Biggest Loser Fall Challenge!

I would love to join in as I am training for my first half marathon but still need to decrease the weight. This will help keep me from saying "I'm not decreasing in weight because I'm running".

I usually can justify anything so accountability helps me in that department.

Awesome! Good for you! I know there are many on this board who run half marathons. I started running a little over 2 years ago and have since ran 10 half marathons, the most recent being last weekend. It it such a rewarding and addicting sport! Losing weight to run faster is one of the reasons I'm here. Good luck to you! Post often- that helps! What race are you signed up for?:cool1::thumbsup2
Pasta is a side dish!! I have had to learn that this year. We grew up as it being the main dish too, but sadly it is not the case. I'm trying to break up with pasta this year, he's just not good for me.

:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: I know, right??? Every time I make a recipe--like a salad with only a tiny amount of pasta, or with whole wheat pasta and protein, or whatever, he tells me that it'll be different this time, but it never is!!! Hahahha.

I'm going to try my "pack up the leftovers before I sit down to eat dinner" strategy, and if it doesn't work pasta might have to be relegated to not-right-now status until I've reached my goal weight. (Not that I'll then go crazy with it, but I'll try to keep finding a way to fit it in that works. I love it too much to part with it forever!!!)

:flower3:Hi everyone
Can I come back? I think I lasted a week of the summer challenge and I lost my way (and gained too much welght:scared1:), I'm at my heaviest ever and need to lose 28-30lbs. I'm going to join weight-watchers on monday-kids will be back in school so life should theoritically be less hectic than it is now;)
I've decided that I want to complete a half marathon before I'm 50 (I turn 47 in a couple of weeks) and have just signed up for the Jeff Galloway newsletter and intend getting started with one of his plans next week too:thumbsup2

Welcome back!! Hopefully the small group will help keep you accountable in a supportive (but persistent?) way. Good luck starting Weight Watchers! That's so exciting to have the goal of running a half marathon! Have you run before?

Hello! My name is Mary. I'm 39 just two weeks ago. I have been married for 16 years. I have three kids. This will be my first Biggest Loser Challenge.

I was always thin but when I had my children I never lost the baby weight with any of them and battled depression a lot. My younger boys both have High Functioning Autism and my daughter has Tourette's Syndrome. I love them all but it has been really hard. So I have just eaten my way through it.

I decided a year ago I was tired of being tired and overweight. I started watching what I eat and exercising. So far I have lost 16 lbs. in the last 9 months. I have been working with my husband and he has lost 11. He is far more athletic and hasn't been working as long as I have. I just switched to the Jeff Galloway app. I was doing to c25k. I'm prone to shin splints and it was too much running.

I also work at a daycare. I work part time in the office and then part time in the classroom.

I'm looking forward to having some goals and also some support as I try to reach them.

WELCOME! :cheer2: Wow--it sounds that you've had some great success so far despite having a LOT on your plate. There are so many runners on this thread... I'm starting to think about doing c25k, too... hmmm....

I hope everyone's having a great weekend and is looking forward to the challenge! I've got a good week's worth of food planned and we hit up the Farmer's market and grocery store this morning to get what we need... hmmm speaking of which, I should go put those recipes in MFP so they're ready to be added to my log... And maybe some pre-chopping so we can eat before 9:00 on weeknights. (That's my goal, whenever we eat before 9:00 on worknights it's kind of a personal victory.)

Happy Labor Day!
Lots of runners on our fall BL thread -- I have 3 half marathons between now and the first of January. :goodvibes

Woo hoo Lisa! I'm pretty sure we are doing at least one of those together! What does your fall/winter race calendar look like? Here's mine:

Sept 29-Orlando-ToT 10 miler
*Oct 13- Wisconsin (still need to register)- Whistlestop Half
Nov 9-Orlando- Wine and Dine 5K
Nov 10-Orlando- Wine and Dine Half
*December 2-Las Vegas-(still need to register)- Rock n Roll Half
Jan 11-Orlando- WDW Family 5k
Jan 12-Orlando- WDW Half Marathon
***considering Princess Half 2013- I've never done this race***
Add me to the list of runners on the challenge. Right now I'm on C25K week 3. I've always hated running before doing c25k, but now that I have some direction I really love it. I'm even thinking about signing up for my first 5k December 1st.

