Boston DIS Fall Meet....9/23/07 (aka 'the anti-Ronda meet')

I'll share. I know you're Queen of All Things DIS, but on the AOL boards I'm Queen of All Things Disney World :teeth: In fact, at Disneyland I was able to get not my name embroidered on my gold Mickey Ears... but "Queen"
Excuse me. I'm the only Royalty around here.

Of course you are dear!!! You are the true 'Queen' of all things!!!!

I'll share. I know you're Queen of All Things DIS, but on the AOL boards I'm Queen of All Things Disney World :teeth: In fact, at Disneyland I was able to get not my name embroidered on my gold Mickey Ears... but "Queen"

I think you can be Queen of all AOL things....not that that is a lesser queen, just a different queen.

Ladies....there are no small queenships, only small queen attitudes!!!!princess: +princess: = a bunch of fun!!!
I just took a quick peek at the DIS Meet pics from last weekend, looks like you all had a great time! Looking forward to Sept 23! :sunny:
I was posting earlier today with Ed (edcrbsoul or whatever the heck he is) and he wanted to know if Jerry was there at CLP and if there was any cavorting going on. I assured him that there was much cavorting and Sir Jerry was in attendance. Asked him why he wasn't there, he said he hadn't heard about it. Told him about the Sept meet..hopefully he can join us again. Or perhaps that first Jerry meet did him in. It may be time for the Jerry teeshirt to come back out in Sept!!
Jerry has been practicing quacking for th meet. He's not very good though. It sounds more like a moo.
Count Chris & I in for duck & brunch

It's raining out now, so no TV (satellite) & I've spent enough $$ shopping on line, so I'm jumping on this, now!
I wouldn't mind seeing Wicked, either!
I don't think Patrick will be making this--senior year HS & if we start quacking it'll be a loooong time before we ever see or hear from him again! :rotfl2:

late night, not enough tranquilizers,
:cool1: YEAH, The Jones are coming, The Jones are coming :cool1: (and quacking is mandatory)

Also, he is not a DISer, but my brother would like to join us if that's OK? He's a pretty cool dude :cool2: .

And it looks like DH will also be gracing us with his presence :worship: :worship: :worship: so there will be 4 from my clan now. looks like we are up to 14 people. IF CamColt's DH & DS's are joining that would be 17. We are almost at the point where we can call in a "group" reservation. This would make it cheaper ($7.50/pp)for everyone!!!
Well, since Jimmy is coming along, I may just have to twist George's arm and have him come too...and Kate also!! So, that will add a few more peeps!
Count me in for the Fire & Ice brunch!

ImprovGal, party of 1
:cool1: YEAH!!! Welcome aboard the Duck, ImprovGal. :cool1:

I'll post details for arranging payment and such in the next week or so.
:cool1: YEAH!!! Welcome aboard the Duck, ImprovGal. :cool1:

I'll post details for arranging payment and such in the next week or so.

Oops. I guess I wasn't clear. Count me in for just the brunch at Fire & Ice, not the Duck tour.
Hi Everybody! Is it too late to join in? If not put 4 of us down for the Duck Tours & Fire & Ice! Sounds like a blast! :woohoo:
Hi Everybody! Is it too late to join in? If not put 4 of us down for the Duck Tours & Fire & Ice! Sounds like a blast! :woohoo:

:woohoo: :woohoo: So glad you can make it :woohoo: :woohoo:

Not too late at all...

We'll, well Di, will add you to the attendance list.
I'm sorry guys. :sad2: I have been so out of touch lately, I havent even been thinking of this meet being so far off. I'm lucky if I make it through the day, nevermind whats going on months away. I have to get my butt in gear!

Ok, so I don't have to read through all of this and try to figure it out, do we have a definite plan yet... date time cost etc...? Make it easy for me, LOL! ;)
Hey There :wave2:

Hope you are busy having a great summer.

We'll make it really easy for you....all the info is on Post #1. I don't think you ever said whether your DH and the boys were coming.

I will send out PM's but I am looking to have payment sent to me (via check or money order) by August 23rd for the Duck Tour portion of the meet only. That will give everything a chance to clear. I will ask Di to add this info on Post #1, but I will also PM this info to all who have signed up already.

Oki Dokie, artichokie :goodvibes
Got it! I think! ;)

Is the $16.00 per person at F&I the same for kids? (This coming from someone who just spent 11.00 at Chef Mickeys for DS to eat 1 bite of a bagle, 1/2 of a mini muffin, and 1 inch sized cake square.:headache::rotfl: )
I for one am excited about the duck tour.

My fiance would never go on it with me (him being from Carver makes him unexcited about such things, me being the transplant always wanted to do it :banana: )


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