Biggest Loser "Sizzlin' Hot" Summer Challenge

Welcome to Healthy Habits: The Introduction!

My name is CC (like see-see), which is short for Christina, and I will be your Healthy Habits Coach for the Summer 2012 WISH Biggest Loser Challenge. This will be my 8th WISH BL Challenge and my 5th time coaching HH (Healthy Habits).

For the Fall 2011 Challenge, I used Disney movies as my themes for each week. For the the Spring 2012 Challenge, I chose Disney theme park attractions as my themes for each week. The Summer 2012 WISH BL Challenge HH themes will be Disney related. I am open to suggestions, although I ask that you PM me as I am trying to make the themes a surprise.

The Basics:
Each week, you will have a number of mini-challenges to complete. For every mini-challenge you complete you earn 1 point. The total number of points you can earn each week will vary.

Here are some examples:
1. Earn 1 point for eating 2 servings of fruit on 4/7 days this week.
2. Earn 1 point for journaling your food on 5/7 days this week.
3. Earn 1 point for eating 5 servings of fruits and veggies (combined) on 5/7 days this week.
4. Write a list of exercise goals.

3. Key Points:
1. You will never have to complete each mini-challenge on all 7 days.
2. Some mini-challenges are a one-time thing (like ex. #4).
3. I will put the important information about each mini-challenge in bold.

Participating in Healthy Habits is optional. However, you will hear from many veterans that participating really helps them.

At the end of the week, PM me your total number of points.
(Unlike in previous challenges, you do not need to specify which challenges you completed.) Please PM me by 5 PM on Monday nights. I will post the results as soon as possible after that. Everyone who participates will be on the results post.

On random weeks, there will be a prize for participating in Healthy Habits. Everyone who participates will be entered into the "hat" for the prize. I will mail them out via USPS as soon as possible after I receive your PM. I always delete your address from my PM list, but if you do not wish to be entered into the drawing, please let me know in your PM. That also means if you win a 2nd or more time, you will need to PM me your address again.
Thank you CC for doing this again. :goodvibes

I have to agree ... on the weeks I participated in HHs, I lost weight. I need to stay focused on the weekly habits.

Can't wait for the challenge to begin. The last two weeks of not being accountable have not been good for me. I need to get back on track.
It won't let me PM anybody until I have made 10 posts. Please add me to the summer challenge. Also warning there will be random posts to follow as I want to get past that magical 10 post minimum :)

Hello! I just laughed while reading your post because I wrote the EXACT same message in the last challenge!! :lmao: I read the Dis Boards all the time but never signed up and posted anything until the previous challenge. So, welcome! And good luck on the summer challenge!
Hi CC :) you can call me Jen :) or just cut and paste leeandstacismom LOL whichever is easier to do. Shoot in my family we have learned to answer to whatever they are calling. Nobody gets anybody's name correct. It has to be genetic as my toddler has already displayed the family trait.
Hello! I just laughed while reading your post because I wrote the EXACT same message in the last challenge!! :lmao: I read the Dis Boards all the time but never signed up and posted anything until the previous challenge. So, welcome! And good luck on the summer challenge!
Well at least I made somebody laugh :) I read the boards on and off, always wanting to participate, but things always seem to interfere. Going to try and not let that happen this time.
CC your Healthy Habits sound like lots of fun. I am looking forward to participating in those. As soon as I am able to PM I will try and send you an idea I just thought of to see if you think it would work.

I would like to sign up for the new challenge. Towards the end of the Spring challenge I had a few issues but with a major holiday in 12 weeks I really need to get back in to gear.

So here I am :wave2::wave2:
I got Zumba fitness is awesome! Really burns when you do the hour! It has the Kinect so follows all your movements and rates you on precision! Very motivating!

I just got Zumba today for the Wii! It was a blast - but oh so exhausting! I'm so sore now!! I think Zumba will be much easier to stick with than the traditional workouts - so much more fun!

I have the first Zumba for WII however I sooooooooooo want Zumba Rush!! I love doing Zumba at the gym however the instructor I realy liked left so I really slacked off :sad2: Does Rush have more "modern" songs? That was the best thing about Tara...she took a lot of the modern songs and choreographed routines to them!