We have a trip to Disney in October that I'd love to be about 8 pounds lighter for. Plus being at a comfortable weight during the holidays would be fantastic. Can't wait to get started!

I always hated running in school, etc, too, until I had proper instruction and realized running was a sport for all and not just elite caliber runners. You can run/walk and be a superstar! Running is such an inclusive and fabulous bunch of people! Welcome! So glad to see you in this challenge and be in it myself!
Count me in! I am also a runner, and so ready for my trip to WDW for the TOT 10mi race! I would also like to coach if I could :)

Only 30 days til my trip and can't wait! I'll go ahead now and set a mini-goal- I want to weigh-in at 172 before I leave for my trip. That's only 4lbs away, so one a week is very doable.

Can't wait to get started!
Aren't you so excited for this race? I know I am!!! What corral are you? I am Corral B (with my daughters Hannah, Madison, and Haley) and my son Zach is in Corral A.
Tigger joining in and going to get to my goal this time!!!! This summer was just too stressful and busy for me to focus on myself!

I'll send my PM after this! I will be glad to coach again! I really missed it. I always do well the week I am coaching!

Welcome everyone!

Belledreamer- We love Dr. Who here as well! Can't wait until Saturday night!

TTFN :tigger:

So glad to see you on another challenge Tigger813!
:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: I know, right??? Every time I make a recipe--like a salad with only a tiny amount of pasta, or with whole wheat pasta and protein, or whatever, he tells me that it'll be different this time, but it never is!!! Hahahha.

I'm going to try my "pack up the leftovers before I sit down to eat dinner" strategy, and if it doesn't work pasta might have to be relegated to not-right-now status until I've reached my goal weight. (Not that I'll then go crazy with it, but I'll try to keep finding a way to fit it in that works. I love it too much to part with it forever!!!)

Pasta needs to meet your new Boyfriend, Vegetable!

I read that if you add 1/2 cup of pasta to 1/2 cup veggies it's still as filling but not as caloric. There's no reason to go full stop on the pasta.
Also make sure you are using whole wheat pasta not enriched. We buy Barilla and Trader Joes (or Whole Foods, can't remember)

Oh and skip the bread with the pasta!! New York garlic bread, 1 slice 150 calories!!
Pasta needs to meet your new Boyfriend, Vegetable!

I read that if you add 1/2 cup of pasta to 1/2 cup veggies it's still as filling but not as caloric. There's no reason to go full stop on the pasta.
Also make sure you are using whole wheat pasta not enriched. We buy Barilla and Trader Joes (or Whole Foods, can't remember)

Oh and skip the bread with the pasta!! New York garlic bread, 1 slice 150 calories!!

Awesome links, thank you!! That 1-to-1 ratio for veggies to pasta is really great. I wish that whole wheat pasta came in a wider variety of shapes, because I actually really do enjoy its flavor and texture!

The one saving grace when I did eat ALL THE REST OF THE PASTA SALAD is that we only cook 1/2 a box for recipes. It drives Matt CRAZY to have leftover 1/2 boxes of pasta hanging around, but 1/2 a box is just the right amount for 6 servings (2 for him, 1 for me, dinner and leftover for lunch) if it's been loaded up with veggies and/or tofu/tempeh/beans. The pasta serving size ends up being about 1.3 oz rather than the 2.0 that's on the package. It doesn't stop me from wanting more, but at least only just so much has been cooked.
Hey there!

