mean that you need to beat a dead horse to show them how wrong they are.

I believe you have missed my point. My point is that people should not have to choose one or the other. Conformity as a whole is ridiculous. But I won't beat a dead horse as you implied.

Ps- your opinion is your opinion, I am in no way trying to prove you wrong or asking you to agree with me. Like you said this is a public board, we were writing back and forth, don't see how my opinions or yours are beating a dead horse. It was just conversation. There is no wrong or right when it comes to opinions.
I have discussed this topic with a few people over the last few hours.
My mother, my husband, my stepdaughter, and my tattoo addict friend. Here are their opinions

Mother, 53: Thinks tattoos are gross (yes, even though both of her kids, me and my brother have them) She stated that she would have been mortified if I had a large tattoo visible in my wedding photos. Thanked me for giving her photos that didn't show mine. She is a head nurse of a large hospital and is involved in hiring. In her professional opinion, all tattoos should be covered up in a work environment such as a hospital, and should certainly be covered up during a wedding. She went on to say that tattoos are 'trashy' and she wouldn't hire someone with excessive tattoos. One of my brothers groomsmen had a tattoo on his neck and she insisted that the photog shoot around it. Again, her opinion, not mine.

My Husband,43- Has several large tattoos (vine/rose on one arm all the way around, tribal on other shoulder, spiderman spider on inside of one forearm, my name about 10 inches in big old english down the other) We are truck drivers (yep, I'm a snobby truck driver I guess, according to some on here, but I digress) so anything goes in our profession. My husband has no problem showing his ink off on a day to day basis. But whenever we go to church or to someones wedding, funeral, etc out of respect he covers up with longsleeves. He has held many professional jobs with tattoos and covered up as well. I asked him whether he would like it if when we got married I had a HUGE back piece or sleeves. His exact response: 'I don't mind women with visible ink on their wedding day, but their is such a thing as TOO much, but its all personal preference. Would I want my daughter to walk down the isle in a strapless dress with full ink all over? NO.'

My stepdaughter, 21: (has several tattoos, all over her back, back of her neck) Her exact quote when asked what she thought about visible tattoos on brides on wedding day 'I see nothing wrong with it. Its self expression, and if your tattoos are a part of you you should be able to show them whenever you want, where ever you want.' Lets see how she feels about this in a few years, but this is her opinion.
My Tattoo loving friend: My tattoo loving friend has full sleeves and a large back and chest piece. For her wedding she made tattoos the focus. She showed hers, her husband showed his, their invitations had a retro tattoo theme, very rockabilly. I saw pictures (didnt know them when they married) and it was so 'them'. I wouldn't have expected any less from them and it looked great. When asked what she thought of people in the 'tattoo community' saying stuff like this on a message board (i read her the whole thread) she said 'People that care about the art of tattoo don't care what people think of them and don't fight so fiercly to defend their love for ink'

Take it for what you will. 4 very different people, 4 VERY different opinions. Mine still stands.

OP do what you want, life is too short for the back and forth on here really. :) I'm sure no matter what you will look fabulous on your wedding day!
I have always wanted a tattoo on my lower back but have never had the guts to get one. Partly because I am not good with pain and partly because I think a tattoo should have a very personal meaning. I personally would never get one on the top part of my back the reason being is my mum always said to me how she wouldn't like me to have one there or my wedding day she thinks it spoils the look. If I did ever get a tattoo it would be in a place that I normally keep covered, this is because of my belief of their personal meaning.

My DF has a tattoo of a British bulldog on his upper arm and I hate it because he got it because he was going on an 18 - 30's holiday and thought it would look cool. I think its tacky. But if we ever do have children I want him to get a tattoo for each child.

Saying that I do like tattoos on the back or side of the neck if you have on here you could cover it with your hair if you wanted to.
I had a few discussions with people about my tattoos, or rather they had discussions with me!

Here is a picture of mine - not very clear but you get the idea. I'm the one with 2 legs not 4 in the picture!


I am having hair extensions which will cover my back so that probably won't show, but the one on my arm is going to be wild and free as nature intended. The one on my back is a 1/2 back piece of a bird of paradise and the one on my arm is a native american indian band. That one has particular significance to me. I was considering covering it up but then realised that I really didn't want to and was trying to bow to pressure.

My Mother absolutely hates my tattoos and I will make sure that some of the photos don't show them so we can get some photos for her, but I love them and they are part of me.

I thought the one on my arm looked really cool with my dress and made it very unique. My DF loves them and couldn't understand why I was considering covering them.

I think it really is a personal thing and a personal decision to show them on your wedding day or not.
Wow. I didn't realize what a discussion this would start. Thank you everyone for your opionions and stories :)

I thought I would share what started this whole topic in the first place.

Wow. I didn't realize what a discussion this would start. Thank you everyone for your opionions and stories :)

I thought I would share what started this whole topic in the first place.


very interesting! my wedding dress had straps and probably would have covered MOST of something like that up if it were to bother you being visible on your wedding day.

