Biscuit's Grand Adventure 2 - Adventures in Opposite - 12/3 Another Update!

Biscuit, your Illuminations photos are gorgeous!!

I love pearl idea, what a thoughtful, beautiful keepsake. :goodvibes

We stayed at the Lodge last year, and it was all about the timing where the boats were concerned. You either had it or you didn't. it looks like, at least for the first day, they had it!
Yes! I call them "weekdays".

These look really great!

Quite possibly the best area music in all of WDW.:thumbsup2
I wholeheartedly concur!

WOW!!! Totally hooked you guys up.
They did indeed!

What a great start to a trip! That weird exhilaration/exhaustion that you feel at the end of the first day is one of my favorite feelings!
Nothing like the first night at Disney.

Biscuit, your Illuminations photos are gorgeous!!

I love pearl idea, what a thoughtful, beautiful keepsake. :goodvibes
I was really happy with the way it turned out.

We stayed at the Lodge last year, and it was all about the timing where the boats were concerned. You either had it or you didn't. it looks like, at least for the first day, they had it!
We discovered that...not much later in fact.
Lovely evening all around it seems.

Yes the parking lot can be quite far unless able to get a lucky close spot. Yes it is all up hill and at the end of the day they increase the incline...

I can see where whispering canyon is NOT the kind of wake up call you want.

An extra 40 minutes at the Contemporary is not a bad side effect. I did hear they do reverse the boats during the day so I guess that is what happened.

Very Nice Mr. Expert. :rolleyes1
What fun updates! As I was reading about the pick a pearl adventure all I could think about was I hope it didn't go south with one pearl being a lot "better" than the other. WHEW! Dodged a bullet.

I think you did just fine on the directional advice, it easily could have gone the other way and far better to be early. UGH on the parking situation. It's a funny thing, driving at Disney. At times, yes it can be quite a bit faster. At others, by the time you factor in hiking to the car 4 times, the time it takes to park, possible trams...not always by much if at all.

I think, bunkbeds aside, you won the room upgrade lotto.

Well done on Orange all!
Such a great way to spend an evening! Loved all the chapters that I was behind on, especially the Pick-a-Pearl one! I did that too on my Ladies' Trip and it was a fabulous experience!! Such a fun memory for the girls!!

BTW, I was hoping you'd PM me your number, GB. I need to pick your brain about some trip stuff.
Lovely evening all around it seems.

Yes the parking lot can be quite far unless able to get a lucky close spot. Yes it is all up hill and at the end of the day they increase the incline...

I can see where whispering canyon is NOT the kind of wake up call you want.

An extra 40 minutes at the Contemporary is not a bad side effect. I did hear they do reverse the boats during the day so I guess that is what happened.

Very Nice Mr. Expert. :rolleyes1
It was a lovely evening indeed! I think they managed to enjoy their time exploring a bit.

What fun updates! As I was reading about the pick a pearl adventure all I could think about was I hope it didn't go south with one pearl being a lot "better" than the other. WHEW! Dodged a bullet.
I think that's just a parent thing.

I think you did just fine on the directional advice, it easily could have gone the other way and far better to be early. UGH on the parking situation. It's a funny thing, driving at Disney. At times, yes it can be quite a bit faster. At others, by the time you factor in hiking to the car 4 times, the time it takes to park, possible trams...not always by much if at all.

I think, bunkbeds aside, you won the room upgrade lotto.
We were very happy with the room. The parking, not so much. But the room....BLISS.

Such a great way to spend an evening! Loved all the chapters that I was behind on, especially the Pick-a-Pearl one! I did that too on my Ladies' Trip and it was a fabulous experience!! Such a fun memory for the girls!!
It was a really cool experience. AND they still haven't lost them yet. Which is nifty.
I sincerely apologize for the delay in posting. One of my annual obligations is writing the daily Advent devotional for our church and that endeavor has occupied the bulk of my "free" time for the past several weeks. With that task complete, I am now free to resume this narrative and hope to post a multitude of updates fairly quickly.

Previously on Biscuit's Grand Adventure...umm...hold on, I have to go look it up, it's been a while.

Oh yes. Cousins were reunited, conversations delighted, and a bag full of goodness appeared.

When last we left off, we had completed our first day at The World. I had successfully managed to surprise everyone with an un-known park day, a stay at the Wilderness Lodge, and aquatic Asian gift from Epcot.

Before heading to bed that night, I gathered together the various items I would need the next morning. My plan was to rise early and I did not want to wake everyone by banging around and searching for my stack o' stuff. It was going to be our first full day, and the park of choice was the Magic Kingdom.