Really liking all the advice about pasta; really wish I could get my dad to go for pasta salad but he won't do it... And being Italian, I LOVE pasta! Too much actually... :rolleyes1


Decided to go to the gym for a while this evening and tried to do the stair-climber but had to stop after 7 minutes due to my knee hurting. Which I'm surprised about because I haven't had my knee hurt like that since I started working out. It's been a week since my last good workout due to the storm so maybe that's it... Settled with walking on the treadmill and weights so I was still able to get a good workout in so it's all good.

Cable's still out so I've settled down with some fruit, pudding, and 'Thor'. Which I really don't care for...not my type of movie...

But thanks to this guy


who plays this guy


I can't help myself... :lovestruc

Was able to see the new Doctor Who episode too and it was awesome!!
Awesome! Good for you! I know there are many on this board who run half marathons. I started running a little over 2 years ago and have since ran 10 half marathons, the most recent being last weekend. It it such a rewarding and addicting sport! Losing weight to run faster is one of the reasons I'm here. Good luck to you! Post often- that helps! What race are you signed up for?:cool1::thumbsup2

Running Tinkerbell in January.
I was trying to respond to everyone but I can't get my Internet to cooperate so: hello EVERYONE!

This will be my second BL challenge. I lost about 15 lbs on the spring 2012 challenge, signed up for Summer and totally bombed on that. I've gained about 5-7 lbs back.

Sorry about all the running posts. I finally wrote out my race schedule and got all excited and had to post it. I'm not very fast, but I'm passionate about it. My half marathon PR is 2:59, and mostly I have been run/walking. If I average a pace somewhere in the 14's I'm thrilled!

I'm a mom to 6 (I love how someone before me said NAHM- never at home mom- I know that feeling!). I like to work out at the gym twice a week and try to make it a priority, but sometimes I cancel. My goal this time is to not cancel my workouts!

I've been battling a knee/IT band issue since January, so that has made working out more difficult, but I'm hanging in there. I think I started increasing my run vs walk too fast, and I wasn't wearing shoes to support like I needed. Don't you just hate that a lot of the cute running shoes out there are more the minimalist style? Me, weighing more than I need to, I need support! So, I got fitted at a running store for a pair of ugly, I mean comfortable, shoes. I call them my granny mall walkers, lol. They are way better than the thin soled "racing flats" I had before.

Enough of me- just wanted to say hello!!

:rotfl2: I saw you talking to yourself other there :rotfl2: so I wrote something!

Thanks for helping me look not quite so foolish! At least at home I can pretend I am talking to the cat! :lmao:


Hello! My name is Jill and this is my 4th challenge. Since last fall I have lost 23 pounds. My goal was to be 135 by the end of summer, but I am 140. So, I want to kick this last 5-10 pounds! The fall challenge is always tough for me because I love Fall. I love pumpkin and Thanksgiving and Christmas cookies :love:

I am 35 and married (to a DH, by the way, who can eat an entire pizza and lose 5 pounds!!). I also have 2 wonderful, silly, boys (9 and 6). I am a teacher at an alternative ed program. I teach 4-12th grade Social Studies/History. I am also a special education teacher, so I do A LOT of paperwork. My job is very trying and I tell people that if we don't laugh, we cry lol.

As far as exercise goes, I love it. I run, but I haven't run in about a month since I went back to spinning class. I go to circuit training and try to squeeze in yoga if I can. I also just bought a dvd set at Ollies for $7.99! Whoohoo! I'm hoping it's similar to P90? It's called Supreme 90 Day. It has 10 dvds and a 90 day schedule. I think I saw it at Walmart as well. So, days I do not make it to the gym, I try to do something at home. I'll be trying a dvd from my new set this weekend.

I am SO incredibly jealous that you LOVE exercise! I hate it, hate it, hate it! I do it, but I hate it!

I'm hoping that now that school has started and my schedule is more normal, I will be on to post daily. I can't wait to get started! Yay Losers!!


