Bride-to-be's totally confusing PJ - Beach towel design =o)


DIS Veteran
Feb 2, 2009
I felt the need to elaborate a bit so here is about us -

My name is Cassie, I just recently finished with school and I have degree in hotel management. I am very whimsical and live my life with my head in the clouds. I grew up going to disney multiple times a year. My dad is especially crazy about disney and sort of instilled the love for it in me. I have been to all of the disneylands around the world. Hong Kong is by far my most favorite of all of the parks. We went last summer and I can't wait to go back. If the flight wasn't so long we would def have our wedding there. Belle is my favorite princess and my favorite halloween costume =O). Overall I want our guests to have the time of their lives at our wedding even though its our day. Planning is tearing me apart trying to figure out what everyone else would want and throwing in a bit of what I like.

My fiance's name is John. He is a few years older than I am and much more based in reality. Before we had met he had never been to disney. It's now one of his most favorite places. We try to go to disney world as often as we can and have done the four day and the 11 day med cruise together. Doing the cruise was originally his idea for a dream wedding - I think to pull me away for the idea of Hong Kong. We decided it would be too expensive to do the cruise and wrote it off. Now we are all booked and super excited! He has turned most of the planning over to me and gets daily "wedding updates". He basically doesn't care as long as we can take off on a jet ski with "just married" on the back.

How we met - We both summered on the island of Nantucket, he worked for USAir and I happened to be flying home at the end of the summer. It was more a comedy of errors but I had my drivers liscense with me in the car and couldn't find it at check in. It was a super long process to get checked in without it and TSA had to go through all of my 10 carry ons (I don't know why I don't like checking luggage..) only to find my license in the last bag they checked. Shortly after that the flight was delayed and then cancelled. So I spent a lot of time sitting around waiting thats when I first met John. I was rescheduled to a flight the next day and was soo excited to have one more day on the island. I felt really bad about all of the trouble I had caused earlier that day with my lack of license and all of my bags - so I went to my favorite smoothie place and ordered a ton of smoothies to be delivered to the USAir and TSA people the next day. Keep in mind that this is a super small island and a very small airport. I think there may have been a total of 15 people who worked there. So anyway as I was about to board my flight he came up to me and said thanks for the smoothies and gave me his number. I gave him my im and said sometime he should im me. Two weeks later I got a message - Hey smoothie girl! That fall I went back to the island to visit and hang out for a weekend. We had a blast! After that we talked for hours and hours and ended up becoming great friends. A year and a half later we were having dinner at one of our favorite restaurants and he said he really wanted me to be his girlfriend. It took off from there and we have now been together as a couple for just over four years. Two years ago we moved together back to my home town.

The proposal - I know I have posted this before so sorry if you are reading it twice. We happened to be at Disney for his birthday in the end of October, as we are every year. We really wanted to do the Keys to the Kingdom tour as neither of us had ever done it. It was sold out for the whole time we were there. I kept calling back to check. My dad then called when we were down there and said he was trying come up with a last min birthday gift for John. He said he had disney on the other line and that the Keys to the Kingdom tour still didn't have any openings, but that there was a last min cancellation for a fireworks cruise. He asked if I thought John would like it and I not completely knowing what it was thought it sounded fun and said to go for it - I told him to hang up and quickly get back to the disney person to book it. He told me that I had to keep it as a complete surprise and that I should make sure we get to the Grand Floridian by a certain time and that the reservation would be in his name. He also mentioned that there would be snacks and drinks and stuff. So I thought it was great. As soon as I got back to my laptop I tried to find out what it was that we were doing and found the group pontoon boat wishes cruises with bagged snacks and soft drinks! I thought it looked really fun. So I secretly lead John in a winding way back to the GF. I didn't want him to guess what we were doing. As we walked into the hotel he thought we were going back to Victoria and Alberts and kept freaking out that we were under dressed. Then we got the marina and he had a rough idea I think of what we were doing. So we went to check in and they asked which boat we were on and I looked back at them sort of clueless. They asked our name and said oh you are on the Grand 1 yacht and pointed to this big boat. We then had to check in and they asked for a credit card. I then went to hand them mine but kept asking because I assumed it would be prepaid. I then saw what the total cost was and nearly lost it- I couldn't believe my dad spent so much on his birthday! I then kept handing them my card trying to fight John saying that he couldn't pay for his own birthday present. The CM refused to take my card and said it had to be John's card. I thought that was strange but quickly forgot about it. We then boarded the boat that was covered in rose petals we were handed glasses of champagne and given the grand tour of the yacht. I kept telling the butler and captain that we picked up on a last min cancellation for Johns birthday and that it was my dads big present. They kept saying that I had such a nice dad. We then sat down to dinner - which really worried me because I am a vegetarian and my dad is totally not considerate of it - he would never think to ask for a special menu. Then the first course was soup - and I thought oh no chicken broth. But decided I would make a scene and I would eat it anyway. Then the butler said specially with vegetable stock - I was super happy. Then the next course was my fav cobb salad from the brown derby specially with the meat on the side. I was really amazed that my dad remembered! Either that or the people who cancelled before us also happend to be vegetarian and have the same favorite salad. So then the courses and dinner went on and on. The captain then came down with something with a napkin over it and said to John - I believe your lady dropped something... He pulled the napkin off and there was a white carnation pillow with blue tulle and a glass slipper with a ring and tiara. John said will you marry me? I was soo shocked not only surprised about the ring but surprised that he was able to coordinate a proposal at the last minute. I was soo confused about how he could have pulled it off - I was stunned. After it came out that he had it planned for months and my dad was just a decoy - it took me the longest time to believe that he was able to plan the entire thing by himself. I was super happy and right at that very moment we were moved outside to the back of the boat for a special engagment dessert and then the wishes fireworks started. I was sooooo happy. It was the perfect unforgetable evening.