Readers of my prior musings may recall the affinity I have for Evening Extra Magic Hours, and in particular, for EMH when it is held at the Magic Kingdom. All summer long, this joyous event was held every Sunday evening EXCEPT for the one we were there.


I should have seen this as an omen, but that's getting ahead of myself.

In an effort to appease the disgruntlement of those guests who had specifically planned a Sunday night on property that they might avail themselves of this amenity, (HatTipMe) Disney decided to offer a Sunday Morning EMH as an alternative.

This presented me a challenge.

I have documented well that we are a "Stay up LATE and sleep in" type of family. EMH until 3:00 AM fits us perfectly. An 8:00 AM rope drop, not so much. However, after the success of my solo morning excursion into Epcot on our last trip, I was determined to make it happen, even if I was the only one to go.

Meanwhile, at the other end of the Lodge, Nick and Tammy had breakfast scheduled at Cinderella's Royal Table at 9:00 AM, and were planning to arise early for the requisite costuming and hair session.

Before the trip, I talked to our girls about spending the morning in the park while the N&T crew was at breakfast. I played up the joy of EMH and the high quantity ride ratio one could score on such an occasion. While both girls seemed keen on the idea leading up to the trip, I wasn't sure how they would feel about it now that we were actually setting an alarm clock.

Before heading to bed, I put the question to them one final time, and Tahlia decided she would come with me, while Hailee wanted to stay and sleep in. (First Lady Biscuit was sleeping in regardless.) These arrangements complete, I added an outfit for Tahlia to my own pile, and then hit the proverbial hay.

I can't say that I dreamed a Disney dream, or really any dream at all.

The alarm went off while it was dark (thanks to the heavy curtain) and early. Tahlia and I arouse and did our best to get ready quietly. (A skill which First Lady Biscuit informs me I have yet to master.) Within 20 minutes we were publicly presentable and on our way.

One of the key benefits of being in the room what we were in was its proximity to the boat dock. (I could copy an image from Google Earth and draw in arrows and lines to spell it all out, but that would be taking things to whole new level of nerdishness.)

Leaving our room, we headed right a couple of doors, went left to the stairway, and walked two flights down to the ground floor. From there, we walked straight outside and an immediate left put us on the wooden walkway to the boat dock. There now, that wasn't too complex to describe.

We got from our room to the boat dock in less than 5 min which made me happy.

As we made it to the dock, a boat was already there, but unfortunately it was full, which did not make me happy.

The captain told us only that another boat would be along "soon". Somewhat alarmed by this intelligence, I began to fret about just how long we would be stuck waiting, and whether or not it would cause us to miss rope drop.

With nothing to do but wait, I broke out the camera and took a few shots of the place.


This was my first (and last) attempt at HDR this trip.



A boat soon approached, but it was heading to Fort Wilderness & The Contemporary.

I again set to fretting about this arrival delay and what it would mean for our morning. Finally, after what seemed to be an eternity but was in actuality approximately eighteen minutes, another boat pulled in.



This one was the Mermaid I and was Magic Kingdom bound.

Tahlia and I were the first aboard, and there was a fairly substantial crowd of folks behind us. Getting everyone packed in and settled was an exercise of several minutes, but we eventually tooted farewell to The Lodge and started across the bay.


It was a beautiful morning, and Tahlia and I were both excited to get to the park. I had our morning entered into Touring Plans and had a pretty good idea of where we would be heading.

As we pulled up to the dock in front of the Magic Kingdom, the train was just pulling in for the opening ceremony. I was a bit shocked by just how large the crowds were at this point. However, I had been studying the wait times, Touring Plans, and the DIS boards for some time and I fairly certain that I knew where most of those fools, I mean guests, would be heading.

Soon it was time to enter the park and we joined the giant hoard of folks power walking down Main Street.



About the time we were passing the bakery, Tahlia asked if we could ride the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train. I told her that this was probably where EVERYONE was going so we would be better off just coming back and using our FP+'s later that day. She wasn't convinced, but I assured I was an expert in these matters. (Having of course never stepped foot in the park since the Fantasyland expansion began.) However, Touring Plans had us starting at Under the Sea ~ Journey of The Little Mermaid, so I told her we would "look at the line and see."

As we go to the hub, my suspicions were confirmed. EVERYONE kept going straight.


Instagram Pic

As we passed through the castle, the entire tunnel was a filled and it became a one-way thoroughfare. The mob continued to the right after we passed through the castle and into the carousel courtyard.