This will be my first BL challenge so I guess you all would like to know a little bit about me.

I have battled my weight most of my life with a high of 310 # in 2000. I have tried every "diet" out there and have managed to gain and loose and gain a few hundred pounds over the years. Now at 230, down from 246, when I started running June 24.

In June I was chatting with a friend who like me was also going to turn 50 this year and wanted to make a change. She does not have a weight issue.

On June 24 we made a pack to run a half marathon before we turned 51 SOOOOOO what better than to sign up for a Disney race. I will be running the Tinkerbell HM in January. I have never run before in my life so this is a big change for me. :scared1:

I am a nurse and work 12 hr days 3 days a week and am really busy on those days. On my days off I'm kind of a slug. So I have set about to change that and am doing Jeff Galloways training for the HM. I run 3 days a week and am looking for cross training to do 3 days a week and then one day of rest.

By the way I hit that 50th birthday in August. :dance3: Mom/stepmom of 6 gmom of 4 with 3 more on the way. :cloud9: None of them in the house so really quite with just DH and the cat. :rotfl2:

I am looking forward to the support on this thread. I may not post much next week as we will be visiting the mouse, and trying to temper the junk food eating, but I will be here after that.

Happy Birthday! That is an important number! Enjoy your vacation!

I'm in for this challenge

I will be back later this weekend. I need to put collars and sleeves on 4 maids costumes for My Fair Lady today so I want to get that done.

Have a happy and healthy day

I love that musical!

LOL welcome to the new house Pamela!! Isn't it purty?!?!?

It is pretty and fresh and new..... but moving quickly! Or maybe it is just that I've been too busy the last few days to keep up??

Welcome to the group!!
We don't use the word diet here, it's a lifestyle change. Diet gives the sense that it's a temporary thing, it's not, this is for forever.


You can do it!!! You've got your goal, now what you need to to is visualize crossing that finish line.

OK time for a quick intro before we go do hair cuts.

I'm Buffy - AKA BAMB, mom, and hey you.

I'm 38 (turning 39 on 11/24), NAHM (never at home mom) of 4. DH and I will be married 20 years in April 2013.

This is my umpteenth BL challenge. I lost track. I keep coming back because everyone is great motivation and super friendly!

While I've never been skinny, my weight issues started after we got married and moved to Hawaii. Yes, in the the land of beautiful bodies, I go fat. When we moved I stopped skating and country dancing (did those 4-5 times a week) and turned into a complete homebody. And on an E-4 rank paycheck we could only afford things like hamburger helper and pasta (see, told you he was a bad dude!) Put all that together plus having 4 babies in ten years, this is what you get!
My top weight was 200+ maybe 204, can't remember.
I was down to 182 a few weeks ago but now I'm back up to 187. NOT HAPPY!!

I'm here because as much as I love my Mom, I don't want to be like her. My family has a history of Diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I would like to put that off as long as possible.

All my kids are runners so I'm joining the band wagon with them. Can't beat em, join em.
DS16 and I ran the Expedition Everest Challenge in 2011. I did terrible but I finished standing up! LOL
My next goal is a 1/2 marathon in my 40th year. I was aiming for the WDW 1/2 but $$ is a sticking point so I'm leaning back towards the Princess 2013.

You beat me (and everyone else) who didn't even try. You should be very proud of that medal!

:flower3:Hi everyone
Can I come back? I think I lasted a week of the summer challenge and I lost my way (and gained too much welght:scared1:), I'm at my heaviest ever and need to lose 28-30lbs. I'm going to join weight-watchers on monday-kids will be back in school so life should theoritically be less hectic than it is now;)
I've decided that I want to complete a half marathon before I'm 50 (I turn 47 in a couple of weeks) and have just signed up for the Jeff Galloway newsletter and intend getting started with one of his plans next week too:thumbsup2

I love, love, love Weight Watchers. Let me know if you want any help!! And of COURSE you can come back! We missed you!