Shelley from Impressions did our save the dates - I am very happy with them.

When you open the box this is what you see -



When you squeeze Mickey's tummy he says, "Oh boy hiya pals it's me Mickey! My good friends Cassie and John are getting married on a Disney Cruise and you're invited to join in all the fun! So get your passports ready because we set sail on January 31st and your prepaid stateroom is looking awfully empty without YOU! Hope you can make it! Let my pals know! Hehe. Bye now!"

This is the cover for the card. I always LOVED the television commercial for the cruise line when it first debuted. The one with the mickey and goofy clouds. A few years back I found a deck of playing cards on CC with this image. Then when we were looking for cover art I thought it could work well. I added our initials in the sand.


This is the inside of the card. I photoshopped the image from a disney email and added the sparkles in the left ear. As soon as I heard that Shelley could do Mickey magnets I knew that that was what I wanted. On the right is a poem that she came up with. If you keep turning the pages it just has all of the details of everything.




These are all of the Mickeys piled on top of eachother before they were taged. I thought it was a fun pic.


I will post more as the details fall into place =)
Those are AWESOME! Wow, that is so cool! Did you DIY or have them made? Welcome!
Those are adorable! Your guests are in for a real treat! I can't wait to hear more!!!!
Love them! Love them! Love Them! How did you do that?? So awesome, your guests will love them!
Thanks! I am so glad everyone likes them! I thought the idea might be a bit childish since most of our guests are not as into disney as we are, but we figured if we were having a disney wedding we should go all out with it.

Those are AWESOME! Wow, that is so cool! Did you DIY or have them made? Welcome!

Shelley was amazing and did all of the research and spent countless hours planning everything. To save $ I played plastic surgeon and sewed the Mickeys up, tied the tags on the arms and boxed everything for the mail. Other than that she did it all.
So we are planning on a 10am ceremony on the beach at Castaway Cay. I know I want to do custom beach towels as favors but don't really know much more yet. We are going to keep it really informal. We are all probably going to wear bathing suits and cover ups. I will either have a special bathing suit with an added skirt made to look like a dress or I might just wear a white bikini with a white beaded tunic as a cover up. Not sure yet. I can't wait to meet with Cathy so we can learn more about all of the ceremony enhancements.

It is super important to us since we are having some older people and lots of little kids that we don't go running back to the boat after the ceremony so we are skipping the Palo cake thing. I just feel like getting strollers and the whole gang together to go back and forth is just too much. So we are planning to go straight from the ceremony to playing on the beach for the day. A group person from disney is kind enough to currently be working on all of the details.

So then we want to have a dinner or cocktail reception back on the boat. We are still waiting to here what we can do. We submitted a request to Palo for a private dinner party and were told that that the only problem was the children. I don't completely understand. Cathy is trying to get to the bottom of it for us. I would completely understand the no kids thing if there were any other cruise guests there but if we have the entire place to ourselves I really don't see what the big deal is. Especially since kids are allowed in for the normal cake cutting. John thinks we should leave the kids in the kids clubs and in the nursery and do Palo anyway. I don't really want to sepearte the kids. Nobody seems to be able to give me an answer as to why they won't allow kids in Palo during private parties. It really really makes me angry. I know Cathy and everyone else is working super hard on it - but its just killing me not having the reception finalized and not having answers.

I am starting to think that maybe we should move the ceremony and reception to WDW and do it the day before the cruise leaves when all of our guests would be there anyway then we can just all go on the boat together the next day.
Wow your save the dates are awesome! How did you get the recorded mesage so personalized??

Can't wait to hear if you get all your wishes!!

Oh Cassie, that does sound frusterating! I hate getting the run around myself, so I fell your pain on this one! I love the ceremony on the beach idea, your guests will love it! Could they do maybe a "cocktail hour" type thing on the beach for you and your guests, and then have an adults only dinner at Palo if the kids are not allowed?? If kids are allowed defintley go for Palo, it looks like such a romantic restaurant :) I am keeping my fingers crossed that you get an answer soon:upsidedow
Thanks for the support!