Rounding the corner, we saw the line for Seven Dwarfs Mine Tine had completely filled its queue and was stretching down the sidewalk and around the corner towards Ariel's Grotto. I pointed it out to Tahlia, and she was a bit disappointed, but I assured her she would be even more disappointed if we spent the entire EMH in line for an attraction we already had passes for. (Boy would I turn out to be right about that one on MULTIPLE levels.)

She then noticed The Many Adventures of Winnie The Pooh and asked if we could ride it. There was literally no one in line so I said sure. In a way it was fitting as this was the first ride of our trip in 2009. We walked right on, rode through, and never saw another person.


After our honey pot adventure, we started towards Ariel's neck of the woods. The line for Seven Dwarfs seemed to stretch on forever. A Cast member was standing at the end of it with a sign showing a 210 minute wait.

Now let's think about that a minute.

Three and a half hours.

During EMH.


The line was far shorter later in the day. Of course in the weeks leading up to our trip, I saw the wait for it reach five hours, and the wait for Anna and Elsa reach six.

That strikes me as crazy.

Some research ahead of time would have certainly led to a better use of time. But I'll move on now.

In case I insult somebody.

You know who you are.

While I couldn't quite fathom the logic behind it, having that many people in that confined space for that long of a time opened up the rest of the park. For the next two hours, Tahlia and I would frolic through a nearly deserted Magic Kingdom. We would walk onto virtually every ride we encountered, and have no issues navigating to any place we wanted to go.

When it was done, this morning would become my favorite park experience of our entire trip.

But that's getting ahead of myself.

With a morning before us, fellow park guests keeping themselves out of our way, and the joy of the first full park day still filling our tanks, we headed out to our next adventure.

Next Time on Biscuit's Grand Adventure, Climb Every Mountain Part 1.

Click here to be taken to the next episode.
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(I could copy an image from Google Earth and draw in arrows and lines to spell it all out, but that would be taking things to whole new level of nerdishness.)

Hey! :( :laughing: I resemble that:


I'm glad that it was later in the chapter that you wrote "WHO DOES THAT?" and you weren't referencing nerdiness of this variety.


This was my first (and last) attempt at HDR this trip.

Ooo-wee, but soo good! :thumbsup2

After our honey pot adventure, we started towards Ariel’s neck of the woods. The line for Seven Dwarfs seemed to stretch on forever. A Cast member was standing at the end of it with a sign showing a 210 minute wait.


For the next two hours, Tahlia and I would frolic through a nearly deserted Magic Kingdom. We would walk onto virtually every ride we encountered, and have no issues navigating to any place we wanted to go.

When it was done, this morning would become my favorite park experience of our entire trip.

Awesomeness! :cheer2:
but we eventually tooted farewell to The Lodge and started across the bay.

I see you haven't lost your "touch".

Now, onto more substantial commenting:

1) A Father-Daughter morning- there is no such more beautiful thing

except an empty Park awaiting your pillage. You did well, fellow Master Rope

2) 210 minutes waiting in line for ANYTHING is pretty much a Newb move. Glad you didn't succomb to such ridiculousnesses.

3) Yes, you've successfully added several minutes to my falling asleep time by planting visions of Maria, arms outstretched, singing in the Alps. Thank you.
GB, so happy to see you posting again! Yes, I wouldnt be happy getting up for rope drop either.

Sadly, I was able to see any pics,wonder if that is a personal problem?

Anyway, much looking forward to more updates.
Hey! :( :laughing: I resemble that:
DOH! Sorry GB! Wasn't trying to disparage your TR! Just pointing out the already have does of Nerdiness in my own TR!

Ooo-wee, but soo good! :thumbsup2

I see you haven't lost your "touch".
It's a talent that I always have possessed.

Now, onto more substantial commenting:

1) A Father-Daughter morning- there is no such more beautiful thing

except an empty Park awaiting your pillage. You did well, fellow Master Rope

2) 210 minutes waiting in line for ANYTHING is pretty much a Newb move. Glad you didn't succomb to such ridiculousnesses.

3) Yes, you've successfully added several minutes to my falling asleep time by planting visions of Maria, arms outstretched, singing in the Alps. Thank you.
Thanks, Agreed, and Happy to be of service!

GB, so happy to see you posting again! Yes, I wouldnt be happy getting up for rope drop either.

Sadly, I was able to see any pics,wonder if that is a personal problem?

Anyway, much looking forward to more updates.
Hey BSG! Sorry to hear the pics were hidden. I was having connection issues last night with the boards as well.
Glad to see you back!

