Josh and Ramses nominated....... wondering if they will try to backdoor Paul again?
Sorry, absolute crock of you know what CBS! Friggin' rigged the damn thing. First of all, these battle backs are a joke. They made them all pure physical so that Cody would win them in a landslide. Why can't you add a mental challenge as well CBS so that the jock doesn't just automatically get back in?

Absolute joke CBS! Take your battle back and shove it up you know where.
Wow! I have watched BB since the beginning and have always enjoyed the twists. Even if they were manipulating, it wasn't this blatant obvious. Huge disappointment. There is no way America picked Jessica, IMHO. At least I hope not. A lot of people watch with their teens and I can't imagine that any parent would want their teenager to admire Jessica. Her behavior is disgusting. She is all over Cody and jumping right into bed with him. Have a little class. Cody is frightening. He is like a pot ready to boil over. His cruel behavior to others is so awful. I know they aren't there to be role models, but those two are not people I would want to associate with ever. CBS really ruined it for me this year. It is so obvious that they want these two in the show. I agree that they should have made one of the battle backs mental. I knew it was a fix when they gave Cody a choice to do one of the challenges he had already done. For them to say it was different was bull. Cody had gotten the chance to learn how to balance the ball. Paul wasn't given that opportunity. CBS shouldn't be allowed to call this a reality show anymore. The only thing that they aren't doing is giving the contestants is a script to memorize. I don't know if I can watch those two in the HOH room again.
While the comp. was going on, I told my husband they probably rigged the maze where Paul was, so that Cody could get back in.......:rolleyes2
I actually thought the battle back challenges were pretty fair to everyone. Both required precision and patience, both are mental attributes. I would say Dom is more physically fit than Cameron, yet Cameron beat her. In the billboard challenge, again required precision and patience. Cameron was actually beating Cody at one point, doing very well, but honestly I think he choked and got over anxious when he realized he actually had a chance of wining, which is unfortunate, because you could tell he really wanted back in and he did get a raw deal being kicked out so fast.

I do agree Cody should not have been allowed to pick the challenge. There should have been a totally different one set up for the final battle. I also think the house made a mistake in picking Paul, they should have picked Jason. I think Jason would have done a lot better. Being a rodeo clown he has the attributes that would have helped him with that maze. Granted they didn't know the challenge ahead of time, but I think Jason is probably the best competitor in the house after Cody. Even Alex would have been a better choice than Paul.
Did anyone else notice this in the BB? Cody's ball hit the bottom part of the board, yet, the door above it fell open. :rolleyes2
I am a little late to the party here but I have been lurking.....:rolleyes1

Why in the world would Jess vote for Paul??? Shouldn't she have voted for Christmas, someone who couldn't beat Cody. Yes, she didn't know it was Cody but she had to vote as if it was Cody coming back in. I wonder if production had something to do with her vote, I just cannot believe she would vote for Paul.
Anyway, glad Cody is back in, should make for a more exciting game. I do feel bad for poor Mark, he looks like he lost his best friend, but I think Jess will get things smoothed over for him, because I think she knows Mark will be a good ally to have in the house and will convince Cody of the same.

I think Jessica voted for Paul to keep herself protected if Cody does not come back. If she voted for someone else, it would put a target on her back.

I actually thought the battle back challenges were pretty fair to everyone. Both required precision and patience, both are mental attributes. I would say Dom is more physically fit than Cameron, yet Cameron beat her. In the billboard challenge, again required precision and patience. Cameron was actually beating Cody at one point, doing very well, but honestly I think he choked and got over anxious when he realized he actually had a chance of wining, which is unfortunate, because you could tell he really wanted back in and he did get a raw deal being kicked out so fast.

I do agree Cody should not have been allowed to pick the challenge. There should have been a totally different one set up for the final battle. I also think the house made a mistake in picking Paul, they should have picked Jason. I think Jason would have done a lot better. Being a rodeo clown he has the attributes that would have helped him with that maze. Granted they didn't know the challenge ahead of time, but I think Jason is probably the best competitor in the house after Cody. Even Alex would have been a better choice than Paul.

I totally agree with this. Cameron actually had a better technique with the ball launcher but Cody finally caught on. It is too early in the game to do the memory type challenges because they always make them about other housemates or items in the house to memorize or guess, etc.

If Paul wasn't the puppetmaster of the house, Jason would be the obvious choice to keep someone from coming back into the house. He is a all-around good athlete and seems pretty smart.

DH and I agree that it is not fair that Paul is in the house. It was totally for ratings and because he is a producer's favorite. I want him out of the house. Yes, Cody is intense and I can't stand Jessica, but I like that Cody doesn't put on a false pretense and that he is focused. It doesn't work for his social game but he sees right through a lot of the BS. my favorite player is Alex for similar reasons. I just hate that she is pairing with Paul and basically let him control her HOH. I can see, however, that it was a good game move for her given Paul is a vet and very manipulative. I just hope she sees through him and is just using him to further her game.

Of course....DH's favorite is Christmas but not for game reasons......:rolleyes: DD liked Cameron but had to make a quick switch to Alex :rotfl:


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