I agree with dana. there are some professions where I do not think tatoos should be visible. or at least not really big in your face ones. i had a gradd school class with a girl with them ALL OVER her upper arms thighs, back. but when she wore pants and a dress shirt you couldnt see one. I think that was smart on her part considereding we are in grad school to be teachers and most schools don't allow that.
Wow, who knew that one small question could turn into such a large debate. I just thought I would hop on and share my 2 cents!

I personally don't have tatoos and nor at this point in time in my life do I want one. However, should the time ever come when I feel the need to get or become passionate about wanting one, my mind may change. I think that if you feel that you want to show off your tatoo during your wedding, by all means, do it! It obviously had some type of special meaning for you to even put it on your body to begin with, so if YOU feel comfortable with it on YOUR day, then show it off! But, if you feel that later on in life, while looking back at your pictures, you may feel like, "Hey, what did I do that for?" You may want to reconsider. This ultimately in the end is your decision and is what you feel comfortable with.

As far as other opinions- I agree with Dana! There are just some places where showing off your tatoos are not appropriate. I work in healthcare and I can tell you that if someone walked into the place where I worked looking for a job, it would be expected that they cover their tatoos.

Unfortunately, we do live in a society that can be very focused on outer apperances and do unfortunately judge people based on their first impression. But I don't feel in any what that could ever compare to judging someone based on their skin color, race, religion, etc. I think a lot of what people invision when they think of tatoos are big scary bikers and if you look at they way that they are mostly portrayed in movies, tv shows, etc... then that is what some people take and run with it. So, it is more of a preconcieved notion than anything else. Most everyone that I know of that has tatoos are extremely proud of them and while their whole body may not be covered in them, they got them because it represented something to them at that point in time in their life. I know my brother has quite a few and most are memorials for our father who passed away 10 years ago. While I personally would rather memorialize him in a different manner, that is how he chose to do it and while it may not be for me, I supported his decision 100%.

On a different note- I understand that people do have their passions and by no way am I trying to down play that, but I felt like there was some major misunderstanding and too many people were trying to be too defensive. While we all know this is a public board, everyone does have their opinion and should never have to feel that they can't express it because someone may not agree. Play nice and respect others for their opinion even if it isn't the same as yours!
Wow. I didn't realize what a discussion this would start. Thank you everyone for your opionions and stories :)

I thought I would share what started this whole topic in the first place.


Looks great!! from the look of it, the middle one will most likely be covered up by your dress? and i think the new one will look gorgeous! maybe you should get another one to even it all out now :lmao: I have the same prob with ocd and feeling my ink is unbalanced
very interesting! my wedding dress had straps and probably would have covered MOST of something like that up if it were to bother you being visible on your wedding day.

I agree with dana. there are some professions where I do not think tatoos should be visible. or at least not really big in your face ones. i had a gradd school class with a girl with them ALL OVER her upper arms thighs, back. but when she wore pants and a dress shirt you couldnt see one. I think that was smart on her part considereding we are in grad school to be teachers and most schools don't allow that.

I think most ink can be covered up if you want it to be.. aside from like face,neck and hand tattoos. I'm curious, what is the rule when it comes to teaching and tattoos? I have several heavily tattooed friends who are teachers and college professors. They all are scattered about the us. Im wondering if it is just a no in some regions??
Wow, who knew that one small question could turn into such a large debate. I just thought I would hop on and share my 2 cents!

I personally don't have tatoos and nor at this point in time in my life do I want one. However, should the time ever come when I feel the need to get or become passionate about wanting one, my mind may change. I think that if you feel that you want to show off your tatoo during your wedding, by all means, do it! It obviously had some type of special meaning for you to even put it on your body to begin with, so if YOU feel comfortable with it on YOUR day, then show it off! But, if you feel that later on in life, while looking back at your pictures, you may feel like, "Hey, what did I do that for?" You may want to reconsider. This ultimately in the end is your decision and is what you feel comfortable with.

As far as other opinions- I agree with Dana! There are just some places where showing off your tatoos are not appropriate. I work in healthcare and I can tell you that if someone walked into the place where I worked looking for a job, it would be expected that they cover their tatoos.

Unfortunately, we do live in a society that can be very focused on outer apperances and do unfortunately judge people based on their first impression. But I don't feel in any what that could ever compare to judging someone based on their skin color, race, religion, etc. I think a lot of what people invision when they think of tatoos are big scary bikers and if you look at they way that they are mostly portrayed in movies, tv shows, etc... then that is what some people take and run with it. So, it is more of a preconcieved notion than anything else. Most everyone that I know of that has tatoos are extremely proud of them and while their whole body may not be covered in them, they got them because it represented something to them at that point in time in their life. I know my brother has quite a few and most are memorials for our father who passed away 10 years ago. While I personally would rather memorialize him in a different manner, that is how he chose to do it and while it may not be for me, I supported his decision 100%.

On a different note- I understand that people do have their passions and by no way am I trying to down play that, but I felt like there was some major misunderstanding and too many people were trying to be too defensive. While we all know this is a public board, everyone does have their opinion and should never have to feel that they can't express it because someone may not agree. Play nice and respect others for their opinion even if it isn't the same as yours!

IMHO judging someone is judging someone. It is something i try not to do for any reason, because I feel that does nothing but put negative energy into my body and mind. Energy I don't have or want. I mean who am I to judge anyways, right?


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