Got on the scale this morning :eek::mad::eek::headache::eek::mad:
here is to June 1st!!
Hi Everyone! I figured its almost June 1, so its time for my introduction. :goodvibes

My name is Renee and this will be my 2nd challenge. I started the spring challenge on Team Donald, but fell far off the wagon in mid March when we moved and took a 3 week vacation. I'm ready and willing to finally hop back on and get this weight off. I want to lose a total of 30lbs, but my goal for this challenge is 15. I am doing C25K and am just finished week 3 day 1. I am hoping to do the Princess half in 2013, so I have a long way to go. princess:

I am a stay at home mom and DH is in the Navy. We have 2 kids that live with us full time and 2 that we usually get during the summer. This year my DSS will not be coming, since he is struggling with school and has to take summer classes. :confused: But my DNiece (15) is coming in July, so I will still have 4 kids this summer. :grouphug: We recently moved from Maryland to Louisiana and are trying to adjust to living in the heat of the South.

I can not wait for the Summer challenge to get rolling!
Can we start now...........

I'm antsy!!
I feel the same way! I have been letting myself slack off until the new challenge begins and I don't want to fall off completely! I'm really excited for this next challenge!

Hi everyone! So glad to be signed on for the summer challenge. The spring challenge was my first BL challenge here, and it was what I needed - I got to goal! So I'm coming to the summer challenge as a maintainer, and this summer will be a challenge.

We'll be on vacation June 22 - July 6 (Podcast Cruise 3.0 followed by a week at AKL - our first 2-week vacay *ever*!). Then we're around until the third week in August, when we'll be at Myrtle Beach.

I'm bringing my running shoes...I just restarted a C25K program after recovering from a broken toe. I was over halfway through the program when I broke the toe, and the little program coach thingie recommended I start over, which seemed like a good idea to me. I'd been doing the exercise bike the whole time, and I was really happy to find that going back to the beginning was pretty good!

My other fitness favorite is Jillian Michaels - 30 Day Shred and Ripped in 30. I think that interval style is what bumped me out of a very long plateau, and I've seen a huge difference in my body since doing those.

I'm (officially again!) a lifetime WW member and really believe in that program, too. But it wasn't until the spring challenge that I kicked my exercise up to a much higher level. DH and I are now signed up to run the Tower of Terror 10-miler at the end of September and the Donald 1/2 Marathon in January. I'm excited and kind of freaked out!

This summer challenge will also see me turn 40 (on August 1st), and I am loving the idea of hitting 40 with this major accomplishment going strong.

Welcome to the newbies, and hello to my spring challenge buddies - let's rock this thing! :cool1:


I have been thinking of joining WW again but can't decide if I want to do it or just count calories again. I received an email today that the sign up fee is reduced to $1 if you join for 3 months. So I'm really tempted to sign up again. Hmmmm....decisions, decisions!

I'm going to give this another go. DS and his GF FINALLY got engaged and will be married next year. They've been together for 6 years. He called me year 2...."She's a keeper, Mom." I really want and need to be a healthy weight when the wedding comes. With summer vacation coming, I will have more time to focus on me and not school, so my fingers are crossed that my will can be strong. I'll be out for a week in July and one in August, but I am here, and ready to move.

CONGRATS to your DS!!! :cheer2: You have plenty of time to get healthy before his wedding! My wedding is in October, and I'm getting nervous about my weight, so this challenge will hopefully keep me on track! My wedding dress just came in last week! EEEKKK!!

Welcome to Healthy Habits: The Introduction!

My name is CC (like see-see), which is short for Christina, and I will be your Healthy Habits Coach for the Summer 2012 WISH Biggest Loser Challenge. This will be my 8th WISH BL Challenge and my 5th time coaching HH (Healthy Habits).

For the Fall 2011 Challenge, I used Disney movies as my themes for each week. For the the Spring 2012 Challenge, I chose Disney theme park attractions as my themes for each week. The Summer 2012 WISH BL Challenge HH themes will be Disney related. I am open to suggestions, although I ask that you PM me as I am trying to make the themes a surprise.

The Basics:
Each week, you will have a number of mini-challenges to complete. For every mini-challenge you complete you earn 1 point. The total number of points you can earn each week will vary.

Here are some examples:
1. Earn 1 point for eating 2 servings of fruit on 4/7 days this week.
2. Earn 1 point for journaling your food on 5/7 days this week.
3. Earn 1 point for eating 5 servings of fruits and veggies (combined) on 5/7 days this week.
4. Write a list of exercise goals.

3. Key Points:
1. You will never have to complete each mini-challenge on all 7 days.
2. Some mini-challenges are a one-time thing (like ex. #4).
3. I will put the important information about each mini-challenge in bold.

Participating in Healthy Habits is optional. However, you will hear from many veterans that participating really helps them.

At the end of the week, PM me your total number of points.
(Unlike in previous challenges, you do not need to specify which challenges you completed.) Please PM me by 5 PM on Monday nights. I will post the results as soon as possible after that. Everyone who participates will be on the results post.