Does anyone know what time we depart CC? previously I always thought it was 5. Then I saw a couple of personal navigators that said 7. If it is 7 then maybe cocktails on the beach could work!!!

The only negative is that the dress I really wanted to wear is a little on the formal side for the beach. :sad2:

The whole thing about Palo really just frustrates me. If they came back and said that we couldn't have a private party there for 60 guests then it would be understandable - and sort of what we were expecting to hear. But since they indicated that its something they have previously done and are able to do, it really really makes me angry that they won't allow kids. I just wish someone from disney would give me a reasonable explanation.

I love your proposal that is one amasing fiancee

your save the dates are by far the best i have seen very exciting :)
OMG! I want one of your save the dates! They are adorable! I totally think you should go for a fancy dress on the beach! It's your wedding, do what you want to. I love pictures of brides all dressed up on the beach. It's like the two opposites together make for gorgeous pictures.
I looove your backstory and engagement! The save the dates look great too!

Can't wait to hear more! popcorn::
I LOVE your save the dates - what a fantastic idea! I've got my fingers crossed for your that you get your reception sorted out :goodvibes
We wrote the script and had a voiceover artist do it. =o)

Originally my dad came up with the idea and started running around his house trying to find all of the lamps and toasters and everything he had that talked. He then thought that we should record our voices having a conversation and just have mickey say "wow thats sure swell" etc. Then Shelley suggested we should just use a voiceover artist do it! It was so much easier in the long run.

At first we were going to put the voice into a 10by14 musical hallmark card - but I had a hard time finding a 20 sec sound bite for the cards. Since we are inviting quite a few families with kids we thought the stuffed animal might be better. I really wanted the cruise beanies - but apparently they are only available on the ship and we couldn't do a weekend cruise to get them =o( So we had to stick with the disney store.
So for the moment we are hoping we can have our ceremony/reception on on the cruise. Which leaves the night before we sail open. We have to pick a hotel for our room block and some evening entertainment. We are expecting most of our guests to arrive mid afternoon and so I assume they won't want to buy park tickets for that day. As people will be arriving at all different times we want to do something very low-key, my parents are covinced that most people will be tired after they arrive.

At the moment we have the Napa room on hold but I think we are going to be over the 50 person max.

So here are the plan Bs -

Option 1) We stay at Wilderness Lodge (DF's favorite) and charter a ton of the little pontoon boats for a wishes fireworks cruise. I am not sure what private dining can do on the pontoon boats but we would hope to have something.. We may also be able to have Bob Jackosn from Riverside come and perform in the Territory Lounge (still waiting for approval).

Option 2) We stay at the Animal Kingdom Lodge and have no evening entertainment and take everyone on the morning safari ride just before/as the park opens.

Option one is my favorite - but we would be there the next to last day in January so it could be VERY COLD for a boat ride. I was thinking it would be fun to have custom sweatshirt blankets for everyone. I figure if we tell guests to dress warmly ahead of time it couldn't be that bad. Maybe private dining can do hot chocolate... And we could always cancel 48 hours in advance if the weather that week looks to be unbearably cold.

Option two everyone would have to wake up early which wouldn't be bad for the old and the young but may not be too appealing to the people our age. Also it could be equally cold in the morning as in the evening. Plus we wouldn't have a whole lot of evening stuff so people would be stuck hanging around the resort unless they felt adventerous enough to go out and explore. Does anyone know when pleasure island is supposed to be finished?

I just want to figure out what we want so its settled and I don't have to think about it anymore. The only thing that would change all of this is if we have to move the wedding to WDW b/c it would have to be the same night.

P.S. John doesn't like the GF, Poly or the Contemp (obvious hotels for fireworks..)- if we end up with the napa room we are staying there anyway.

So which do you guys like?
Option #2. What i don't like about option 1 is the boat isn't big enought for everyone. I wouldn't like having some guests on 1 boat, family on another boat, and still another boat for more. I would want to try and keep all my guests together.

What about a wagon ride at Ft Wilderness? How many people can they get in a wagon? You could see about getting hot chocolate for that too!
Option 2, because you're not going to be able to be close to everyone on the pontoon boats, and people might be tired when they arrive. I'd maybe plan a late dinner at Boma for your party and those interested can join you and then do the Sarfari in the morning. The only downside is if it is cold, the animals won't be out in the early morning. I know when I was there in December a few years ago an it was 40 in the morning we only saw like 10 animals on the entire safari. And 6 of those were hippos.

It's about sharing what you enjoy about Disney with your friends and family. Do you enjoy Wishes or the Safari more? Maybe you like Illuminations and can do a dessert party.
I saw someone on here who had a really nice welcome dinner (dessert party maybe) at Epcot. Maybe look in to that.

But of the two options you have, there are pro's and con's to both, which everyone has pointed out. But I like Option 2 better because you will be closer to your guests and I think it is more of a special experience.


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