Wait you watched a movie Ashley?
The new season of Doctor Who started!!!

Okay.... I must admit. DS developed a LOVE of Doctor Who over the summer, so I consented to watch the season premiere with him.... 1. because I thought I might like it and 2. because I want to have something like this to share with him. But I must say.... I did not love it. I may try to watch one more episode and see if it grows on me, but it isn't really my kind of show.


Morning all and HAPPY LABOR DAY! I hope that NONE of you actually have to "labor" today! I hope you all are able to sleep in, relax, and enjoy your day.

I was attempting a good-sized yard project yesterday and got VERY aggravated and frustrated. First I was having trouble moving a few cinder blocks and ended up squishing my index finger between two :headache: Then once I got them moved OUT I couldn't manage to get them back where I wanted them. I had to end up asking DH for help with it. Then I intended to dig out an area of crushed stone (trying to convert a small part of what used to be driveway area to a garden bed) and got quickly exhausted and frustrated. Every shovel full was like trying to submerge the shovel into solid cement. I ended up in tears and AGAIN had to ask DH for help. He and DS came out and helped me for several hours. We ended up digging out even more than I intended and it looks great! It took several hours of digging OUT the stone and then digging and putting IN some garden soil (we are moving our raised bed vegetable gardens so we put the garden soil into the flower bed), but it is nearly done! And we killed two birds with one stone. The raised vegetable garden beds are gone from where they were and the flower bed is started. THere wasn't quite enough soil to fill the area, so we will need to buy several bags.... plus I have it resting with black plastic for now to kill the weed seeds that I'm sure we carried over.

Hopefully within the next two weeks I can remove the plastic, put in the new soil and move a few perennials into the new area! I'll share pictures when I do!

It looks pretty cloudy out there now, but if the forecast looks okay, then the front steps will be getting a coat of fresh paint today.... and hopefully I can get the basement bulkhead scrubbed and scraped and sanded and ready for it's new paint job! It isn't much fun but at least it all adds up to a productive workout!

Off to feed breakfast to my family! TTYL...........................P
Okay.... I must admit. DS developed a LOVE of Doctor Who over the summer, so I consented to watch the season premiere with him.... 1. because I thought I might like it and 2. because I want to have something like this to share with him. But I must say.... I did not love it. I may try to watch one more episode and see if it grows on me, but it isn't really my kind of show.

You really need to start with Christopher Eccleston, Doctor #9. Then you will get a sense of how the storyline works. It can be confusing but it's a geeky kind of cool.
I've been watching since I was little, Doctor #4 was my doctor growing up, he was cool!
You really need to start with Christopher Eccleston, Doctor #9. Then you will get a sense of how the storyline works. It can be confusing but it's a geeky kind of cool.

I completely agree!

My DBf was into it and i'd never watched it i'm hooked. I have cried over Dr Who, lol, particularly the Billy Piper/Rose episodes :rolleyes1

My gorgeous, fantastic, amazing DBf took me away this weekend for my birthday...i'm now 26....and on Saturday night (my actual b'day) we were in our room watching Dr Who for an hour :rotfl2:

We were near the seaside and ended up doing a good bit of walking over the weekend, whereas we drive a lot here. It is definitely a good thing because i've come to the realisation that i REALLY need to start walking as well as a general workout. I had blisters come up on my little toes from ballet pumps (bad enough to pop...yuck, sorry tmi) and also had blisters come up on the inside of my feet below the cushioned bit under the big toes. This was from some shape up sketchers trainers/sneakers/runners that i bought a couple of months ago. They were a little uncomfortable there when i first got them but i thought they were broken in now...i was wrong!!!