Also glad to hear that you got up and out and even the delay with the boat didn't really cost you much. Those wait times are a bit nuts. I mean, I guess if that is the one thing you want to do and couldn't get FP+ or what, ok - but waiting in lines like that is not how I would want to spend my vacation. In some ways it was good the line was at 210 minutes and not like 60 where maybe there could be more of an argument to wait in it

Pooh is a good one to get on early as that line can build too ... really glad to hear you wound up having such a nice morning going around the park with like no lines ... at the risk of sounds cheesy, seems a bit magical to be in the park like that with one of your kids, just enjoying yourselves.
Yippee!! More GreatBiscuit!

Ah, the first Magic Kingdom Morning . . . what a pleasure!

We happened to be at the MK the day after Mine Train opened. We were lucky enough the week before to get FPs, so we had no need to wait, but that whole area was just so congested and crazy. Mine Train had waits around 250 minutes that we saw, with Anna and Else being 380!! It was just too much!
Yes the struggle to get up for AM EMH rope drop. Glad you had some daddy - daughter time an it looks like you lived up to expert status. :goodvibes

Yikes for the mine train and yes the side effect is everything else - even in not so new Fantasyland now is a walk on while the hoards wait in line. :rotfl:
I sincerely apologize for the delay in posting. One of my annual obligations is writing the daily Advent devotional for our church and that endeavor has occupied the bulk of my “free” time for the past several weeks. With that task complete, I am now free to resume this narrative and hope to post a multitude of updates fairly quickly.

I'm glad you have some "free" time back, but your previous updating pace made this the one TR I can actually keep up with! :rotfl2:

Readers of my prior musings may recall the affinity I have for Evening Extra Magic Hours, and in particular, for EMH when it is held at the Magic Kingdom. All summer long, this joyous event was held every Sunday evening…EXCEPT for the one we were there.

Well...that bites.

(I could copy an image from Google Earth and draw in arrows and lines to spell it all out, but that would be taking things to whole new level of nerdishness.)

Plus, who has the time AND nerdishness? *cough*Glenn*cough*

The captain told us only that another boat would be along “soon”. Somewhat alarmed by this intelligence, I began to fret about just how long we would be stuck waiting, and whether or not it would cause us to miss rope drop.

"Soon" can mean so many things...

About the time we were passing the bakery, Tahlia asked if we could ride the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train. I told her that this was probably where EVERYONE was going so we would be better off just coming back and using our FP+’s later that day.

Makes sense to me!

A Cast member was standing at the end of it with a sign showing a 210 minute wait.

Now let’s think about that a minute.

Three and a half hours.

During EMH.



I just...I mean...Gah.

Sounds like that ride is FP or bust.

For the next two hours, Tahlia and I would frolic through a nearly deserted Magic Kingdom. We would walk onto virtually every ride we encountered, and have no issues navigating to any place we wanted to go.

When it was done, this morning would become my favorite park experience of our entire trip.

3 hours in line or as many other rides as you want? Sounds like a no-brainer to me.
Glad to see you back!
Thanks! It's good to be seen!
Also glad to hear that you got up and out and even the delay with the boat didn't really cost you much. Those wait times are a bit nuts. I mean, I guess if that is the one thing you want to do and couldn't get FP+ or what, ok - but waiting in lines like that is not how I would want to spend my vacation. In some ways it was good the line was at 210 minutes and not like 60 where maybe there could be more of an argument to wait in it.
Here's the thing that struck me odd about it. In the days leading up to this, there was a surge in the line every morning when the park opened, but it tapered off later in the day to around 90 min. Which is still WAY too long for that ride, but still, it beats 3 if you couldn't get a FP. It just seemed odd that folks knew enough to go to EMH, but didn't research enough to know that they should spend that time doing other things.
Pooh is a good one to get on early as that line can build too ... really glad to hear you wound up having such a nice morning going around the park with like no lines ... at the risk of sounds cheesy, seems a bit magical to be in the park like that with one of your kids, just enjoying yourselves.
It was mighty magical indeed.

Yippee!! More GreatBiscuit!

Ah, the first Magic Kingdom Morning . . . what a pleasure!

We happened to be at the MK the day after Mine Train opened. We were lucky enough the week before to get FPs, so we had no need to wait, but that whole area was just so congested and crazy. Mine Train had waits around 250 minutes that we saw, with Anna and Else being 380!! It was just too much!
It was a bit a crazy. Ain't NO attraction worth that for me, ESPECIALLY that one.

