Breakfast at Kona.....let's grab a table!!

Good morning, friends!!

Good grief, this week is moving by sooo sloooooowww..... at least it's Thursday already.;)

If I remember correctly, a couple of our pals are getting ready to leave for WDW this weekend!:woohoo: Just remember; I'll be a week behind you, heading in the other direction.;)

How about a Sticky Mickey to do a little pre-celebration?


I hope you all have a Thoroughly Fantastic Thursday!!:dance3::dance3:
It's a little late for about a lovely brunch?

What is everyone up to today?

Babysitting my neices today, my brother has court this morning. Then if he isn't home in time Bree will take over....Nick has a tennis tournament that my mom and I are taking him to. Hopefully this will not last too long. He is playing in the under 18 group so I really don't expect him to win:rolleyes1

Then I have to get this house clean and start packing!!!

Have a great day
Hey there strangers!!!:hug:

OMG its been so busy! I started clinicals yesterday and I have been beat! It has been fun, but draining! busy busy busy...

BUT...I have been excited, I know a few of you have great trips coming up SO soon!!!:yay::woohoo::banana: I'll be praying everything is great! of luck w/the sale and picking out new...I'm w/ya, I want the good stuff:snooty::laughing:
OMG...I hope everything is ok w/your mom:eek: I know how close you are!:guilty::hug: I'll be praying for ya.
awesome about your new client...very cool:cloud9:

Michele...the balloon fest was awesome!!:yay: we didn't go up, they were cheesy rides:sad2: maybe up a 100' or so:rolleyes:and tethered....but watching the balloons, and then fireworks were fun! I can't imagine riding over the Rio Grande:love: awesome! talk about some great views:cloud9:!!! good luck w/you trip:yay:

well, I must get to the books, I have a "practice" final to do as homework:headache: and clinicals again Monday! Its at a nursing home, the residents are SOOOO sweet! I gave them baths all morning yesterday, they were so sweet. like kids, bathed them, fed them, and put them to bed for a nap:laughing: thank goodness we got today off:cheer2: haven't had time to watch the new night at the museum, so we're gonna run and watch it at the $1 theater later:woohoo: we did go watch Ice Age in 3d ... that was cute:laughing:

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer! :yay::woohoo:
Bon Voyage family. Have a safe and fun trip to Disney! :cool1::yay:We'll sit here and sulk! :guilty: Actually we are on our way out to go to 6 Flags.

Hope everyone has a fabulous Sunday!
Good morning friends. I'm sitting here in a hotel room. We are on our way home from a nice trip to New Mexico and Colorado. I've seen some beautiful mountains and one heck of a sunset. I sure wish I could have done a balloon ride while in New Mexico...maybe next time. :yay:

I wanted to wish everyone safe trips. I will say one thing about going to Disney altitude sickness.:sick: It's hard to be somewhere so beatiful and not be able to breath well. DS also ended up with an ear infection.

2x2s....I'm very glad that your mom was ok. That must have been very very scary. My mom has been battling fact it made me think about your dad. It's makes me very sad to see her feeling so bad and I know that feeling you are talking about...she's going to have an MRI soon to help rule out anything worse than your basic vertigo...just thinking about it makes me sad.:sad2:

Well, it's been strange being without internet so long(I think an iphone is next on my list)...I just needed to get on and say hello. :)
Good morning everyone! Hope all is well with each and every one of my wonderful DIS friends.

I know DznyFan left for Walt Disney World on Saturday. Hope she gets to spend some great quality time with her very own Princess. I know she was excited to see her "on stage".

How is everyone else? Did I read where someone else was in WDW this week?

Linda - I bet you have been extremely busy lately. Hope your classes are going well.

YourMajesty - I'd LOVE to see some of your vacation pictures!! Especially your sunset pics.

We had a nice weekend here at the pozey household. Had movie night after swim practice Friday night at home. Saturday afternoon we all went to see Harry Potter. Not long after we got home, one of my swim mom friends called and asked if we wanted to go play miniature golf with her and her daughter. So we met up with them and had a great time playing putt putt. On our way home, we all decided to stop at a sno cone shack and grab a snow cone and hang out. And yesterday, we hung out and swam in the pool all day.
Good morning, everyone!!

I jope DznyFan and Michele and their families are having a great time
at the World. I can't believe that we'll be leaving on Saturday for the Land.:goodvibes

Nathan has had games at 10am and 1pm every day and they've won all of them so far. The actual finals are tomorrow.

It's been pretty cool up here....nothing like July at all!!

HI Linda, YM, Lesa and Pozey!!:wave2:
I'm sitting in a hotel room right now, too. I am looking forward to getting home tomorrow night.

I hope you all have a Magical Monday!!
Oh my gosh - Lilly is just the cutest thing!!! What a wonderful family Michele has and what a joy it was to meet them all, the whole crew - Maureen and everybody!
Back to the room to put my feet up - E's Godparents are getting in this afternoon and I'm heading back out to see the Princess with them.
Hope everyone is well, Donna, it's almost time for you to go, too!
DznyFan....Looks like you at least have some cooler weather down there this week!!