On random weeks, there will be a prize for participating in Healthy Habits. Everyone who participates will be entered into the "hat" for the prize. I will mail them out via USPS as soon as possible after I receive your PM. I always delete your address from my PM list, but if you do not wish to be entered into the drawing, please let me know in your PM. That also means if you win a 2nd or more time, you will need to PM me your address again.

Thank you for doing this again CC! I definitely need to stick with HH this time around! As soon as I stopped participating last challenge, I stopped meeting my water goals and completely stopped tracking my foods! :sad2: So I am going to try harder this challenge! I loved your themes last challenge!!! Looking forward to them again!!
I have been thinking of joining WW again but can't decide if I want to do it or just count calories again. I received an email today that the sign up fee is reduced to $1 if you join for 3 months. So I'm really tempted to sign up again. Hmmmm....decisions, decisions!

Ooh, do it! :) I'm biased as a lifetime member; I've definitely drunk the WW Kool-Aid. But that got me a lot of the way toward my goal, no doubt, and it's been a great framework for me to keep my eating under control. I did have to kick my exercise up to a new level to break my last plateau, but it was all in the WW context, and I've never stopped counting points. :thumbsup2

CC, thanks for doing HH again! I started strong on the last challenge and then fell off at the end. I'll try again this time - they definitely help me stay on track!

Ooh, do it! :) I'm biased as a lifetime member; I've definitely drunk the WW Kool-Aid. But that got me a lot of the way toward my goal, no doubt, and it's been a great framework for me to keep my eating under control. I did have to kick my exercise up to a new level to break my last plateau, but it was all in the WW context, and I've never stopped counting points. :thumbsup2


My sister has had great success with it as well! Do you go to the meetings or do you do the online version??
My sister has had great success with it as well! Do you go to the meetings or do you do the online version??

I go to meetings at my work location, primarily, and backfill with other locations if I need to miss here. I telecommute 4 days/week, and I chose my commuting day so I could still make these meetings. :) I'm the on-campus coordinator for our at-work program, so I like to be there every week, even though I only have to weigh in once a month now. It's a good group, and I find them motivating whether or not I need a boost that week!

I go to meetings at my work location, primarily, and backfill with other locations if I need to miss here. I telecommute 4 days/week, and I chose my commuting day so I could still make these meetings. :) I'm the on-campus coordinator for our at-work program, so I like to be there every week, even though I only have to weigh in once a month now. It's a good group, and I find them motivating whether or not I need a boost that week!


OH wow that is great! Last time I only did the online version so I think that has a lot to do with why I didn't stick with it. I will have to look into some meetings around here!
Hi CC :) you can call me Jen :) or just cut and paste leeandstacismom LOL whichever is easier to do. Shoot in my family we have learned to answer to whatever they are calling. Nobody gets anybody's name correct. It has to be genetic as my toddler has already displayed the family trait.

Hehehehe...we do that in our family regularly. I thought my youngest DS would end up thinking his name was a combination of his and his brothers since I could never get it right! :)

How was everyone's memorial day? I was pretty excited about mine...I didn't do bad, and the scale was down a bit this morning!!! Wooohooo!!!:cool1:

Can't wait to start the HH, too. I love a good challenge! Looking forward to getting to know you all! :)
Hehehehe...we do that in our family regularly. I thought my youngest DS would end up thinking his name was a combination of his and his brothers since I could never get it right! :)

How was everyone's memorial day? I was pretty excited about mine...I didn't do bad, and the scale was down a bit this morning!!! Wooohooo!!!:cool1:

Can't wait to start the HH, too. I love a good challenge! Looking forward to getting to know you all! :)
my lil princess keeps changing her nickname on me so that doesn't help. Two almost three and she keeps me on my toes trying to figure out what the name of the moment is.
I go to meetings at my work location, primarily, and backfill with other locations if I need to miss here. I telecommute 4 days/week, and I chose my commuting day so I could still make these meetings. :) I'm the on-campus coordinator for our at-work program, so I like to be there every week, even though I only have to weigh in once a month now. It's a good group, and I find them motivating whether or not I need a boost that week!


I did WW at work as well and had good success....however stopped counting and have re-found 15 lbs :( They stopped having it at work because they didn't want to do the payroll deduct any longer and wanted everyone to go to the monthly payment so most everyone dropped....I like WW because I can have tons of fruit & veggies and not have to count a single bite :rolleyes1 Really helps me to stay on track being able to eat those things and not count them when I am hungry.....

Started counting again here we go :cheer2:


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