I will honestly say that if the jury gives the win to Josh over Paul, I will absolutely be 100% done with this show. I have zero tolerance for bitter juries giving the win to undeserving "players."

I agree. I hate bitter juries. They need to really think about who played the better game. Some do, but some don't.
There's no way Paul's not winning. They always try to make it more dramatic than it is. There may be a couple who will vote bitter, but in the end Paul will 100% win, and it'll all be part of his master plan.
If someone totally and continuously disrespected me and took it to such a personal level as he and his minions chose to do for money, there is not a chance in h-e-double hockey stick he would get my vote.
That wouldn't be bitterness, that would be karma, pure and simple
If someone totally and continuously disrespected me and took it to such a personal level as he and his minions chose to do for money, there is not a chance in h-e-double hockey stick he would get my vote.
That wouldn't be bitterness, that would be karma, pure and simple

Karma doesn't exist
Karma doesn't exist

Haha, guess it depends on how you choose to look at things, karma has always worked well for me! :cool:

With my Scottish blood, I tend to hold a grudge so if I was playing, Paul would not get my vote based on his desperate for money, he was willing to sink to the levels he did.

After this season, they should have 3 options, vote for one of the 2 BB players to win or donate to hurricane relief... Oh, wouldn't that blow the tiny tyrant's mind?! :rotfl:

As you said earlier in the season, we will agree to disagree
Haha, guess it depends on how you choose to look at things, karma has always worked well for me! :cool:

With my Scottish blood, I tend to hold a grudge so if I was playing, Paul would not get my vote based on his desperate for money, he was willing to sink to the levels he did.

After this season, they should have 3 options, vote for one of the 2 BB players to win or donate to hurricane relief... Oh, wouldn't that blow the tiny tyrant's mind?! :rotfl:

As you said earlier in the season, we will agree to disagree

But, you say you won't vote for Paul. Was Josh any better? He was at least as bad as Paul. So wouldn't the tiebreaker for you be who played the better game? Clearly Paul.
Who deserves to win is the person who played the best game- which is Paul. From day 1 he had people doing what he wanted them too.

Christmas has done what Paul asked and basically floated he way.

Josh was immature and did what Paul asked.

All have bullied everyone, all have acted crazy and done stupid things. They are confined to a small space with strangers and no contact, computer, cell phones etc. While their behavior is terrible who is to say we wouldn't act crazy in same situation. Could you not be on the computer or cell phone for even one day- one week- let alone months.

I've been sickened by the bullying but Paul played the game. This has been a terrible season, can't wait for it to be over.
If Josh knew what his parents have most likely gone through hell this week with Irma, he would cut the crap, but his big boy pants on and do what he needs to do to get Paul out and stand a chance to win!!!!

*** Not saying he will win, but you never know.......
Jury management is part of the game play and if Paul messed up in that department than so be it. I think he messed up some but, unfortunately, not enough to lose. I wish he would lose but don't think he will. Though Josh could win part three and cut Paul but not likely. So if it's going to continue to be predictable then I am guessing Paul wins part three and takes Josh. Jury roundtable will show bitter jury but they will vote like 7-2 for Paul to win, maybe 6-3 but Paul will win. Cody will win AFP with Kevin one of the top three as well.
ONCE PAUL SAW WHAT A STOOGE JOSH IS, HE KNEW HIS PLAN WITH HIM..... get him to annoy the crap out of people(which he did with no issues) so that they all hate him and then bring him to final 2 for an easy win. The only thing he didn't count on was the bitterness, he thought the others wouldn't find out he was the manipulator of it all. He strategy was good, but not flawless. He sat around for a year making this plan, it just all didn't go perfectly as nothing usually does.
Every year, the houseguests think they are going to be famous after the season - they talk about it. The reality is, they aren't, but that never seems to matter. Some of them have had other opportunities (Survivor, Amazing Race, etc.) so I think that is appealing to a lot of them.