Hope you have a fantastic time! And can't wait to see some pictures when you return!
Oh my gosh - Lilly is just the cutest thing!!! What a wonderful family Michele has and what a joy it was to meet them all, the whole crew - Maureen and everybody!
Back to the room to put my feet up - E's Godparents are getting in this afternoon and I'm heading back out to see the Princess with them.
Hope everyone is well, Donna, it's almost time for you to go, too!

I'm so glad you got to meet Michele and her family. That's the one thing I regret about going to CA......not getting to meet up with everyone.

How exciting that you have your very own real live princess!princess:;)

Well, the boys have a game at 1pm and the winner plays again at 4pm. Wish us luck!!:thumbsup2

Here's a little something to tide us over for a while.


I hope you all have a Terrific Tuesday!!:grouphug::grouphug:
Met DznyFan on Monday. She is a doll. Got some great pictures of Lilly with a BEAUTIFUL Princess Jasmine. She couldn't have been nicer and Lilly had a ball.

I am exhausted. It has been great here. Today we had no rain, but I kind of missed the clouds, :) it was a little warm today. I have been spoiled the last few has been pleasant.
Met DznyFan on Monday. She is a doll. Got some great pictures of Lilly with a BEAUTIFUL Princess Jasmine. She couldn't have been nicer and Lilly had a ball.

I am exhausted. It has been great here. Today we had no rain, but I kind of missed the clouds, :) it was a little warm today. I have been spoiled the last few has been pleasant.

That is SO cool that you and DznyFan got to meet up on Monday. She IS a great person isn't she?

AND...Lilly got to taake pictures with THE Princess Jasmine!! How special is that?!?

Glad you are having a great time!!
Met Rosetta tonight. My, is she lovely. My boys think so too! :)

Think we are going back to Epcot in the morning. We went to Animal Kingdom this morning. Man was it hot! I really don't like that park. The trails are too narrow and for a park that has so much foliage they have no shade.

We are having a great time.

Donna, I think I missed you.....have a safe and magical trip!!!
Hey Donna...are you packed and ready to go? Hope you guys have a great trip. :woohoo:

Hi Pozey...I do have a couple of photos of the sunset but they aren't very good...seeing it was much more amazing. I will post what I have when I get them in my photobucket account. Oh, and my camera stinks.:rolleyes1

Hi DznyFan and Michele! Sounds like WDW has a wonderful princess...well maybe two!princess:

Hi 2x2s, Linda and Lesa...hope everyone is doing well!:)
Good morning, everyone!!:sunny:

Well, I finally got around to fixing my trip counter. I meant to get around to that days ago.:rolleyes1

Michele:: Sounds like you are having a great time! Can't wait to see the pics!! You didn't miss me; we don't leave until Saturday. Our flight leaves at 3:15pm.

YourMajesty:: No, I', not packed just yet. One of our suitcases has a broken zipper and still have to buy another suitcase. Last night was spent mowing the yard and will probably finish it tonight.

I hate to have to report that Nathan's team lost their first game on Tues. by six points. The boys were heartbroken; as was most of their parents. I'm glad it's over, but I think Nathan has learned a lot from the experience and met some new friends, too!:thumbsup2

I think I'm in the mood for breakfast at the Crystal Palace this morning. I'll get there and save a table!!


I hope you all have a Thoroughly Winsome Thursday!!
Hi kids! Great trip (but hot!) so far!

We saw Rosetta last night too - and Michele and family on their way out as we were going in! Dived at Living Seas yesterday before MK. Now get to spend a couple days relaxing and hanging with the kiddo.... who is NEVER coming home... I do believe looking at the bags under her eyes, though, she could use some sleep!

Rosetta LOVED Michele and family, little pixie said they're awesome.

Donna, have a great trip!
Hi Donna...I just wanted to drop in and tell you guys to have a great trip!:woohoo: Glad to hear Nathan had a god experience with sure sounds like they worked very it's time for a vacation!:)

Hi DznyFan...I bet DD is having a great time. I can't wait to see some pictures!

Hope everyone had a nice week...we have a pretty low key weekend ahead!:cloud9:
Good morning, everyone!!:sunny:

I'm so excited that today is the day we finally l;eave for Ca.!!:woohoo: It's been nine years since we've been in that area and I'm anxious to see how it's changed.
Not only are we going to DL, but plan on going to Newport Beach and maybe Balboa Island.
I have made no dining plans, but may decide to try to get in to Goofy's Kitchen. We will have a car, so no big deal about the food.

DznyFan:: I know you are having an awesome time with your princess!!

Michele:: Is today the day you are moving to Vero Beach? I know we talked about meeting up for a little bit, before I decided to switch vacations.;)
Have fun!! Rosetta is so right!! Michele's family IS awesome!!

Yourmajesty:: Thanks for the Bon Voyage!! Yes, basketball is finally over and Nathan will have a little free time now before school starts on 8/17. He's really looking forward to our trip, too!!
Enjoy your weekend.:goodvibes

Well, had better get my coffee drank and start getting myself ready. We have to have Buddy dog at the boarders by 10am

I think we need a little Mickey nutrition this morning!! I'll make enough for everyone!!


I hope you all have a Spectromagic Saturday!!:dance3::dance3::cheer2::yay::banana:
Sitting in the Dallas airport on layover back home. You know, it's always been hard to leave Disney at the end of the trip, but now it's even harder. And of course had to embarrass myself by bawling on the magical express bus...
It was a wonderful week though.


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