Yes the struggle to get up for AM EMH rope drop. Glad you had some daddy - daughter time an it looks like you lived up to expert status. :goodvibes

Yikes for the mine train and yes the side effect is everything else - even in not so new Fantasyland now is a walk on while the hoards wait in line. :rotfl:
I was very happy that the majority of guests in the park corralled themselves out of our way.

I'm glad you have some "free" time back, but your previous updating pace made this the one TR I can actually keep up with! :rotfl2:
Happy to oblige.

Cap'n O said:
Well...that bites.

Yes it does.

The Good Captain said:
Plus, who has the time AND nerdishness? *cough*Glenn*cough*
O Captain My Captain said:
"Soon" can mean so many things...

Noblivious said:
3 hours in line or as many other rides as you want? Sounds like a no-brainer to me.
It was a no-brainer to me, that's for sure.
Subbing! Very late to the party, but glad to see I only missed the first day and a few minutes of the second day...

I know the pain of July crowd levels! I went with my family in July 2013 (it was the only time my nieces and nephews could go, as their schools do not like them taking time out. Big difference from the 70's, when teachers would let my brothers and myself do makeup work after we got back, in full understanding of the joys of a trip to Walt Disney World! ...Of course, there weren't things like standardized tests to prepare for, then.)

Not to mention the crazy heat and humidity! That is why when I go solo, I much prefer October or December.

Glad to see you managed to maximize your ride count in your Magic Kingdom morning! I always prefer to ride several second-tier rides, over waiting on line for one "E-Ticket" ride. For those of you who are younger than 40, ask your parents about this reference! :lmao:
Subbing! Very late to the party, but glad to see I only missed the first day and a few minutes of the second day...
Howdy and :welcome: Glad to have you aboard!
I know the pain of July crowd levels! I went with my family in July 2013 (it was the only time my nieces and nephews could go, as their schools do not like them taking time out. Big difference from the 70's, when teachers would let my brothers and myself do makeup work after we got back, in full understanding of the joys of a trip to Walt Disney World! ...Of course, there weren't things like standardized tests to prepare for, then.)
I hate that we can't go during the school year. If the girls weren't transfer students, I'd have given it serious consideration. Unfortunately, we live out of district and attendance is a huge part of qualifying for a transfer.

Not to mention the crazy heat and humidity! That is why when I go solo, I much prefer October or December. Glad to see you managed to maximize your ride count in your Magic Kingdom morning! I always prefer to ride several second-tier rides, over waiting on line for one "E-Ticket" ride. For those of you who are younger than 40, ask your parents about this reference! :lmao:
A second week of December trip is on my bucket list.
What an awesome trip report! I'm really enjoying reading it and love your writing style! It reads almost like an episodic caper, which I adore. Can't wait for more. Thanks so much for sharing! :goodvibes
I have documented well that we are a “Stay up LATE and sleep in” type of family. EMH until 3:00 AM fits us perfectly. An 8:00 AM rope drop, not so much. However, after the success of my solo morning excursion into Epcot on our last trip, I was determined to make it happen, even if I was the only one to go.

I feel your pain, we are THAT family as well. However once bitten by the EMH bug, I have found that the kids get it and are far easier to wake up the next round. IF and when there is one.

One of the key benefits of being in the room what we were in was its proximity to the boat dock. (I could copy an image from Google Earth and draw in arrows and lines to spell it all out, but that would be taking things to whole new level of nerdishness.)

You are seriously implying you aren't at that level?

Glenn (and I, truth be told) resemble that remark.

With nothing to do but wait, I broke out the camera and took a few shots of the place.


This was my first (and last) attempt at HDR this trip.



A boat soon approached, but it was heading to Fort Wilderness & The Contemporary.

why last attempt? Gorgeous!

After our honey pot adventure, we started towards Ariel’s neck of the woods. The line for Seven Dwarfs seemed to stretch on forever. A Cast member was standing at the end of it with a sign showing a 210 minute wait.

Now let’s think about that a minute.

Three and a half hours.

During EMH.


The line was far shorter later in the day. Of course in the weeks leading up to our trip, I saw the wait for it reach five hours, and the wait for Anna and Elsa reach six.

That strikes me as crazy.

That IS crazy!

While I couldn’t quite fathom the logic behind it, having that many people in that confined space for that long of a time opened up the rest of the park. For the next two hours, Tahlia and I would frolic through a nearly deserted Magic Kingdom. We would walk onto virtually every ride we encountered, and have no issues navigating to any place we wanted to go.

When it was done, this morning would become my favorite park experience of our entire trip.

I had a morning like that with the E's once. It still is my favorite park experience.


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