Glad to read all of your stories...feeling very hopeful for the future xx
Well, I haven't run in about 5 weeks (or more) and last night I decided to do a 5k this morning! What was I on last night? Anyhow, it went well & it was an easy, mainly flat course. It starts right before our huge parade, so half of it was the parade route. It was weird having soooo many people watching me run, but all the clapping & cheering was fun. I ran my best time, even after stopping to walk because of a cramp, so I'm happy.

Now we are going to relax. DS6 has strep again, so he is tired & DS9 spent the night at a friend's so he is exhausted. We may go to the inlaws for a party, but I'm really not feeling it. DH worked a 12 hr shift last night then went to the parade, so he has collapsed on the couch. I need to get some food in this hungry belly, so I'm off.

Have a great day!

kollerbear;46027138 Welcome back!! Hopefully the small group will help keep you accountable in a supportive (but persistent?) way. Good luck starting Weight Watchers! That's so exciting to have the goal of running a half marathon! Have you run before? [COLOR="Magenta" said:
Thanks for the welcome back. Never run a race before but there's a first time for everything -right?!![/COLOR]

I love, love, love Weight Watchers. Let me know if you want any help!! And of COURSE you can come back! We missed you!

Thanks Pamela:) I missed you guys as well! Will definitely be taking you up on the WW help:thumbsup2

We were near the seaside and ended up doing a good bit of walking over the weekend, whereas we drive a lot here. It is definitely a good thing because i've come to the realisation that i REALLY need to start walking as well as a general workout. I had blisters come up on my little toes from ballet pumps (bad enough to pop...yuck, sorry tmi) and also had blisters come up on the inside of my feet below the cushioned bit under the big toes. This was from some shape up sketchers trainers/sneakers/runners that i bought a couple of months ago. They were a little uncomfortable there when i first got them but i thought they were broken in now...i was wrong!!!

Glad to read all of your stories...feeling very hopeful for the future xx

Happy birthday-hope the wee toes are healing
Hi! I'm Jude and I've started a few of the other challenges but run out of steam about 3/4 of the way through. And, big surprise, I'm stuck at a weight that hovers between 160 and 170. NOT a good idea for a 5'2" frame. I kept telling myself all summer - time to get back to WISH and hold yourself accountable but somehow always found something else to do. Well, NO MORE. No more fooling myself and thinking it's "just going to happen". Exercise isn't my problem - grazing and lack of good meal planning is (next stop - find the meal planning thread!). I exercise alot - I do a 5AM boot camp class about 3X a week, plus run or do tabata at lunch time (there is a Y in my building. Yes, I know how lucky I am for that!)
Like probably just about everyone else here, my life is pretty hectic. I am mom to 2 teenagers (who start back to school today!), and have an awesome DH. I work fulltime, plus am a reservist in the National Guard, and also teach one night a week at the State University. And I am running for Town Judge, which means I am out several nights a week, going door to door. But I can't let "being busy" be an excuse any more. My goal is 135 - which I haven't seen in about 20 years so I'm not sure if its realistic but I'll take it in increments of 5 and 10 pounds, and who knows??
Have a great day, everyone!! :goodvibes
Morning all! Just want to pop on and say good morning before the day gets away from me! Got a lot of stuff done this weekend and have the cuts, scrapes, and bruises to prove it!i I like house/yard projects but I beat myself up doing them.

Will drive the kids to school so I can have the car today. Then I will head to the transfer station and the garage for an oil change and brake check. Hopefully I can be home again by noon.

Off to pack lunches and put dinner in the big crockpot. Made a new breakfast crockpot recipe last night. I'll share it if it turns out good! I didn't eat a lot yesterday ( too busy) so I am really ready for a good breakfast!

Good Morning Everyone :)
I'm Michelle and this is my 3rd BL challenge. I completely fell off the wagon during the summer challenge :( but am bound and determined to make to the end of the fall challenge. I am 12 lbs away from my goal weight, but these last few pounds do not want to come off - they really like me :rotfl:

Looking forward to doing the challenge together and motivating one another to reach our goals of loss and/or maintaining :)


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