The one pair who had WAY TOO MUCH air time, interviews and articles and went way past the comfort zone of likeability was Brandon and Rachel. They were a total embarrassment and more people might know them just because of all the exposure they got for over two years. Otherwise, I am the only person of anyone I know who even watches this show or knows what it is. Derrick will always be one of our all time favorite players.

So if Paul won the first challenge, that means he goes to the final two? It's outrageous that this show was allowed to script this season the way they have. If they wanted to keep fans and viewers, they should have thrown us a bone of "surprise" and let the final two be Josh and Christmas.

Does anyone think, after all the info that was discussed in the Jury House, that there is a chance Paul may come in second again? If they hold true to the anger and frustration with how Paul directed this game, I'm hoping they don't vote for him to win. But then again, the producers probably won't allow that! >:(
We know the BB players because they're our interest.

I couldn't tell you one person who's been on The Amazing Race (besides the already famous people), or the Bachelor/bachelorette, or one dancer on Dancing with the Stars because that's just not on my radar.

Now in that case, my DH and I remember far more people from Amazing Race than Survivor. I think Amazing is a far more interesting and fast moving show and allows participants to react in real time to situations and places. ;)
Even though most BB players don't end up as famous as they had hoped, they still got that moment in the spotlight where they think they were admired by all. There are a lot who still are starstruck with the thought that they will be the one that will be discovered and make it big!

As for the game, sorry, no I cannot root for Paul at all to win this season.

If he had been on a level playing field like everybody else for the entire season and had not stooped to the personal attacking that he did/ or had others do for him, then I would say he deserves it.

By giving him 3 weeks immunity plus his little friendship bracelet group, that set him up for 3 weeks of newbies sitting around in awe of the Big Brother celebrity from past season as he told his stories of how best to play the game and on his past season.

The only one(s) who were smart enough to realize he needed to be gotten out immediately before he had everybody brainwashed was Cody and Jessica and unfortunately, the house was full of idiots this year and they just trailed along after Paul like a bunch of lost puppies.

At this point I really hope that whoever goes to the final two with Paul, and up getting the votes.

One last thing, oh my gosh is that Raven an absolute cuckoo and then Matt perch beside her... The Puppet Masters, what a huge joke! I loved how the others in the jury house called them out on that though. I agree, at this point, I would rather see the jury house then watch the actual Big Brother.

I think the best "stick it to him" moment for us viewers would be if Paul came in second AGAIN! It would be a beautiful moment. We were rooting for him until the last couple of weeks, when he started over acting to cover his butt and throwing everyone on his team under the bus. I was glad to see Jason find out the truth from Alex. But Raven -- that girl needs therapy. Apparently everything in that game was orchestrated by her -- so delusional.
The one pair who had WAY TOO MUCH air time, interviews and articles and went way past the comfort zone of likeability was Brandon and Rachel. They were a total embarrassment and more people might know them just because of all the exposure they got for over two years. Otherwise, I am the only person of anyone I know who even watches this show or knows what it is. Derrick will always be one of our all time favorite players.

So if Paul won the first challenge, that means he goes to the final two? It's outrageous that this show was allowed to script this season the way they have. If they wanted to keep fans and viewers, they should have thrown us a bone of "surprise" and let the final two be Josh and Christmas.

Does anyone think, after all the info that was discussed in the Jury House, that there is a chance Paul may come in second again? If they hold true to the anger and frustration with how Paul directed this game, I'm hoping they don't vote for him to win. But then again, the producers probably won't allow that! >:(

No. He advances to Round 3 where he and the person who won the second challenge (Josh) square off. The winner of that challenge advances on to F2 and evicts the final houseguest.
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When will it end......... oh Wednesday......AHHHHHH...... freedom at last.:cool1:

Too funny -- my DH and I feel the same way. It's a trainwreck we can't stop watching -- just to see how bad it gets LOL

Paul did tell her that he was sure she would be the next vet invited back. I posted that a couple weeks ago.

Well, let's face it, she had a pretty lousy season with her injury. From what I've read, her career in sports and sports training is over -- so what else does she have!


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